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package run.qontract.test
import org.junit.jupiter.api.DynamicTest
import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestFactory
import org.opentest4j.TestAbortedException
import run.qontract.core.*
import run.qontract.core.pattern.ContractException
import run.qontract.core.pattern.Examples
import run.qontract.core.pattern.parsedValue
import run.qontract.core.utilities.*
import run.qontract.core.value.JSONArrayValue
import run.qontract.core.value.JSONObjectValue
import run.qontract.stub.testKafkaMessages
import kotlin.system.exitProcess
val pass = Unit
open class QontractJUnitSupport {
fun contractAsTest(): Collection {
val path = System.getProperty("path")
val givenWorkingDirectory = System.getProperty("workingDirectory")
val givenManifestFile = System.getProperty("manifestFile")
val timeout = System.getProperty("timeout", "60").toInt()
val suggestionsData = System.getProperty("suggestions") ?: ""
val suggestionsPath = System.getProperty("suggestionsPath") ?: ""
val checkBackwardCompatibility = (System.getProperty("checkBackwardCompatibility") ?: "false").toBoolean()
if(checkBackwardCompatibility) {
val workingDirectory = File(valueOrDefault(givenWorkingDirectory, ".qontract", "Working was not specified specified"))
val testScenarios = try {
when {
path != null -> loadTestScenarios(path, suggestionsPath, suggestionsData)
else -> {
val manifestFile = valueOrDefault(givenManifestFile, "qontract.json", "Neither contract nor manifest were specified")
exitIfDoesNotExist("manifest file", manifestFile)
val contractFilePaths = contractFilePathsFrom(manifestFile, workingDirectory.path)
contractFilePaths.flatMap { loadTestScenarios(it, "", "") }
} catch(e: ContractException) {
throw e
} catch(e: Throwable) {
throw e
return { testScenario ->
DynamicTest.dynamicTest(testScenario.toString()) {
val kafkaMessagePattern = testScenario.kafkaMessagePattern
val result = when {
kafkaMessagePattern != null -> runKafkaTest(testScenario)
else -> runHttpTest(timeout, testScenario)
when {
shouldBeIgnored(result) -> {
val message = "Test FAILED, ignoring since the scenario is tagged @WIP${System.lineSeparator()}${resultReport(result).prependIndent(" ")}"
throw TestAbortedException(message)
else -> ResultAssert.assertThat(result).isSuccess()
private fun valueOrDefault(givenManifestFile: String?, default: String, reason: String): String {
return when (givenManifestFile) {
null -> default.also { println("$reason, defaulting to $it") }
else -> givenManifestFile
private fun runKafkaTest(testScenario: Scenario): Result {
if (System.getProperty("kafkaPort") == null) {
println("The contract has a kafka message. Please specify the port of the Kafka instance to connect to.")
val commit = "true" == System.getProperty("commit")
return testKafkaMessages(testScenario, getBootstrapKafkaServers(), commit)
private fun runHttpTest(timeout: Int, testScenario: Scenario): Result {
val host = System.getProperty("host")
val port = System.getProperty("port")
val protocol = System.getProperty("protocol") ?: "http"
return executeTest(protocol, host, port, timeout, testScenario)
private fun executeTest(protocol: String, host: String?, port: String?, timeout: Int, testScenario: Scenario): Result {
val httpClient = HttpClient("$protocol://$host:$port", timeout = timeout)
return executeTest(testScenario, httpClient)
private fun loadTestScenarios(path: String, suggestionsPath: String, suggestionsData: String): List {
val feature = Feature(readFile(path))
val suggestions = when {
suggestionsPath.isNotEmpty() -> suggestionsFromFile(suggestionsPath)
suggestionsData.isNotEmpty() -> suggestionsFromCommandLine(suggestionsData)
else -> emptyList()
return feature.generateTestScenarios(suggestions)
private fun suggestionsFromFile(suggestionsPath: String): List {
val suggestionsGherkin = readFile(suggestionsPath)
return Suggestions(suggestionsGherkin).scenarios
private fun suggestionsFromCommandLine(suggestions: String): List {
val suggestionsValue = parsedValue(suggestions)
if (suggestionsValue !is JSONObjectValue)
throw ContractException("Suggestions must be a json value with scenario name as the key, and json array with 1 or more json objects containing suggestions")
return suggestionsValue.jsonObject.mapValues { (_, exampleData) ->
if (exampleData !is JSONArrayValue)
throw ContractException("The value of a scenario must be a list of examples")
if (exampleData.list.isEmpty())
else {
val firstRow = exampleData.list.get(0)
if (firstRow !is JSONObjectValue)
throw ContractException("Each value in the list of suggestions must be a json object containing column name as key and sample value as the value")
val columns = firstRow.jsonObject.keys.toList()
Examples(columns.toMutableList()).apply {
for (row in exampleData.list) {
if (row !is JSONObjectValue)
throw ContractException("Each value in the list of suggestions must be a json object containing column name as key and sample value as the value")
val rowValues = { row.jsonObject.getValue(it).toStringValue() }
} { (name, examples) ->
Scenario(name, HttpRequestPattern(), HttpResponsePattern(), emptyMap(), listOf(examples), emptyMap(), emptyMap(), null)
private fun getBootstrapKafkaServers(): String {
return when {
System.getProperty("kafkaBootstrapServers") != null && System.getProperty("kafkaBootstrapServers").isNotEmpty() ->
else -> {
val kafkaPort = System.getProperty("kafkaPort")?.toInt() ?: 9093
val kafkaHost = System.getProperty("kafkaHost") ?: "localhost"
private fun checkBackwardCompatibilityInPath(path: String) {
val contractFile = File(path).absoluteFile
val (majorVersion, minorVersion) = try {
if (!path.endsWith(".$QONTRACT_EXTENSION"))
throw ContractException("The path $path does not end with .qontract. Please make sure that the name is of the format ..qontract, for versioning to work properly.")
val versionTokens = contractFile.nameWithoutExtension.split(".").map { it.toInt() }
when (versionTokens.size) {
1 -> Pair(versionTokens[0], 0)
2 -> Pair(versionTokens[0], versionTokens[1])
else -> throw ContractException("The name ($ does not seem to be a version number, so can't check for backward compatibility with prior versions.")
} catch (e: NumberFormatException) {
throw ContractException("The name ($ does not seem to be a version number, so can't check for backward compatibility with prior versions.")
when (val result = testBackwardCompatibilityInDirectory(contractFile.parentFile, majorVersion, minorVersion)) {
is TestResults ->
if (result.list.any { !it.results.success() })
throw ContractException("Version incompatibility detected in the chain. Please verify that all contracts with this version are backward compatible.")
is JustOne -> pass
is NoContractsFound -> throw ContractException("Something is wrong, no contracts were found.")