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* ml.odkl is an extension to Spark ML package with intention to
* 1. Provide a modular structure with shared and tested common code
* 2. Add ability to create train-only transformation (for better prediction performance)
* 3. Unify extra information generation by the model fitters
* 4. Support combined models with option for parallel training.
* This particular file contains classes for combined models training.
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, Path, PathFilter}
import org.apache.spark.annotation.Since
import{Attribute, AttributeGroup, NumericAttribute}
import{WithSummaryReader, WithSummaryReaderUntyped, WithSummaryWriter}
import{HasFeaturesCol, HasLabelCol, HasPredictionCol}
import{Param, ParamMap, StringArrayParam}
import{DefaultParamsReader, Identifiable, MLReadable, MLReader}
import{PipelineStage, PredictionModel, Transformer}
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.UserDefinedFunction
import org.apache.spark.sql.odkl.SparkSqlUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DoubleType, Metadata, StructField, StructType}
import org.apache.spark.util.collection.CompactBuffer
import scala.util.Try
object CombinedModel extends MLReadable[PipelineStage] {
* Train dedicated model for a certain type. Result is a selector model. Summary blocks for combined model are
* merged from the nested model with extra type column.
* @param estimator Estimator for training the nested models.
* @param typeColumn Column where the type label stored.
* @param numThreads Number of concurent types training.
* @tparam M Type of the model to train.
* @return Selector model (given instance type applies ONE of the models)
def perType[M <: ModelWithSummary[M]]
estimator: SummarizableEstimator[M],
typeColumn: String = "type",
numThreads: Int = 1): PerTypeModelLearner[M] = {
new PerTypeModelLearner[M](estimator)
* Train models for all classes. Result is a linear combination model. Summary blocks for combined model are
* merged from the nested model with extra class column.
* @param estimator Estimator for training the nested models.
* @param classesColumn Column where the classes are recorded.
* @param classesToIgnore Which classes not to include into result.
* @param classesMap Mapping for merging/renaming classes.
* @param numThreads Number of concurrent types training.
* @tparam M Type of the model to train.
* @return Linear combination model (given an instance coputes prediction of all the models and combines them linary
* with configured weights).
def linearCombination[M <: ModelWithSummary[M]]
estimator: SummarizableEstimator[M],
classesColumn: String = "classes",
classesToIgnore: Seq[String] = Seq(),
classesMap: Map[String, String] = Map(),
numThreads: Int = 1): LinearCombinationModelLearner[M] = {
new LinearCombinationModelLearner[M](estimator)
.setClassesToIgnore(classesToIgnore: _*)
.setClassesMap(classesMap.toSeq: _*)
* Train models for all classes. Result is a vector with prediction for each class. Summary blocks for combined model are
* merged from the nested model with extra class column.
* @param estimator Estimator for training the nested models.
* @param classesColumn Column where the classes are recorded.
* @param classesToIgnore Which classes not to include into result.
* @param classesMap Mapping for merging/renaming classes.
* @param numThreads Number of concurrent class training.
* @tparam M Type of the model to train.
* @return Linear combination model (given an instance coputes prediction of all the models and combines them linary
* with configured weights).
def multiClass[M <: ModelWithSummary[M]]
estimator: SummarizableEstimator[M],
classesColumn: String = "classes",
classesToIgnore: Seq[String] = Seq(),
classesMap: Map[String, String] = Map(),
numThreads: Int = 1): MultiClassModelLearner[M] = {
new MultiClassModelLearner[M](estimator)
.setClassesToIgnore(classesToIgnore: _*)
.setClassesMap(classesMap.toSeq: _*)
* @return Reader for type selecting model.
def perTypeReader[M <: ModelWithSummary[M]](nestedReader: WithSummaryReader[M]): WithSummaryReader[SelectingModel[M]] = {
new CombinedModel.Reader[M, SelectingModel[M]]()
* @return Reader for linear combination combination model.
def linearCombinationReader[M <: ModelWithSummary[M]](nestedReader: WithSummaryReader[M]): WithSummaryReader[LinearCombinationModel[M]] = {
new CombinedModel.Reader[M, LinearCombinationModel[M]]()
* @return Reader for multi class combination model.
