com.wrapper.spotify.model_objects.miscellaneous.AudioAnalysisSegment Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.wrapper.spotify.model_objects.miscellaneous;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize;
import com.wrapper.spotify.model_objects.AbstractModelObject;
* Retrieve information about Audio Analysis Segments by creating instances from this class.
* Segments are sound entities (typically under a second) each relatively uniform in timbre and harmony. They are
* characterized by their perceptual onsets and duration in seconds, loudness (dB), pitch and timbral content.
@JsonDeserialize(builder = AudioAnalysisSegment.Builder.class)
public class AudioAnalysisSegment extends AbstractModelObject {
private final AudioAnalysisMeasure measure;
private final Float loudnessStart;
private final Float loudnessMaxTime;
private final Float loudnessMax;
private final Float loudnessEnd;
private final float[] pitches;
private final float[] timbre;
private AudioAnalysisSegment(final Builder builder) {
this.measure = builder.measure;
this.loudnessStart = builder.loudnessStart;
this.loudnessMaxTime = builder.loudnessMaxTime;
this.loudnessMax = builder.loudnessMax;
this.loudnessEnd = builder.loudnessEnd;
this.pitches = builder.pitches;
this.timbre = builder.timbre;
* Get the measure of the audio analysis segment object. This measure contains the start point, duration and
* confidence of the segment.
* @return The measure of the audio analysis segment object.
public AudioAnalysisMeasure getMeasure() {
return measure;
* Get the loudness level at the start of the segment.
* @return The loudness level at the start of the segment.
public Float getLoudnessStart() {
return loudnessStart;
* Get the offset within the segment of the point of maximum loudness.
* @return The offset within the segment of the point of maximum loudness.
public Float getLoudnessMaxTime() {
return loudnessMaxTime;
* Get the peak loudness value within the segment.
* @return The peak loudness value within the segment.
public Float getLoudnessMax() {
return loudnessMax;
* Get the loudness level at the end of the segment. This is only specified in the last segment of the audio analysis.
* @return The loudness level at the end of the segment.
public Float getLoudnessEnd() {
return loudnessEnd;
* Get the pitches of the segment.
* Pitch content is given by a "chroma" vector, corresponding to the 12 pitch classes C, C#, D to B, with values
* ranging from 0 to 1 that describe the relative dominance of every pitch in the chromatic scale. For example a C
* Major chord would likely be represented by large values of C, E and G (i.e. classes 0, 4, and 7). Vectors are
* normalized to 1 by their strongest dimension, therefore noisy sounds are likely represented by values that are all
* close to 1, while pure tones are described by one value at 1 (the pitch) and others near
* @return The pitches of the segment.
public float[] getPitches() {
return pitches;
* Get the timbre of the segment.
* The timbre is the quality of a musical note or sound that distinguishes different types of musical instruments, or
* voices. It is a complex notion also referred to as sound color, texture, or tone quality, and is derived from the
* shape of a segments spectro-temporal surface, independently of pitch and loudness.
* @return The timbre of the track.
public float[] getTimbre() {
return timbre;
public Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
* Builder class for building {@link AudioAnalysisSegment} instances.
public static final class Builder extends AbstractModelObject.Builder {
private AudioAnalysisMeasure measure;
private Float loudnessStart;
private Float loudnessMaxTime;
private Float loudnessMax;
private Float loudnessEnd;
private float[] pitches;
private float[] timbre;
* The measure setter.
* @param measure The measure of the audio analysis segment object.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisSegment.Builder}.
public Builder setMeasure(AudioAnalysisMeasure measure) {
this.measure = measure;
return this;
* The start loudness setter.
* @param loudnessStart The loudness level at the start of the segment.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisSegment.Builder}.
public Builder setLoudnessStart(Float loudnessStart) {
this.loudnessStart = loudnessStart;
return this;
* The max loudness time setter.
* @param loudnessMaxTime The offset within the segment of the point of maximum loudness.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisSegment.Builder}.
public Builder setLoudnessMaxTime(Float loudnessMaxTime) {
this.loudnessMaxTime = loudnessMaxTime;
return this;
* The max loudness setter.
* @param loudnessMax The peak loudness value within the segment.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisSegment.Builder}.
public Builder setLoudnessMax(Float loudnessMax) {
this.loudnessMax = loudnessMax;
return this;
* The end loudness setter.
* @param loudnessEnd The loudness level at the end of the segment.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisSegment.Builder}.
public Builder setLoudnessEnd(Float loudnessEnd) {
this.loudnessEnd = loudnessEnd;
return this;
* The pitches setter.
* @param pitches The pitches of the segment.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisSegment.Builder}.
public Builder setPitches(float[] pitches) {
this.pitches = pitches;
return this;
* The timbre setter.
* @param timbre The timbre of the track.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisSegment.Builder}.
public Builder setTimbre(float[] timbre) {
this.timbre = timbre;
return this;
public AudioAnalysisSegment build() {
return new AudioAnalysisSegment(this);
* JsonUtil class for building {@link AudioAnalysisSegment} instances.
public static final class JsonUtil extends AbstractModelObject.JsonUtil {
public AudioAnalysisSegment createModelObject(JsonObject jsonObject) {
if (jsonObject == null || jsonObject.isJsonNull()) {
return null;
return new AudioAnalysisSegment.Builder()
hasAndNotNull(jsonObject, "loudness_end")
? jsonObject.get("loudness_end").getAsFloat()
: null)
hasAndNotNull(jsonObject, "loudness_max")
? jsonObject.get("loudness_max").getAsFloat()
: null)
hasAndNotNull(jsonObject, "loudness_max_time")
? jsonObject.get("loudness_max_time").getAsFloat()
: null)
hasAndNotNull(jsonObject, "loudness_start")
? jsonObject.get("loudness_start").getAsFloat()
: null)
new AudioAnalysisMeasure.JsonUtil().createModelObject(jsonObject))
hasAndNotNull(jsonObject, "pitches")
? new Gson().fromJson(jsonObject.getAsJsonArray("pitches"), float[].class)
: null)
hasAndNotNull(jsonObject, "timbre")
? new Gson().fromJson(jsonObject.getAsJsonArray("timbre"), float[].class)
: null)