Download servicemix JAR files with all dependencies
maven-jbi-plugin from group servicemix (version 1.0)
JBI Plugin for Maven
servicemix-xfire from group servicemix (version 2.0.2)
XFire service engine for JBI and ServiceMix
servicemix from group servicemix (version 2.0.2)
ServiceMix Assembly creates a ServiceMix distribution
servicemix-components from group servicemix (version 2.0.2)
ServiceMix is an open source ESB based on the Java Business
Integration framework - JSR-208
servicemix-core from group servicemix (version 2.0.2)
ServiceMix is an open source ESB based on the Java Business
Integration framework - JSR-208
servicemix-jaxws from group servicemix (version 2.0.2)
JAXWS binding for JBI and ServiceMix
servicemix-jbi from group servicemix (version 2.0.2)
ServiceMix is an open source ESB based on the Java Business
Integration framework - JSR-208
servicemix-client from group servicemix (version 1.0)
A Spring based component implementation framework and also a
collection of useful tools for working with JBI
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