Download Allure Commandline JAR File - Latest Version
Welcome to jar-download.com, your one-stop destination to download the Allure Commandline JAR file. In this page, you can find and download the latest version of the Allure Commandline, a powerful tool for generating comprehensive test reports. With Allure, you can easily integrate visually appealing and informative reports in your test automation projects. Whether you are a developer, tester, or QA professional, Allure Commandline will greatly enhance your testing experience. Simply click on the download button below to get the Allure Commandline JAR file and start enjoying its benefits today.
Files of the artifact allure-commandline version 1.4.23.HOTFIX1 from the group ru.yandex.qatools.allure.
Group ru.yandex.qatools.allure
Version 1.4.23.HOTFIX1
Last update 25. July 2016
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 7
Dependencies airline, retrofit, commons-exec, properties, jetty-server, slf4j-api, slf4j-log4j12,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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