ru.makkarpov.scalingua.extract.ExtractorSession.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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A simple gettext-like internationalization library for Scala
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* Copyright © 2016 Maxim Karpov *
* *
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); *
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. *
* You may obtain a copy of the License at *
* *
* *
* *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software *
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, *
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. *
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and *
* limitations under the License. *
package ru.makkarpov.scalingua.extract
import{File, IOException}
import ru.makkarpov.scalingua.Compat._
import ru.makkarpov.scalingua.extract.ExtractorSession.MutableMessage
import ru.makkarpov.scalingua.extract.MessageExtractor.setupSession
import ru.makkarpov.scalingua.pofile._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.api.Position
import scala.reflect.internal.{NoPhase, Phase}
import scala.reflect.macros.Universe
object ExtractorSession {
class MutableMessage {
val comments = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[String]
val extractedComments = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[String]
val locations = mutable.Set.empty[MessageLocation]
var flags = MessageFlag.ValueSet.empty
var context = Option.empty[MultipartString]
var msgid = MultipartString.empty
var msgidPlural = Option.empty[MultipartString]
var translations = Seq.empty[MultipartString]
var tag = Option.empty[String]
def :=(msg: Message): Unit = {
comments ++= msg.header.comments
extractedComments ++= msg.header.extractedComments
locations ++= msg.header.locations
tag = msg.header.tag.orElse(tag)
flags = msg.header.flags
context = msg.context
msgid = msg.message
msg match {
case Message.Singular(_, _, _, tr) =>
msgidPlural = None
translations = tr :: Nil
case Message.Plural(_, _, _, pl, tr) =>
msgidPlural = Some(pl)
translations = tr
def toMsg: Message = {
val header = MessageHeader(comments.toList, extractedComments.toList, locations.toList, flags, tag)
msgidPlural match {
case None => Message.Singular(header, context, msgid, translations.headOption.getOrElse(MultipartString.empty))
case Some(pl) => Message.Plural(header, context, msgid, pl, translations)
class ExtractorSession(val global: Universe, val setts: ExtractorSettings) {
private var _finished = false
/* Since macros don't know when compiler will terminate, we will try to make compiler tell it to us.
* Seems that the most easy way to do it - push a new phase and wait until it will be invoked.
* It seems to be pretty scary since it is deep compiler internals, so please tell me if it will break
* some day.
try {
val symbolTable = Class.forName("scala.reflect.internal.SymbolTable")
val currentPhase = symbolTable.getMethod("phase").invoke(global).asInstanceOf[Phase]
def allPhases: Seq[Phase] = {
val r = Seq.newBuilder[Phase]
var c = currentPhase
while (c.prev != NoPhase)
c = c.prev
var flag = true
while (flag) {
r += c
if (c.hasNext) c =
else flag = false
def printPhases: String = {
val ret = new StringBuilder
for ((x, i) <- allPhases.zipWithIndex)
ret ++= f" $i%02d: ${}%s (id = ${}%02d, prev = '${}%s', next = '${}%s', hasNext = ${x.hasNext}%s)%n"
def insertBefore(next: Phase): Unit = {
val prev = next.prev
if ( == "save-translations")
throw new IOException("Attempting to append phase twice!")
val own = new Phase(prev) {
override def name: String = "save-translations"
override def run(): Unit = ExtractorSession.this.finish()
// Now phases have correct pointers:
// own.prev = prev
// = own
// To be adjusted:
// next.prev -> own
// -> next
val nx = classOf[Phase].getDeclaredMethods.find(_.getName.contains("nx_$eq")).getOrElse(sys.error("Cannot find `nx_$eq` method!"))
nx.invoke(own, next)
// Seems to be unnecessary, because no-one refers `prev` pointer.
// val pw = classOf[Phase].getDeclaredField("prev")
// pw.setAccessible(true)
// val mods = classOf[Field].getDeclaredField("modifiers")
// mods.setAccessible(true)
// mods.setInt(pw, pw.getModifiers & ~Modifier.FINAL)
// pw.set(next, own)
insertBefore(allPhases.find( == "terminal").getOrElse {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"No terminal phase in compiler: \n$printPhases")
} catch {
case t: Throwable =>
|| Cannot inject a next phase into compiler to save translations. |
|| Translations will be saved using `Runtime.addShutdownHook`, but it |
|| can cause issues in SBT where JVM does not fork when compiling. |
|| |
|| Please report this issue to Github! |
Runtime.getRuntime.addShutdownHook(new Thread {
setName(s"Translation save hook #${System.identityHashCode(}")
override def run(): Unit = ExtractorSession.this.finish()
private val byFile = mutable.Map.empty[File, List[MutableMessage]]
private val byMsgid = mutable.Map.empty[(String, Option[String]), MutableMessage]
if (setts.enable) {
if (setts.targetFile.exists()) {
for (m <- PoFile(setts.targetFile) if !m.header.isTagged) {
val mm = new MutableMessage
mm := m
for (loc <- mm.locations) {
val lst = byFile.getOrElse(loc.file, Nil)
byFile(loc.file) = mm :: lst
byMsgid(mm.msgid.merge -> = mm
for (t <- setts.taggedFile; m <- TaggedParser.parse(t)) {
message(m.msg, None) := m.toMessage
private def location(pos: Position): MessageLocation = {
val srcFile = pos.source
val f = Option(srcFile.file.file).collect {
case f if f.toPath.startsWith(setts.srcBaseDir.toPath) => setts.srcBaseDir.toPath.relativize(f.toPath).toFile
}.getOrElse(new File(srcFile.path))
MessageLocation(f, pos.line)
private def flushFile(pos: Position): Unit = {
val f = location(pos).file
byFile.get(f) match {
case Some(xs) =>
for (x <- xs) x.locations.filterInPlace(_.file != f)
case None => // all ok
private def message(msgid: String, msgctxt: Option[String]): MutableMessage = {
byMsgid.get(msgid -> msgctxt) match {
case Some(m) => m
case None =>
val r = new MutableMessage
r.msgid = MultipartString(msgid)
r.context =
byMsgid.put(msgid -> msgctxt, r)
def finish(): Unit = {
if (_finished) return
_finished = true
if (setts.enable) {
val parent = setts.targetFile.getParentFile
if ((parent ne null) && !parent.exists() && !parent.mkdirs())
throw new IOException(s"Cannot create directory ${parent.getCanonicalPath}!")
val msgs = byMsgid.valuesIterator.filter(_.locations.nonEmpty).toSeq.sortBy(_.locations.min).map(_.toMsg)
PoFile.update(setts.targetFile, msgs, setts.escapeUnicode)
def put(msgctx: Option[String], msgid: String, msgidPlural: Option[String], position: Position): Unit = {
if (!setts.enable)
val loc = location(position)
val msg = message(msgid, msgctx)
msg.locations += loc
if (msg.msgidPlural.isEmpty)
msg.msgidPlural =
if (msg.msgidPlural.isDefined)
msg.translations = Seq(MultipartString.empty, MultipartString.empty)
msg.translations = Seq(MultipartString.empty)
def singular(c: Context)(msgctx: Option[String], msgid: String): Unit =
setupSession(c).put(msgctx, msgid, None, c.enclosingPosition)
def plural(c: Context)(msgctx: Option[String], msgid: String, msgidPlural: String): Unit =
setupSession(c).put(msgctx, msgid, Some(msgidPlural), c.enclosingPosition)