def multiClassReader[M <: ModelWithSummary[M]](nestedReader: WithSummaryReader[M]): WithSummaryReader[LinearCombinationModel[M]] = {
new CombinedModel.Reader[M, LinearCombinationModel[M]]()
class Writer[M <: ModelWithSummary[M], C <: CombinedModel[M, C]](instance: CombinedModel[M, C])
extends WithSummaryWriter[C](instance) {
@throws[IOException]("If the input path already exists but overwrite is not enabled.")
override def save(path: String): Unit = {
// TODO: Think how to save models in-place in params if they have only own parameters.
instance.nested.foreach(x => x._2.disableSaveSummary()"$path/model=${x._1}"))
class Reader[M <: ModelWithSummary[M], C <: CombinedModel[M, C]]
extends WithSummaryReader[C] {
override def load(path: String): C = {
new ReaderUntyped().load(path).asInstanceOf[C]
class ReaderUntyped extends WithSummaryReaderUntyped {
override def load(path: String): PipelineStage = {
val fs = FileSystem.get(sqlContext.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration)
val files = fs.listStatus(new Path(path), new PathFilter {
override def accept(path: Path): Boolean = path.getName.startsWith("model=")
super.load(path) match {
case original: CombinedModel[_, _] =>
val nested = files.par
.map(x => x.getPath.getName.split("=", 2)(1) -> DefaultParamsReader.loadParamsInstance[PipelineStage](x.getPath.toString, sc))
original.nested = nested.seq
if (original.isSaveSummaryEnabled) {
override def read: MLReader[PipelineStage] = new ReaderUntyped
* Collects types, available in the dataset and trains one model per each type.
* @param nested Nested estimator or fitting.
class PerTypeModelLearner[M <: ModelWithSummary[M]]
nested: SummarizableEstimator[M],
override val uid: String
extends ForkedEstimator[M, String, SelectingModel[M]](nested, uid) with HasTypeCol with HasPredictionCol {
def setPredictionCol(value: String) : this.type = set(predictionCol, value)
def this(nested: SummarizableEstimator[M]) = this(nested, Identifiable.randomUID("typeSelector"))
override def copy(extra: ParamMap) = copyValues(new PerTypeModelLearner[M](nested.copy(extra)), extra)
protected override def createForks(dataset: Dataset[_]): Seq[(String, DataFrame)] = {
val types =$(typeColumn)).distinct().collect().map(_.get(0).toString).toSeq.sorted
logInfo(s"Got types: $types") => t -> dataset.toDF.filter(dataset($(typeColumn)) === t))
protected def mergeModels(sqlContext: SQLContext, models: Seq[(String, Try[M])]): SelectingModel[M] = {
val result = new SelectingModel[M]( => x._1 -> x._2.get).toMap, $(typeColumn))
result.set(result.predictionCol, $(predictionCol))
* Collects all classes in the dataset and trains a model for each class. Base class for multi-class
* and linear combination model.
* @param nested Estimator for nested models.
abstract class PerClassModelLearner[N <: ModelWithSummary[N], M <: MultiClassCombinationModelBase[N,M]]
nested: SummarizableEstimator[N],
override val uid: String
extends ForkedEstimator[N, String, M](nested, uid)
with HasClassesCol with HasClassesWeights with HasLabelCol with HasPredictionCol {
final val classesToIgnore: JacksonParam[Set[String]] = JacksonParam[Set[String]](
this, "classesToIgnore", "Classes we do not want to train model for.")
final val classesMap: JacksonParam[Map[String, String]] = JacksonParam.mapParam[String](
this, "classesMap", "Map used to rename classes (e.g. merging Complain and Dislike).")
