models.elasticbeanstalk-2010-12-01-intermediate.json Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Show all versions of elasticbeanstalk Show documentation
"customizationConfig" : {
"attachPayloadTraitToMember" : { },
"blacklistedSimpleMethods" : [ "abortEnvironmentUpdate", "composeEnvironments", "deletePlatformVersion", "rebuildEnvironment", "restartAppServer", "swapEnvironmentCNAMEs", "terminateEnvironment", "updateEnvironment", "describeEnvironmentResources", "describePlatformVersion", "describeEnvironmentManagedActionHistory", "describeEnvironmentManagedActions", "describeInstancesHealth", "describeEnvironmentHealth", "describeConfigurationOptions" ],
"calculateCrc32FromCompressedData" : false,
"convenienceTypeOverloads" : [ ],
"customErrorCodeFieldName" : null,
"customProtocolFactoryFqcn" : null,
"customResponseMetadata" : null,
"customRetryPolicy" : null,
"customServiceMetadata" : null,
"defaultSimpleMethodTestRegion" : null,
"deprecatedOperations" : [ ],
"deprecatedShapes" : [ ],
"excludeClientCreateMethod" : false,
"modelMarshallerDefaultValueSupplier" : { },
"operationModifiers" : null,
"paginationCustomization" : null,
"renameShapes" : {
"Builder" : "PlatformBuilder"
"sdkModeledExceptionBaseClassName" : null,
"sdkRequestBaseClassName" : null,
"sdkResponseBaseClassName" : null,
"serviceSpecificClientConfigClass" : null,
"serviceSpecificHttpConfig" : null,
"shapeModifiers" : {
"CreatePlatformVersionResult" : {
"exclude" : null,
"excludeShape" : false,
"inject" : null,
"modify" : [ {
"Builder" : {
"emitAsType" : null,
"emitEnumName" : null,
"emitEnumValue" : null,
"emitPropertyName" : "PlatformBuilder",
"marshallLocationName" : null,
"unmarshallLocationName" : null
} ],
"staxTargetDepthOffset" : null
"shapeSubstitutions" : null,
"shareModelConfig" : null,
"skipSyncClientGeneration" : false,
"useAutoConstructList" : true,
"useAutoConstructMap" : true,
"utilitiesMethod" : null,
"verifiedSimpleMethods" : [ "createStorageLocation", "describeAccountAttributes", "describeApplicationVersions", "describeApplications", "describeEnvironments", "describeEvents", "listAvailableSolutionStacks", "listPlatformVersions" ]
"metadata" : {
"apiVersion" : "2010-12-01",
"asyncBuilder" : "DefaultElasticBeanstalkAsyncClientBuilder",
"asyncBuilderInterface" : "ElasticBeanstalkAsyncClientBuilder",
"asyncClient" : "DefaultElasticBeanstalkAsyncClient",
"asyncInterface" : "ElasticBeanstalkAsyncClient",
"authPolicyPackageName" : null,
"authType" : "V4",
"baseBuilder" : "DefaultElasticBeanstalkBaseClientBuilder",
"baseBuilderInterface" : "ElasticBeanstalkBaseClientBuilder",
"baseExceptionName" : "ElasticBeanstalkException",
"baseRequestName" : "ElasticBeanstalkRequest",
"baseResponseName" : "ElasticBeanstalkResponse",
"cborProtocol" : false,
"clientPackageName" : "elasticbeanstalk",
"contentType" : null,
"defaultEndpoint" : null,
"defaultEndpointWithoutHttpProtocol" : null,
"defaultRegion" : null,
"descriptiveServiceName" : "Elastic Beanstalk",
"documentation" : "AWS Elastic Beanstalk AWS Elastic Beanstalk makes it easy for you to create, deploy, and manage scalable, fault-tolerant applications running on the Amazon Web Services cloud.
For more information about this product, go to the AWS Elastic Beanstalk details page. The location of the latest AWS Elastic Beanstalk WSDL is http://elasticbeanstalk.s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2010-12-01/AWSElasticBeanstalk.wsdl. To install the Software Development Kits (SDKs), Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Toolkits, and command line tools that enable you to access the API, go to Tools for Amazon Web Services.
For a list of region-specific endpoints that AWS Elastic Beanstalk supports, go to Regions and Endpoints in the Amazon Web Services Glossary.
"endpointPrefix" : "elasticbeanstalk",
"fullAuthPolicyPackageName" : "software.amazon.awssdk.services",
"fullClientPackageName" : "software.amazon.awssdk.services.elasticbeanstalk",
"fullModelPackageName" : "software.amazon.awssdk.services.elasticbeanstalk.model",
"fullPaginatorsPackageName" : "software.amazon.awssdk.services.elasticbeanstalk.paginators",
"fullRequestTransformPackageName" : "software.amazon.awssdk.services.elasticbeanstalk.transform",
"fullTransformPackageName" : "software.amazon.awssdk.services.elasticbeanstalk.transform",
"ionProtocol" : false,
"jsonProtocol" : false,
"jsonVersion" : null,
"modelPackageName" : "elasticbeanstalk.model",
"paginatorsPackageName" : "elasticbeanstalk.paginators",
"protocol" : "query",
"requestTransformPackageName" : "elasticbeanstalk.transform",
"requiresApiKey" : false,
"requiresIamSigners" : false,
"rootPackageName" : "software.amazon.awssdk.services",
"serviceId" : "Elastic Beanstalk",
"serviceName" : "ElasticBeanstalk",
"signingName" : "elasticbeanstalk",
"syncBuilder" : "DefaultElasticBeanstalkClientBuilder",
"syncBuilderInterface" : "ElasticBeanstalkClientBuilder",
"syncClient" : "DefaultElasticBeanstalkClient",
"syncInterface" : "ElasticBeanstalkClient",
"transformPackageName" : "elasticbeanstalk.transform",
"uid" : "elasticbeanstalk-2010-12-01",
"xmlProtocol" : true
"operations" : {
"AbortEnvironmentUpdate" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Cancels in-progress environment configuration update or application version deployment.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ {
"exceptionName" : "InsufficientPrivilegesException",
"documentation" : "The specified account does not have sufficient privileges for one or more AWS services.
