ru.vyarus.guice.persist.orient.OrientModule Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package ru.vyarus.guice.persist.orient;
import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.document.ODatabaseDocumentTx;
import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import ru.vyarus.guice.persist.orient.db.DatabaseManager;
import ru.vyarus.guice.persist.orient.db.pool.DocumentPool;
import ru.vyarus.guice.persist.orient.db.pool.PoolManager;
import ru.vyarus.guice.persist.orient.db.retry.Retry;
import ru.vyarus.guice.persist.orient.db.retry.RetryMethodInterceptor;
import ru.vyarus.guice.persist.orient.db.transaction.TransactionManager;
import ru.vyarus.guice.persist.orient.db.transaction.TxConfig;
import ru.vyarus.guice.persist.orient.db.transaction.internal.TransactionInterceptor;
import javax.inject.Singleton;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
* Module provides integration for orient db with guice through guice-persist.
* Orient storage format is unified within database types (object, document, graph), so it's possible to use
* the same database as object, document or graph.
* For example, object connection could be used for schema initialization and property updates
* and graph connection to work with relations
* Module initialize set of connection pools. By default its object, document and graph
* (but depends on available jars in classpath:
* if graph or object jars are not in classpath these pools will not be loaded). Set of pools may be modified
* by overriding {@code #configurePools()} method.
* To initialize (create or update) database schema register
* {@code ru.vyarus.guice.persist.orient.db.scheme.SchemeInitializer}
* implementation. By default no-op implementation registered.
* Two implementations provided to automatically initialize scheme from domain objects:
* - {@link}.
* Useful if all domain entities located in one package (package by layer)
* - {@link}.
* Useful if domain model located in different packages or to provide more control on which entities are mapped
* (package by feature).
* NOTE: it's better to not perform db updates in schema initializer, because schema updates
* must be performed in no-tx mode.
* Both default initializers use extended object mapper
* {@link ru.vyarus.guice.persist.orient.db.scheme.initializer.ObjectSchemeInitializer}, build around
* default orient object mapper. It allows defining custom annotations (plugins).
* To initialize or migrate database data you can define
* {@link}. By default,
* no-op implementation registered. Data initializer called without transaction, because different initialization
* cases are possible.
* All pools share the same transaction (object and graph connections use document connection internally).
* All transactions are orchestrated with {@code ru.vyarus.guice.persist.orient.db.transaction.TransactionManager}.
* Pool maintains lazy transaction, so when transaction
* manager starts new transaction, pool will not initialize connection, until connection will be requested.
* It's possible to override default transaction manager implementation: simply register new manager
* implementation of {@code ru.vyarus.guice.persist.orient.db.transaction.TransactionManager}
* Transaction could be initialized with @Transactional annotation or using transaction templates (
* {@code ru.vyarus.guice.persist.orient.db.transaction.template.TxTemplate} or
* {@code ru.vyarus.guice.persist.orient.db.transaction.template.SpecificTxTemplate}. To define transaction type
* for specific transaction (or switch off transaction within unit of work) use @TxType annotation.
* Also this could be done with transaction templates.
* To work with database objects use {@link ru.vyarus.guice.persist.orient.db.PersistentContext}:
* - PersistentContext<OObjectDatabaseTx> for object db connection
* - PersistentContext<ODatabaseDocumentTx> for document db connection
* - PersistentContext<OrientBaseGraph> for graph db connection (transactional or not)
* - PersistentContext<OrientGraph> for transactional graph db connection
* (will fail if notx transaction type)
* - PersistentContext<OrientGraphNoTx> for non transactional graph db connection (will provide only
* for notx transaction type, otherwise fail)
* It is also possible to obtain connection by using provider directly {@code Provider}.
* Provider will fail to provide connection if unit of work is not defined (using annotation or transactional template)
* {@link ru.vyarus.guice.persist.orient.db.PersistentContext} combines provider,
* templates and access to transaction manager (single point to access almost all api).
* Persistent service must be manually started or stopped: obtain PersistService and call .start() and .stop() when
* appropriate. This will start/stop all registered pools. Without initialization any try
* to obtain connection will fail.
