Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* A copy of the License is located at
* or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed
* express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
import static;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
* An implementation of {@link MetricPublisher} that aggregates and uploads metrics to Amazon CloudWatch on a periodic basis.
* This simplifies the process of uploading custom metrics to CloudWatch, and can also be configured on the AWS
* SDK clients directly to upload AWS SDK-specific metrics (e.g. request latencies, failure rates) to CloudWatch.
This publisher aggregates metric data in memory, and periodically uploads it to CloudWatch in a background thread. This
* minimizes the work necessary to upload metrics, allowing the caller to focus on collecting the data.
The default settings of the metrics publisher are meant to minimize memory usage and CloudWatch cost, while still
* providing a useful amount of insight into the metric data. Care should be taken when overriding the default values on the
* publisher, because they can result in an associated increased in memory usage and CloudWatch cost.
By default, all metrics are uploaded using summary statistics. This means that only count, maximum, minimum, sum and
* average data is available in CloudWatch. Metric details (e.g. p90, p99) can be enabled on a per-metric basis using
* {@link Builder#detailedMetrics(Collection)}.
See {@link Builder} for the configuration values that are available for the publisher, and how they can be used to
* increase the functionality or decrease the cost the publisher.
* The CloudWatchMetricPublisher logs all aggregation and upload-related logs to the
* {@code} namespace. To determine how many metrics are being uploaded
* successfully without checking the CloudWatch console, you can check for a "success" message at the DEBUG level. At the TRACE
* level, you can see exactly which metrics are being uploaded.
Configuring AWS SDK clients to upload client metrics
* Create a {@link CloudWatchMetricPublisher}, and configure it via
* {@link ClientOverrideConfiguration.Builder#addMetricPublisher(MetricPublisher)}
* CloudWatchMetricPublisher cloudWatchMetricPublisher = CloudWatchMetricPublisher.create();
* S3Client s3 = S3Client.builder()
* .overrideConfiguration(o -> o.addMetricPublisher(cloudWatchMetricPublisher))
* .build();
* Uploading your own custom metrics
* Step 1: Define which metrics you wish to collect
Metrics are described using the {@link SdkMetric#create} method. When you describe your metric, you specify
* the name that will appear in CloudWatch and the Java data-type of the metric. The metric should be described once for your
* entire application.
Supported types: (1) {@link Number} types (e.g. {@link Integer}, {@link Double}, etc.), (2) {@link Duration}.
* // In this and the following examples, we want to collect metrics about calls to a method we have defined: "myMethod"
* public static final class MyMethodMetrics {
* // The number of times "myMethod" has been called.
* private static final SdkMetric<Integer> MY_METHOD_CALL_COUNT =
* SdkMetric.create("MyMethodCallCount", Integer.class, MetricLevel.INFO, MetricCategory.CUSTOM);
* // The amount of time that "myMethod" took to execute.
* private static final SdkMetric<Duration> MY_METHOD_LATENCY =
* SdkMetric.create("MyMethodLatency", Duration.class, MetricLevel.INFO, MetricCategory.CUSTOM);
* }
* Step 2: Create a {@code CloudWatchMetricPublisher}
A {@code CloudWatchMetricPublisher} should be created once for your entire application, and be reused wherever it is
* needed. {@code CloudWatchMetricPublisher}s are thread-safe, so there should be no need to create multiple instances. Most
* people create and manage the publisher in their inversion-of-control (IoC) container (e.g. Spring/Dagger/Guice).
Note: When your application is finished with the {@code CloudWatchMetricPublisher}, make sure to {@link #close()} it. Your
* inversion-of-control container may handle this for you on JVM shutdown.
See {@link CloudWatchMetricPublisher.Builder} for all available configuration options.
* // Create a CloudWatchMetricPublisher using a custom namespace.
* MetricPublisher metricPublisher = CloudWatchMetricPublisher.builder()
* .namespace("MyApplication")
* .build();
* Step 3: Collect and Publish Metrics
Create and use a {@link MetricCollector} to collect data about your configured metrics.
* // Call "myMethod" and collect metrics about the call.
* Instant methodCallStartTime =;
* myMethod();
* Duration methodCallDuration = Duration.between(methodCallStartTime,;
* // Write the metrics to the CloudWatchMetricPublisher.
