hedgehog.Gen.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package hedgehog
import hedgehog.core._
import hedgehog.predef._
trait GenTOps extends MonadGenOps[Gen] {
// Combinators
// Combinators - Integral
def int(range: Range[Int]): GenT[Int] =
integral(range, _.toInt)
def short(range: Range[Short]): GenT[Short] =
integral(range, _.toShort)
def long(range: Range[Long]): GenT[Long] =
integral(range, identity)
def byte(range: Range[Byte]): GenT[Byte] =
integral(range, _.toByte)
def char(lo: Char, hi: Char): GenT[Char] =
long(Range.constant(lo.toLong, hi.toLong)).map(_.toChar)
// Combinators - Enumeration
* Generates a random boolean.
* _This generator shrinks to 'False'._
def boolean: GenT[Boolean] =
element1(false, true)
// Combinators - Fractional
def double(range: Range[Double]): GenT[Double] =
double_(range).shrink(Shrink.towardsFloat(range.origin, _))
def double_(range: Range[Double]): GenT[Double] =
Gen.generate((size, seed) => {
val (x, y) = range.bounds(size)
seed.chooseDouble(x, y)
// Combinators - Choice
* Trivial generator that always produces the same element.
def constant[A](x: => A): GenT[A] =
* Randomly selects one of the elements in the list.
* This generator shrinks towards the first element in the list.
def element1[A](x: A, xs: A*): GenT[A] =
element(x, xs.toList)
* Randomly selects one of the elements in the list.
* This generator shrinks towards the first element in the list.
def element[A](x: A, xs: List[A]): GenT[A] =
int(Range.constant(0, xs.length)).map(i => (x :: xs)(i))
* Randomly selects one of the elements in the list.
* This generator shrinks towards the first element in the list.
* WARNING: This may throw an exception if the list is empty,
* please use one of the other `element` variants if possible
def elementUnsafe[A](xs: List[A]): GenT[A] =
xs match {
case Nil =>
sys.error("element: used with empty list")
case h :: t =>
element(h, t)
* Randomly selects one of the generators in the list.
* This generator shrinks towards the first generator in the list.
def choice1[A](x: GenT[A], xs: GenT[A]*): GenT[A] =
choice(x, xs.toList)
* Randomly selects one of the generators in the list.
* This generator shrinks towards the first generator in the list.
def choice[A](x: GenT[A], xs: List[GenT[A]]): GenT[A] =
int(Range.constant(0, xs.length)).flatMap(i => (x :: xs)(i))
* Uses a weighted distribution to randomly select one of the generators in the list.
* This generator shrinks towards the first generator in the list.
def frequency1[A](a: (Int, GenT[A]), l: (Int, GenT[A])*): GenT[A] =
frequency(a, l.toList)
* Uses a weighted distribution to randomly select one of the generators in the list.
* This generator shrinks towards the first generator in the list.
def frequency[A](a: (Int, GenT[A]), l: List[(Int, GenT[A])]): GenT[A] = {
def pick(n: Long, x: (Int, GenT[A]), xs: List[(Int, GenT[A])]): GenT[A] =
if (n <= x._1)
xs match {
case Nil =>
sys.error("Invariant: frequency hits an impossible code path")
case h :: t =>
pick(n - x._1, h, t)
val hasNonPositive = (a :: l).exists {
case (weight, _) => weight <= 0
if (hasNonPositive) sys.error("Invariant: a non-positive weight was given")
val total = (a :: l).map(_._1.toLong).sum
for {
n <- long(Range.constant(1, total))
x <- pick(n, a, l)
} yield x
* Uses a weighted distribution to randomly select one of the generators in the list.
* This generator shrinks towards the first generator in the list.
* WARNING: This may throw an exception if the list is empty,
* please use one of the other `frequency` variants if possible.
def frequencyUnsafe[A](xs: List[(Int, GenT[A])]): GenT[A] =
xs match {
case Nil =>
sys.error("frequency: used with empty list")
case h :: t =>
frequency(h, t)
trait MonadGenOps[M[_]] {
// Combinators
* Runs a `Option` generator until it produces a `Some`.
* This is implemented using `filter` and has the same caveats.
def fromSome[A](gen: M[Option[A]])(implicit F: Monad[M], G: MonadGen[M]): M[A] =
_.getOrElse(sys.error("fromSome: internal error, unexpected None"))
* Construct a generator that depends on the size parameter.
def generate[A](f: (Size, Seed) => (Seed, A))(implicit G: MonadGen[M]): M[A] =
G.lift(GenT((size, seed) => {
val (s2, a) = f(size, seed)
Tree.TreeApplicative.point((s2, some(a)))
/** Generates a list using a 'Range' to determine the length. */
def list[A](gen: M[A], range: Range[Int])(implicit F: Monad[M], G: MonadGen[M]): M[List[A]] =
sized(size =>
F.bind(integral_(range, _.toInt))(k => replicateM[M, A](k, gen))
, Shrink.list
, Range.atLeast(range.lowerBound(size), _)
// Combinators - Size
* Construct a generator that depends on the size parameter.
def sized[A](f: Size => M[A])(implicit F: Monad[M], G: MonadGen[M]): M[A] =
F.bind(generate((size, seed) => (seed, size)))(f)
// Combinators - Integral
* Generates a random integral number in the given `[inclusive,inclusive]` range.
* When the generator tries to shrink, it will shrink towards the
* [[Range.origin]] of the specified [[Range]].
* For example, the following generator will produce a number between `1970`
* and `2100`, but will shrink towards `2000`:
* {{{
* Gen.integral(Range.constantFrom(2000, 1970, 2100))
* }}}
* Some sample outputs from this generator might look like:
* {{{
* === Outcome ===
* 1973
* === Shrinks ===
* 2000
* 1987
* 1980
* 1976
* 1974
* === Outcome ===
* 2061
* === Shrinks ===
* 2000
* 2031
* 2046
* 2054
* 2058
* 2060
* }}}
def integral[A : Integral](range: Range[A], fromLong : Long => A)(implicit F: MonadGen[M]): M[A] =
F.shrink(integral_[A](range, fromLong), Shrink.towards(range.origin, _))
* Generates a random integral number in the `[inclusive,inclusive]` range.
* ''This generator does not shrink.''
def integral_[A](range: Range[A], fromLong : Long => A)(implicit G: MonadGen[M], I: Integral[A]): M[A] =
generate((size, seed) => {
val (x, y) = range.bounds(size)
val (s2, a) = seed.chooseLong(I.toLong(x), I.toLong(y))
(s2, fromLong(a))
// Combinators - Conditional
* Discards the whole generator.
def discard[A](implicit G: MonadGen[M]): M[A] =
GenT((_, seed) => Tree.TreeApplicative.point((seed, None)))
* Generates a value that satisfies a predicate.
* We keep some state to avoid looping forever.
* If we trigger these limits then the whole generator is discarded.
def filter[A](gen: M[A])(p: A => Boolean)(implicit F: Monad[M], G: MonadGen[M]): M[A] = {
def try_(k: Int): M[A] =
if (k > 100)
F.bind(G.scale(gen, s => Size(2 * k + s.value)))(x =>
if (p(x))
try_(k + 1)
* Discards the generator if the generated value does not satisfy the predicate.
def ensure[A](gen: M[A], p: A => Boolean)(implicit F: Monad[M], G: MonadGen[M]): M[A] =
F.bind(gen)(x => if (p(x)) F.point(x) else discard)
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