se.litsec.swedisheid.opensaml.saml2.signservice.SADParser Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2016-2018 Litsec AB
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package se.litsec.swedisheid.opensaml.saml2.signservice;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.opensaml.saml.saml2.core.Assertion;
import org.opensaml.saml.saml2.core.Attribute;
import org.opensaml.saml.saml2.core.AuthnRequest;
import org.opensaml.saml.saml2.metadata.EntityDescriptor;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.nimbusds.jose.JOSEException;
import com.nimbusds.jose.JWSVerifier;
import com.nimbusds.jose.crypto.factories.DefaultJWSVerifierFactory;
import com.nimbusds.jose.proc.JWSVerifierFactory;
import com.nimbusds.jwt.SignedJWT;
import se.litsec.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeUtils;
import se.litsec.opensaml.saml2.metadata.MetadataUtils;
import se.litsec.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.MetadataProvider;
import se.litsec.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.StaticMetadataProvider;
import se.litsec.swedisheid.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeConstants;
import se.litsec.swedisheid.opensaml.saml2.signservice.SADValidationException.ErrorCode;
* Class for parsing and validation of SAD JWT:s.
* @author Martin Lindström ([email protected])
public class SADParser {
// Hidden constructor
private SADParser() {
* Parses the supplied (encoded) JWT and returns the contained JWT.
* Note: The parse method does not peform any validation. Use the {@link SADValidator} class for this purpose.
* @param sadJwt
* the signed JWT holding the SAD
* @return the SAD object
* @throws IOException
* for parsing errors
public static SAD parse(String sadJwt) throws IOException {
try {
SignedJWT signedJwt = SignedJWT.parse(sadJwt);
String payload = signedJwt.getPayload().toBase64URL().toString();
return SAD.fromJson(new String(Base64.getUrlDecoder().decode(payload), Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
catch (ParseException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
* Returns a SAD validator initialized with a set of certificates that are to be used for JWT signature validation.
* These certificates are the IdP signing certificates obtained from the IdP metadata entry.
* @param validationCertificates
* certificate(s) to be used when verifying the JWT signature
* @return a {@code SADValidator} instance
public static SADValidator getValidator(X509Certificate... validationCertificates) {
return new SADValidator(validationCertificates);
* Returns a SAD validator initialized with a {@link MetadataProvider} instance. During JWT signature validation the
* IdP signature certificate will be obtained from the IdP metadata entry held by the metadata provider.
* @param metadataProvider
* metadata provider
* @return a {@code SADValidator} instance
public static SADValidator getValidator(MetadataProvider metadataProvider) {
return new SADValidator(metadataProvider);
* Returns a SAD validator initialized with the IdP {@link EntityDescriptor} (metadata) from which the IdP signing
* key/certificate will be read (needed for JWT signature validation).
* @param idpMetadata
* the IdP metadata
* @return a {@code SADValidator} instance
public static SADValidator getValidator(EntityDescriptor idpMetadata) {
return new SADValidator(idpMetadata);
* A validator for verifying the SAD JWT.
* @author Martin Lindström ([email protected])
public static class SADValidator {
/** Logger instance. */
private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SADValidator.class);
/** The certificate(s) to use when verifying the JWT signature. */
private List validationCertificates;
/** A provider for federation metadata (in which we later will locate the IdP signing keys). */
private MetadataProvider metadataProvider;
private static final JWSVerifierFactory verifierFactory = new DefaultJWSVerifierFactory();
* Constructor initializing the validator with a set of certificates that are to be used for JWT signature
* validation. These certificates are the IdP signing certificates obtained from the IdP metadata entry.
* @param certificates
* certificate(s) to be used when verifying the JWT signature
public SADValidator(X509Certificate... certificates) {
this.validationCertificates = Arrays.asList(certificates);
* Constructor creating a SAD validator initialized with a {@link MetadataProvider} instance. During JWT signature
* validation the IdP signature certificate will be obtained from the IdP metadata entry held by the metadata
* provider.
