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import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Row, SQLContext, functions}
class GridSearch[ModelIn <: ModelWithSummary[ModelIn]]
nested: SummarizableEstimator[ModelIn],
override val uid: String) extends ForkedEstimator[ModelIn, ParamMap, ModelIn](nested, uid) {
def this(nested: SummarizableEstimator[ModelIn]) = this(nested, Identifiable.randomUID("gridSearch"))
val configurations: Block = Block("configurations")
val estimatorParamMaps: Param[Array[ParamMap]] =
new Param(this, "estimatorParamMaps", "All the configurations to test in grid search.")
val metricsBlock = new Param[String](this, "metricsBlock", "Name of the block with metrics to get results from.")
val metricsExpression = new Param[String](this, "metricsExpression",
"Expression used to extract single metric value from the metrics table. __THIS__ shoud be used as a table alias.")
val configurationIndexColumn = new Param[String](this, "configurationIndexColumn",
"Name of the column to store id of config for further analysis.")
val resultingMetricColumn = new Param[String](this, "resultingMetricColumn",
"Name of the column to store resulting metrics for further analysis.")
metricsBlock -> "metrics",
configurationIndexColumn -> "configurationIndex",
resultingMetricColumn -> "resultingMetric"
def getEstimatorParamMaps: Array[ParamMap] = $(estimatorParamMaps)
def setEstimatorParamMaps(value: Array[ParamMap]): this.type = set(estimatorParamMaps, value)
def getMetricsBlock: String = $(metricsBlock)
def setMetricsBlock(value: String): this.type = set(metricsBlock, value)
def getMetricsExpression: String = $(metricsExpression)
def setMetricsExpression(value: String): this.type = set(metricsExpression, value)
def getConfigurationIndexColumn: String = $(configurationIndexColumn)
def setConfigurationIndexColumn(value: String): this.type = set(configurationIndexColumn, value)
def getResultingMetricColumn: String = $(resultingMetricColumn)
def setResultingMetricColumn(value: String): this.type = set(resultingMetricColumn, value)
* Override this method and create forks to train from the data.
override protected def createForks(dataset: DataFrame): Seq[(ParamMap, DataFrame)] = {
$(estimatorParamMaps).map(x => (x, dataset))
* Given models trained for each fork create a combined model. This model is the
* result of the estimator.
override protected def mergeModels(sqlContext: SQLContext, models: Seq[(ParamMap, ModelIn)]): ModelIn = {
// Rank models by their metrics
val rankedModels = => {
val params = x._1
val model = x._2
val metrics = model.summary.blocks(Block($(metricsBlock)))
val tableName = model.uid + "_metrics"
val query = $(metricsExpression).replaceAll("__THIS__", tableName)
val quality = metrics.sqlContext.sql(query).map(_.getAs[Number](0)).collect().map(_.doubleValue()).sum
(params, model, quality)
}).sortBy(x => -x._3)
// Extract parameters to build config for
val keys: Seq[Param[_]] =[Param[Any]]).sortBy(
// Infer dataset schema
val schema = StructType(
Seq(StructField($(configurationIndexColumn), IntegerType), StructField($(resultingMetricColumn), DoubleType)) ++ => {
val dataType = x match {
case _: IntParam => IntegerType
case _: DoubleParam => DoubleType
case _: LongParam => LongType
case _: BooleanParam => BooleanType
case _: FloatParam => FloatType
case _: StringArrayParam => ArrayType(StringType, true)
case _: DoubleArrayParam => ArrayType(DoubleType, true)
case _: IntArrayParam => ArrayType(IntegerType, true)
case _ => StringType
StructField(x.toString(), dataType, true)
// Construct resulting block with variable part of configuration
val rows = => {
val index: Int = x._2
val params = x._1._1
val metric: Double = x._1._3
Row.fromSeq(Seq[Any](index, metric) ++ => params.get(key).map(value => key match {
case _: IntParam | _: DoubleParam | _: LongParam | _: BooleanParam | _: FloatParam => value
case _: StringArrayParam | _: DoubleArrayParam | _: IntArrayParam => value
case _ => key.asInstanceOf[Param[Any]].jsonEncode(value)
val configurationBlock = sqlContext.createDataFrame(
sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(rows, 1),
// Now get the best model and enrich its summary
val bestModel = rankedModels.head._2
val nestedBlocks: Map[Block, DataFrame] =
block => block ->
x => x._1._2.summary(block).withColumn($(configurationIndexColumn), functions.lit(x._2))
).reduce(_ unionAll _)).toMap ++ Map(configurations -> configurationBlock)
override def copy(extra: ParamMap): SummarizableEstimator[ModelIn] = new GridSearch[ModelIn](nested.copy(extra))
override def fitFork(estimator: SummarizableEstimator[ModelIn], wholeData: DataFrame, partialData: (ParamMap, DataFrame)): (ParamMap, ModelIn) =
super.fitFork(estimator.copy(partialData._1), wholeData, partialData)