ru.vyarus.gradle.plugin.mkdocs.MkdocsPlugin.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package ru.vyarus.gradle.plugin.mkdocs
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import groovy.transform.TypeCheckingMode
import org.ajoberstar.gradle.git.publish.GitPublishPlugin
import org.ajoberstar.gradle.git.publish.tasks.GitPublishReset
import org.ajoberstar.grgit.Branch
import org.ajoberstar.grgit.Configurable
import org.ajoberstar.grgit.Grgit
import org.ajoberstar.grgit.operation.BranchChangeOp
import org.ajoberstar.grgit.operation.OpenOp
import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.RepositoryNotFoundException
import org.gradle.api.Plugin
import org.gradle.api.Project
import ru.vyarus.gradle.plugin.mkdocs.task.MkdocsBuildTask
import ru.vyarus.gradle.plugin.mkdocs.task.MkdocsInitTask
import ru.vyarus.gradle.plugin.mkdocs.task.MkdocsTask
import ru.vyarus.gradle.plugin.python.PythonExtension
import ru.vyarus.gradle.plugin.python.PythonPlugin
* Mkdocs plugin. Provides tasks:
* - mkdocsInit - create documentation site
- mkdocsBuild - build site
- mkdocsServe - start livereload server (for development)
- mkdocsPublish - publish generated site to github pages (same repo)
* mkdocksInit not use 'mkdocs new', instead more advanced template used with pre-initialized material theme.
* mkdocsPublish is a custom task (based on
* git-publish plugin). This is because native 'mkdocs publish' only support single documentation version and custom
* task will manage multi-version documentation site.
* Plugin will also apply all required pip modules to use mkdocks with material theme and basic plugins
* (see {@link ru.vyarus.gradle.plugin.mkdocs.MkdocsExtension#DEFAULT_MODULES}).
* @author Vyacheslav Rusakov
* @since 29.10.2017
class MkdocsPlugin implements Plugin {
private static final String DOCUMENTATION_GROUP = 'documentation'
private static final String MKDOCS_BUILD_TASK = 'mkdocsBuild'
private static final String GIT_PUSH_TASK = 'gitPublishPush'
private static final String GIT_RESET_TASK = 'gitPublishReset'
void apply(Project project) {
MkdocsExtension extension = project.extensions.create('mkdocs', MkdocsExtension, project)
applyDefaults(project, extension)
configureMkdocsTasks(project, extension)
configurePublish(project, extension)
private void applyDefaults(Project project, MkdocsExtension extension) {
// apply default mkdocs, material and minimal plugins
// user will be able to override versions, if required
project.afterEvaluate {
// set publish repository to the current project by default
extension.publish.repoUri = extension.publish.repoUri ?: getProjectRepoUri(project)
private void configureMkdocsTasks(Project project, MkdocsExtension extension) {
Closure strictConvention = { extension.strict ? ['-s'] : null }
project.tasks.register(MKDOCS_BUILD_TASK, MkdocsBuildTask) {
it.with {
description = 'Build mkdocs documentation'
conventionMapping.with {
it.extraArgs = strictConvention
it.outputDir = { project.file("${getBuildOutputDir(extension)}") }
it.updateSiteUrl = { extension.updateSiteUrl }
project.tasks.register('mkdocsServe', MkdocsTask) {
it.with {
description = 'Start mkdocs live reload server'
command = 'serve'
conventionMapping.extraArgs = strictConvention
project.tasks.register('mkdocsInit', MkdocsInitTask) {
it.with {
description = 'Create mkdocs documentation'
project.tasks.withType(MkdocsTask).configureEach { task ->
task.conventionMapping.with {
it.workDir = { extension.sourcesDir }
it.extras = { extension.extras }
// simplify direct task usage
project.extensions.extraProperties.set(MkdocsTask.simpleName, MkdocsTask)
private void configurePublish(Project project, MkdocsExtension extension) {
project.afterEvaluate {
MkdocsExtension.Publish publish = extension.publish
String path = extension.resolveDocPath()
project.configure(project) {
gitPublish {
repoUri = publish.repoUri
branch = publish.branch
// folder to checkout branch, apply changes and commit
repoDir = file(publish.repoDir)
contents {
// required only when multi-version publishing used
if (path) {
// keep everything (all other versions) except publishing version
preserve {
include '**'
exclude "${path}/**"
commitMessage = extension.resolveComment()
configurePublishTasks(project, extension)
private void configurePublishTasks(Project project, MkdocsExtension extension) {
// mkdocsBuild <- gitPublishReset <- gitPublishCopy <- gitPublishCommit <- gitPublishPush <- mkdocsPublish
project.tasks.named(GIT_RESET_TASK).configure {
it.with {
applyGitCredentials((GitPublishReset) it)
project.tasks.named(GIT_PUSH_TASK).configure {
it.with {
doLast {
// UP_TO_DATE fix
fixOrphanBranch(project, extension.publish.repoDir, extension.publish.branch)
// create dummy task to simplify usage
project.tasks.register('mkdocsPublish') {
it.with {
description = 'Publish documentation'
private String getBuildOutputDir(MkdocsExtension extension) {
String path = extension.resolveDocPath()
return extension.buildDir + (path ? '/' + path : '')
private String getProjectRepoUri(Project project) {
try {
Grgit repo ={ OpenOp op -> op.dir = project.rootDir } as Configurable)
return repo.remote.list().find { == 'origin' }?.url
} catch (RepositoryNotFoundException ignored) {
// repository not initialized case - do nothing (most likely user is just playing with the plugin)
return null
private void applyGitCredentials(GitPublishReset task) {
// allow to configure git auth with global gradle properties (instead of swing popup)
task.doFirst {
['username', 'password', 'ssh.private', 'ssh.passphrase'].each {
String key = "org.ajoberstar.grgit.auth.$it"
String value = task.project.findProperty(key)
if (value) {
task.project.logger.lifecycle("Git auth gradle property detected: $key")
System.setProperty(key, value)
private void fixOrphanBranch(Project project, String repoDir, String branchName) {
// if remote branch not exists gitPublishReset will create orphan local branch and gitPublishPush
// will not set tracking after push! (also gitPublishReset will not set tracking on next execution and so
// branch will remain orphan on next run, even though remote branch already exists (and plugin knows it!)
// This leads to incorrect UP_TO_DATE behaviour: gitPublishPush will NEVER be SKIPPED (even on consequent
// task execution) because it tries to check branch status and fails (as branch does not have tracking)
// To workaround this behaviour (not terribly incorrect, ofc) setting branch tracking manually, if required
Grgit git ={ OpenOp op -> op.dir = project.file(repoDir) } as Configurable)
Branch branch = git.branch.current()
// normally, this would be executed just once: after first publication, creating remote brnach; in all
// other cases, correct tracking would be set automatically
if (branch?.name == branchName && branch?.trackingBranch == null) {
// set update branch with remote tracking
git.branch.change({ BranchChangeOp op -> = branchName
op.startPoint = "origin/${branchName}"
op.mode = BranchChangeOp.Mode.TRACK
} as Configurable)