setDefault(classesToIgnore, Set[String]())
setDefault(classesMap, Map[String, String]())
def setClassesToIgnore(values: String*): this.type = set(classesToIgnore, values.toSet)
def setClassesMap(values: (String, String)*): this.type = set(classesMap, values.toMap)
def setPredictionCol(value: String) : this.type = set(predictionCol, value)
protected override def createForks(dataset: Dataset[_]): Seq[(String, DataFrame)] = {
val classesField = dataset.schema($(classesColumn))
if (classesField.dataType.isInstanceOf[VectorUDT]) {
val attributes: Array[Attribute] = AttributeGroup
.getOrElse(throw new IllegalArgumentException("Metadata required to extract class names"))
val classesIndex = => -> x.index.get).toMap
val classes = =>
require(!isDefined(classesMap) || $(classesMap).isEmpty, "Can not apply classes map when working with a vector.")
val result = classes.filterNot($(classesToIgnore)).map(t => {
val index = classesIndex(t)
val label = SparkSqlUtils.reflectionLock.synchronized(
functions.udf[Double, Vector](x => x(index)))
t -> dataset.withColumn($(labelCol), label(dataset($(classesColumn))))
} else {
val classes =$(classesColumn)).rdd.flatMap {
case Row(multiple: Seq[Any]) =>
case Row(single: Any) => Seq(single.toString)
logInfo(s"Got classes: $classes")
val mapping = $(classesMap)
val activeClasses: Seq[String] = classes.filterNot($(classesToIgnore)).map(x => mapping.getOrElse(x, x)).distinct.sorted
val result = => {
val label = SparkSqlUtils.reflectionLock.synchronized(
functions.udf[Double, Any]({
case multiple: Seq[Any] => if (multiple.exists(x => mapping.getOrElse(x.toString, x.toString).equals(t))) 1.0 else 0.0
case single: Any => if (t.equals(mapping.getOrElse(single.toString, single.toString))) 1.0 else 0.0
case _ => 0.0
t -> dataset.withColumn($(labelCol), label(dataset($(classesColumn))))
* Trains a model which predicts vector (one element per class)
class MultiClassModelLearner[M <: ModelWithSummary[M]]
nested: SummarizableEstimator[M],
override val uid: String
extends PerClassModelLearner[M, MultiClassCombinationModel[M]](nested, uid) {
def this(nested: SummarizableEstimator[M]) = this(nested, Identifiable.randomUID("multiClassLearner"))
override def copy(extra: ParamMap): MultiClassModelLearner[M] = copyValues(new MultiClassModelLearner[M](nested.copy(extra)), extra)
protected def mergeModels(sqlContext: SQLContext, models: Seq[(String, Try[M])]): MultiClassCombinationModel[M] = {
val result: MultiClassCombinationModel[M] =
new MultiClassCombinationModel[M]( => x._1 -> x._2.get).toMap)
.set(result.predictionCol, $(predictionCol))
* Trains a model which predicts a scalar of weighted classes or a vector which is a generalized linear combination
* of per-class predictions
class LinearCombinationModelLearner[M <: ModelWithSummary[M]] (
nested: SummarizableEstimator[M],
override val uid: String
extends PerClassModelLearner[M, LinearCombinationModel[M]](nested, uid) {
def this(nested: SummarizableEstimator[M]) = this(nested, Identifiable.randomUID("linearCombinationLearner"))
override def copy(extra: ParamMap): SummarizableEstimator[LinearCombinationModel[M]] =
copyValues(new LinearCombinationModelLearner[M](nested.copy(extra)), extra)
override protected def mergeModels(sqlContext: SQLContext, models: Seq[(String, Try[M])]): LinearCombinationModel[M] = {
val result: LinearCombinationModel[M] =
new LinearCombinationModel[M]( => x._1 -> x._2.get).toMap)
.set(result.predictionCol, $(predictionCol))
.set(result.predictCombinations, Array($(classesWeights)))
* Direct prediction model is an extension to a model with an ability to predict for single point instead
* of transforming dataset. Used to improve performance of the combined models.
