ammonite.repl.FullReplAPI.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package ammonite.repl
import ammonite.interp.api.APIHolder
import ammonite.repl.api.ReplAPI
import ammonite.util.{Bind, _}
import ammonite.util.Util.newLine
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.reflect.classTag
trait FullReplAPI extends ReplAPI{ replApi =>
def typeOf[T: WeakTypeTag] = scala.reflect.runtime.universe.weakTypeOf[T]
def typeOf[T: WeakTypeTag](t: => T) = scala.reflect.runtime.universe.weakTypeOf[T]
protected val colors: Ref[Colors]
def help =
"""Welcome to the Ammonite Scala REPL! Enter a Scala expression and it will be evaluated.
|All your standard Bash hotkeys should work for navigating around or editing the line
|being entered, as well as some GUI hotkeys like alt-shift-left/right to select words
|to replace. Hit to autocomplete possible names.
|For a list of REPL built-ins and configuration, use `repl.`. For a more detailed
|description of how to use the REPL, check out
protected[this] def replArgs0: IndexedSeq[Bind[_]]
protected[this] def internal0: FullReplAPI.Internal =
new FullReplAPI.Internal {
def pprinter = replApi.pprinter
def colors = replApi.colors
def replArgs: IndexedSeq[Bind[_]] = replArgs0
* This stuff is used for the REPL-generated code that prints things;
* shouldn't really be used by users, but needs to be public and accessible
lazy val Internal: FullReplAPI.Internal = internal0
object FullReplAPI {
trait Internal {
def pprinter: Ref[pprint.PPrinter]
def colors: Ref[Colors]
def replArgs: IndexedSeq[Bind[_]]
def combinePrints(iters: Iterator[String]*) = {
.flatMap(Iterator(newLine) ++ _)
def print[T: pprint.TPrint](value: => T,
ident: String,
custom: Option[String])
(implicit tcolors: pprint.TPrintColors,
classTagT: ClassTag[T] = null) = {
// Here we use ClassTag to detect if T is an Unit.
// The default value null suppresses the compilation error when T is a singleton type,
// which can't provide a ClassTag.
// We don't use `asUnit: T =:= Unit = null` because that approach does not work
// when T is Nothing.
// See for further information.
// We don't use WeakTypeTag or TypeTag because those type classes are too heavy-weight,
// as Scalac will generate a huge amount of code for creating a TypeTag for refinement types.
// See for further information.
// We do not check `value == ()`, because that would force evaluation of `value`, which
// may be defined as a `lazy val` which the user explicitly does not want to evaluate
val isUnit = classTagT == classTag[Unit]
if (isUnit) Iterator()
else {
// Pre-compute how many lines and how many columns the prefix of the
// printed output takes, so we can feed that information into the
// pretty-printing of the main body
val prefix = new pprint.Truncated(
colors().ident()(ident).render, ": ",
implicitly[pprint.TPrint[T]].render(tcolors), " = "
val output = mutable.Buffer.empty[fansi.Str]
prefix.foreach(output += _)
val rhs = custom match {
case None =>
height = pprinter().defaultHeight - prefix.completedLineCount,
initialOffset = prefix.lastLineLength
case Some(s) => Seq(pprinter().colorLiteral(s))
} ++
def printDef(definitionLabel: String, ident: String) = {
"defined ", colors().`type`()(definitionLabel).render, " ",
def printImport(imported: String) = {
Iterator(colors().`type`()("import ").render, colors().ident()(imported).render)
object ReplBridge extends APIHolder[FullReplAPI]
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