almond.launcher.LauncherOptions.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package almond.launcher
import almond.kernel.install.{Options => InstallOptions}
import almond.launcher.directives.CustomGroup
import caseapp._
import scala.cli.directivehandler.EitherSequence._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.concurrent.duration.{Duration, DurationInt}
// format: off
final case class LauncherOptions(
install: Boolean = false,
installOptions: InstallOptions = InstallOptions(),
log: Option[String] = None,
connectionFile: Option[String] = None,
variableInspector: Option[Boolean] = None,
toreeMagics: Option[Boolean] = None,
toreeApi: Option[Boolean] = None,
toreeCompatibility: Option[Boolean] = None,
color: Option[Boolean] = None,
@HelpMessage("Send log to a file rather than stderr")
logTo: Option[String] = None,
scala: Option[String] = None,
extraClassPath: List[String] = Nil,
predef: List[String] = Nil,
extraStartupClassPath: List[String] = Nil,
sharedDependencies: List[String] = Nil,
compileOnly: Option[Boolean] = None,
javaOpt: List[String] = Nil,
quiet: Option[Boolean] = None,
silentImports: Option[Boolean] = None,
useNotebookCoursierLogger: Option[Boolean] = None,
customDirectiveGroup: List[String] = Nil,
@HelpMessage("Time given to the client to accept ZeroMQ messages before handing over the connections to the kernel. Parsed with scala.concurrent.duration.Duration, this accepts things like \"Inf\" or \"5 seconds\"")
linger: Option[String] = None
) {
// format: on
def kernelOptions: Seq[String] = {
val b = new mutable.ListBuffer[String]
for (value <- log)
b ++= Seq("--log", value)
for (value <- variableInspector)
b ++= Seq(s"--variable-inspector=$value")
for (value <- toreeMagics)
b ++= Seq(s"--toree-magics=$value")
for (value <- toreeApi)
b ++= Seq(s"--toree-api=$value")
for (value <- toreeCompatibility)
b ++= Seq(s"--toree-compatibility=$value")
for (value <- color)
b ++= Seq(s"--color=$value")
for (value <- logTo)
b ++= Seq("--log-to", value)
for (value <- extraClassPath)
b ++= Seq("--extra-class-path", value)
for (value <- predef)
b ++= Seq("--predef", value)
for (value <- compileOnly)
b ++= Seq(s"--compile-only=$value")
for (value <- silentImports)
b ++= Seq(s"--silent-imports=$value")
for (value <- useNotebookCoursierLogger)
b ++= Seq(s"--use-notebook-coursier-logger=$value")
for (group <-":", 2)).collect { case Array(k, _) => k })
b ++= Seq(s"--launcher-directive-group=$group")
def quiet0 = quiet.getOrElse(true)
def customDirectiveGroupsOrExit(): Seq[CustomGroup] = {
val maybeGroups = customDirectiveGroup
.map { input =>
input.split(":", 2) match {
case Array(prefix, command) => Right(CustomGroup(prefix, command))
case Array(_) =>
Left(s"Malformed custom directive group argument, expected 'prefix:command': '$input'")
maybeGroups match {
case Left(errors) =>
for (err <- errors)
case Right(groups) =>
lazy val lingerDuration = linger
object LauncherOptions {
implicit lazy val parser: Parser[LauncherOptions] = Parser.derive
implicit lazy val help: Help[LauncherOptions] = Help.derive