* @tparam I Type of the model input
trait DirectPredictionModel[I, M <: DirectPredictionModel[I, M]] extends PredictionModel[I, M] with HasDirectTransformOption {
def predictDirect(features: Any): Double = predict(features.asInstanceOf[I])
override protected def predict(features: I): Double
* @return If possible, try to evaluate prediction directly, overwise revert to chain of transformations.
def directTransform(data: DataFrame): Option[Column] = SparkSqlUtils.reflectionLock.synchronized {
val udf = functions.udf((x: Any) => predictDirect(x))
* Supplementary train used for optimization (moving transformation out of the execution plan into UDF)
trait HasDirectTransformOption extends Transformer {
* @return If possible, try to evaluate prediction directly, overwise revert to chain of transformations.
def directTransform(data: DataFrame): Option[Column]
* Base class for combined model holding a named map of nested models.
abstract class CombinedModel[M <: ModelWithSummary[M], C <: CombinedModel[M, C]](nestedModels: Map[String, M])
extends ModelWithSummary[C] with HasDescriminantColumn with HasDirectTransformOption
with HasPredictionCol with ForkedModelParams {
private var nestedMap: Map[String, M] = nestedModels
def nested = nestedMap
def setPredictionCol(value: String) : this.type = set(predictionCol, value)
private def nested_=(nestedModels: Map[String, PipelineStage]): Unit = nestedMap = nestedModels.transform((name, model) => model.asInstanceOf[M])
private def propagateBlocks(): Unit = {
nested.foreach(m => {
val blocks = m._2.summary.blocks.filter(x => this.summary.blocks(x._1).schema.fieldNames.indexOf($(descriminantColumn)) >= 0) => {
val data = this.summary.blocks(k)
k -> data.filter(data($(descriminantColumn)) === functions.lit(m._1)).drop($(descriminantColumn))
override private[odkl] def setSummary(summary: ModelSummary): C = {
val result = super.setSummary(summary)
protected def escalateBlocks(): Unit = {
val extendedBlocks = => x._2.summary.blocks.mapValues(_.withColumn($(descriminantColumn), functions.lit(x._1))))
.reduce((a, b) => {
a ++ => (x._1, if (a.contains(x._1)) x._2.unionAll(a(x._1)) else x._2))
set(summaryParam, new ModelSummary(summary.blocks ++ extendedBlocks))
private[odkl] def transformNested(transformer: M => M): this.type = {
nestedMap = nestedMap.transform((key, model) => transformer(model).asInstanceOf[M])
* In case if direct transformation is not possible, applies less efficientt indirect logic.
protected def indirectTransform(dataset: DataFrame): DataFrame
override def transform(dataset: Dataset[_]): DataFrame = {
directTransform(dataset.toDF).map {
func: Column =>
dataset.withColumn($(predictionCol),$(predictionCol), createPredictionMetadata()))
override protected def create(): C = throw new NotImplementedError()
override def write: WithSummaryWriter[C] = new CombinedModel.Writer[M, C](this)
def createPredictionMetadata(): Metadata
* Selecting model applies exactly one model based on instance type and return its result.
* @param nestedModels Map with nested models to apply.
class SelectingModel[N <: ModelWithSummary[N]]
nestedModels: Map[String, N],
override val uid: String,
val unused: String
) extends CombinedModel[N, SelectingModel[N]](nestedModels) with HasTypeCol with HasFeaturesCol {
def this(uid: String) = this(Map(), uid, "")
def this(nested: Map[String, N], typeColumn: String) = {
this(nested, Identifiable.randomUID("typeSelectingModel"), "")
override def descriminantColumn: Param[String] = typeColumn
override def copy(extra: ParamMap): SelectingModel[N] = {
val copy = new SelectingModel[N](nested.transform((k, x) => x.copy(extra)), extra.getOrElse(typeColumn, $(typeColumn)))
copyValues(copy, extra)
* @return If possible, try to evaluate prediction directly, overwise revert to chain of transformations.
override def directTransform(data: DataFrame): Option[Column] = SparkSqlUtils.reflectionLock.synchronized {
val `type` = data($(typeColumn))
nested.values.head match {
case combination: HasDirectTransformOption if combination.directTransform(data).isDefined =>
val features = data($(featuresCol))
val apply: Column = combination.directTransform(data).get
(functions.when(`type` === nested.head._1, apply))((column, f) =>
column.when(`type` === f._1, f._2.asInstanceOf[HasDirectTransformOption].directTransform(data).get))
case _ => None
def createPredictionMetadata(): Metadata = {
nested.values.head match {
case combination: CombinedModel[_, _] => combination.createPredictionMetadata()
case _ => Metadata.empty
override protected def indirectTransform(dataset: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
val typeCol = dataset($(typeColumn))
.map(x => x._2.transform(mayBePropagateKey(dataset.filter(typeCol === x._1), x._1)))
.reduce((a, b) => a.unionAll(b))
override def transformSchema(schema: StructType): StructType = {
* Base class for models, evaluated per each class.
