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package almond.interpreter.messagehandlers
import fs2.concurrent.Queue
import fs2.Stream
import almond.channels.{Channel, Message => RawMessage}
import almond.interpreter.Message
import almond.logger.{Logger, LoggerContext}
import almond.protocol.{MessageType, Status}
import argonaut.{DecodeJson, Json}
import cats.effect.IO
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.util.Either.RightProjection
* Wraps a partial function, able to handle some [[Message]]s arriving via a given [[Channel]].
* If a [[Message]] is handled, one can get either a [[Throwable]], meaning the message was malformed, or
* a [[Stream]] of [[RawMessage]] to be sent on a given [[Channel]] as answer.
final case class MessageHandler(
handler: PartialFunction[
(Channel, Message[Json]),
Either[Throwable, Stream[IO, (Channel, RawMessage)]]
) {
def orElse(other: MessageHandler*): MessageHandler =
other.foldLeft(handler)((acc, h) => acc.orElse(h.handler))
private lazy val lifted = handler.lift
def handle(channel: Channel, message: Message[Json]): Option[Either[Throwable, Stream[IO, (Channel, RawMessage)]]] =
lifted((channel, message))
def handle(channel: Channel, message: RawMessage): Option[Either[Throwable, Stream[IO, (Channel, RawMessage)]]] =
Message.parse[Json](message) match {
case Left(error) =>
Some(Left(new Exception(s"Error decoding message: $error")))
case Right(message0) =>
handle(channel, message0)
def handleOrLogError(
channel: Channel,
message: RawMessage,
log: Logger
): Option[Stream[IO, (Channel, RawMessage)]] =
handle(channel, message).map {
case Left(e) =>
log.error(s"Ignoring error decoding message\n$message", e)
case Right(s) => s
object MessageHandler {
def empty: MessageHandler =
* Constructs a [[MessageHandler]], able to handle a [[Message]] of a single type from a single [[Channel]].
* The passed handler should return a [[Stream]] of messages as a response to the incoming message.
* @param channel: [[Channel]] this [[MessageHandler]] handles [[Message]]s from
* @param messageType: type of the [[Message]]s this [[MessageHandler]] handles
def apply[T: DecodeJson](
channel: Channel,
messageType: MessageType[T]
handler: Message[T] => Stream[IO, (Channel, RawMessage)]
): MessageHandler =
MessageHandler {
case (`channel`, message) if message.messageType == messageType =>
* Constructs a [[MessageHandler]], able to handle a [[Message]] of a single type from one of several [[Channel]]s.
* The passed handler should return a [[Stream]] of messages as a response to the incoming message.
* @param channels: Set of [[Channel]]s this [[MessageHandler]] handles [[Message]]s from
* @param messageType: type of the [[Message]]s this [[MessageHandler]] handles
def apply[T: DecodeJson](
channels: Set[Channel],
messageType: MessageType[T]
handler: (Channel, Message[T]) => Stream[IO, (Channel, RawMessage)]
): MessageHandler =
MessageHandler {
case (channel, message) if message.messageType == messageType && channels.contains(channel) =>
tryDecode(message).map(msg => handler(channel, msg))
private def tryDecode[T: DecodeJson](message: Message[Json]): RightProjection[Exception, Message[T]] =
.map(e => new Exception(s"Error decoding message: $e"))
* Constructs a [[MessageHandler]], that reports the kernel as busy while a [[Message]] is being processed.
* Messages can be pushed to the queue passed to the handler, while the [[IO]] it returns is being run.
* @param channel: [[Channel]] this [[MessageHandler]] handles [[Message]]s from
* @param messageType: type of the [[Message]]s this [[MessageHandler]] handles
def blocking[T: DecodeJson](
channel: Channel,
messageType: MessageType[T],
queueEc: ExecutionContext,
logCtx: LoggerContext
handler: (Message[T], Queue[IO, (Channel, RawMessage)]) => IO[Unit]
): MessageHandler =
MessageHandler(channel, messageType) { message =>
blockingTaskStream(message, queueEc, logCtx) { queue =>
handler(message, queue)
private def blockingTaskStream(
currentMessage: Message[_],
queueEc: ExecutionContext,
logCtx: LoggerContext
run: Queue[IO, (Channel, RawMessage)] => IO[Unit]
): Stream[IO, (Channel, RawMessage)] = {
val log = logCtx(getClass)
* While the task returned by run is being evaluated, messages can be pushed to the queue it is passed.
def status(queue: Queue[IO, (Channel, RawMessage)], state: Status): IO[Unit] =
.publish(Status.messageType, state)
.enqueueOn(Channel.Publish, queue)
val poisonPill: (Channel, RawMessage) = null // a bit meh
val task = for {
queue <- {
implicit val shift = IO.contextShift(queueEc)
Queue.bounded[IO, (Channel, RawMessage)](40) // FIXME sizing?
main = run(queue)
_ <- {
val t = for {
_ <- status(queue, Status.busy)
_ <- { a =>
a.left.foreach { e =>
log.error(s"Error while processing ${currentMessage.header.msg_type} message", e)
_ <- status(queue, Status.idle)
_ <- queue.enqueue1(poisonPill)
} yield ()
val t0 = t.attempt.flatMap {
case Left(e) =>
log.error(s"Internal error while processing ${currentMessage.header.msg_type} message", e)
case Right(()) =>
implicit val shift = IO.contextShift(queueEc) // not sure that's the right EC for that
} yield queue.dequeue.takeWhile(_ != poisonPill)
.flatMap(x => x)
def discard(pf: PartialFunction[(Channel, Message[Json]), Unit]): MessageHandler =
MessageHandler {
pf.andThen(_ => Right(Stream.empty))