"httpStatusCode" : 403
} ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "AbortEnvironmentUpdateRequest",
"variableName" : "abortEnvironmentUpdateRequest",
"variableType" : "AbortEnvironmentUpdateRequest",
"documentation" : "",
"simpleType" : "AbortEnvironmentUpdateRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "AbortEnvironmentUpdateRequest"
"methodName" : "abortEnvironmentUpdate",
"operationName" : "AbortEnvironmentUpdate",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "AbortEnvironmentUpdateResponse",
"documentation" : null
"syncReturnType" : "AbortEnvironmentUpdateResponse"
"ApplyEnvironmentManagedAction" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Applies a scheduled managed action immediately. A managed action can be applied only if its status is Scheduled
. Get the status and action ID of a managed action with DescribeEnvironmentManagedActions.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ {
"exceptionName" : "ElasticBeanstalkServiceException",
"documentation" : "A generic service exception has occurred.
"httpStatusCode" : null
}, {
"exceptionName" : "ManagedActionInvalidStateException",
"documentation" : "Cannot modify the managed action in its current state.
"httpStatusCode" : 400
} ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ApplyEnvironmentManagedActionRequest",
"variableName" : "applyEnvironmentManagedActionRequest",
"variableType" : "ApplyEnvironmentManagedActionRequest",
"documentation" : "Request to execute a scheduled managed action immediately.
"simpleType" : "ApplyEnvironmentManagedActionRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "ApplyEnvironmentManagedActionRequest"
"methodName" : "applyEnvironmentManagedAction",
"operationName" : "ApplyEnvironmentManagedAction",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "ApplyEnvironmentManagedActionResponse",
"documentation" : "The result message containing information about the managed action.
"syncReturnType" : "ApplyEnvironmentManagedActionResponse"
"CheckDNSAvailability" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Checks if the specified CNAME is available.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "CheckDnsAvailabilityRequest",
"variableName" : "checkDnsAvailabilityRequest",
"variableType" : "CheckDnsAvailabilityRequest",
"documentation" : "Results message indicating whether a CNAME is available.
"simpleType" : "CheckDnsAvailabilityRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "CheckDnsAvailabilityRequest"
"methodName" : "checkDNSAvailability",
"operationName" : "CheckDNSAvailability",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "CheckDnsAvailabilityResponse",
"documentation" : "Indicates if the specified CNAME is available.
"syncReturnType" : "CheckDnsAvailabilityResponse"
"ComposeEnvironments" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Create or update a group of environments that each run a separate component of a single application. Takes a list of version labels that specify application source bundles for each of the environments to create or update. The name of each environment and other required information must be included in the source bundles in an environment manifest named env.yaml
. See Compose Environments for details.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ {
"exceptionName" : "TooManyEnvironmentsException",
"documentation" : "The specified account has reached its limit of environments.
"httpStatusCode" : 400
}, {
"exceptionName" : "InsufficientPrivilegesException",
"documentation" : "The specified account does not have sufficient privileges for one or more AWS services.
"httpStatusCode" : 403
} ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ComposeEnvironmentsRequest",
"variableName" : "composeEnvironmentsRequest",
"variableType" : "ComposeEnvironmentsRequest",
"documentation" : "Request to create or update a group of environments.
"simpleType" : "ComposeEnvironmentsRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "ComposeEnvironmentsRequest"
"methodName" : "composeEnvironments",
"operationName" : "ComposeEnvironments",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "ComposeEnvironmentsResponse",
"documentation" : "Result message containing a list of environment descriptions.
"syncReturnType" : "ComposeEnvironmentsResponse"
"CreateApplication" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : " Creates an application that has one configuration template named default
and no application versions.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ {
"exceptionName" : "TooManyApplicationsException",
"documentation" : "The specified account has reached its limit of applications.
"httpStatusCode" : 400
} ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "CreateApplicationRequest",
"variableName" : "createApplicationRequest",
"variableType" : "CreateApplicationRequest",
"documentation" : "Request to create an application.
"simpleType" : "CreateApplicationRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "CreateApplicationRequest"
"methodName" : "createApplication",
"operationName" : "CreateApplication",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "CreateApplicationResponse",
"documentation" : "Result message containing a single description of an application.
"syncReturnType" : "CreateApplicationResponse"
"CreateApplicationVersion" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Creates an application version for the specified application. You can create an application version from a source bundle in Amazon S3, a commit in AWS CodeCommit, or the output of an AWS CodeBuild build as follows:
Specify a commit in an AWS CodeCommit repository with SourceBuildInformation
Specify a build in an AWS CodeBuild with SourceBuildInformation
and BuildConfiguration
Specify a source bundle in S3 with SourceBundle
Omit both SourceBuildInformation
and SourceBundle
to use the default sample application.
Once you create an application version with a specified Amazon S3 bucket and key location, you cannot change that Amazon S3 location. If you change the Amazon S3 location, you receive an exception when you attempt to launch an environment from the application version.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ {
"exceptionName" : "TooManyApplicationsException",
"documentation" : "The specified account has reached its limit of applications.
"httpStatusCode" : 400
}, {
"exceptionName" : "TooManyApplicationVersionsException",
"documentation" : "The specified account has reached its limit of application versions.
"httpStatusCode" : null
}, {
"exceptionName" : "InsufficientPrivilegesException",
"documentation" : "The specified account does not have sufficient privileges for one or more AWS services.
"httpStatusCode" : 403
}, {
"exceptionName" : "S3LocationNotInServiceRegionException",
"documentation" : "The specified S3 bucket does not belong to the S3 region in which the service is running. The following regions are supported:
"httpStatusCode" : 400
}, {
"exceptionName" : "CodeBuildNotInServiceRegionException",
"documentation" : "AWS CodeBuild is not available in the specified region.
"httpStatusCode" : 400
} ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "CreateApplicationVersionRequest",
"variableName" : "createApplicationVersionRequest",
"variableType" : "CreateApplicationVersionRequest",
"documentation" : "",
"simpleType" : "CreateApplicationVersionRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "CreateApplicationVersionRequest"
"methodName" : "createApplicationVersion",
"operationName" : "CreateApplicationVersion",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "CreateApplicationVersionResponse",
"documentation" : "Result message wrapping a single description of an application version.
"syncReturnType" : "CreateApplicationVersionResponse"
"CreateConfigurationTemplate" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Creates a configuration template. Templates are associated with a specific application and are used to deploy different versions of the application with the same configuration settings.
Templates aren't associated with any environment. The EnvironmentName
response element is always null
Related Topics
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ {
"exceptionName" : "InsufficientPrivilegesException",
"documentation" : "The specified account does not have sufficient privileges for one or more AWS services.