abstract class MultiClassCombinationModelBase[N <: ModelWithSummary[N], M <: MultiClassCombinationModelBase[N,M]]
nestedModels: Map[String, N],
override val uid: String
) extends CombinedModel[N, M](nestedModels)
with HasClassesCol with HasPredictionCol with HasFeaturesCol {
final val classes = new StringArrayParam(this, "classes", "Sequence of the classes to predict. Used to enforce certain order of fields in the result.")
def this(uid: String) = this(Map[String, N](), uid)
override def descriminantColumn: Param[String] = classesColumn
* @return If possible, try to evaluate prediction directly, overwise revert to chain of transformations.
def directTransform(dataFrame: DataFrame): Option[Column] = SparkSqlUtils.reflectionLock.synchronized {
nested.values.head match {
case firstLinear: LinearModel[_] =>
val indexedModels = $(classes).map(x => nested(x).asInstanceOf[LinearModel[_]])
val allCoefficients =
val matrix = Matrices.dense(
allCoefficients.reduce((a, b) => a ++ b)).transpose
val intercept = Vectors.dense(
val column = functions.udf[Vector, Vector]((x: Vector) => {
val y = intercept.copy.toDense
BLAS.gemv(1.0, matrix, x, 1.0, y)
Vectors.dense(y.toArray.transform(y => firstLinear.postProcess(y)).toArray)
case firstDirect: HasDirectTransformOption if firstDirect.directTransform(dataFrame).isDefined =>
val toVector = functions.udf((x: Seq[Double]) => Vectors.dense(x.toArray))
val columns =[HasDirectTransformOption].directTransform(dataFrame).get)
val array = functions.array(columns.toSeq: _*)
case _ => None
override def createPredictionMetadata(): Metadata = {
new AttributeGroup(
.map(x => NumericAttribute.defaultAttr.withName(x).asInstanceOf[Attribute])).toMetadata()
override def transformSchema(schema: StructType): StructType = {
schema.add(StructField($(predictionCol), new VectorUDT(), nullable = false, createPredictionMetadata()))
override protected def indirectTransform(dataset: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
val indexed: Array[(String, N)] = $(classes).map(x => x -> nested(x))
var names = new CompactBuffer[String]()
val originalColumns = dataset.columns.toSet
val global = indexed.foldLeft(dataset)((data, model) => {
val transformed: DataFrame = model._2.transform(mayBePropagateKey(data, model._1))
val alias = $(predictionCol) + s"_${model._1}"
val selected = transformed
.select(transformed.columns.filter(originalColumns).map(x => transformed(x))
++ => transformed(x))
++ Seq(transformed($(predictionCol)).as(alias, transformed.schema($(predictionCol)).metadata)): _*)
names += alias
val vectorized = new AutoAssembler()
.setColumnsToInclude(names: _*)
.setColumnAttributeMap( => $(predictionCol) + s"_${x._1}" -> x._1): _*)
.select( => vectorized(x)) ++ Seq(vectorized($(predictionCol))): _*)
* Combination model which evaluates ALL nested model and combines results based on linear weights.
class LinearCombinationModel[N <: ModelWithSummary[N]]
nestedModels: Map[String, N],
override val uid: String
) extends MultiClassCombinationModelBase[N, LinearCombinationModel[N]](nestedModels, uid) {
val predictCombinations: JacksonParam[Array[Map[String, Double]]] = JacksonParam.arrayParam[Map[String, Double]](
this, "predictCombinations", "Whether to predict values for multiple combinations. Compatible only" +
" with linear nested models.")
