ru.vyarus.gradle.plugin.animalsniffer.AnimalSniffer.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package ru.vyarus.gradle.plugin.animalsniffer
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import groovy.transform.TypeCheckingMode
import org.gradle.api.Action
import org.gradle.api.GradleException
import org.gradle.api.file.FileCollection
import org.gradle.api.file.FileTree
import org.gradle.api.internal.CollectionCallbackActionDecorator
import org.gradle.api.internal.project.IsolatedAntBuilder
import org.gradle.api.reporting.Report
import org.gradle.api.reporting.Reporting
import org.gradle.api.tasks.*
import org.gradle.internal.reflect.Instantiator
import org.gradle.util.ClosureBackedAction
import org.gradle.util.GradleVersion
import javax.inject.Inject
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy
* AnimalSniffer task is created for each registered source set.
* Task is SourceTask, but with root in compile classes dir of current source set. This means that include/exclude
* may be used, but they wil be applied to compiled classes and not sources.
* @author Vyacheslav Rusakov
* @since 14.12.2015
@SuppressWarnings(['UnnecessaryGetter', 'Println'])
class AnimalSniffer extends SourceTask implements VerificationTask, Reporting {
private static final String NL = '\n'
* The class path containing the Animal Sniffer library to be used.
FileCollection animalsnifferClasspath
* Signature files used for checks.
FileCollection animalsnifferSignatures
* Classpath used for compilation (if not included in signature)
FileCollection classpath
* Source directories
Set sourcesDirs
* Annotation class name to avoid check
String annotation
* Extra allowed classes, not mentioned in signature, but allowed for usage.
* Most commonly, when some classes target newer jdk version.
* See
* docs for more info.
Iterable ignoreClasses = []
* Whether or not the build should break when the verifications performed by this task fail.
boolean ignoreFailures
* Configuration debug output
boolean debug
private final AnimalSnifferReportsImpl reports
* Due to many classloaders used by AntBuilder, have to avoid ant classes in custom listener.
* Use jdk proxy to register custom listener.
* @param project ant project
* @param handler proxy handler
static void replaceBuildListener(Object project, ReportCollector handler) {
// use original to redirect other ant tasks output (not expected, but just in case)
handler.originalListener = project.buildListeners.first()
// cleanup default gradle listener listener to avoid console output
project.buildListeners.each { project.removeBuildListener(it) }
ClassLoader cl = project.class.classLoader
Object listener = Proxy.newProxyInstance(cl, [cl.loadClass(] as Class[], handler)
* Recover original listener after execution.
* @param project ant project
* @param original original listener
static void recoverOriginalListener(Object project, Object original) {
if (original != null) {
project.buildListeners.each { project.removeBuildListener(it) }
AnimalSniffer() {
reports = instantiator.newInstance(AnimalSnifferReportsImpl, this, getCallbackActionDecorator())
Instantiator getInstantiator() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException()
CollectionCallbackActionDecorator getCallbackActionDecorator() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException()
IsolatedAntBuilder getAntBuilder() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException()
@SuppressWarnings(['CatchException', 'VariableName'])
void run() {
String sortedPath = preparePath(getSource())
if (getDebug()) {
Set _sourceDirs = collectSourceDirs()
antBuilder.withClasspath(getAnimalsnifferClasspath()).execute {
ant.taskdef(name: 'animalsniffer', classname: 'org.codehaus.mojo.animal_sniffer.ant.CheckSignatureTask')
ReportCollector collector = new ReportCollector(_sourceDirs)
replaceBuildListener(project, collector)
getAnimalsnifferSignatures().each { signature ->
try {
ant.animalsniffer(signature: signature.absolutePath, classpath: getClasspath()?.asPath) {
// the same as getSource().asPath, but have to apply sorting because otherwise
// enclosing class could be parsed after inlined and so ignoring annotation on enclosing class
// would be ignored (actually, this problem appears only on windows)
path(path: sortedPath)
_sourceDirs.each {
sourcepath(path: it.absoluteFile)
annotation(className: 'org.codehaus.mojo.animal_sniffer.IgnoreJRERequirement')
if (getAnnotation()) {
annotation(className: getAnnotation())
getIgnoreClasses().each { ignore(className: it) }
} catch (Exception ex) {
// rethrow not expected ant exceptions
if (!ex.message.startsWith('Signature errors found')) {
throw ex
collector.printSignatureNames = getAnimalsnifferSignatures().size() > 1
// it should be useless as completely custom ant used for execution, but just in case
recoverOriginalListener(project, collector.originalListener)
* Returns the reports to be generated by this task.
AnimalSnifferReports getReports() {
return reports
AnimalSnifferReports reports(
@DelegatesTo(value = AnimalSnifferReports, strategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST) Closure closure) {
reports(new ClosureBackedAction(closure))
AnimalSnifferReports reports(Action super AnimalSnifferReports> action) {
return reports
FileTree getSource() {
return super.getSource()
void processErrors(ReportCollector collector) {
if (collector.errorsCnt() > 0) {
String message = "${collector.errorsCnt()} AnimalSniffer violations were found " +
"in ${collector.filesCnt()} files."
Report report = reports.firstEnabled
if (report) {
File target = GradleVersion.current() < GradleVersion.version('7.0')
? report.destination : report.outputLocation.get().asFile
String reportUrl = "file:///${target.canonicalPath.replaceAll('\\\\', '/')}"
message += " See the report at: $reportUrl"
if (getIgnoreFailures()) {
String nl = String.format('%n')
logger.error(nl + message + nl)
} else {
throw new GradleException(message)
void printTaskConfig(String path) {
String rootDir = "${project.rootDir.canonicalPath}${File.separator}"
StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder()
.append(getAnimalsnifferSignatures().files.collect { "\t\t$" }.join(NL))
.append(collectSourceDirs().sort().collect { "\t\t${project.relativePath(it)}" }.join(NL))
.append(path.split(File.pathSeparator).collect { "\t\t${it.replace(rootDir, '')}" }.join(NL))
if (!getIgnoreClasses().empty) {
.append(getIgnoreClasses().collect { "\t\t$it" }.join(NL))
println res.toString()
@SuppressWarnings(['Indentation', 'UnnecessaryCollectCall', 'UnnecessarySubstring'])
private static String preparePath(FileTree source) {
int clsExtSize = '.class'.length()
String innerIndicator = '$'
List sortedPath = source
.collect { it.toString() }
.toSorted { a, b ->
if (a.contains(innerIndicator) || b.contains(innerIndicator)) {
String a1 = a.substring(0, a.length() - clsExtSize) // - .class
String b1 = b.substring(0, b.length() - clsExtSize)
// trick is to compare names without extension, so inner class would
// become longer and go last automatically;
// compare: Some.class < Some$1.class, but Some > Some$1
return a1 <=> b1
return a <=> b
// lambda case (Some$$Lambda$1). Ant removes every odd $ in a row
return sortedPath.join(File.pathSeparator).replace('$$', '$$$')
private Set collectSourceDirs() {
Set res = [] as Set
// HACK to support kotlin multiplatform source path for jvm case (when withJava() active)
// this MUST BE rewritten into separate support for multiplatform
if (project.plugins.findPlugin('org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform')) {
project.kotlin.sourceSets.each {
println it.kotlin.sourceDirectories.files
return res