ru.vyarus.gradle.plugin.animalsniffer.util.FormatUtils.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package ru.vyarus.gradle.plugin.animalsniffer.util
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
* Message parsing utilities.
* @author Vyacheslav Rusakov
* @since 19.03.2017
class FormatUtils {
private static final String DOT = '.'
private static final String LINE_SEP = ':'
private static final String NL = String.format('%n')
private static final String UND_REF = 'Undefined reference:'
private static final String FIELD_REF = ' Field '
* Parse animasniffer ant task error.
* Error format: file_path:lineNum: Undefined reference: type source line
* In case of fields, it is impossible (for animalsniffer) to detect source line, instead, it would add field name
* in the message: file_path Field 'name': Undefined reference: type source line
* @param message animalsniffer error
* @param roots source directories (roots)
* @return report message object
static ReportMessage parse(String message, Set roots) {
int msgStartIdx = message.indexOf(UND_REF)
if (msgStartIdx < 0) {
// try to look for first space (this will lead to wrong result if file path contain space)
msgStartIdx = message.indexOf(' ')
String position = message[0..(msgStartIdx - 1)].trim()
int fieldIdx = position.indexOf(FIELD_REF)
String vclass
String field = null
if (fieldIdx > 0) {
// -2 to cut off trailing ':'
vclass = position[0..(fieldIdx - 1)].trim()
field = position[fieldIdx..-2].trim()
// use "field" instead of "Field"
field = field.uncapitalize()
} else {
vclass = position
if (vclass.endsWith(LINE_SEP)) {
// case when line number is not specified
vclass = vclass[0..(vclass.length() - 2)]
String line = vclass.find(~/^(.+):(\d+)/) { match, file, line -> vclass = file; return line }
vclass = extractJavaClass(vclass, roots)
if (vclass == null) {
return new ReportMessage(parseFail: true, code: message)
String code = message[msgStartIdx..-1]
code = code.replace(UND_REF, '').trim()
return new ReportMessage(source: vclass, line: line, field: field, code: code)
* @param msg message object
* @param showSignature true to include signature name (used for multiple signatures)
* @return error message formatted for file
static String formatForFile(ReportMessage msg, boolean showSignature) {
if (msg.parseFail) {
return msg.code
// file extension position
int idx = msg.source.lastIndexOf(DOT)
if (idx < 0) {
idx = 0
String sig = showSignature ? " (${msg.signature})" : ''
String srcLine = "${msg.source[0..(idx - 1)]}:${msg.line ? msg.line : 1}"
if (msg.field) {
srcLine += ' (' + msg.field + ')'
return "$srcLine Undefined reference$sig: ${msg.code}"
* @param msg message object
* @param showSignature true to include signature name (used for multiple signatures)
* @return error message formatted for console
static String formatForConsole(ReportMessage msg, boolean showSignature) {
if (msg.parseFail) {
return "[Unrecognized error] ${msg.code} $NL"
int clsIdx = -1
int extIdx = msg.source.lastIndexOf(DOT)
if (extIdx > 0) {
clsIdx = msg.source[0..(extIdx - 1)].lastIndexOf(DOT)
String sig = showSignature ? " | ${msg.signature}" : ''
// if can't find class fallback to simple format
String srcLine = clsIdx > 0 ?
"${msg.source[0..clsIdx]}(${msg.source[(clsIdx + 1)..-1]}:${msg.line ?: 1})" :
"${msg.source}${msg.line ? LINE_SEP + msg.line : ''}"
if (msg.field) {
srcLine += " $msg.field"
return "[Undefined reference$sig] $srcLine$NL" +
" >> ${msg.code}$NL"
* @param file absolute file path
* @param root root folder path
* @return class name (including package)
static String toClass(String file, String root) {
String name = file[root.length() + 1..-1]
name.replaceAll('\\\\|/', DOT)
private static String extractJavaClass(String file, Set roots) {
String name
try {
name = new File(file).canonicalPath
} catch (IOException ex) {
// invalid path - do nothing
return null
File root = roots.find { name.startsWith(it.canonicalPath) }
if (!root) {
return null
toClass(name, root.canonicalPath)