com.wrapper.spotify.model_objects.miscellaneous.AudioAnalysisTrack Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.wrapper.spotify.model_objects.miscellaneous;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize;
import com.wrapper.spotify.enums.Modality;
import com.wrapper.spotify.model_objects.AbstractModelObject;
* Retrieve information about Audio Analysis Track objects by creating instances from this class.
@JsonDeserialize(builder = AudioAnalysisTrack.Builder.class)
public class AudioAnalysisTrack extends AbstractModelObject {
private final Long numSamples;
private final Float duration;
private final String sampleMd5;
private final Integer offsetSeconds;
private final Integer windowSeconds;
private final Long analysisSampleRate;
private final Integer analysisChannels;
private final Float endOfFadeIn;
private final Float startOfFadeOut;
private final Float loudness;
private final Float tempo;
private final Float tempoConfidence;
private final Integer timeSignature;
private final Float timeSignatureConfidence;
private final Integer key;
private final Float keyConfidence;
private final Modality mode;
private final Float modeConfidence;
private final String codeString;
private final Float codeVersion;
private final String echoprintString;
private final Float echoprintVersion;
private final String synchString;
private final Float synchVersion;
private final String rhythmString;
private final Float rhythmVersion;
private AudioAnalysisTrack(final Builder builder) {
this.numSamples = builder.numSamples;
this.duration = builder.duration;
this.sampleMd5 = builder.sampleMd5;
this.offsetSeconds = builder.offsetSeconds;
this.windowSeconds = builder.windowSeconds;
this.analysisSampleRate = builder.analysisSampleRate;
this.analysisChannels = builder.analysisChannels;
this.endOfFadeIn = builder.endOfFadeIn;
this.startOfFadeOut = builder.startOfFadeOut;
this.loudness = builder.loudness;
this.tempo = builder.tempo;
this.tempoConfidence = builder.tempoConfidence;
this.timeSignature = builder.timeSignature;
this.timeSignatureConfidence = builder.timeSignatureConfidence;
this.key = builder.key;
this.keyConfidence = builder.keyConfidence;
this.mode = builder.mode;
this.modeConfidence = builder.modeConfidence;
this.codeString = builder.codeString;
this.codeVersion = builder.codeVersion;
this.echoprintString = builder.echoprintString;
this.echoprintVersion = builder.echoprintVersion;
this.synchString = builder.synchString;
this.synchVersion = builder.synchVersion;
this.rhythmString = builder.rhythmString;
this.rhythmVersion = builder.rhythmVersion;
* Get the number of samples in the track.
* The total number of samples is calculated by multiplying the duration of the track with the sample rate.
* @return The total number of samples in the track.
public Long getNumSamples() {
return numSamples;
* Get the duration of the track in seconds.
* @return The duration of the track in seconds.
public Float getDuration() {
return duration;
* Get the sample MD5.
* Note: The sample MD5 is probably the MD5 of the track file. In the documentaion of the Analyzer
* software, this field is mentioned in an example and contains a value, but it seems that audio analysis objects
* returned by the Spotify Web API doesn't include a value in the field anymore.
* @return The sample MD5.
public String getSampleMd5() {
return sampleMd5;
* Get the offset seconds.
* Note: There is no public documentation available for this field.
* @return The offset seconds.
public Integer getOffsetSeconds() {
return offsetSeconds;
* Get the window seconds.
* Note: There is no public documentation available for this field.
* @return The window seconds.
public Integer getWindowSeconds() {
return windowSeconds;
* Get the sample rate in which the audio analysis was performed.
* @return The analysis sample rate.
public Long getAnalysisSampleRate() {
return analysisSampleRate;
* Get the analysis channels.
* @return The analysis channels.
public Integer getAnalysisChannels() {
return analysisChannels;
* Get the end of fade in introduction of the track.
* @return The end of fade in introduction in seconds.
public Float getEndOfFadeIn() {
return endOfFadeIn;
* Get the start of the fade out in seconds.
* @return The start of the fade out in seconds.
public Float getStartOfFadeOut() {
return startOfFadeOut;
* Get the average loudness of the track in decibels. These values are mostly in a range between -60 and 0 decibels.