* @param metadataProvider
* metadata provider
public SADValidator(MetadataProvider metadataProvider) {
this.metadataProvider = metadataProvider;
* Creates a SAD validator initialized with the IdP {@link EntityDescriptor} (metadata) from which the IdP signing
* key/certificate will be read (needed for JWT signature validation).
* @param idpMetadata
* the IdP metadata
public SADValidator(EntityDescriptor idpMetadata) {
try {
this.metadataProvider = new StaticMetadataProvider(idpMetadata);
catch (MarshallingException e) {
throw new SecurityException("Invalid IdP metadata", e);
* A method that validates the SAD issued in an {@code Assertion} based on the {@code AuthnRequest} containing a
* {@code SADRequest}.
* @param authnRequest
* the {@code AuthnRequest} holding the {@code SADRequest}
* @param assertion
* the {@code Assertion} holding the {@code sad} attribute (as a encoded JWT)
* @return a {@code SAD} object, or {@code null} if no SAD was requested (and issued)
* @throws SADValidationException
* for SAD validation errors
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if the supplied {@code AuthnRequest} does not contain a {@code SADRequest} extension, or is invalid by
* other means (e.g., missing LoA)
* @see #validate(String, String, String, String, String, String, int, String)
public SAD validate(AuthnRequest authnRequest, Assertion assertion) throws SADValidationException,
IllegalArgumentException {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
// First locate the SADRequest extension.
SADRequest sadRequest = null;
if (authnRequest.getExtensions() != null) {
sadRequest = authnRequest.getExtensions()
if (sadRequest == null) {
String msg = String.format("AuthnRequest '%s' does not contain a SADRequest", authnRequest.getID());;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
// Next, locate the SAD attribute.
if (assertion.getAttributeStatements().isEmpty()) {
String msg = String.format("Assertion '%s' does not contain any attributes (and thus no SAD)", assertion.getID());;
throw new SADValidationException(ErrorCode.NO_SAD_ATTRIBUTE, msg);
List attributes = assertion.getAttributeStatements().get(0).getAttributes();
Attribute sadAttribute = AttributeUtils.getAttribute(AttributeConstants.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_SAD, attributes).orElse(null);
if (sadAttribute == null) {
String msg = String.format("Assertion '%s' does not contain a SAD attribute", assertion.getID());;
throw new SADValidationException(ErrorCode.NO_SAD_ATTRIBUTE, msg);
// Parse the JWT and SAD.
SignedJWT signedJwt;
SAD sad;
try {
signedJwt = SignedJWT.parse(AttributeUtils.getAttributeStringValue(sadAttribute));
String payload = signedJwt.getPayload().toBase64URL().toString();
sad = SAD.fromJson(new String(Base64.getUrlDecoder().decode(payload), Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
catch (ParseException | IOException e) {
throw new SADValidationException(ErrorCode.JWT_PARSE_ERROR, "Failed to parse SAD JWT", e);
// The SAD contains an attribute name reference for the attribute that the issuing IdP
// used as the user subject. Let's find that attribute value ...
if (sad.getSeElnSadext() == null) {
String msg = "seElnSadext extension claims are missing from SAD";;
throw new SADValidationException(ErrorCode.BAD_SAD_FORMAT, msg);
if (sad.getSeElnSadext().getAttributeName() == null) {
String msg = "SAD does not contain the attribute name (attr) for the subject";;
throw new SADValidationException(ErrorCode.BAD_SAD_FORMAT, msg);
Attribute subjectAttribute = AttributeUtils.getAttribute(sad.getSeElnSadext().getAttributeName(), attributes).orElse(null);
if (subjectAttribute == null) {
String msg = String.format("Assertion '%s' does not contain a '%s' attribute - this is listed as the subject attribute in the SAD",
assertion.getID(), sad.getSeElnSadext().getAttributeName());;
throw new SADValidationException(ErrorCode.MISSING_SUBJECT_ATTRIBUTE, msg);
// Next, get hold of the AuthnContextClassRef holding the LoA.
// We want to compare that with the 'loa' from the SAD.
