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Welcome to the download page for the AWS SDK for Java JAR file. Here you can find the latest version of the AWS SDK for Java, which allows you to seamlessly connect your Java projects with various AWS services. By downloading the JAR file, you can easily incorporate AWS functionalities into your applications. Stay ahead with the latest enhancements and features by regularly updating the AWS SDK for Java JAR file. Start leveraging the power of AWS in your Java projects today!

Files of the artifact aws-sdk-java version 2.29.41 from the group


Download aws-sdk-java (2.29.41)
Artifact aws-sdk-java
Version 2.29.41
Last update 26. December 2024
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 246
Dependencies acm, acmpca, alexaforbusiness, amplify, apigateway, apigatewaymanagementapi, apigatewayv2, applicationautoscaling, applicationdiscovery, appmesh, appstream, appsync, athena, autoscaling, autoscalingplans, backup, batch, budgets, chime, cloud9, clouddirectory, cloudformation, cloudfront, cloudhsm, cloudhsmv2, cloudsearch, cloudsearchdomain, cloudtrail, cloudwatch, cloudwatchevents, cloudwatchlogs, codebuild, codecommit, codedeploy, codepipeline, codestar, cognitoidentity, cognitoidentityprovider, cognitosync, comprehend, comprehendmedical, config, connect, costandusagereport, costexplorer, databasemigration, datapipeline, datasync, dax, devicefarm, directconnect, directory, dlm, docdb, dynamodb, ec2, ecr, ecs, efs, eks, elasticache, elasticbeanstalk, elasticloadbalancing, elasticloadbalancingv2, elasticsearch, elastictranscoder, emr, firehose, fms, fsx, gamelift, glacier, globalaccelerator, glue, greengrass, guardduty, health, iam, inspector, iot, iot1clickdevices, iot1clickprojects, iotanalytics, iotdataplane, iotjobsdataplane, kafka, kinesis, kinesisanalytics, kinesisanalyticsv2, kinesisvideo, kinesisvideoarchivedmedia, kinesisvideomedia, kms, lambda, lexmodelbuilding, lexruntime, licensemanager, lightsail, machinelearning, macie, managedblockchain, marketplacecommerceanalytics, marketplaceentitlement, marketplacemetering, mediaconnect, mediaconvert, medialive, mediapackage, mediapackagevod, mediastore, mediastoredata, mediatailor, migrationhub, mobile, mq, mturk, neptune, opsworks, opsworkscm, organizations, pi, pinpoint, pinpointemail, pinpointsmsvoice, polly, pricing, quicksight, ram, rds, rdsdata, redshift, rekognition, resourcegroups, resourcegroupstaggingapi, robomaker, route53, route53domains, route53resolver, s3, s3control, sagemaker, sagemakerruntime, secretsmanager, securityhub, serverlessapplicationrepository, servicecatalog, servicediscovery, ses, sfn, shield, signer, sms, snowball, sns, sqs, ssm, storagegateway, sts, support, swf, textract, transcribe, transcribestreaming, transfer, translate, waf, workdocs, worklink, workmail, workspaces, xray, groundstation, iotthingsgraph, iotevents, ioteventsdata, personalizeruntime, personalize, personalizeevents, servicequotas, applicationinsights, ec2instanceconnect, eventbridge, lakeformation, forecast, forecastquery, qldb, qldbsession, workmailmessageflow, codestarnotifications, savingsplans, sso, ssooidc, marketplacecatalog, sesv2, dataexchange, migrationhubconfig, connectparticipant, wafv2, appconfig, iotsecuretunneling, elasticinference, imagebuilder, schemas, accessanalyzer, computeoptimizer, networkmanager, kendra, frauddetector, codegurureviewer, codeguruprofiler, outposts, sagemakera2iruntime, ebs, kinesisvideosignaling, detective, codestarconnections, synthetics, iotsitewise, macie2, codeartifact, honeycode, ivs, braket, identitystore, appflow, redshiftdata, ssoadmin, timestreamwrite, timestreamquery, s3outposts, databrew, servicecatalogappregistry, networkfirewall, mwaa, devopsguru, sagemakerfeaturestoreruntime, appintegrations, ecrpublic, amplifybackend, connectcontactlens, lookoutvision, customerprofiles, emrcontainers, sagemakeredge, healthlake, auditmanager,
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