Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* The properties for defining a service using the Fargate launch type.
@javax.annotation.Generated(value = "jsii-pacmak/0.20.2 (build faba0be)", date = "2019-11-11T17:18:01.436Z") =$Module.class, fqn = "@aws-cdk/aws-ecs.FargateServiceProps")$Proxy.class)
public interface FargateServiceProps extends, {
* The task definition to use for tasks in the service.
* [disable-awslint:ref-via-interface]
*/ getTaskDefinition();
* Specifies whether the task's elastic network interface receives a public IP address.
* If true, each task will receive a public IP address.
* Default: - Use subnet default.
default java.lang.Boolean getAssignPublicIp() {
return null;
* The platform version on which to run your service.
* If one is not specified, the LATEST platform version is used by default. For more information, see
* [AWS Fargate Platform Versions](
* in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide.
* Default: Latest
default getPlatformVersion() {
return null;
* Specifies whether to propagate the tags from the task definition or the service to the tasks in the service. Tags can only be propagated to the tasks within the service during service creation.
* Default: PropagatedTagSource.NONE
* @deprecated Use `propagateTags` instead.
default getPropagateTaskTagsFrom() {
return null;
* The security groups to associate with the service.
* If you do not specify a security group, the default security group for the VPC is used.
* Default: - A new security group is created.
default getSecurityGroup() {
return null;
* The subnets to associate with the service.
* Default: - Private subnets.
default getVpcSubnets() {
return null;
* @return a {@link Builder} of {@link FargateServiceProps}
static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
* A builder for {@link FargateServiceProps}
public static final class Builder {
private taskDefinition;
private java.lang.Boolean assignPublicIp;
private platformVersion;
private propagateTaskTagsFrom;
private securityGroup;
private vpcSubnets;
private cluster;
private cloudMapOptions;
private java.lang.Number desiredCount;
private java.lang.Boolean enableEcsManagedTags;
private healthCheckGracePeriod;
private java.lang.Number maxHealthyPercent;
private java.lang.Number minHealthyPercent;
private propagateTags;
private java.lang.String serviceName;
* Sets the value of TaskDefinition
* @param taskDefinition The task definition to use for tasks in the service. This parameter is required.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder taskDefinition( taskDefinition) {
this.taskDefinition = taskDefinition;
return this;
* Sets the value of AssignPublicIp
* @param assignPublicIp Specifies whether the task's elastic network interface receives a public IP address.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder assignPublicIp(java.lang.Boolean assignPublicIp) {
this.assignPublicIp = assignPublicIp;
return this;
* Sets the value of PlatformVersion
* @param platformVersion The platform version on which to run your service.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder platformVersion( platformVersion) {
this.platformVersion = platformVersion;
return this;
* Sets the value of PropagateTaskTagsFrom
* @param propagateTaskTagsFrom Specifies whether to propagate the tags from the task definition or the service to the tasks in the service. Tags can only be propagated to the tasks within the service during service creation.
* @return {@code this}
* @deprecated Use `propagateTags` instead.