"httpStatusCode" : 403
}, {
"exceptionName" : "TooManyBucketsException",
"documentation" : "The specified account has reached its limit of Amazon S3 buckets.
"httpStatusCode" : 400
}, {
"exceptionName" : "TooManyConfigurationTemplatesException",
"documentation" : "The specified account has reached its limit of configuration templates.
"httpStatusCode" : 400
} ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "CreateConfigurationTemplateRequest",
"variableName" : "createConfigurationTemplateRequest",
"variableType" : "CreateConfigurationTemplateRequest",
"documentation" : "Request to create a configuration template.
"simpleType" : "CreateConfigurationTemplateRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "CreateConfigurationTemplateRequest"
"methodName" : "createConfigurationTemplate",
"operationName" : "CreateConfigurationTemplate",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "CreateConfigurationTemplateResponse",
"documentation" : "Describes the settings for a configuration set.
"syncReturnType" : "CreateConfigurationTemplateResponse"
"CreateEnvironment" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Launches an environment for the specified application using the specified configuration.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ {
"exceptionName" : "TooManyEnvironmentsException",
"documentation" : "The specified account has reached its limit of environments.
"httpStatusCode" : 400
}, {
"exceptionName" : "InsufficientPrivilegesException",
"documentation" : "The specified account does not have sufficient privileges for one or more AWS services.
"httpStatusCode" : 403
} ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "CreateEnvironmentRequest",
"variableName" : "createEnvironmentRequest",
"variableType" : "CreateEnvironmentRequest",
"documentation" : "",
"simpleType" : "CreateEnvironmentRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "CreateEnvironmentRequest"
"methodName" : "createEnvironment",
"operationName" : "CreateEnvironment",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "CreateEnvironmentResponse",
"documentation" : "Describes the properties of an environment.
"syncReturnType" : "CreateEnvironmentResponse"
"CreatePlatformVersion" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Create a new version of your custom platform.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ {
"exceptionName" : "InsufficientPrivilegesException",
"documentation" : "The specified account does not have sufficient privileges for one or more AWS services.
"httpStatusCode" : 403
}, {
"exceptionName" : "ElasticBeanstalkServiceException",
"documentation" : "A generic service exception has occurred.
"httpStatusCode" : null
}, {
"exceptionName" : "TooManyPlatformsException",
"documentation" : "You have exceeded the maximum number of allowed platforms associated with the account.
"httpStatusCode" : 400
} ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "CreatePlatformVersionRequest",
"variableName" : "createPlatformVersionRequest",
"variableType" : "CreatePlatformVersionRequest",
"documentation" : "Request to create a new platform version.
"simpleType" : "CreatePlatformVersionRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "CreatePlatformVersionRequest"
"methodName" : "createPlatformVersion",
"operationName" : "CreatePlatformVersion",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "CreatePlatformVersionResponse",
"documentation" : null
"syncReturnType" : "CreatePlatformVersionResponse"
"CreateStorageLocation" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Creates a bucket in Amazon S3 to store application versions, logs, and other files used by Elastic Beanstalk environments. The Elastic Beanstalk console and EB CLI call this API the first time you create an environment in a region. If the storage location already exists, CreateStorageLocation
still returns the bucket name but does not create a new bucket.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ {
"exceptionName" : "TooManyBucketsException",
"documentation" : "The specified account has reached its limit of Amazon S3 buckets.
"httpStatusCode" : 400
}, {
"exceptionName" : "S3SubscriptionRequiredException",
"documentation" : "The specified account does not have a subscription to Amazon S3.
"httpStatusCode" : 400
}, {
"exceptionName" : "InsufficientPrivilegesException",
"documentation" : "The specified account does not have sufficient privileges for one or more AWS services.
"httpStatusCode" : 403
} ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "CreateStorageLocationRequest",
"variableName" : "createStorageLocationRequest",
"variableType" : "CreateStorageLocationRequest",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "CreateStorageLocationRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "CreateStorageLocationRequest"
"methodName" : "createStorageLocation",
"operationName" : "CreateStorageLocation",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "CreateStorageLocationResponse",
"documentation" : "Results of a CreateStorageLocationResult call.
"syncReturnType" : "CreateStorageLocationResponse"
"DeleteApplication" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Deletes the specified application along with all associated versions and configurations. The application versions will not be deleted from your Amazon S3 bucket.
You cannot delete an application that has a running environment.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ {
"exceptionName" : "OperationInProgressException",
"documentation" : "Unable to perform the specified operation because another operation that effects an element in this activity is already in progress.
"httpStatusCode" : 400
} ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "DeleteApplicationRequest",
"variableName" : "deleteApplicationRequest",
"variableType" : "DeleteApplicationRequest",
"documentation" : "Request to delete an application.
"simpleType" : "DeleteApplicationRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "DeleteApplicationRequest"
"methodName" : "deleteApplication",
"operationName" : "DeleteApplication",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "DeleteApplicationResponse",
"documentation" : null
"syncReturnType" : "DeleteApplicationResponse"
"DeleteApplicationVersion" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Deletes the specified version from the specified application.
You cannot delete an application version that is associated with a running environment.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ {
"exceptionName" : "SourceBundleDeletionException",
"documentation" : "Unable to delete the Amazon S3 source bundle associated with the application version. The application version was deleted successfully.
"httpStatusCode" : 400
}, {
"exceptionName" : "InsufficientPrivilegesException",
"documentation" : "The specified account does not have sufficient privileges for one or more AWS services.
"httpStatusCode" : 403
}, {
"exceptionName" : "OperationInProgressException",
"documentation" : "Unable to perform the specified operation because another operation that effects an element in this activity is already in progress.
"httpStatusCode" : 400
}, {
"exceptionName" : "S3LocationNotInServiceRegionException",
"documentation" : "The specified S3 bucket does not belong to the S3 region in which the service is running. The following regions are supported:
"httpStatusCode" : 400
} ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "DeleteApplicationVersionRequest",
"variableName" : "deleteApplicationVersionRequest",
"variableType" : "DeleteApplicationVersionRequest",
"documentation" : "Request to delete an application version.
"simpleType" : "DeleteApplicationVersionRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "DeleteApplicationVersionRequest"
"methodName" : "deleteApplicationVersion",
"operationName" : "DeleteApplicationVersion",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "DeleteApplicationVersionResponse",
"documentation" : null
"syncReturnType" : "DeleteApplicationVersionResponse"
"DeleteConfigurationTemplate" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Deletes the specified configuration template.