* Local database auto creation is enabled by default. Disable it if required.
* @see ru.vyarus.guice.persist.orient.db.transaction.TransactionManager for details about transactions
public class OrientModule extends PersistModule {
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OrientModule.class);
private final String uri;
private final String user;
private final String password;
private TxConfig txConfig;
private boolean autoCreateDb = true;
private Multibinder poolsMultibinder;
private MethodInterceptor interceptor;
* Configures module with database credentials.
* @param uri database uri
* @param user database user
* @param password database password
public OrientModule(final String uri, final String user, final String password) {
this.uri = uri;
this.user = user;
this.password = password;
* Use if you need to change transactions type globally or define some generic exceptions to rollback
* handling (see @Transactional annotation)
* By default, {@code OTransaction.TXTYPE.OPTIMISTIC} transactions enabled and no exceptions defined
* for rollback (every exception will lead to rollback).
* @param txConfig default tx config to use for transactions without explicit config definition.
* @return module itself for chained calls
public OrientModule defaultTransactionConfig(final TxConfig txConfig) {
this.txConfig = txConfig;
return this;
* Use to disable auto creation. Auto creation works only for local connection types (plocal, memory).
* By default, local database auto creation is enabled.
* @param autoCreateDb true to enable auto creation, false to disable
* @return module itself for chained calls
public OrientModule autoCreateLocalDatabase(final boolean autoCreateDb) {
this.autoCreateDb = autoCreateDb;
return this;
protected void configurePersistence() {
poolsMultibinder = Multibinder.newSetBinder(binder(), PoolManager.class);
.toInstance(txConfig == null ? new TxConfig() : txConfig);
// extension points
// SchemeInitializer.class
// DataInitializer.class
* Default pools configuration.
* Setup object, document and graph pools.
* Override to register new pool implementations or reduce default pools.
* NOTE: graph pool requires 3 providers: one for base graph type (OrientBaseGraph) and two more for
* transactional (OrientGraph) and not transactional (OrientGraphNoTx) connections.
protected void configurePools() {
bindPool(ODatabaseDocumentTx.class, DocumentPool.class);
// pools availability should depend on available jars in classpath
// this way object and graph dependencies are optional
* Configures transactional annotation interceptor.
* Override to register different interceptor implementation.
protected void configureInterceptor() {
interceptor = new TransactionInterceptor();
* Register pool within pools set and register provider for specified type.
* Use to register custom pools in {@code #configurePools()}.
* @param type connection object type
* @param pool pool type
* @param connection object type
* @param pool type
protected final > void bindPool(final Class type, final Class pool) {
* Allows to load pool only if required jars are in classpath.
* For example, no need for graph dependencies if only object db is used.
* @param poolBinder pool binder class
* @see as example
protected void loadOptionalPool(final String poolBinder) {
try {
final Method bindPool = OrientModule.class.getDeclaredMethod("bindPool", Class.class, Class.class);
try {
.getConstructor(OrientModule.class, Method.class, Binder.class)
.newInstance(this, bindPool, binder());
} finally {
} catch (Exception ignored) {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("Failed to process pool loader " + poolBinder, ignored);
protected void bindInterceptor(final Matcher super Class>> classMatcher,
final Matcher super Method> methodMatcher,
final MethodInterceptor... interceptors) {
// hack to correctly bind @Transactional annotation for java8:
// aop tries to intercept synthetic methods which cause a lot of warnings
// (and generally not correct)
super.bindInterceptor(classMatcher, new AbstractMatcher() {
public boolean matches(final Method method) {
return !method.isSynthetic() && !method.isBridge() && methodMatcher.matches(method);
}, interceptors);
protected MethodInterceptor getTransactionInterceptor() {
return interceptor;
protected void bindRetryInterceptor() {
// retry interceptor must be bound before transactional interceptor
final RetryMethodInterceptor retryInterceptor = new RetryMethodInterceptor();
bindInterceptor(Matchers.any(), Matchers.annotatedWith(Retry.class), retryInterceptor);