public Builder propagateTaskTagsFrom( propagateTaskTagsFrom) {
this.propagateTaskTagsFrom = propagateTaskTagsFrom;
return this;
* Sets the value of SecurityGroup
* @param securityGroup The security groups to associate with the service.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder securityGroup( securityGroup) {
this.securityGroup = securityGroup;
return this;
* Sets the value of VpcSubnets
* @param vpcSubnets The subnets to associate with the service.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder vpcSubnets( vpcSubnets) {
this.vpcSubnets = vpcSubnets;
return this;
* Sets the value of Cluster
* @param cluster The name of the cluster that hosts the service. This parameter is required.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder cluster( cluster) {
this.cluster = cluster;
return this;
* Sets the value of CloudMapOptions
* @param cloudMapOptions The options for configuring an Amazon ECS service to use service discovery.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder cloudMapOptions( cloudMapOptions) {
this.cloudMapOptions = cloudMapOptions;
return this;
* Sets the value of DesiredCount
* @param desiredCount The desired number of instantiations of the task definition to keep running on the service.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder desiredCount(java.lang.Number desiredCount) {
this.desiredCount = desiredCount;
return this;
* Sets the value of EnableEcsManagedTags
* @param enableEcsManagedTags Specifies whether to enable Amazon ECS managed tags for the tasks within the service.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder enableEcsManagedTags(java.lang.Boolean enableEcsManagedTags) {
this.enableEcsManagedTags = enableEcsManagedTags;
return this;
* Sets the value of HealthCheckGracePeriod
* @param healthCheckGracePeriod The period of time, in seconds, that the Amazon ECS service scheduler ignores unhealthy Elastic Load Balancing target health checks after a task has first started.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder healthCheckGracePeriod( healthCheckGracePeriod) {
this.healthCheckGracePeriod = healthCheckGracePeriod;
return this;
* Sets the value of MaxHealthyPercent
* @param maxHealthyPercent The maximum number of tasks, specified as a percentage of the Amazon ECS service's DesiredCount value, that can run in a service during a deployment.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder maxHealthyPercent(java.lang.Number maxHealthyPercent) {
this.maxHealthyPercent = maxHealthyPercent;
return this;
* Sets the value of MinHealthyPercent
* @param minHealthyPercent The minimum number of tasks, specified as a percentage of the Amazon ECS service's DesiredCount value, that must continue to run and remain healthy during a deployment.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder minHealthyPercent(java.lang.Number minHealthyPercent) {
this.minHealthyPercent = minHealthyPercent;
return this;
* Sets the value of PropagateTags
* @param propagateTags Specifies whether to propagate the tags from the task definition or the service to the tasks in the service.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder propagateTags( propagateTags) {
this.propagateTags = propagateTags;
return this;
* Sets the value of ServiceName
* @param serviceName The name of the service.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder serviceName(java.lang.String serviceName) {
this.serviceName = serviceName;
return this;
* Builds the configured instance.
* @return a new instance of {@link FargateServiceProps}
* @throws NullPointerException if any required attribute was not provided
public FargateServiceProps build() {
return new Jsii$Proxy(taskDefinition, assignPublicIp, platformVersion, propagateTaskTagsFrom, securityGroup, vpcSubnets, cluster, cloudMapOptions, desiredCount, enableEcsManagedTags, healthCheckGracePeriod, maxHealthyPercent, minHealthyPercent, propagateTags, serviceName);
* An implementation for {@link FargateServiceProps}
final class Jsii$Proxy extends implements FargateServiceProps {
private final taskDefinition;
private final java.lang.Boolean assignPublicIp;
private final platformVersion;
private final propagateTaskTagsFrom;
private final securityGroup;
private final vpcSubnets;
private final cluster;
private final cloudMapOptions;
private final java.lang.Number desiredCount;
private final java.lang.Boolean enableEcsManagedTags;
private final healthCheckGracePeriod;
private final java.lang.Number maxHealthyPercent;
private final java.lang.Number minHealthyPercent;
private final propagateTags;
private final java.lang.String serviceName;
* Constructor that initializes the object based on values retrieved from the JsiiObject.
* @param objRef Reference to the JSII managed object.
protected Jsii$Proxy(final objRef) {
this.taskDefinition = this.jsiiGet("taskDefinition",;
this.assignPublicIp = this.jsiiGet("assignPublicIp", java.lang.Boolean.class);
this.platformVersion = this.jsiiGet("platformVersion",;
this.propagateTaskTagsFrom = this.jsiiGet("propagateTaskTagsFrom",;
this.securityGroup = this.jsiiGet("securityGroup",;
this.vpcSubnets = this.jsiiGet("vpcSubnets",;
this.cluster = this.jsiiGet("cluster",;
this.cloudMapOptions = this.jsiiGet("cloudMapOptions",;
this.desiredCount = this.jsiiGet("desiredCount", java.lang.Number.class);
this.enableEcsManagedTags = this.jsiiGet("enableECSManagedTags", java.lang.Boolean.class);
this.healthCheckGracePeriod = this.jsiiGet("healthCheckGracePeriod",;
this.maxHealthyPercent = this.jsiiGet("maxHealthyPercent", java.lang.Number.class);
this.minHealthyPercent = this.jsiiGet("minHealthyPercent", java.lang.Number.class);
this.propagateTags = this.jsiiGet("propagateTags",;
this.serviceName = this.jsiiGet("serviceName", java.lang.String.class);
* Constructor that initializes the object based on literal property values passed by the {@link Builder}.
