Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
import cats.effect.Concurrent
import cats.syntax.flatMap._
import cats.syntax.functor._
import io.circe.Decoder
import org.http4s.Status.Conflict
import org.http4s.client.Client
import org.http4s.{Header, Uri}
import org.log4s.getLogger
import pt.tecnico.dsi.openstack.keystone.models.Session
import pt.tecnico.dsi.openstack.neutron.models.{Network, NeutronError}
final class Networks[F[_]: Concurrent: Client](baseUri: Uri, session: Session)
extends CrudService[F, Network, Network.Create, Network.Update](baseUri, "network", session.authToken)
with BulkCreate[F, Network, Network.Create] {
override def defaultResolveConflict(existing: Network, create: Network.Create, keepExistingElements: Boolean, extraHeaders: Seq[Header.ToRaw]): F[Network] = {
val updated = Network.Update(
description = Option(create.description).filter(_ != existing.description),
mtu = create.mtu.filter(_ != existing.mtu),
dnsDomain = if (create.dnsDomain != existing.dnsDomain) create.dnsDomain else None,
// Most Networking plug-ins (e.g. ML2 Plugin) and drivers do not support updating any provider related attributes.
// The openstack we are testing against doesn't allow it. That is why we are not setting the segments.
adminStateUp = create.adminStateUp.filter(_ != existing.adminStateUp),
portSecurityEnabled = create.portSecurityEnabled.filter(_ != existing.portSecurityEnabled),
routerExternal = create.routerExternal.filter(_ != existing.routerExternal),
shared = create.shared.filter(_ != existing.shared),
isDefault = create.isDefault.filter(_ != existing.isDefault),
if (updated.needsUpdate) update(, updated, extraHeaders:_*)
else Concurrent[F].pure(existing)
override def createOrUpdate(create: Network.Create, keepExistingElements: Boolean = true, extraHeaders: Seq[Header.ToRaw] = Seq.empty)
(resolveConflict: (Network, Network.Create) => F[Network] = defaultResolveConflict(_, _, keepExistingElements, extraHeaders)): F[Network] = {
// If you ask openstack to create two networks with the same name it won't complain. We want to make the name unique **within** a project.
create.projectId orElse session.scopedProjectId match {
case None => super.create(create, extraHeaders:_*)
case Some(projectId) =>
list("name" ->, "project_id" -> projectId, "limit" -> "2").flatMap {
case Nil => super.create(create, extraHeaders:_*)
case List(existing) =>"createOrUpdate: found unique $name (id: ${}) with the correct name and projectId.")
resolveConflict(existing, create)
case _ =>
val message =
s"""Cannot create a $name idempotently because more than one exists with:
|name: ${}
|project: ${create.projectId}""".stripMargin
Concurrent[F].raiseError(NeutronError(Conflict.reason, message))
/** @return an unsorted list of all the segmentation ids currently in use. This is usually a slow operation. */
val listSegmentationIds: F[List[Int]] = {
implicit val decoderInt: Decoder[Option[Int]] = Decoder.decodeOption[Int].at("provider:segmentation_id")
super.list[Option[Int]](pluralName, uri.withQueryParam("fields", "provider:segmentation_id")).map(_.flatten)
/** @return the first available segmentation id that is within `begin` <= `id` <= `end`. This is usually a slow operation. */
def firstAvailableSegmentationId(begin: Int, end: Int): F[Option[Int]] = { ids =>
val filteredAndSortedIds = ids.filter(i => i >= begin && i <= end).sorted
// First try to find a gap between the existing ids
filteredAndSortedIds.sliding(2).collectFirst {
case a :: b :: Nil if b - a > 1 => a + 1
case a :: Nil => a + 1
}.filter(_ <= end).orElse {
// if the last element is less than `end` we can return the next element
filteredAndSortedIds.lastOption.filter(_ < end).map(_ + 1)