When you launch an environment using a configuration template, the environment gets a copy of the template. You can delete or modify the environment's copy of the template without affecting the running environment.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ {
"exceptionName" : "OperationInProgressException",
"documentation" : "Unable to perform the specified operation because another operation that effects an element in this activity is already in progress.
"httpStatusCode" : 400
} ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "DeleteConfigurationTemplateRequest",
"variableName" : "deleteConfigurationTemplateRequest",
"variableType" : "DeleteConfigurationTemplateRequest",
"documentation" : "Request to delete a configuration template.
"simpleType" : "DeleteConfigurationTemplateRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "DeleteConfigurationTemplateRequest"
"methodName" : "deleteConfigurationTemplate",
"operationName" : "DeleteConfigurationTemplate",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "DeleteConfigurationTemplateResponse",
"documentation" : null
"syncReturnType" : "DeleteConfigurationTemplateResponse"
"DeleteEnvironmentConfiguration" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Deletes the draft configuration associated with the running environment.
Updating a running environment with any configuration changes creates a draft configuration set. You can get the draft configuration using DescribeConfigurationSettings while the update is in progress or if the update fails. The DeploymentStatus
for the draft configuration indicates whether the deployment is in process or has failed. The draft configuration remains in existence until it is deleted with this action.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "DeleteEnvironmentConfigurationRequest",
"variableName" : "deleteEnvironmentConfigurationRequest",
"variableType" : "DeleteEnvironmentConfigurationRequest",
"documentation" : "Request to delete a draft environment configuration.
"simpleType" : "DeleteEnvironmentConfigurationRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "DeleteEnvironmentConfigurationRequest"
"methodName" : "deleteEnvironmentConfiguration",
"operationName" : "DeleteEnvironmentConfiguration",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "DeleteEnvironmentConfigurationResponse",
"documentation" : null
"syncReturnType" : "DeleteEnvironmentConfigurationResponse"
"DeletePlatformVersion" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Deletes the specified version of a custom platform.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ {
"exceptionName" : "OperationInProgressException",
"documentation" : "Unable to perform the specified operation because another operation that effects an element in this activity is already in progress.
"httpStatusCode" : 400
}, {
"exceptionName" : "InsufficientPrivilegesException",
"documentation" : "The specified account does not have sufficient privileges for one or more AWS services.
"httpStatusCode" : 403
}, {
"exceptionName" : "ElasticBeanstalkServiceException",
"documentation" : "A generic service exception has occurred.
"httpStatusCode" : null
}, {
"exceptionName" : "PlatformVersionStillReferencedException",
"documentation" : "You cannot delete the platform version because there are still environments running on it.
"httpStatusCode" : 400
} ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "DeletePlatformVersionRequest",
"variableName" : "deletePlatformVersionRequest",
"variableType" : "DeletePlatformVersionRequest",
"documentation" : "",
"simpleType" : "DeletePlatformVersionRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "DeletePlatformVersionRequest"
"methodName" : "deletePlatformVersion",
"operationName" : "DeletePlatformVersion",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "DeletePlatformVersionResponse",
"documentation" : null
"syncReturnType" : "DeletePlatformVersionResponse"
"DescribeAccountAttributes" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Returns attributes related to AWS Elastic Beanstalk that are associated with the calling AWS account.
The result currently has one set of attributes—resource quotas.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ {
"exceptionName" : "InsufficientPrivilegesException",
"documentation" : "The specified account does not have sufficient privileges for one or more AWS services.
"httpStatusCode" : 403
} ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeAccountAttributesRequest",
"variableName" : "describeAccountAttributesRequest",
"variableType" : "DescribeAccountAttributesRequest",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "DescribeAccountAttributesRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "DescribeAccountAttributesRequest"
"methodName" : "describeAccountAttributes",
"operationName" : "DescribeAccountAttributes",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "DescribeAccountAttributesResponse",
"documentation" : null
"syncReturnType" : "DescribeAccountAttributesResponse"
"DescribeApplicationVersions" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Retrieve a list of application versions.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeApplicationVersionsRequest",
"variableName" : "describeApplicationVersionsRequest",
"variableType" : "DescribeApplicationVersionsRequest",
"documentation" : "Request to describe application versions.
"simpleType" : "DescribeApplicationVersionsRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "DescribeApplicationVersionsRequest"
"methodName" : "describeApplicationVersions",
"operationName" : "DescribeApplicationVersions",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "DescribeApplicationVersionsResponse",
"documentation" : "Result message wrapping a list of application version descriptions.
"syncReturnType" : "DescribeApplicationVersionsResponse"
"DescribeApplications" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Returns the descriptions of existing applications.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeApplicationsRequest",
"variableName" : "describeApplicationsRequest",
"variableType" : "DescribeApplicationsRequest",
"documentation" : "Request to describe one or more applications.
"simpleType" : "DescribeApplicationsRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "DescribeApplicationsRequest"
"methodName" : "describeApplications",
"operationName" : "DescribeApplications",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "DescribeApplicationsResponse",
"documentation" : "Result message containing a list of application descriptions.
"syncReturnType" : "DescribeApplicationsResponse"
"DescribeConfigurationOptions" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Describes the configuration options that are used in a particular configuration template or environment, or that a specified solution stack defines. The description includes the values the options, their default values, and an indication of the required action on a running environment if an option value is changed.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ {
"exceptionName" : "TooManyBucketsException",
"documentation" : "The specified account has reached its limit of Amazon S3 buckets.
"httpStatusCode" : 400
} ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeConfigurationOptionsRequest",
"variableName" : "describeConfigurationOptionsRequest",
"variableType" : "DescribeConfigurationOptionsRequest",
"documentation" : "Result message containing a list of application version descriptions.
"simpleType" : "DescribeConfigurationOptionsRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "DescribeConfigurationOptionsRequest"
"methodName" : "describeConfigurationOptions",
"operationName" : "DescribeConfigurationOptions",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "DescribeConfigurationOptionsResponse",
"documentation" : "Describes the settings for a specified configuration set.
"syncReturnType" : "DescribeConfigurationOptionsResponse"
"DescribeConfigurationSettings" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Returns a description of the settings for the specified configuration set, that is, either a configuration template or the configuration set associated with a running environment.
When describing the settings for the configuration set associated with a running environment, it is possible to receive two sets of setting descriptions. One is the deployed configuration set, and the other is a draft configuration of an environment that is either in the process of deployment or that failed to deploy.