String loa = getLoa(assertion);
if (loa == null) {
String msg = String.format("Assertion '%s' does not contain a LoA URI", assertion.getID());
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
if (sadRequest.getDocCount() == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad SADRequest - missing DocCount");
// Now, validate!
return this.validate(signedJwt, sad, now,
assertion.getIssuer().getValue(), /* The IdP entityID = issuer of the SAD. */
sadRequest.getRequesterID(), /* The requester ID = expected recipient ID of the SAD. */
AttributeUtils.getAttributeStringValue(subjectAttribute), /* The expected subject name. */
loa, /* The expected LoA. */
sadRequest.getID(), /* The expected in-response-to ID. */
sadRequest.getDocCount().intValue(), /* The expected number of documents indicated in the SAD. */
sadRequest.getSignRequestID()); /* The SignRequest ID. */
* Validates a SAD based on expected data. If the {@code AuthnRequest} and issued {@code Assertion} is available,
* the method {@link #validate(AuthnRequest, Assertion)} is a better option.
* Note: It is assumed that the supplied {@code expectedSubject} parameter is a attribute value read from the
* assertion having the attribute name indicated in the 'attr' field of the SAD. If this attribute name is not known
* in advance, the SAD needs to be parsed ({@link SADParser#parse(String)}) so that the 'attr' field can be read,
* and the correct attribute value be located from the assertion.
* @param sadJwt
* the encoded SAD JWT (found in the sad attribute of a received assertion)
* @param idpEntityID
* the entityID of the issuing IdP (the issuer of the received assertion holding the sad attribute)
* @param expectedRecipientEntityID
* the entityID of the recipient (the signature service SP that issued the SADRequest)
* @param expectedSubject
* the expected subject name (user ID). See note above
* @param expectedLoa
* the expected level of assurance to be found in the SAD (should be the LoA found in the assertion)
* @param sadRequestID
* the ID of the {@code SADRequest} extension that was sent to the IdP
* @param expectedNoDocs
* expected number of documents (from the {@code DocCount} element of the {@code SADRequest}
* @param signRequestID
* ID for the {@code SignRequest} that was included in the {@code SADRequest}
* @return a SAD object
* @throws SADValidationException
* for validation errors
public SAD validate(String sadJwt, String idpEntityID, String expectedRecipientEntityID, String expectedSubject,
String expectedLoa, String sadRequestID, int expectedNoDocs, String signRequestID) throws SADValidationException {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
try {
// Parse the JWT
SignedJWT signedJwt = SignedJWT.parse(sadJwt);
// Next, parse the SAD.
String payload = signedJwt.getPayload().toBase64URL().toString();
SAD sad = SAD.fromJson(new String(Base64.getUrlDecoder().decode(payload), Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
return this.validate(signedJwt, sad, now, idpEntityID, expectedRecipientEntityID, expectedSubject, expectedLoa, sadRequestID,
expectedNoDocs, signRequestID);
catch (ParseException | IOException e) {
throw new SADValidationException(ErrorCode.JWT_PARSE_ERROR, "Failed to parse SAD JWT", e);
* Validates the supplied SAD JWT.
* @param signedJwt
* the SAD JWT
* @param sad
* the SAD (parsed for pre-checks)
* @param now
* the current time (seconds since 1970-01-01)
* @param idpEntityID
* the entityID of the issuing IdP (the issuer of the received assertion holding the sad attribute)
* @param expectedRecipientEntityID
* the entityID of the recipient (the signature service SP that issued the SADRequest)
* @param expectedSubject
* the expected subject name (user ID). See note above
* @param expectedLoa
* the expected level of assurance to be found in the SAD (should be the LoA found in the assertion)
* @param sadRequestID
* the ID of the {@code SADRequest} extension that was sent to the IdP
* @param expectedNoDocs
* expected number of documents (from the {@code DocCount} element of the {@code SADRequest}
* @param signRequestID
* ID for the {@code SignRequest} that was included in the {@code SADRequest}
* @return a SAD object
* @throws SADValidationException
* for validation errors
private SAD validate(SignedJWT signedJwt, SAD sad, long now, String idpEntityID, String expectedRecipientEntityID,
String expectedSubject, String expectedLoa,
String sadRequestID, int expectedNoDocs, String signRequestID)
throws SADValidationException {
// Verify the JWT signature
this.verifyJwtSignature(signedJwt, idpEntityID);
// Ensure that we have a JWT ID.