* MetricCollector metricCollector = MetricCollector.create("MyMethodCall");
* metricCollector.reportMetric(MyCustomMetrics.MY_METHOD_CALL_COUNT, 1);
* metricCollector.reportMetric(MyCustomMetrics.MY_METHOD_LATENCY, methodCallDuration);
* MetricCollection metricCollection = metricCollector.collect();
* metricPublisher.publish(metricCollection);
* Warning: Make sure the {@link #close()} this publisher when it is done being used to release all resources it
* consumes. Failure to do so will result in possible thread or file descriptor leaks.
public final class CloudWatchMetricPublisher implements MetricPublisher {
* The maximum queue size for the internal {@link #executor} that is used to aggregate metric data and upload it to
* CloudWatch. If this value is too high, memory is wasted. If this value is too low, metrics could be dropped.
* This value is not currently configurable, because it's unlikely that this is a value that customers should need to modify.
* If customers really need control over this value, we might consider letting them instead configure the
* {@link BlockingQueue} used on the executor. The value here depends on the type of {@code BlockingQueue} in use, and
* we should probably not indirectly couple people to the type of blocking queue we're using.
private static final int MAXIMUM_TASK_QUEUE_SIZE = 128;
private static final String DEFAULT_NAMESPACE = "AwsSdk/JavaSdk2";
private static final int DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_CALLS_PER_UPLOAD = 10;
private static final Duration DEFAULT_UPLOAD_FREQUENCY = Duration.ofMinutes(1);
private static final Set> DEFAULT_DIMENSIONS = Stream.of(CoreMetric.SERVICE_ID,
private static final Set DEFAULT_METRIC_CATEGORIES = Collections.singleton(MetricCategory.ALL);
private static final MetricLevel DEFAULT_METRIC_LEVEL = MetricLevel.INFO;
private static final Set> DEFAULT_DETAILED_METRICS = Collections.emptySet();
* Whether {@link #close()} should call {@link CloudWatchAsyncClient#close()}. This is false when
* {@link Builder#cloudWatchClient(CloudWatchAsyncClient)} was specified, meaning the customer has to close the client
* themselves.
private final boolean closeClientWithPublisher;
* The aggregator that takes {@link MetricCollection}s and converts them into {@link PutMetricDataRequest}s. This aggregator
* is *not* thread safe, so it should only ever be accessed from the {@link #executor}'s thread.
private final MetricCollectionAggregator metricAggregator;
* The uploader that takes {@link PutMetricDataRequest}s and sends them to a {@link CloudWatchAsyncClient}.
private final MetricUploader metricUploader;
* The executor that executes {@link AggregateMetricsTask}s and {@link UploadMetricsTasks}s.
private final ExecutorService executor;
* A scheduled executor that periodically schedules a {@link UploadMetricsTasks} on the {@link #executor} thread. Note: this
* executor should never execute the flush task itself, because that needs access to the {@link #metricAggregator}, and the
* {@code metricAggregator} should only ever be accessed from the {@link #executor} thread.
private final ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutor;
* The maximum number of {@link PutMetricDataRequest}s that should ever be executed as part of a single
* {@link UploadMetricsTasks}.
private final int maximumCallsPerUpload;
private CloudWatchMetricPublisher(Builder builder) {
this.closeClientWithPublisher = resolveCloseClientWithPublisher(builder);
this.metricAggregator = new MetricCollectionAggregator(resolveNamespace(builder),
this.metricUploader = new MetricUploader(resolveClient(builder));
this.maximumCallsPerUpload = resolveMaximumCallsPerUpload(builder);
ThreadFactory threadFactory = new ThreadFactoryBuilder().threadNamePrefix("cloud-watch-metric-publisher").build();
this.scheduledExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(threadFactory);
// Do not increase above 1 thread: access to MetricCollectionAggregator is not thread safe.