Related Topics
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ {
"exceptionName" : "TooManyBucketsException",
"documentation" : "The specified account has reached its limit of Amazon S3 buckets.
"httpStatusCode" : 400
} ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeConfigurationSettingsRequest",
"variableName" : "describeConfigurationSettingsRequest",
"variableType" : "DescribeConfigurationSettingsRequest",
"documentation" : "Result message containing all of the configuration settings for a specified solution stack or configuration template.
"simpleType" : "DescribeConfigurationSettingsRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "DescribeConfigurationSettingsRequest"
"methodName" : "describeConfigurationSettings",
"operationName" : "DescribeConfigurationSettings",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "DescribeConfigurationSettingsResponse",
"documentation" : "The results from a request to change the configuration settings of an environment.
"syncReturnType" : "DescribeConfigurationSettingsResponse"
"DescribeEnvironmentHealth" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Returns information about the overall health of the specified environment. The DescribeEnvironmentHealth operation is only available with AWS Elastic Beanstalk Enhanced Health.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ {
"exceptionName" : "InvalidRequestException",
"documentation" : "One or more input parameters is not valid. Please correct the input parameters and try the operation again.
"httpStatusCode" : 400
}, {
"exceptionName" : "ElasticBeanstalkServiceException",
"documentation" : "A generic service exception has occurred.
"httpStatusCode" : null
} ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeEnvironmentHealthRequest",
"variableName" : "describeEnvironmentHealthRequest",
"variableType" : "DescribeEnvironmentHealthRequest",
"documentation" : "See the example below to learn how to create a request body.
"simpleType" : "DescribeEnvironmentHealthRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "DescribeEnvironmentHealthRequest"
"methodName" : "describeEnvironmentHealth",
"operationName" : "DescribeEnvironmentHealth",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "DescribeEnvironmentHealthResponse",
"documentation" : "Health details for an AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment.
"syncReturnType" : "DescribeEnvironmentHealthResponse"
"DescribeEnvironmentManagedActionHistory" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Lists an environment's completed and failed managed actions.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ {
"exceptionName" : "ElasticBeanstalkServiceException",
"documentation" : "A generic service exception has occurred.
"httpStatusCode" : null
} ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeEnvironmentManagedActionHistoryRequest",
"variableName" : "describeEnvironmentManagedActionHistoryRequest",
"variableType" : "DescribeEnvironmentManagedActionHistoryRequest",
"documentation" : "Request to list completed and failed managed actions.
"simpleType" : "DescribeEnvironmentManagedActionHistoryRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "DescribeEnvironmentManagedActionHistoryRequest"
"methodName" : "describeEnvironmentManagedActionHistory",
"operationName" : "DescribeEnvironmentManagedActionHistory",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "DescribeEnvironmentManagedActionHistoryResponse",
"documentation" : "A result message containing a list of completed and failed managed actions.
"syncReturnType" : "DescribeEnvironmentManagedActionHistoryResponse"
"DescribeEnvironmentManagedActions" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Lists an environment's upcoming and in-progress managed actions.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ {
"exceptionName" : "ElasticBeanstalkServiceException",
"documentation" : "A generic service exception has occurred.
"httpStatusCode" : null
} ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeEnvironmentManagedActionsRequest",
"variableName" : "describeEnvironmentManagedActionsRequest",
"variableType" : "DescribeEnvironmentManagedActionsRequest",
"documentation" : "Request to list an environment's upcoming and in-progress managed actions.
"simpleType" : "DescribeEnvironmentManagedActionsRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "DescribeEnvironmentManagedActionsRequest"
"methodName" : "describeEnvironmentManagedActions",
"operationName" : "DescribeEnvironmentManagedActions",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "DescribeEnvironmentManagedActionsResponse",
"documentation" : "The result message containing a list of managed actions.
"syncReturnType" : "DescribeEnvironmentManagedActionsResponse"
"DescribeEnvironmentResources" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Returns AWS resources for this environment.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ {
"exceptionName" : "InsufficientPrivilegesException",
"documentation" : "The specified account does not have sufficient privileges for one or more AWS services.
"httpStatusCode" : 403
} ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeEnvironmentResourcesRequest",
"variableName" : "describeEnvironmentResourcesRequest",
"variableType" : "DescribeEnvironmentResourcesRequest",
"documentation" : "Request to describe the resources in an environment.
"simpleType" : "DescribeEnvironmentResourcesRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "DescribeEnvironmentResourcesRequest"
"methodName" : "describeEnvironmentResources",
"operationName" : "DescribeEnvironmentResources",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "DescribeEnvironmentResourcesResponse",
"documentation" : "Result message containing a list of environment resource descriptions.
"syncReturnType" : "DescribeEnvironmentResourcesResponse"
"DescribeEnvironments" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Returns descriptions for existing environments.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeEnvironmentsRequest",
"variableName" : "describeEnvironmentsRequest",
"variableType" : "DescribeEnvironmentsRequest",
"documentation" : "Request to describe one or more environments.
"simpleType" : "DescribeEnvironmentsRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "DescribeEnvironmentsRequest"
"methodName" : "describeEnvironments",
"operationName" : "DescribeEnvironments",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "DescribeEnvironmentsResponse",
"documentation" : "Result message containing a list of environment descriptions.
"syncReturnType" : "DescribeEnvironmentsResponse"
"DescribeEvents" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Returns list of event descriptions matching criteria up to the last 6 weeks.
This action returns the most recent 1,000 events from the specified NextToken
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeEventsRequest",
"variableName" : "describeEventsRequest",
"variableType" : "DescribeEventsRequest",
"documentation" : "Request to retrieve a list of events for an environment.
"simpleType" : "DescribeEventsRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "DescribeEventsRequest"
"methodName" : "describeEvents",
"operationName" : "DescribeEvents",
"paginated" : true,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "DescribeEventsResponse",
"documentation" : "Result message wrapping a list of event descriptions.
"syncReturnType" : "DescribeEventsResponse"
"DescribeInstancesHealth" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Retrieves detailed information about the health of instances in your AWS Elastic Beanstalk. This operation requires enhanced health reporting.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ {
"exceptionName" : "InvalidRequestException",
"documentation" : "One or more input parameters is not valid. Please correct the input parameters and try the operation again.
"httpStatusCode" : 400
}, {
"exceptionName" : "ElasticBeanstalkServiceException",
"documentation" : "A generic service exception has occurred.