private Jsii$Proxy(final taskDefinition, final java.lang.Boolean assignPublicIp, final platformVersion, final propagateTaskTagsFrom, final securityGroup, final vpcSubnets, final cluster, final cloudMapOptions, final java.lang.Number desiredCount, final java.lang.Boolean enableEcsManagedTags, final healthCheckGracePeriod, final java.lang.Number maxHealthyPercent, final java.lang.Number minHealthyPercent, final propagateTags, final java.lang.String serviceName) {
this.taskDefinition = java.util.Objects.requireNonNull(taskDefinition, "taskDefinition is required");
this.assignPublicIp = assignPublicIp;
this.platformVersion = platformVersion;
this.propagateTaskTagsFrom = propagateTaskTagsFrom;
this.securityGroup = securityGroup;
this.vpcSubnets = vpcSubnets;
this.cluster = java.util.Objects.requireNonNull(cluster, "cluster is required");
this.cloudMapOptions = cloudMapOptions;
this.desiredCount = desiredCount;
this.enableEcsManagedTags = enableEcsManagedTags;
this.healthCheckGracePeriod = healthCheckGracePeriod;
this.maxHealthyPercent = maxHealthyPercent;
this.minHealthyPercent = minHealthyPercent;
this.propagateTags = propagateTags;
this.serviceName = serviceName;
public getTaskDefinition() {
return this.taskDefinition;
public java.lang.Boolean getAssignPublicIp() {
return this.assignPublicIp;
public getPlatformVersion() {
return this.platformVersion;
public getPropagateTaskTagsFrom() {
return this.propagateTaskTagsFrom;
public getSecurityGroup() {
return this.securityGroup;
public getVpcSubnets() {
return this.vpcSubnets;
public getCluster() {
return this.cluster;
public getCloudMapOptions() {
return this.cloudMapOptions;
public java.lang.Number getDesiredCount() {
return this.desiredCount;
public java.lang.Boolean getEnableEcsManagedTags() {
return this.enableEcsManagedTags;
public getHealthCheckGracePeriod() {
return this.healthCheckGracePeriod;
public java.lang.Number getMaxHealthyPercent() {
return this.maxHealthyPercent;
public java.lang.Number getMinHealthyPercent() {
return this.minHealthyPercent;
public getPropagateTags() {
return this.propagateTags;
public java.lang.String getServiceName() {
return this.serviceName;
public com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode $jsii$toJson() {
final com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper om =;
final com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode data = com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();
data.set("taskDefinition", om.valueToTree(this.getTaskDefinition()));
if (this.getAssignPublicIp() != null) {
data.set("assignPublicIp", om.valueToTree(this.getAssignPublicIp()));
if (this.getPlatformVersion() != null) {
data.set("platformVersion", om.valueToTree(this.getPlatformVersion()));
if (this.getPropagateTaskTagsFrom() != null) {
data.set("propagateTaskTagsFrom", om.valueToTree(this.getPropagateTaskTagsFrom()));
if (this.getSecurityGroup() != null) {
data.set("securityGroup", om.valueToTree(this.getSecurityGroup()));
if (this.getVpcSubnets() != null) {
data.set("vpcSubnets", om.valueToTree(this.getVpcSubnets()));
data.set("cluster", om.valueToTree(this.getCluster()));
if (this.getCloudMapOptions() != null) {
data.set("cloudMapOptions", om.valueToTree(this.getCloudMapOptions()));
if (this.getDesiredCount() != null) {
data.set("desiredCount", om.valueToTree(this.getDesiredCount()));
if (this.getEnableEcsManagedTags() != null) {
data.set("enableECSManagedTags", om.valueToTree(this.getEnableEcsManagedTags()));
if (this.getHealthCheckGracePeriod() != null) {
data.set("healthCheckGracePeriod", om.valueToTree(this.getHealthCheckGracePeriod()));
if (this.getMaxHealthyPercent() != null) {
data.set("maxHealthyPercent", om.valueToTree(this.getMaxHealthyPercent()));
if (this.getMinHealthyPercent() != null) {
data.set("minHealthyPercent", om.valueToTree(this.getMinHealthyPercent()));
if (this.getPropagateTags() != null) {
data.set("propagateTags", om.valueToTree(this.getPropagateTags()));
if (this.getServiceName() != null) {
