ru.primetalk.synapse.akka.distributed.RealmDescriptor.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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// © ООО «Праймтолк», 2014 //
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* SynapseGrid
* © Primetalk Ltd., 2014.
* All rights reserved.
* Authors: A.Zhizhelev
* Created: 07.06.14, zhizhelev
package ru.primetalk.synapse.akka.distributed
import ru.primetalk.synapse.core
import{SupervisorStrategy, Props, ActorRefFactory, ActorPath}
import ru.primetalk.synapse.akka._
import ru.primetalk.synapse.akka.ActorComponent
import ru.primetalk.synapse.core.components.{Component, ComponentWithInternalStructure}
Deployment of a system over a cluster of nodes
The realm knows about other hosts and
the deployment of systems over all the hosts.
case class RealmDescriptor(topLevelSystem: ComponentWithInternalStructure, deployment: Vector[(List[core.SystemPath], ActorPath)]) {
/** Looks up for the systemPath in the deployment descriptor
* and constructs an appropriate ActorPath for it. */
def getRouterPath(systemPath: core.SystemPath): ActorPath = {
val hosts = deployment.filter(_._1.contains(systemPath)).map(_._2)
if (hosts.size != 1)
throw new IllegalStateException(s"For path=$systemPath found != 1 hosts.")
hosts.head / systemPathToActorName(systemPath)
/** Looks up for the systemPath in the deployment descriptor
* and constructs an appropriate ActorPath for it. */
def getSystemImplPath(systemPath: core.SystemPath): ActorPath = {
val hosts = deployment.filter(_._1.contains(systemPath)).map(_._2)
if (hosts.size != 1)
throw new IllegalStateException(s"For path=$systemPath found != 1 hosts.")
hosts.head / ("subsystem_" + systemPathToActorName(systemPath))
/** List paths of systems that should be created at this host. */
def pathsForHost(host: ActorPath) =
deployment.filter(_._2 == host).flatMap(_._1).toSet
def systemPathToActorName(path: core.SystemPath) =
* Creates all routers for the system.
* @param s the system to create routers
* @return collection of SystemPath -> ActorRef - routers for every InnerActorSubsystem.
def createRouters(s: Component)(context: ActorRefFactory) =
actorInnerSubsystems2(s).map(_._1).map {
path =>
val actorName = systemPathToActorName(path)
//"router " + actorName + " for " + path)
(path, context.actorOf(Props[RouterBecome], actorName))
/** Recursively finds all subsystems of the system. */
def actorInnerSubsystems(component: Component): List[(core.SystemPathReversed, ActorComponent)] =
core.subcomponents(component).collect { case (pathRev, actorInnerSubsystem: ActorComponent) => (pathRev, actorInnerSubsystem)}
def actorInnerSubsystems2(component: Component): List[(core.SystemPath, ActorComponent)] =
actorInnerSubsystems(component).map(p => (p._1.reverse, p._2))
/** Creates subsystem actors for the given top level StaticSystem and
* the set of paths that belongs to this host.
* The subsystems send signals to other actors via router actors that should have been
* created. */
def createSubsystems(s: Component,
pathsForThisHost: Set[core.SystemPath])(context: ActorRefFactory,
supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy =
outputFun: Option[InternalSignalsDist => Any] = None, realm: RealmDescriptor) = {
for {
(path, actorSubsystem) <- actorInnerSubsystems2(s)
if pathsForThisHost.contains(path) // we construct only those subsystems that should be instantiated at this host
subsystem = actorSubsystem.subsystem
actorName = "subsystem_" + systemPathToActorName(path)
} yield
context.actorOf(Props(new ActorForSystemOneLevel(path, subsystem, supervisorStrategy, realm)), actorName)
* Identifier of a host.
* "akka.tcp://[email protected]:2552/user/actorName"
* The host is an actor that is responsible for creation and recreation of the system in the particular host.
final case class HostId(host: String, port: Int, actorSystemName: String, hostActorName: String = "synapse") {
def toString = s"akka.tcp://$actorSystemName@$host:$port/user/$hostActorName"
def toActorPath =
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