"httpStatusCode" : null
} ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeInstancesHealthRequest",
"variableName" : "describeInstancesHealthRequest",
"variableType" : "DescribeInstancesHealthRequest",
"documentation" : "Parameters for a call to DescribeInstancesHealth
"simpleType" : "DescribeInstancesHealthRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "DescribeInstancesHealthRequest"
"methodName" : "describeInstancesHealth",
"operationName" : "DescribeInstancesHealth",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "DescribeInstancesHealthResponse",
"documentation" : "Detailed health information about the Amazon EC2 instances in an AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment.
"syncReturnType" : "DescribeInstancesHealthResponse"
"DescribePlatformVersion" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Describes the version of the platform.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ {
"exceptionName" : "InsufficientPrivilegesException",
"documentation" : "The specified account does not have sufficient privileges for one or more AWS services.
"httpStatusCode" : 403
}, {
"exceptionName" : "ElasticBeanstalkServiceException",
"documentation" : "A generic service exception has occurred.
"httpStatusCode" : null
} ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "DescribePlatformVersionRequest",
"variableName" : "describePlatformVersionRequest",
"variableType" : "DescribePlatformVersionRequest",
"documentation" : "",
"simpleType" : "DescribePlatformVersionRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "DescribePlatformVersionRequest"
"methodName" : "describePlatformVersion",
"operationName" : "DescribePlatformVersion",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "DescribePlatformVersionResponse",
"documentation" : null
"syncReturnType" : "DescribePlatformVersionResponse"
"ListAvailableSolutionStacks" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Returns a list of the available solution stack names, with the public version first and then in reverse chronological order.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ListAvailableSolutionStacksRequest",
"variableName" : "listAvailableSolutionStacksRequest",
"variableType" : "ListAvailableSolutionStacksRequest",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "ListAvailableSolutionStacksRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "ListAvailableSolutionStacksRequest"
"methodName" : "listAvailableSolutionStacks",
"operationName" : "ListAvailableSolutionStacks",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "ListAvailableSolutionStacksResponse",
"documentation" : "A list of available AWS Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks.
"syncReturnType" : "ListAvailableSolutionStacksResponse"
"ListPlatformVersions" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Lists the available platforms.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ {
"exceptionName" : "InsufficientPrivilegesException",
"documentation" : "The specified account does not have sufficient privileges for one or more AWS services.
"httpStatusCode" : 403
}, {
"exceptionName" : "ElasticBeanstalkServiceException",
"documentation" : "A generic service exception has occurred.
"httpStatusCode" : null
} ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ListPlatformVersionsRequest",
"variableName" : "listPlatformVersionsRequest",
"variableType" : "ListPlatformVersionsRequest",
"documentation" : "",
"simpleType" : "ListPlatformVersionsRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "ListPlatformVersionsRequest"
"methodName" : "listPlatformVersions",
"operationName" : "ListPlatformVersions",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "ListPlatformVersionsResponse",
"documentation" : null
"syncReturnType" : "ListPlatformVersionsResponse"
"ListTagsForResource" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Returns the tags applied to an AWS Elastic Beanstalk resource. The response contains a list of tag key-value pairs.
Currently, Elastic Beanstalk only supports tagging of Elastic Beanstalk environments. For details about environment tagging, see Tagging Resources in Your Elastic Beanstalk Environment.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ {
"exceptionName" : "InsufficientPrivilegesException",
"documentation" : "The specified account does not have sufficient privileges for one or more AWS services.
"httpStatusCode" : 403
}, {
"exceptionName" : "ResourceNotFoundException",
"documentation" : "A resource doesn't exist for the specified Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
"httpStatusCode" : 400
}, {
"exceptionName" : "ResourceTypeNotSupportedException",
"documentation" : "The type of the specified Amazon Resource Name (ARN) isn't supported for this operation.
"httpStatusCode" : 400
} ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ListTagsForResourceRequest",
"variableName" : "listTagsForResourceRequest",
"variableType" : "ListTagsForResourceRequest",
"documentation" : "",
"simpleType" : "ListTagsForResourceRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "ListTagsForResourceRequest"
"methodName" : "listTagsForResource",
"operationName" : "ListTagsForResource",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "ListTagsForResourceResponse",
"documentation" : null
"syncReturnType" : "ListTagsForResourceResponse"
"RebuildEnvironment" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Deletes and recreates all of the AWS resources (for example: the Auto Scaling group, load balancer, etc.) for a specified environment and forces a restart.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ {
"exceptionName" : "InsufficientPrivilegesException",
"documentation" : "The specified account does not have sufficient privileges for one or more AWS services.
"httpStatusCode" : 403
} ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "RebuildEnvironmentRequest",
"variableName" : "rebuildEnvironmentRequest",
"variableType" : "RebuildEnvironmentRequest",
"documentation" : "",
"simpleType" : "RebuildEnvironmentRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "RebuildEnvironmentRequest"
"methodName" : "rebuildEnvironment",
"operationName" : "RebuildEnvironment",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "RebuildEnvironmentResponse",
"documentation" : null
"syncReturnType" : "RebuildEnvironmentResponse"
"RequestEnvironmentInfo" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Initiates a request to compile the specified type of information of the deployed environment.
Setting the InfoType
to tail
compiles the last lines from the application server log files of every Amazon EC2 instance in your environment.
Setting the InfoType
to bundle
compresses the application server log files for every Amazon EC2 instance into a .zip
file. Legacy and .NET containers do not support bundle logs.
Use RetrieveEnvironmentInfo to obtain the set of logs.
Related Topics
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "RequestEnvironmentInfoRequest",
"variableName" : "requestEnvironmentInfoRequest",
"variableType" : "RequestEnvironmentInfoRequest",
"documentation" : "Request to retrieve logs from an environment and store them in your Elastic Beanstalk storage bucket.
"simpleType" : "RequestEnvironmentInfoRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "RequestEnvironmentInfoRequest"
"methodName" : "requestEnvironmentInfo",
"operationName" : "RequestEnvironmentInfo",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "RequestEnvironmentInfoResponse",
"documentation" : null
"syncReturnType" : "RequestEnvironmentInfoResponse"
"RestartAppServer" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Causes the environment to restart the application container server running on each Amazon EC2 instance.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "RestartAppServerRequest",
"variableName" : "restartAppServerRequest",
"variableType" : "RestartAppServerRequest",
"documentation" : "",
"simpleType" : "RestartAppServerRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "RestartAppServerRequest"
"methodName" : "restartAppServer",
"operationName" : "RestartAppServer",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "RestartAppServerResponse",
"documentation" : null
"syncReturnType" : "RestartAppServerResponse"
"RetrieveEnvironmentInfo" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Retrieves the compiled information from a RequestEnvironmentInfo request.