data.set("serviceName", om.valueToTree(this.getServiceName()));
final com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode struct = com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();
struct.set("fqn", om.valueToTree("@aws-cdk/aws-ecs.FargateServiceProps"));
struct.set("data", data);
final com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode obj = com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();
obj.set("$jsii.struct", struct);
return obj;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
FargateServiceProps.Jsii$Proxy that = (FargateServiceProps.Jsii$Proxy) o;
if (!taskDefinition.equals(that.taskDefinition)) return false;
if (this.assignPublicIp != null ? !this.assignPublicIp.equals(that.assignPublicIp) : that.assignPublicIp != null) return false;
if (this.platformVersion != null ? !this.platformVersion.equals(that.platformVersion) : that.platformVersion != null) return false;
if (this.propagateTaskTagsFrom != null ? !this.propagateTaskTagsFrom.equals(that.propagateTaskTagsFrom) : that.propagateTaskTagsFrom != null) return false;
if (this.securityGroup != null ? !this.securityGroup.equals(that.securityGroup) : that.securityGroup != null) return false;
if (this.vpcSubnets != null ? !this.vpcSubnets.equals(that.vpcSubnets) : that.vpcSubnets != null) return false;
if (!cluster.equals(that.cluster)) return false;
if (this.cloudMapOptions != null ? !this.cloudMapOptions.equals(that.cloudMapOptions) : that.cloudMapOptions != null) return false;
if (this.desiredCount != null ? !this.desiredCount.equals(that.desiredCount) : that.desiredCount != null) return false;
if (this.enableEcsManagedTags != null ? !this.enableEcsManagedTags.equals(that.enableEcsManagedTags) : that.enableEcsManagedTags != null) return false;
if (this.healthCheckGracePeriod != null ? !this.healthCheckGracePeriod.equals(that.healthCheckGracePeriod) : that.healthCheckGracePeriod != null) return false;
if (this.maxHealthyPercent != null ? !this.maxHealthyPercent.equals(that.maxHealthyPercent) : that.maxHealthyPercent != null) return false;
if (this.minHealthyPercent != null ? !this.minHealthyPercent.equals(that.minHealthyPercent) : that.minHealthyPercent != null) return false;
if (this.propagateTags != null ? !this.propagateTags.equals(that.propagateTags) : that.propagateTags != null) return false;
return this.serviceName != null ? this.serviceName.equals(that.serviceName) : that.serviceName == null;
public int hashCode() {
int result = this.taskDefinition.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + (this.assignPublicIp != null ? this.assignPublicIp.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.platformVersion != null ? this.platformVersion.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.propagateTaskTagsFrom != null ? this.propagateTaskTagsFrom.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.securityGroup != null ? this.securityGroup.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.vpcSubnets != null ? this.vpcSubnets.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.cluster.hashCode());
result = 31 * result + (this.cloudMapOptions != null ? this.cloudMapOptions.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.desiredCount != null ? this.desiredCount.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.enableEcsManagedTags != null ? this.enableEcsManagedTags.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.healthCheckGracePeriod != null ? this.healthCheckGracePeriod.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.maxHealthyPercent != null ? this.maxHealthyPercent.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.minHealthyPercent != null ? this.minHealthyPercent.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.propagateTags != null ? this.propagateTags.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (this.serviceName != null ? this.serviceName.hashCode() : 0);
return result;
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