hedgehog.state.Action.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package hedgehog.state
import hedgehog.{Result => _, _}
import hedgehog.core._
import hedgehog.predef._
import scala.concurrent._
* An instantiation of a 'Command' which can be executed, and its effect evaluated.
trait Action[S] {
type Input
type Output
def input: Input
def output: Var[Output]
def command: Command[S, Input, Output]
object Action {
type ActionCheck[S] = State[(S, Environment), Result]
def action[S, I, O](command: Command[S, I, O], context: Context[S]): StateT[GenT, Context[S], Option[Action[S]]] =
for {
input <- command.gen(context.state) match {
case None =>
sys.error("Command.gen: internal error, tried to use generator with invalid state.")
case Some(nb) =>
stateT.lift[Context[S], I](nb)
x <-
if (!command.require(context.state, input)) {
stateT[GenT].point[Context[S], Option[Action[S]]](None)
} else {
val (context2, output) = Context.newVar[S, O](context)
val context3 = context2.copy(state = command.update(context.state, input, output))
for {
_ <- stateT[GenT].put(context3)
y <- stateT[GenT].point[Context[S], Option[Action[S]]](Some(fromCommand(command, input, output)))
} yield y
} yield x
def action[S](commands: List[CommandIO[S]]): StateT[GenT, Context[S], Action[S]] =
MonadGen[StateT[GenT, Context[S], *]]
.fromSome(for {
context <- stateT[GenT].get[Context[S]]
cmd <- stateT[GenT].lift(Gen.elementUnsafe(commands.filter(command =>
a <- action(cmd.command, context)
} yield a)
def genActions[S](range: Range[Int], commands: List[CommandIO[S]], ctx: Context[S]): GenT[(Context[S], List[Action[S]])] =
MonadGen[StateT[GenT, Context[S], *]]
.list(action(commands), range).eval(ctx)
.map(xs => dropInvalid(xs).run(ctx).value)
/** Drops invalid actions from the sequence. */
def dropInvalid[S](actions: List[Action[S]]): State[Context[S], List[Action[S]]] = {
def loop(step: Action[S]): State[Context[S], Option[Action[S]]] =
for {
c <- State.get[Context[S]]
x <-
// Checking that the variables are OK ensures we don't shrink to a state that is not valid
if (step.command.require(c.state, step.input) && Var.variablesOK(step.command.vars(step.input), c.vars)) {
for {
_ <- State.put[Context[S]](Context(
step.command.update(c.state, step.input, step.output)
, Var.insert(c.vars, step.output)
} yield some(step)
} else {
State.point[Context[S], Option[Action[S]]](Option.empty[Action[S]])
} yield x
def execute[S](action: Action[S]): StateT[Either[ExecutionError, *], Environment, ActionCheck[S]] =
stateT[Either[ExecutionError, *]](env0 =>
// Apologies, we're going to assume that environment variables are uncommon enough we don't want to force
// users to have to pass back the exceptions, instead we'll catch them here. Dodgy.
(try {
action.command.execute(env0, action.input)
} catch {
case e: EnvironmentError =>
case e: Exception =>
}).rightMap(output => {
// NOTE: We need to update the environment in different contexts, once for the original execution
// and then later again for linearization
val env = Environment(env0.value + (action.output.name -> output))
(env, State.state { case (s0, env1) =>
val env2 = Environment(env1.value + (action.output.name -> output))
val s = action.command.update(s0, action.input, action.output)
((s, env2), action.command.ensure(env2, s0, s, action.input, output))
def executeUpdateEnsure[S](action: Action[S]): State[(S, Environment), Result] =
stateT.state { case (state0, env0) =>
execute(action).eval(env0).rightMap { check =>
check.run((state0, env0)).value
}.fold(e => ((state0, env0), Runner.executionErrorToResult(e)), identity)
def executeSequential[S](initial: S, actions: List[Action[S]]): Result = {
def goActions: (Result, List[Action[S]]) => StateT[Identity, (S, Environment), Result] = {
case (Result.Success, a :: as) => for {
result <- executeUpdateEnsure(a)
rest <- goActions(result, as)
} yield rest
case (result, _) =>
StateT.StateTMonad[Identity, (S, Environment)].point(result)
goActions(Result.Success, actions)
.eval((initial, Environment(Map())))
* Given the initial model state and set of commands, generates prefix
* actions to be run sequentially, followed by two branches to be run in
* parallel.
def genParallel[S](prefixN: Range[Int], parallelN: Range[Int], initial: S, commands: List[CommandIO[S]]): Gen[Parallel[S]] =
for {
ctx0 <- genActions(prefixN, commands, Context.create(initial))
ctx1 <- genActions(parallelN, commands, ctx0._1)
ctx2 <- genActions(parallelN, commands, ctx1._1.copy(state = ctx0._1.state))
} yield Parallel(ctx0._2, ctx1._2, ctx2._2)
* Executes the prefix actions sequentially, then executes the two branches
* in parallel, verifying that no exceptions are thrown and that there is at
* least one sequential interleaving where all the post-conditions are met.
* To generate parallel actions to execute, see the 'Hedgehog.Gen.parallel'
* combinator in the "Hedgehog.Gen" module.
def executeParallel[S](initial: S, parallel: Parallel[S])(implicit E: ExecutionContext): Future[Result] = {
val (e, r) = stateT.traverse(parallel.prefix)(executeUpdateEnsure)
.run((initial, Environment(Map())))
Future(stateT[Either[ExecutionError, *]].traverse(parallel.branch1)(execute).eval(e._2))
.zip(Future(stateT[Either[ExecutionError, *]].traverse(parallel.branch2)(execute).eval(e._2)))
.map { case (xs, ys) =>
Applicative.zip[Either[ExecutionError, *], List[ActionCheck[S]], List[ActionCheck[S]]](xs, ys)
e => Runner.executionErrorToResult(e)
, x => Result.all(r).and(linearize(e._1, e._2, x._1, x._2))
def interleave[A](xs00: List[A], ys00: List[A]): List[List[A]] =
(xs00, ys00) match {
case (Nil, Nil) =>
case (xs, Nil) =>
case (Nil, ys) =>
case (xs0@x :: xs, ys0@y :: ys) =>
interleave(xs, ys0).map(x :: _)
, interleave(xs0, ys).map(y :: _)
def linearize[S](initial: S, env: Environment, branch1: List[ActionCheck[S]], branch2: List[ActionCheck[S]]): Result =
interleave(branch1, branch2).zipWithIndex.map { case (bs, i) =>
State.traverse(bs)(identity).eval((initial, env)).value
).log(s"=== Counterexample ${i.toString} ===")
).log("no valid interleaving")
def fromCommand[S, I, O](c: Command[S, I, O], i: I, o: Var[O]): Action[S] =
new Action[S] {
override type Input = I
override type Output = O
override def input: Input = i
override def output: Var[Output] = o
override def command: Command[S, Input, Output] = c
* A sequential prefix of actions to execute, with two branches to execute in parallel.
case class Parallel[S](
prefix: List[Action[S]]
, branch1: List[Action[S]]
, branch2: List[Action[S]]
sealed trait ExecutionError extends Exception
object ExecutionError {
case class Environment(e: EnvironmentError) extends ExecutionError
case class Execute(e: String) extends ExecutionError
case class Unknown(e: Exception) extends ExecutionError
def environment(e: EnvironmentError): ExecutionError =
def execute(e: String): ExecutionError =
def unknown(e: Exception): ExecutionError =
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