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* ml.odkl is an extension to Spark ML package with intention to
* 1. Provide a modular structure with shared and tested common code
* 2. Add ability to create train-only transformation (for better prediction performance)
* 3. Unify extra information generation by the model fitters
* 4. Support combined models with option for parallel training.
* This particular file contains common parameters sets used in multiple places.
import{BooleanParam, Param, StringArrayParam, Params}
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructField
import org.json4s.DefaultWriters._
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods
import org.json4s.{DefaultFormats, JValue, _}
* Adds parameter with column for instance type.
trait HasTypeCol extends Params {
final val typeColumn: Param[String] = new Param[String](
this, "typeColumn", "Column where the value for type is stored (not null, single).")
setDefault(typeColumn, "type")
def setTypeColumn(value: String): this.type = set(typeColumn, value)
* Adds parameter with column for instance classes.
trait HasClassesCol extends Params {
final val classesColumn: Param[String] = new Param[String](
this, "classesColumn", "Column where the value for classes is stored (nullable, single or seq).")
setDefault(classesColumn, "classes")
def setClassesColumn(value: String): this.type = set(classesColumn, value)
* Adds parameter wot classes weights (defaults to 1.0)
trait HasClassesWeights extends Params {
final val classesWeights = JacksonParam.mapParam[Double](
this, "classesWeights", "Weights for the classes to combine (defaults to 1.0).")
setDefault(classesWeights, Map[String, Double]())
def setClassesWeights(weights: (String,Double)*) : this.type = set(classesWeights, weights.toMap)
def getClassesWeights = $(classesWeights)
* Parameters for specifying which columns to include or exclude.
trait HasColumnsSets extends Params {
val columnsToInclude = new StringArrayParam(this, "columnsToInclude", "Columns to include into result. Mutually exclusive with columns to exclude.")
val columnsToExclude = new StringArrayParam(this, "columnsToExclude", "Columns to exclude from result. Mutually exclusive with columns to include.")
def setColumnsToInclude(columns: String*): this.type = set(columnsToInclude, columns.toArray)
def setColumnsToExclude(columns: String*): this.type = set(columnsToExclude, columns.toArray)
setDefault(columnsToExclude -> Array(), columnsToInclude -> Array())
def extractColumns(dataset: DataFrame): Array[StructField] = {
if ($(columnsToInclude).isEmpty && !$(columnsToExclude).isEmpty) {
// Explicitly excluded
val set = $(columnsToExclude).toSet
dataset.schema.fields.filterNot(x => set.contains(
} else if (!$(columnsToInclude).isEmpty && $(columnsToExclude).isEmpty) {
// Explicitly included
$(columnsToInclude).map(f => dataset.schema(f))
} else if ($(columnsToInclude).isEmpty && $(columnsToExclude).isEmpty) {
// Implicitly all
else {
// Can not do both include and exclude...
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only one of the columnsToInclude or columnsToExclude can be set")
* Adds parameter with the name of test/train split column
trait HasIsTestCol extends Params {
final val isTestColumn: Param[String] = new Param[String](
this, "testMarker", "Boolean column with test instance marker.")
setDefault(isTestColumn, "isTest")
* Adds parameters for folding - number of folds and name of column with fold number.
trait HasFolds extends Params {
final val numFolds: Param[Int] = new Param[Int](
this, "numFolds", "Number of folds to split data to.")
final val numFoldsColumn: Param[String] = new Param[String](
this, "numFoldsColumn", "Name of the column to store number of fold")
setDefault(numFolds, 10)
setDefault(numFoldsColumn, "foldNum")
def setNumFolds(value: Int): this.type = set(numFolds, value)
def setNumFoldsColumn(value: String): this.type = set(numFoldsColumn, value)
* For transformers performing grouping by a certain columns.
trait HasGroupByColumns {
this: Params =>
final val groupByColumns = new StringArrayParam(
this, "groupByColumns", "Grouping criteria for the evaluation.")
def setGroupByColumns(columns: String*): this.type = set(groupByColumns, columns.toArray)
* For transformers performing sorting by a certain columns.
trait HasSortByColumns {
this: Params =>
final val sortByColumns = new StringArrayParam(
this, "sortByColumns", "Sorting criteria for the evaluation.")
def setSortByColumns(columns: String*): this.type = set(sortByColumns, columns.toArray)
* Settings for partitioning, except the number of partitions. Is extended by static and dynamic partitioners.
trait PartitioningParams extends Params with HasSortByColumns{
val partitionBy = new StringArrayParam(this, "partitionBy", "Columns to partition dataset by")
val sortBy = new StringArrayParam(this, "sortBy", "Columns to sort dataset by. Note that unlike Hadoop spark does " +
"not sort partitions by default, thus you need to explicitly add partition by columns to sort by list")
def setPartitionBy(columns:String*) : this.type = set(partitionBy, columns.toArray)
def setSortBy(columns : String*) : this.type = set(sortBy, columns.toArray)
* For estimators capable of caching training data.
trait HasCacheTrainData {
this: Params =>
final val cacheTrainData: BooleanParam = new BooleanParam(this, "cacheTrainData", "whether to cache dataset passed to optimizer")
def setCacheTrainData(value: Boolean): this.type = set(cacheTrainData, value)
/** @group getParam */
final def getCacheTrainData: Boolean = $(cacheTrainData)
* Used for evaluators with batch support
trait HasBatchSize extends Params {
val batchSize = new Param[Int](this, "batchSize", "Amount of sample to put into batch before calculating the gradient.")
def setBatchSize(value: Int): this.type = set(batchSize, value)
def getBatchSize : Int = $(batchSize)
* Used to indicate that last weight should not be considered as a part of regularization (typically if it is
* the intercept)
trait HasRegularizeLast extends Params {
val regularizeLast = new BooleanParam(this, "regularizeLast", "Whenever to regularize the last feature (should be set to false if last feature is an intercept).")
def setRegularizeLast(value: Boolean): this.type = set(regularizeLast, value)
def getRegularizeLast : Boolean = $(regularizeLast)
* For vector assemblers used to provide better naming for metadata attrbiutes.
trait HasColumnAttributeMap {
this: Params =>
val columnAttributeMap = JacksonParam.mapParam[String](
this, "columnAttributeMap", "Used to apply better naming for metadata attributes")
def getColumnAttributeName(column: String): String = $(columnAttributeMap).getOrElse(column, column)
def setColumnAttributeMap(value: (String, String)*): this.type = set(columnAttributeMap, value.toMap)
setDefault(columnAttributeMap -> Map())