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* #%L
* Nazgul Project: jguru-shared-persistence-spi-jdbc
* %%
* Copyright (C) 2018 - 2019 jGuru Europe AB
* %%
* Licensed under the jGuru Europe AB license (the "License"), based
* on Apache License, Version 2.0; you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* #L%
package se.jguru.shared.persistence.spi.jdbc
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java.sql.ResultSet
import java.sql.Statement.EXECUTE_FAILED
import java.sql.Statement.SUCCESS_NO_INFO
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import javax.sql.DataSource
* Utility methods for working with JDBC statements and DataSources.
* It is recommended to create local [ResultSet] extension functions delegating
* their invocation to these methods, in order to simplify usage.
* @author [Lennart Jörelid](mailto:[email protected]), jGuru Europe AB
object DbOperations {
private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(
* Retrieves a nullable value from the supplied ResultSet.
* @param columnIndex The JDBC column index (starting with 1).
* @return The value, or null if the underlying SQL number was null.
fun getLongOrNull(columnIndex: Int, resultSet: ResultSet): Long? =
getOrNull(columnIndex, resultSet) { idx, rs -> rs.getLong(idx) }
* Retrieves a nullable value from the supplied ResultSet.
* @param columnIndex The JDBC column index (starting with 1).
* @return The value, or null if the underlying SQL number was null.
fun getIntOrNull(columnIndex: Int, resultSet: ResultSet): Int? =
getOrNull(columnIndex, resultSet) { idx, rs -> rs.getInt(idx) }
* Retrieves a nullable value from the supplied ResultSet.
* @param columnIndex The JDBC column index (starting with 1).
* @return The value, or null if the underlying SQL number was null.
fun getShortOrNull(columnIndex: Int, resultSet: ResultSet): Short? =
getOrNull(columnIndex, resultSet) { idx, rs -> rs.getShort(idx) }
* Retrieves a nullable value from the supplied ResultSet.
* @param columnIndex The JDBC column index (starting with 1).
* @return The value, or null if the underlying SQL number was null.
fun getByteOrNull(columnIndex: Int, resultSet: ResultSet): Byte? =
getOrNull(columnIndex, resultSet) { idx, rs -> rs.getByte(idx) }
* Retrieves a nullable value from the supplied ResultSet.
* @param columnIndex The JDBC column index (starting with 1).
* @return The value, or null if the underlying SQL number was null.
fun getBooleanOrNull(columnIndex: Int, resultSet: ResultSet): Boolean? =
getOrNull(columnIndex, resultSet) { idx, rs -> rs.getBoolean(idx) }
* Fires the SQL statement into a connection obtained from the supplied DataSource,
* then applies the RowDataConverter to convert each row into a T product.
* @param dataSource The [DataSource] used to fire the SQL
* @param sql The SQL to fire
* @param rowDataConverter The [RowDataConverter] used to convert each row within
* the [ResultSet] into a T domain object.
* @param parameters The parameters for the SQL query, or empty if no parameters are needed.
fun readAndConvert(dataSource: DataSource,
sql: String,
rowDataConverter: (rs: ResultSet, rowNum: Int) -> T?,
parameters: List = mutableListOf()): List {
val toReturn = mutableListOf()
dataSource.connection.use {
// Prepare the statement
val prep = it.prepareStatement(sql)
if (log.isDebugEnabled) {
val dbMetadata = prep.connection.metaData
log.debug("Connected to Database [${dbMetadata.databaseProductName}, " +
"v. ${dbMetadata.databaseProductVersion}] using Driver [${dbMetadata.driverName}, " +
"v. ${dbMetadata.driverVersion}]")
// Set any given (positional) parameters
if (parameters.isNotEmpty()) {
parameters.forEachIndexed { index, current ->
val jdbcIndex = index + 1
if (log.isDebugEnabled) {
val argumentType = when (current == null) {
true -> ""
else ->
log.debug("Setting parameter [$index (jdbcIndex: $jdbcIndex)] to type [$argumentType]")
prep.setObject(index + 1, current)
// Execute and extract fully
prep.executeQuery().use { rs ->
// Get the metadata
val rsMetadata = rs.metaData
val colCount = rsMetadata.columnCount
if (log.isDebugEnabled) {
val buffer = StringBuilder("Retrieved result with [$colCount] columns:\n")
for (index in 1..colCount) {
buffer.append("Column [$index/$colCount]: \"${rsMetadata.getColumnName(index)}\" " +
"- ${rsMetadata.getColumnTypeName(index)}\n")
val index = AtomicInteger()
while ( {
val converted = rowDataConverter.invoke(rs, index.incrementAndGet())
if (converted != null) {
// All Done.
return toReturn
* Updates all data from the supplied DataImportResult into the database.
* @param dataSource The DataSource where data should be inserted.
* @param preparedStatementSQL The SQL for the prepared statement.
* @param updatedValues The list of objects to update.
* @param parameterFactory a factory method which should provide an array containing the arguments
* produced by an element to be updated within the database. The arguments should match the supplied
* preparedStatementSQL.
fun update(dataSource: DataSource,
preparedStatementSQL: String,
updatedValues: List,
parameterFactory: (anElement: T) -> Array): Int =
insert(dataSource, preparedStatementSQL, updatedValues, parameterFactory)
* Inserts all data from the supplied DataImportResult into the database.
* @param dataSource The DataSource where data should be inserted.
* @param preparedStatementSQL The SQL for the prepared statement.
* @param toInsert The list of objects to persist/insert.
* @param parameterFactory a factory method which should provide an array containing the arguments
* produced by an element to be inserted into the database. The arguments should match the supplied
* preparedStatementSQL.
fun insert(dataSource: DataSource,
preparedStatementSQL: String,
toInsert: List,
parameterFactory: (anElement: T) -> Array): Int {
return dataSource.connection.use {
val ps = it.prepareStatement(preparedStatementSQL)
toInsert.forEachIndexed { _, anElement ->
// Be defensive; this should not really be required.
// Create and assign the parameters to the PS
val parameters = parameterFactory(anElement)
parameters.forEachIndexed { paramIndex, paramValue ->
ps.setObject(paramIndex + 1, paramValue)
// Add to the batch
// All Done.
val toReturn = ps.executeBatch()
.filter { result -> result != SUCCESS_NO_INFO }
.filter { result -> result != EXECUTE_FAILED }
* Retrieves the value from given column of the ResultSet supplied, taking into consideration that
* the retrieved value may be null.
* @param columnIndex The index of the column for which the value should be retrieved.
* @param resultSet The [ResultSet] from which the value should be retrieved.
* @param accessor The accessor method used to actually read the value.
* @return the value or `null` if the given column held a null value.
fun getOrNull(columnIndex: Int,
resultSet: ResultSet,
accessor: (columnIndex: Int, rs: ResultSet) -> T): T? {
val toReturn = accessor.invoke(columnIndex, resultSet)
return when (resultSet.wasNull()) {
true -> null
else -> toReturn
* Retrieves the value from given column label of the ResultSet supplied, taking into
* consideration that the retrieved value may be null.
* @param columnLabel The label of the column for which the value should be retrieved.
* @param resultSet The [ResultSet] from which the value should be retrieved.
* @param accessor The accessor method used to actually read the value.
* @return the value or `null` if the given column held a null value.
fun getOrNull(columnLabel: String,
resultSet: ResultSet,
accessor: (columnLabel: String, rs: ResultSet) -> T): T? {
val toReturn = accessor.invoke(columnLabel, resultSet)
return when (resultSet.wasNull()) {
true -> null
else -> toReturn