* @return Average loudness of the track.
public Float getLoudness() {
return loudness;
* Get the estimated tempo of the track in beats per minute.
* @return The estimated tempo of the track.
public Float getTempo() {
return tempo;
* Get the tempo confidence of the track.
* @return The tempo confidence of the track.
public Float getTempoConfidence() {
return tempoConfidence;
* Get the estimated overall time signature of the track. The time signature (or meter) is the number of beats in a
* bar.
* Example: A Viennese waltz has a three-quarters beat, so this method would return the value 3 in this case.
* @return Time signature value.
public Integer getTimeSignature() {
return timeSignature;
* Get the time signature confidence of the track.
* @return The time signature confidence.
public Float getTimeSignatureConfidence() {
return timeSignatureConfidence;
* Get the estimated main key of the track.
* @return Main key of the track.
* @see Wikipedia: Pitch class notation
public Integer getKey() {
return key;
* Get the key confidence of the track.
* @return The key confidence of the track.
public Float getKeyConfidence() {
return keyConfidence;
* Get the modality of the track. (either "major" or "minor")
* @return The modality type of the track.
* @see Wikipedia: Mode (music)
public Modality getMode() {
return mode;
* Get the modality confidence of the track.
* @return The modality confidence of the track.
public Float getModeConfidence() {
return modeConfidence;
* Get the code string of the track.
* Note: The code string is a fingerprint computed on the audio and were used by the Echo Nest services for
* song identification, which are no longer available.
* @return The code string of the track.
public String getCodeString() {
return codeString;
* Get the version of the code string.
* @return The version of the code string.
public Float getCodeVersion() {
return codeVersion;
* Get the echoprint string of the track.
* Note: The echoprint string is a fingerprint computed on the audio and were used by the Echo Nest services
* for song identification, which are no longer available.
* @return The echoprint string of the track.
public String getEchoprintString() {
return echoprintString;
* Get the version of the echoprint string.
* @return The version of the echoprint string.
public Float getEchoprintVersion() {
return echoprintVersion;
* Get the synch string of the track.
* It works with a simple synchronization algorithm to be implemented on the client side, which generates offset
* values in numbers of samples for 3 locations in the decoded waveform, the beginning, the middle, and the end. These
* offsets allow the client application to detect decoding errors (when offsets mismatch). They provide for synching
* with sample accuracy, the JSON timing data with the waveform, regardless of which mp3 decoder was used on the
* client side (quicktime, ffmpeg, mpg123, etc).
* @return The synch string.
public String getSynchString() {
return synchString;
* Get the version of the synch string.
* @return The synch string version.
public Float getSynchVersion() {
return synchVersion;
* Get the rhythm string of the track.
* @return The rhythm string of the track.
public String getRhythmString() {
return rhythmString;
* Get the version of the rhythm string.
* @return The rhythm string version.
public Float getRhythmVersion() {
return rhythmVersion;
public Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
* Builder class for building {@link AudioAnalysisTrack} instances.
public static final class Builder extends AbstractModelObject.Builder {
private Long numSamples;
private Float duration;
private String sampleMd5;
private Integer offsetSeconds;
private Integer windowSeconds;
private Long analysisSampleRate;
private Integer analysisChannels;
private Float endOfFadeIn;
private Float startOfFadeOut;
private Float loudness;
private Float tempo;
private Float tempoConfidence;
private Integer timeSignature;
private Float timeSignatureConfidence;
private Integer key;
private Float keyConfidence;
private Modality mode;
private Float modeConfidence;
private String codeString;
private Float codeVersion;
private String echoprintString;
private Float echoprintVersion;
private String synchString;
private Float synchVersion;
private String rhythmString;
private Float rhythmVersion;
* The sample number setter.
* @param numSamples The total number of samples in the track.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisTrack.Builder}.
public Builder setNumSamples(Long numSamples) {
this.numSamples = numSamples;
return this;
* The track duration setter.
* @param duration The duration of the track in seconds.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisTrack.Builder}.
public Builder setDuration(Float duration) {
this.duration = duration;
return this;
* The sample MD5 setter.
* @param sampleMd5 The sample MD5.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisTrack.Builder}.
public Builder setSampleMd5(String sampleMd5) {
this.sampleMd5 = sampleMd5;
return this;
* The offset seconds setter.