this.executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(1, 1, 0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS,
new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(MAXIMUM_TASK_QUEUE_SIZE),
long flushFrequencyInMillis = resolveUploadFrequency(builder).toMillis();
flushFrequencyInMillis, flushFrequencyInMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
private Set resolveMetricCategories(Builder builder) {
return builder.metricCategories == null ? DEFAULT_METRIC_CATEGORIES : new HashSet<>(builder.metricCategories);
private MetricLevel resolveMetricLevel(Builder builder) {
return builder.metricLevel == null ? DEFAULT_METRIC_LEVEL : builder.metricLevel;
private Set> resolveDetailedMetrics(Builder builder) {
return builder.detailedMetrics == null ? DEFAULT_DETAILED_METRICS : new HashSet<>(builder.detailedMetrics);
private Set> resolveDimensions(Builder builder) {
return builder.dimensions == null ? DEFAULT_DIMENSIONS : new HashSet<>(builder.dimensions);
private boolean resolveCloseClientWithPublisher(Builder builder) {
return builder.client == null;
private CloudWatchAsyncClient resolveClient(Builder builder) {
return builder.client == null ? CloudWatchAsyncClient.create() : builder.client;
private Duration resolveUploadFrequency(Builder builder) {
return builder.uploadFrequency == null ? DEFAULT_UPLOAD_FREQUENCY : builder.uploadFrequency;
private String resolveNamespace(Builder builder) {
return builder.namespace == null ? DEFAULT_NAMESPACE : builder.namespace;
private int resolveMaximumCallsPerUpload(Builder builder) {
return builder.maximumCallsPerUpload == null ? DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_CALLS_PER_UPLOAD : builder.maximumCallsPerUpload;
public void publish(MetricCollection metricCollection) {
try {
executor.submit(new AggregateMetricsTask(metricAggregator, metricCollection));
} catch (RejectedExecutionException e) {
METRIC_LOGGER.warn(() -> "Some AWS SDK client-side metrics have been dropped because an internal executor did not "
+ "accept them. This usually occurs because your publisher has been shut down or you have "
+ "generated too many requests for the publisher to handle in a timely fashion.", e);
* Flush the metrics (via a {@link UploadMetricsTasks}). In the event that the {@link #executor} task queue is full, this
* this will retry automatically.
* This returns when the {@code UploadMetricsTask} has been submitted to the executor. The returned future is completed
* when the metrics upload to cloudwatch has started. The inner-most future is finally completed when the upload to cloudwatch
* has finished.
private Future> flushMetrics() throws InterruptedException {
while (!executor.isShutdown()) {
try {
return executor.submit(new UploadMetricsTasks(metricAggregator, metricUploader, maximumCallsPerUpload));
} catch (RejectedExecutionException e) {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null));
private void flushMetricsQuietly() {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
METRIC_LOGGER.error(() -> "Interrupted during metric flushing.", e);
public void close() {
try {
Future> flushFuture = flushMetrics();
flushFuture.get(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS) // Wait for flush to start
.get(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS); // Wait for flush to finish
if (!executor.awaitTermination(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
throw new TimeoutException("Internal executor did not shut down in 60 seconds.");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
METRIC_LOGGER.error(() -> "Interrupted during graceful metric publisher shutdown.", e);
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
METRIC_LOGGER.error(() -> "Failed during graceful metric publisher shutdown.", e);
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
METRIC_LOGGER.error(() -> "Timed out during graceful metric publisher shutdown.", e);
} finally {
runQuietly(scheduledExecutor::shutdownNow, "shutting down scheduled executor");
runQuietly(executor::shutdownNow, "shutting down executor");
runQuietly(() -> metricUploader.close(closeClientWithPublisher), "closing metric uploader");
private void runQuietly(Runnable runnable, String taskName) {
try {;
} catch (Exception e) {
METRIC_LOGGER.warn(() -> "Failed while " + taskName + ".", e);
* Create a new {@link Builder} that can be used to create {@link CloudWatchMetricPublisher}s.
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
* Create a {@link CloudWatchMetricPublisher} using all default values.
public static CloudWatchMetricPublisher create() {
return builder().build();
* Returns {@code true} when the internal executors for this publisher are shut down.
boolean isShutdown() {
return scheduledExecutor.isShutdown() && executor.isShutdown();
* Builder class to construct {@link CloudWatchMetricPublisher} instances. See the individual properties for which
* configuration settings are available.
public static final class Builder {
private CloudWatchAsyncClient client;
private Duration uploadFrequency;
private String namespace;
private Integer maximumCallsPerUpload;
private Collection> dimensions;
private Collection metricCategories;
private MetricLevel metricLevel;
private Collection> detailedMetrics;
private Builder() {
* Configure the {@link PutMetricDataRequest#namespace()} used for all put-metric-data calls from this publisher.