if (sad.getJwtId() == null || sad.getJwtId().isEmpty()) {
String msg = "Invalid SAD JWT - jti is missing";;
throw new SADValidationException(ErrorCode.BAD_SAD_FORMAT, msg);
// Make sure that the SAD issuer is the same as the IdP that issued the Assertion
// that contained the SAD.
if (!Objects.equals(idpEntityID, sad.getIssuer())) {
String msg = String.format("SAD contains issuer '%s' - expected '%s'", sad.getIssuer(), idpEntityID);;
throw new SADValidationException(ErrorCode.VALIDATION_BAD_ISSUER, msg);
// Make sure that this SAD was issued for "me".
if (!Objects.equals(expectedRecipientEntityID, sad.getAudience())) {
String msg = String.format("SAD contains audience '%s' - expected '%s'", sad.getAudience(), expectedRecipientEntityID);;
throw new SADValidationException(ErrorCode.VALIDATION_BAD_AUDIENCE, msg);
// Make sure that the SAD is still valid.
if (sad.getExpiry() == null || sad.getIssuedAt() == null) {
String msg = "SAD is missing 'exp' and/or 'iat' - Invalid SAD";;
throw new SADValidationException(ErrorCode.BAD_SAD_FORMAT, msg);
if (sad.getExpiry() < now) {
String msg = String.format("SAD has expired - expiration: '%s', current time: '%s'",
sad.getExpiryDateTime(), new DateTime(now * 1000L));;
throw new SADValidationException(ErrorCode.SAD_EXPIRED, msg);
if (sad.getIssuedAt() > now) {
String msg = String.format("SAD is not yet valid - issue-time: '%s', current time: '%s'",
sad.getIssuedAtDateTime(), new DateTime(now * 1000L));;
throw new SADValidationException(ErrorCode.BAD_SAD_FORMAT, msg);
// Assert that we received a SAD for the expected subject ID (userID).
if (!Objects.equals(expectedSubject, sad.getSubject())) {
String msg = String.format("SAD contains subject '%s' - expected '%s'", sad.getSubject(), expectedSubject);;
throw new SADValidationException(ErrorCode.VALIDATION_BAD_SUBJECT, msg);
// Ensure SAD format.
if (sad.getSeElnSadext() == null) {
String msg = "seElnSadext extension claims are missing from SAD";;
throw new SADValidationException(ErrorCode.BAD_SAD_FORMAT, msg);
// Assert that the SAD was issued based on the given SAD request.
if (!Objects.equals(sadRequestID, sad.getSeElnSadext().getInResponseTo())) {
String msg = String.format("SAD contains in-response-to (irt) '%s' - expected SAD to belong to SADRequest with ID '%s'",
sad.getSeElnSadext().getInResponseTo(), sadRequestID);;
throw new SADValidationException(ErrorCode.VALIDATION_BAD_IRT, msg);
// Assert that the SAD was issued under the LoA that we expects (should be the same as found in the assertion).
if (!Objects.equals(expectedLoa, sad.getSeElnSadext().getLoa())) {
String msg = String.format("SAD contains LoA '%s' - expected '%s'", sad.getSeElnSadext().getLoa(), expectedLoa);;
throw new SADValidationException(ErrorCode.VALIDATION_BAD_LOA, msg);
// Assert the the number of documents indicated in the SAD corresponds with the number given in the SADRequest.
if (!Objects.equals(Integer.valueOf(expectedNoDocs), sad.getSeElnSadext().getNumberOfDocuments())) {
String msg = String.format("SAD indicated '%s' number of documents - expected '%d'", sad.getSeElnSadext().getNumberOfDocuments(),
throw new SADValidationException(ErrorCode.VALIDATION_BAD_DOCS, msg);
// Assert that the given SignRequest ID corresponds with the SAD reqid.
