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* ml.odkl is an extension to Spark ML package with intention to
* 1. Provide a modular structure with shared and tested common code
* 2. Add ability to create train-only transformation (for better prediction performance)
* 3. Unify extra information generation by the model fitters
* 4. Support combined models with option for parallel training.
* This particular file contains utility for extracting mutli-nominal features (converts string/set of strings
* to vectors).
import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi
import{Attribute, AttributeGroup, BinaryAttribute}
import{HasInputCol, HasOutputCol}
import{Param, ParamMap, StringArrayParam}
import{DefaultParamsReadable, DefaultParamsWritable, Identifiable}
import{Estimator, Model}
import{Vector, VectorUDT, Vectors}
import org.apache.spark.sql.odkl.SparkSqlUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{ArrayType, StringType, StructField, StructType}
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Dataset, functions}
* Parameters for multinominal feature extractor.
trait MultinominalExtractorParams extends HasInputCol with HasOutputCol {
val values = new StringArrayParam(this, "values", "Predefined set of values.")
val replacements: Param[Map[String, String]] = JacksonParam.mapParam[String](this, "replacements",
"""Specifies optional replacements for read
|values. Can be used to merge certain outputs into one.""".stripMargin)
setDefault(replacements -> Map())
def setValues(v: String*): this.type = set(values, v.toArray)
def setInputCol(column: String): this.type = set(inputCol, column)
def setOutputCol(column: String): this.type = set(outputCol, column)
def setReplacements(value: Map[String,String]): this.type = set(replacements, value)
def getValues(): Array[String] = $(values)
* Utility for converting columns with string or a set of stings into a vector of 0/1 with
* the cardinality equal to the number of unique string values used.
* @param uid
class MultinominalExtractor(override val uid: String) extends
Estimator[MultinominalExtractorModel] with MultinominalExtractorParams with DefaultParamsWritable {
def this() = this(Identifiable.randomUID("multinomialExtractorEstimator"))
val valuesToIgnore = new StringArrayParam(this, "valuesToIgnore", "Values not to add as classes.")
setDefault(valuesToIgnore -> Array())
def setValuesToIgnore(value: String*): this.type = set(valuesToIgnore, value.toArray)
override def fit(dataset: Dataset[_]): MultinominalExtractorModel = {
val model: MultinominalExtractorModel = copyValues(
if (isDefined(values)) {
new MultinominalExtractorModel().setValues($(values): _*).setReplacements($(replacements))
} else {
val collectValues = SparkSqlUtils.reflectionLock.synchronized(
dataset.schema($(inputCol)).dataType match {
case string: StringType =>
functions.udf[Seq[String], String](x => if (x != null) Seq($(replacements).getOrElse(x, x)) else Seq())
case ArrayType(elementType: StringType, containsNull: Boolean) =>
functions.udf[Seq[String], Seq[String]](x => if(x != null) => $(replacements).getOrElse(y,y)).distinct else Seq())
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Expected either single string or array of strings at ${$(inputCol)}.")
val vals = dataset
.countByValue().toSeq.filterNot(x => $(valuesToIgnore).contains(x._1)).sortBy(-_._2).map(_._1).toArray
new MultinominalExtractorModel().setValues(vals: _*).setReplacements($(replacements))
}.setParent(this), ParamMap())
logInfo(s"For column ${$(inputCol)} extracted values (${model.getValues().mkString(",")}).")
override def copy(extra: ParamMap): Estimator[MultinominalExtractorModel] = defaultCopy(extra)
override def transformSchema(schema: StructType): StructType =
new StructType(schema.fields :+ new StructField($(outputCol), new VectorUDT, true))
* Adds read logic
object MultinominalExtractor extends DefaultParamsReadable[MultinominalExtractor]
* Model produced by the multinominal extractor. Knows the predefined set of values and
* maps strings/set of strings to vectors of 0/1 with cardinality equal to amount of known values.
class MultinominalExtractorModel(override val uid: String) extends Model[MultinominalExtractorModel]
with MultinominalExtractorParams with DefaultParamsWritable {
def this() = this(Identifiable.randomUID("multinomialExtractor"))
override def copy(extra: ParamMap): MultinominalExtractorModel = defaultCopy(extra)
override def transform(dataset: Dataset[_]): DataFrame = {
val indices: Map[String, Int] = $(values).zipWithIndex.toMap
val createVector = SparkSqlUtils.reflectionLock.synchronized(
dataset.schema($(inputCol)).dataType match {
case string: StringType => functions.udf[Vector, String](
x => if (x == null) {
} else {
.map(x => Vectors.sparse(indices.size, Array(x), Array(1.0)).compressed)
case ArrayType(elementType: StringType, _) => functions.udf[Vector, Seq[String]](
x => {
if (x == null) {
} else {
val ind: Array[Int] = => $(replacements).getOrElse(y,y)).filter(indices.contains).map(indices).distinct.sorted.toArray
Vectors.sparse(indices.size, ind, Array.fill(ind.length)(1.0)).compressed
val metadata = new AttributeGroup(
$(values).map(x => BinaryAttribute.defaultAttr.withName(x).asInstanceOf[Attribute]))
createVector(dataset($(inputCol))).as($(outputCol), metadata))
override def transformSchema(schema: StructType): StructType =
new StructType(schema.fields :+ new StructField($(outputCol), new VectorUDT, true))
* Adds read ability
object MultinominalExtractorModel extends DefaultParamsReadable[MultinominalExtractorModel]