* If this is not specified, {@code AwsSdk/JavaSdk2} will be used.
public Builder namespace(String namespace) {
this.namespace = namespace;
return this;
* Configure the {@link CloudWatchAsyncClient} instance that should be used to communicate with CloudWatch.
If this is not specified, the {@code CloudWatchAsyncClient} will be created via
* {@link CloudWatchAsyncClient#create()} (and will be closed when {@link #close()} is invoked).
If you specify a {@code CloudWatchAsyncClient} via this method, it will not be closed when this publisher
* is closed. You will need to need to manage the lifecycle of the client yourself.
public Builder cloudWatchClient(CloudWatchAsyncClient client) {
this.client = client;
return this;
* Configure the frequency at which aggregated metrics are uploaded to CloudWatch and released from memory.
If this is not specified, metrics will be uploaded once per minute.
Smaller values will: (1) reduce the amount of memory used by the library (particularly when
* {@link #detailedMetrics(Collection)} are enabled), (2) increase the number of CloudWatch calls (and therefore
* increase CloudWatch usage cost).
Larger values will: (1) increase the amount of memory used by the library (particularly when
* {@code detailedMetrics} are enabled), (2) increase the time it takes for metric data to appear in
* CloudWatch, (3) reduce the number of CloudWatch calls (and therefore decrease CloudWatch usage cost).
Warning: When {@code detailedMetrics} are enabled, all unique metric values are stored in memory until they
* can be published to CloudWatch. A high {@code uploadFrequency} with multiple {@code detailedMetrics} enabled can
* quickly consume heap memory while the values wait to be published to CloudWatch. In memory constrained environments, it
* is recommended to minimize the number of {@code detailedMetrics} configured on the publisher, or to upload metric data
* more frequently. As with all performance and resource concerns, profiling in a production-like environment is
* encouraged.
public Builder uploadFrequency(Duration uploadFrequency) {
this.uploadFrequency = uploadFrequency;
return this;
* Configure the maximum number of {@link CloudWatchAsyncClient#putMetricData(PutMetricDataRequest)} calls that an
* individual "upload" event can make to CloudWatch. Any metrics that would exceed this limit are dropped during the
* upload, logging a warning on the {@code} namespace.
The SDK will always attempt to maximize the number of metrics per put-metric-data call, but uploads will be split
* into multiple put-metric-data calls if they include a lot of different metrics or if there are a lot of high-value-
* distribution {@link #detailedMetrics(Collection)} being monitored.
This value combined with the {@link #uploadFrequency(Duration)} effectively provide a "hard cap" on the number of
* put-metric-data calls, to prevent unbounded cost in the event that too many metrics are enabled by the user.
If this is not specified, put-metric-data calls will be capped at 10 per upload.
public Builder maximumCallsPerUpload(Integer maximumCallsPerUpload) {
this.maximumCallsPerUpload = maximumCallsPerUpload;
return this;
* Configure the {@link SdkMetric}s that are used to define the {@link Dimension}s metrics are aggregated under.
If this is not specified, {@link CoreMetric#SERVICE_ID} and {@link CoreMetric#OPERATION_NAME} are used, allowing
* you to compare metrics for different services and operations.
Warning: Configuring the dimensions incorrectly can result in a large increase in the number of unique
* metrics and put-metric-data calls to cloudwatch, which have an associated monetary cost. Be sure you're choosing your
* metric dimensions wisely, and that you always evaluate the cost of modifying these values on your monthly usage costs.
Example useful settings:
* - {@code CoreMetric.SERVICE_ID} and {@code CoreMetric.OPERATION_NAME} (default): Separate metrics by service and
* operation, so that you can compare latencies between AWS services and operations.
* - {@code CoreMetric.SERVICE_ID}, {@code CoreMetric.OPERATION_NAME} and {@code CoreMetric.HOST_NAME}: Separate
* metrics by service, operation and host so that you can compare latencies across hosts in your fleet. Note: This should
* only be used when your fleet is relatively small. Large fleets result in a large number of unique metrics being
* generated.