Related Topics
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "RetrieveEnvironmentInfoRequest",
"variableName" : "retrieveEnvironmentInfoRequest",
"variableType" : "RetrieveEnvironmentInfoRequest",
"documentation" : "Request to download logs retrieved with RequestEnvironmentInfo.
"simpleType" : "RetrieveEnvironmentInfoRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "RetrieveEnvironmentInfoRequest"
"methodName" : "retrieveEnvironmentInfo",
"operationName" : "RetrieveEnvironmentInfo",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "RetrieveEnvironmentInfoResponse",
"documentation" : "Result message containing a description of the requested environment info.
"syncReturnType" : "RetrieveEnvironmentInfoResponse"
"SwapEnvironmentCNAMEs" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Swaps the CNAMEs of two environments.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "SwapEnvironmentCnamEsRequest",
"variableName" : "swapEnvironmentCnamEsRequest",
"variableType" : "SwapEnvironmentCnamEsRequest",
"documentation" : "Swaps the CNAMEs of two environments.
"simpleType" : "SwapEnvironmentCnamEsRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "SwapEnvironmentCnamEsRequest"
"methodName" : "swapEnvironmentCNAMEs",
"operationName" : "SwapEnvironmentCNAMEs",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "SwapEnvironmentCNAMEsResponse",
"documentation" : null
"syncReturnType" : "SwapEnvironmentCNAMEsResponse"
"TerminateEnvironment" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Terminates the specified environment.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ {
"exceptionName" : "InsufficientPrivilegesException",
"documentation" : "The specified account does not have sufficient privileges for one or more AWS services.
"httpStatusCode" : 403
} ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "TerminateEnvironmentRequest",
"variableName" : "terminateEnvironmentRequest",
"variableType" : "TerminateEnvironmentRequest",
"documentation" : "Request to terminate an environment.
"simpleType" : "TerminateEnvironmentRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "TerminateEnvironmentRequest"
"methodName" : "terminateEnvironment",
"operationName" : "TerminateEnvironment",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "TerminateEnvironmentResponse",
"documentation" : "Describes the properties of an environment.
"syncReturnType" : "TerminateEnvironmentResponse"
"UpdateApplication" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Updates the specified application to have the specified properties.
If a property (for example, description
) is not provided, the value remains unchanged. To clear these properties, specify an empty string.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "UpdateApplicationRequest",
"variableName" : "updateApplicationRequest",
"variableType" : "UpdateApplicationRequest",
"documentation" : "Request to update an application.
"simpleType" : "UpdateApplicationRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "UpdateApplicationRequest"
"methodName" : "updateApplication",
"operationName" : "UpdateApplication",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "UpdateApplicationResponse",
"documentation" : "Result message containing a single description of an application.
"syncReturnType" : "UpdateApplicationResponse"
"UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Modifies lifecycle settings for an application.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ {
"exceptionName" : "InsufficientPrivilegesException",
"documentation" : "The specified account does not have sufficient privileges for one or more AWS services.
"httpStatusCode" : 403
} ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycleRequest",
"variableName" : "updateApplicationResourceLifecycleRequest",
"variableType" : "UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycleRequest",
"documentation" : "",
"simpleType" : "UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycleRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycleRequest"
"methodName" : "updateApplicationResourceLifecycle",
"operationName" : "UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycleResponse",
"documentation" : null
"syncReturnType" : "UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycleResponse"
"UpdateApplicationVersion" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Updates the specified application version to have the specified properties.
If a property (for example, description
) is not provided, the value remains unchanged. To clear properties, specify an empty string.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "UpdateApplicationVersionRequest",
"variableName" : "updateApplicationVersionRequest",
"variableType" : "UpdateApplicationVersionRequest",
"documentation" : "",
"simpleType" : "UpdateApplicationVersionRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "UpdateApplicationVersionRequest"
"methodName" : "updateApplicationVersion",
"operationName" : "UpdateApplicationVersion",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "UpdateApplicationVersionResponse",
"documentation" : "Result message wrapping a single description of an application version.
"syncReturnType" : "UpdateApplicationVersionResponse"
"UpdateConfigurationTemplate" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Updates the specified configuration template to have the specified properties or configuration option values.
If a property (for example, ApplicationName
) is not provided, its value remains unchanged. To clear such properties, specify an empty string.
Related Topics
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ {
"exceptionName" : "InsufficientPrivilegesException",
"documentation" : "The specified account does not have sufficient privileges for one or more AWS services.
"httpStatusCode" : 403
}, {
"exceptionName" : "TooManyBucketsException",
"documentation" : "The specified account has reached its limit of Amazon S3 buckets.
"httpStatusCode" : 400
} ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "UpdateConfigurationTemplateRequest",
"variableName" : "updateConfigurationTemplateRequest",
"variableType" : "UpdateConfigurationTemplateRequest",
"documentation" : "The result message containing the options for the specified solution stack.
"simpleType" : "UpdateConfigurationTemplateRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "UpdateConfigurationTemplateRequest"
"methodName" : "updateConfigurationTemplate",
"operationName" : "UpdateConfigurationTemplate",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "UpdateConfigurationTemplateResponse",
"documentation" : "Describes the settings for a configuration set.
"syncReturnType" : "UpdateConfigurationTemplateResponse"
"UpdateEnvironment" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Updates the environment description, deploys a new application version, updates the configuration settings to an entirely new configuration template, or updates select configuration option values in the running environment.
Attempting to update both the release and configuration is not allowed and AWS Elastic Beanstalk returns an InvalidParameterCombination
When updating the configuration settings to a new template or individual settings, a draft configuration is created and DescribeConfigurationSettings for this environment returns two setting descriptions with different DeploymentStatus
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ {
"exceptionName" : "InsufficientPrivilegesException",
"documentation" : "The specified account does not have sufficient privileges for one or more AWS services.
"httpStatusCode" : 403
}, {
"exceptionName" : "TooManyBucketsException",
"documentation" : "The specified account has reached its limit of Amazon S3 buckets.
"httpStatusCode" : 400
} ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "UpdateEnvironmentRequest",
"variableName" : "updateEnvironmentRequest",
"variableType" : "UpdateEnvironmentRequest",
"documentation" : "Request to update an environment.