* @param offsetSeconds The offset seconds.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisTrack.Builder}.
public Builder setOffsetSeconds(Integer offsetSeconds) {
this.offsetSeconds = offsetSeconds;
return this;
* The window seconds setter.
* @param windowSeconds The window seconds.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisTrack.Builder}.
public Builder setWindowSeconds(Integer windowSeconds) {
this.windowSeconds = windowSeconds;
return this;
* The analysis sample rate setter.
* @param analysisSampleRate The analysis sample rate.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisTrack.Builder}.
public Builder setAnalysisSampleRate(Long analysisSampleRate) {
this.analysisSampleRate = analysisSampleRate;
return this;
* The analysis channels setter.
* @param analysisChannels The analysis channels.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisTrack.Builder}.
public Builder setAnalysisChannels(Integer analysisChannels) {
this.analysisChannels = analysisChannels;
return this;
* The end of fade in introduction setter.
* @param endOfFadeIn The end of fade in introduction in seconds.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisTrack.Builder}.
public Builder setEndOfFadeIn(Float endOfFadeIn) {
this.endOfFadeIn = endOfFadeIn;
return this;
* The start of fade out setter.
* @param startOfFadeOut The start of the fade out in seconds.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisTrack.Builder}.
public Builder setStartOfFadeOut(Float startOfFadeOut) {
this.startOfFadeOut = startOfFadeOut;
return this;
* The average loudness setter.
* @param loudness Average loudness of the track.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisTrack.Builder}.
public Builder setLoudness(Float loudness) {
this.loudness = loudness;
return this;
* The estimated tempo setter.
* @param tempo The estimated tempo of the track.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisTrack.Builder}.
public Builder setTempo(Float tempo) {
this.tempo = tempo;
return this;
* The tempo confidence setter.
* @param tempoConfidence The tempo confidence of the track.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisTrack.Builder}.
public Builder setTempoConfidence(Float tempoConfidence) {
this.tempoConfidence = tempoConfidence;
return this;
* The time signature setter.
* @param timeSignature Time signature value.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisTrack.Builder}.
public Builder setTimeSignature(Integer timeSignature) {
this.timeSignature = timeSignature;
return this;
* The time signature confidence setter.
* @param timeSignatureConfidence The time signature confidence.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisTrack.Builder}.
public Builder setTimeSignatureConfidence(Float timeSignatureConfidence) {
this.timeSignatureConfidence = timeSignatureConfidence;
return this;
* The track key setter.
* @param key Main key of the track.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisTrack.Builder}.
public Builder setKey(Integer key) {
this.key = key;
return this;
* The key confidence setter.
* @param keyConfidence The key confidence of the track.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisTrack.Builder}.
public Builder setKeyConfidence(Float keyConfidence) {
this.keyConfidence = keyConfidence;
return this;
* The track modality setter.
* @param mode The modality type of the track.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisTrack.Builder}.
public Builder setMode(Modality mode) {
this.mode = mode;
return this;
* The modality confidence setter.
* @param modeConfidence The modality confidence of the track.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisTrack.Builder}.
public Builder setModeConfidence(Float modeConfidence) {
this.modeConfidence = modeConfidence;
return this;
* The code string setter.
* @param codeString The code string of the track.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisTrack.Builder}.
public Builder setCodeString(String codeString) {
this.codeString = codeString;
return this;
* The code string version setter.
* @param codeVersion The version of the code string.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisTrack.Builder}.
public Builder setCodeVersion(Float codeVersion) {
this.codeVersion = codeVersion;
return this;
* The echoprint string setter.
* @param echoprintString The echoprint string of the track.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisTrack.Builder}.
public Builder setEchoprintString(String echoprintString) {
this.echoprintString = echoprintString;
return this;
* The echoprint string version setter.
* @param echoprintVersion The version of the echoprint string.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisTrack.Builder}.
public Builder setEchoprintVersion(Float echoprintVersion) {
this.echoprintVersion = echoprintVersion;
return this;
* The synch string setter.
* @param synchString The synch string.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisTrack.Builder}.
public Builder setSynchString(String synchString) {
this.synchString = synchString;
return this;
* The synch string version setter.