* - {@code CoreMetric.SERVICE_ID}, {@code CoreMetric.OPERATION_NAME} and {@code HttpMetric.HTTP_CLIENT_NAME}: Separate
* metrics by service, operation and HTTP client type so that you can compare latencies between different HTTP client
* implementations.
public Builder dimensions(Collection> dimensions) {
this.dimensions = new ArrayList<>(dimensions);
return this;
* @see #dimensions(SdkMetric[])
public final Builder dimensions(SdkMetric... dimensions) {
return dimensions(Arrays.asList(dimensions));
* Configure the {@link MetricCategory}s that should be uploaded to CloudWatch.
* If this is not specified, {@link MetricCategory#ALL} is used.
All {@link SdkMetric}s are associated with at least one {@code MetricCategory}. This setting determines which
* category of metrics uploaded to CloudWatch. Any metrics {@link #publish(MetricCollection)}ed that do not fall under
* these configured categories are ignored.
Note: If there are {@link #dimensions(Collection)} configured that do not fall under these {@code MetricCategory}
* values, the dimensions will NOT be ignored. In other words, the metric category configuration only affects which
* metrics are uploaded to CloudWatch, not which values can be used for {@code dimensions}.
public Builder metricCategories(Collection metricCategories) {
this.metricCategories = new ArrayList<>(metricCategories);
return this;
* @see #metricCategories(Collection)
public Builder metricCategories(MetricCategory... metricCategories) {
return metricCategories(Arrays.asList(metricCategories));
* Configure the {@link MetricLevel} that should be uploaded to CloudWatch.
* If this is not specified, {@link MetricLevel#INFO} is used.
All {@link SdkMetric}s are associated with one {@code MetricLevel}. This setting determines which level of metrics
* uploaded to CloudWatch. Any metrics {@link #publish(MetricCollection)}ed that do not fall under these configured
* categories are ignored.
Note: If there are {@link #dimensions(Collection)} configured that do not fall under this {@code MetricLevel}
* values, the dimensions will NOT be ignored. In other words, the metric category configuration only affects which
* metrics are uploaded to CloudWatch, not which values can be used for {@code dimensions}.
public Builder metricLevel(MetricLevel metricLevel) {
this.metricLevel = metricLevel;
return this;
* Configure the set of metrics for which detailed values and counts are uploaded to CloudWatch, instead of summaries.
By default, all metrics published to this publisher are summarized using {@link StatisticSet}s. This saves memory,
* because it allows the publisher to store a fixed amount of information in memory, no matter how many different metric
* values are published. The drawback is that metrics other than count, sum, average, maximum and minimum are not made
* available in CloudWatch. The {@code detailedMetrics} setting instructs the publisher to store and publish itemized
* {@link MetricDatum#values()} and {@link MetricDatum#counts()}, which enables other metrics like p90 and p99 to be
* queried in CloudWatch.
Warning: When {@code detailedMetrics} are enabled, all unique metric values are stored in memory until they
* can be published to CloudWatch. A high {@code uploadFrequency} with multiple {@code detailedMetrics} enabled can
* quickly consume heap memory while the values wait to be published to CloudWatch. In memory constrained environments, it
* is recommended to minimize the number of {@code detailedMetrics} configured on the publisher, or to upload metric data
* more frequently. As with all performance and resource concerns, profiling in a production-like environment is
* encouraged.
In addition to additional heap memory usage, detailed metrics can result in more requests being sent to CloudWatch,
* which can also introduce additional usage cost. The {@link #maximumCallsPerUpload(Integer)} acts as a safeguard against
* too many calls being made, but if you configure multiple {@code detailedMetrics}, you may need to increase the
* {@code maximumCallsPerUpload} limit.
public Builder detailedMetrics(Collection> detailedMetrics) {
this.detailedMetrics = new ArrayList<>(detailedMetrics);
return this;
* @see #detailedMetrics(Collection)
public Builder detailedMetrics(SdkMetric>... detailedMetrics) {
return detailedMetrics(Arrays.asList(detailedMetrics));
* Build a {@link CloudWatchMetricPublisher} using the configuration currently configured on this publisher.
public CloudWatchMetricPublisher build() {
return new CloudWatchMetricPublisher(this);