if (!Objects.equals(signRequestID, sad.getSeElnSadext().getRequestID())) {
String msg = String.format("SAD contains SignRequest ID (reqid) '%s' - expected '%s'", sad.getSeElnSadext().getRequestID(),
throw new SADValidationException(ErrorCode.VALIDATION_BAD_SIGNREQUESTID, msg);
logger.debug("SAD with ID '{}' was successfully validated", sad.getJwtId());
return sad;
* Verifies the signature on the supplied SAD JWT.
* @param sadJwt
* the SAD JWT
* @param idpEntityID
* the entityID of the IdP that signed the JWT
* @throws SADValidationException
* for signature validation errors
public void verifyJwtSignature(String sadJwt, String idpEntityID) throws SADValidationException {
try {
this.verifyJwtSignature(SignedJWT.parse(sadJwt), idpEntityID);
catch (ParseException e) {
throw new SADValidationException(ErrorCode.JWT_PARSE_ERROR, "Failed to parse SAD JWT", e);
* Verifies the signature on the supplied SAD JWT.
* @param sadJwt
* the SAD JWT
* @param idpEntityID
* the entityID of the IdP that signed the JWT
* @throws SADValidationException
* for signature validation errors
private void verifyJwtSignature(SignedJWT signedJwt, String idpEntityID) throws SADValidationException {
try {
// Verify the JWT signature
List idpCerts = this.getValidationCertificates(idpEntityID);
if (idpCerts.isEmpty()) {
throw new SADValidationException(ErrorCode.SIGNATURE_VALIDATION_ERROR,
"No suitable IdP signature certificate was found - can not verify SAD JWT signature");
logger.debug("Verifying SAD JWT signature. Will try {} IdP key(s) ...", idpCerts.size());
boolean verificationSuccess = false;
for (X509Certificate idpCert : idpCerts) {
try {
JWSVerifier verifier = verifierFactory.createJWSVerifier(signedJwt.getHeader(), idpCert.getPublicKey());
if (verifier.verify(signedJwt.getHeader(), signedJwt.getSigningInput(), signedJwt.getSignature())) {
logger.debug("SAD JWT signature successfully verified");
verificationSuccess = true;
catch (JOSEException e) {
logger.debug("Failed to perform signature validation of SAD JWT - {}", e.getMessage());
logger.trace("", e);
if (!verificationSuccess) {
throw new SADValidationException(ErrorCode.SIGNATURE_VALIDATION_ERROR,
"Signature on SAD JWT could not be validated using any of the IdP certificates found");
catch (ResolverException e) {
throw new SADValidationException(ErrorCode.SIGNATURE_VALIDATION_ERROR, "Failed to find validation certificate", e);
* Returns a list of possible IdP validation certificates to use when verifying the SAD signature.
* @param idpEntityID
* the IdP entityID
* @return a list of certificates
* @throws ResolverException
* for metadata resolver errors
private List getValidationCertificates(String idpEntityID) throws ResolverException {
if (this.validationCertificates != null && !this.validationCertificates.isEmpty()) {
return this.validationCertificates;
else if (this.metadataProvider != null) {
Optional metadata = this.metadataProvider.getEntityDescriptor(idpEntityID);
if (!metadata.isPresent()) {
logger.warn("No metadata found for IdP '{}' - cannot find key to use when verifying SAD JWT signature", idpEntityID);
return Collections.emptyList();
List creds = MetadataUtils.getMetadataCertificates(metadata.get(), UsageType.SIGNING);
else {
return Collections.emptyList();
* Returns the LoA (level of assurance) URI from the supplied assertion.
* @param assertion
* the assertion
* @return the LoA URI, or {@code null}
private static String getLoa(Assertion assertion) {
try {
return assertion.getAuthnStatements().get(0).getAuthnContext().getAuthnContextClassRef().getAuthnContextClassRef();
catch (Exception e) {
return null;