setDefault(predictCombinations -> Array(Map[String,Double]().withDefaultValue(1.0)))
val classesWeights = JacksonParam.mapParam[Double](this, "classesWeights", "")
def setPredictVector(value: Map[String, Double]*): this.type = set(predictCombinations, value.toArray)
def this(uid: String) = this(Map[String, N](), uid)
def this(nested: Map[String, N]) = {
this(nested, Identifiable.randomUID("linearCombinationModel"))
override def copy(extra: ParamMap): LinearCombinationModel[N] = {
val copy = new LinearCombinationModel[N](nested.transform((k, x) => x.copy(extra).setParent(x.parent)))
copyValues(copy, extra)
* @return If possible, try to evaluate prediction directly, overwise revert to chain of transformations.
override def directTransform(data: DataFrame): Option[Column] = SparkSqlUtils.reflectionLock.synchronized {
nested.values.head match {
case firstLinear: LinearModel[_] =>
val indexedModels = {
case (name: String, model: LinearModel[_]) => name -> model
val allCoefficients =
val matrix = Matrices.dense(
allCoefficients.reduce((a, b) => a ++ b)).transpose
val intercept = Vectors.dense(
val combineUdf = if ($(predictCombinations).length == 1) {
val weights = Vectors.dense( => $(predictCombinations)(0)(x._1)))
functions.udf[Double, Vector]((x: Vector) => {
val y = intercept.copy.toDense
BLAS.gemv(1.0, matrix, x, 1.0, y)
y.toArray.transform(y => firstLinear.postProcess(y)), weights)
} else {
val combinations = $(predictCombinations)
val combinationsMatrix = Matrices.dense(
nested.iterator.flatMap(x =>, 0.0))).toArray)
functions.udf[Vector, Vector]((x: Vector) => {
val y = intercept.copy.toDense
BLAS.gemv(1.0, matrix, x, 1.0, y)
val result = Vectors.zeros(combinations.length).toDense
BLAS.gemv(1.0, combinationsMatrix, y, 1.0, result)
case _ => super.directTransform(data).map(vector => {
val combineUdf: UserDefinedFunction = getCombineUdf
private def getCombineUdf = {
val combinations = $(predictCombinations)
val combineUdf = if (combinations.length == 1) {
val combinationsVector = Vectors.dense( => combinations(0).getOrElse(x._1, 0.0)).toArray)
functions.udf((x: Vector) =>, x))
} else {
val combinationsMatrix = Matrices.dense(
nested.iterator.flatMap(x =>, 0.0))).toArray)
functions.udf((x: Vector) => {
val result = Vectors.zeros(combinations.length).toDense
BLAS.gemv(1.0, combinationsMatrix, x, 1.0, result)
override protected def indirectTransform(dataset: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
val withVector = super.indirectTransform(dataset)
getCombineUdf(withVector($(predictionCol))).as($(predictionCol), withVector.schema($(predictionCol)).metadata))
override def createPredictionMetadata(): Metadata = {
new AttributeGroup(
.map(x => NumericAttribute.defaultAttr.withName(x).asInstanceOf[Attribute])).toMetadata()
override def transformSchema(schema: StructType): StructType = {
if ($(predictCombinations).length == 1) {
schema.add(StructField($(predictionCol), DoubleType, nullable = false, createPredictionMetadata()))
} else {
schema.add(StructField($(predictionCol), new VectorUDT(), nullable = false, createPredictionMetadata()))
* Combination model which evaluates ALL nested model and returns vector.
class MultiClassCombinationModel[N <: ModelWithSummary[N]]
nestedModels: Map[String, N],
override val uid: String
) extends MultiClassCombinationModelBase[N, MultiClassCombinationModel[N]](nestedModels, uid) {
def this(uid: String) = this(Map[String, N](), uid)
override def copy(extra: ParamMap): MultiClassCombinationModel[N] = {
val copy = new MultiClassCombinationModel[N](nested.transform((k, x) => x.copy(extra).setParent(x.parent)))
copyValues(copy, extra)
def this(nested: Map[String, N]) = {
this(nested, Identifiable.randomUID("multiClassCombinationModel"))