* @param synchVersion The synch string version.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisTrack.Builder}.
public Builder setSynchVersion(Float synchVersion) {
this.synchVersion = synchVersion;
return this;
* The rhythm string setter.
* @param rhythmString The rhythm string of the track.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisTrack.Builder}.
public Builder setRhythmString(String rhythmString) {
this.rhythmString = rhythmString;
return this;
* The rhythm string version setter.
* @param rhythmVersion The rhythm string version.
* @return An {@link AudioAnalysisTrack.Builder}.
public Builder setRhythmVersion(Float rhythmVersion) {
this.rhythmVersion = rhythmVersion;
return this;
public AudioAnalysisTrack build() {
return new AudioAnalysisTrack(this);
* JsonUtil class for building {@link AudioAnalysisTrack} instances.
public static final class JsonUtil extends AbstractModelObject.JsonUtil {
public AudioAnalysisTrack createModelObject(JsonObject jsonObject) {
if (jsonObject == null || jsonObject.isJsonNull()) {
return null;
return new AudioAnalysisTrack.Builder()
hasAndNotNull(jsonObject, "analysis_channels")
? jsonObject.get("analysis_channels").getAsInt()
: null)
hasAndNotNull(jsonObject, "analysis_sample_rate")
? jsonObject.get("analysis_sample_rate").getAsLong()
: null)
hasAndNotNull(jsonObject, "code_string")
? jsonObject.get("code_string").getAsString()
: null)
hasAndNotNull(jsonObject, "code_version")
? jsonObject.get("code_version").getAsFloat()
: null)
hasAndNotNull(jsonObject, "duration")
? jsonObject.get("duration").getAsFloat()
: null)
hasAndNotNull(jsonObject, "echoprintstring")
? jsonObject.get("echoprintstring").getAsString()
: null)
hasAndNotNull(jsonObject, "echoprint_version")
? jsonObject.get("echoprint_version").getAsFloat()
: null)
hasAndNotNull(jsonObject, "end_of_face_in")
? jsonObject.get("end_of_face_in").getAsFloat()
: null)
hasAndNotNull(jsonObject, "key")
? jsonObject.get("key").getAsInt()
: null)
hasAndNotNull(jsonObject, "key_confidence")
? jsonObject.get("key_confidence").getAsFloat()
: null)
hasAndNotNull(jsonObject, "loudness")
? jsonObject.get("loudness").getAsFloat()
: null)
hasAndNotNull(jsonObject, "type")
? Modality.keyOf(
: null)
hasAndNotNull(jsonObject, "mode_confidence")
? jsonObject.get("mode_confidence").getAsFloat()
: null)
hasAndNotNull(jsonObject, "num_samples")
? jsonObject.get("num_samples").getAsLong()
: null)
hasAndNotNull(jsonObject, "offset_seconds")
? jsonObject.get("offset_seconds").getAsInt()
: null)
hasAndNotNull(jsonObject, "rhythmstring")
? jsonObject.get("rhythmstring").getAsString()
: null)
hasAndNotNull(jsonObject, "rhythm_version")
? jsonObject.get("rhythm_version").getAsFloat()
: null)
hasAndNotNull(jsonObject, "sample_md5")
? jsonObject.get("sample_md5").getAsString()
: null)
hasAndNotNull(jsonObject, "start_of_fade_out")
? jsonObject.get("start_of_fade_out").getAsFloat()
: null)
hasAndNotNull(jsonObject, "synchstring")
? jsonObject.get("synchstring").getAsString()
: null)
hasAndNotNull(jsonObject, "synch_version")
? jsonObject.get("synch_version").getAsFloat()
: null)
hasAndNotNull(jsonObject, "tempo")
? jsonObject.get("tempo").getAsFloat()
: null)
hasAndNotNull(jsonObject, "tempo_confidence")
? jsonObject.get("tempo_confidence").getAsFloat()
: null)
hasAndNotNull(jsonObject, "time_sidnature")
? jsonObject.get("time_sidnature").getAsInt()
: null)
hasAndNotNull(jsonObject, "time_signature_confidence")
? jsonObject.get("time_signature_confidence").getAsFloat()
: null)
hasAndNotNull(jsonObject, "windows_seconds")
? jsonObject.get("windows_seconds").getAsInt()
: null)