"simpleType" : "UpdateEnvironmentRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "UpdateEnvironmentRequest"
"methodName" : "updateEnvironment",
"operationName" : "UpdateEnvironment",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "UpdateEnvironmentResponse",
"documentation" : "Describes the properties of an environment.
"syncReturnType" : "UpdateEnvironmentResponse"
"UpdateTagsForResource" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Update the list of tags applied to an AWS Elastic Beanstalk resource. Two lists can be passed: TagsToAdd
for tags to add or update, and TagsToRemove
Currently, Elastic Beanstalk only supports tagging of Elastic Beanstalk environments. For details about environment tagging, see Tagging Resources in Your Elastic Beanstalk Environment.
If you create a custom IAM user policy to control permission to this operation, specify one of the following two virtual actions (or both) instead of the API operation name:
- elasticbeanstalk:AddTags
Controls permission to call UpdateTagsForResource
and pass a list of tags to add in the TagsToAdd
- elasticbeanstalk:RemoveTags
Controls permission to call UpdateTagsForResource
and pass a list of tag keys to remove in the TagsToRemove
For details about creating a custom user policy, see Creating a Custom User Policy.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ {
"exceptionName" : "InsufficientPrivilegesException",
"documentation" : "The specified account does not have sufficient privileges for one or more AWS services.
"httpStatusCode" : 403
}, {
"exceptionName" : "OperationInProgressException",
"documentation" : "Unable to perform the specified operation because another operation that effects an element in this activity is already in progress.
"httpStatusCode" : 400
}, {
"exceptionName" : "TooManyTagsException",
"documentation" : "The number of tags in the resource would exceed the number of tags that each resource can have.
To calculate this, the operation considers both the number of tags the resource already has and the tags this operation would add if it succeeded.
"httpStatusCode" : 400
}, {
"exceptionName" : "ResourceNotFoundException",
"documentation" : "A resource doesn't exist for the specified Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
"httpStatusCode" : 400
}, {
"exceptionName" : "ResourceTypeNotSupportedException",
"documentation" : "The type of the specified Amazon Resource Name (ARN) isn't supported for this operation.
"httpStatusCode" : 400
} ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "UpdateTagsForResourceRequest",
"variableName" : "updateTagsForResourceRequest",
"variableType" : "UpdateTagsForResourceRequest",
"documentation" : "",
"simpleType" : "UpdateTagsForResourceRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "UpdateTagsForResourceRequest"
"methodName" : "updateTagsForResource",
"operationName" : "UpdateTagsForResource",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "UpdateTagsForResourceResponse",
"documentation" : null
"syncReturnType" : "UpdateTagsForResourceResponse"
"ValidateConfigurationSettings" : {
"authType" : "IAM",
"authenticated" : true,
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Takes a set of configuration settings and either a configuration template or environment, and determines whether those values are valid.
This action returns a list of messages indicating any errors or warnings associated with the selection of option values.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"endpointOperation" : false,
"endpointTrait" : null,
"exceptions" : [ {
"exceptionName" : "InsufficientPrivilegesException",
"documentation" : "The specified account does not have sufficient privileges for one or more AWS services.
"httpStatusCode" : 403
}, {
"exceptionName" : "TooManyBucketsException",
"documentation" : "The specified account has reached its limit of Amazon S3 buckets.
"httpStatusCode" : 400
} ],
"hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false,
"input" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ValidateConfigurationSettingsRequest",
"variableName" : "validateConfigurationSettingsRequest",
"variableType" : "ValidateConfigurationSettingsRequest",
"documentation" : "A list of validation messages for a specified configuration template.
"simpleType" : "ValidateConfigurationSettingsRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "ValidateConfigurationSettingsRequest"
"methodName" : "validateConfigurationSettings",
"operationName" : "ValidateConfigurationSettings",
"paginated" : false,
"returnType" : {
"returnType" : "ValidateConfigurationSettingsResponse",
"documentation" : "Provides a list of validation messages.
"syncReturnType" : "ValidateConfigurationSettingsResponse"
"shapes" : {
"AbortEnvironmentUpdateRequest" : {
"c2jName" : "AbortEnvironmentUpdateMessage",
"customization" : {
"artificialResultWrapper" : null,
"skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false,
"skipGeneratingModelClass" : false,
"skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false,
"staxTargetDepthOffset" : 0
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "",
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"enums" : null,
"errorCode" : null,
"event" : false,
"eventStream" : false,
"explicitEventPayloadMember" : null,
"hasHeaderMember" : false,
"hasPayloadMember" : false,
"hasRequiresLengthMember" : false,
"hasStatusCodeMember" : false,
"hasStreamingMember" : false,
"httpStatusCode" : null,
"marshaller" : {
"action" : "AbortEnvironmentUpdate",
"locationName" : null,
"requestUri" : "/",
"target" : "AbortEnvironmentUpdate",
"verb" : "POST",
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"members" : [ {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getEnvironmentId",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setEnvironmentId",
"c2jName" : "EnvironmentId",
"c2jShape" : "EnvironmentId",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "This specifies the ID of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #environmentId(String)}.\n@param environmentId a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #environmentId(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "This specifies the ID of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "environmentId",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "This specifies the ID of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
\n@param environmentId This specifies the ID of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "environmentId",
"getterDocumentation" : "This specifies the ID of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
\n@return This specifies the ID of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "EnvironmentId",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "EnvironmentId",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "EnvironmentId",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "This specifies the ID of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
\n@param environmentId This specifies the ID of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.",
"setterMethodName" : "setEnvironmentId",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "environmentId",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "environmentId",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "This specifies the ID of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getEnvironmentName",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setEnvironmentName",
"c2jName" : "EnvironmentName",
"c2jShape" : "EnvironmentName",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "This specifies the name of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #environmentName(String)}.\n@param environmentName a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #environmentName(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "This specifies the name of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "environmentName",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "This specifies the name of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
\n@param environmentName This specifies the name of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "environmentName",
"getterDocumentation" : "This specifies the name of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
\n@return This specifies the name of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "EnvironmentName",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "EnvironmentName",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "EnvironmentName",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "This specifies the name of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
\n@param environmentName This specifies the name of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.",
"setterMethodName" : "setEnvironmentName",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "environmentName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "environmentName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "This specifies the name of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
} ],
"membersAsMap" : {
"EnvironmentId" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getEnvironmentId",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setEnvironmentId",
"c2jName" : "EnvironmentId",
"c2jShape" : "EnvironmentId",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "This specifies the ID of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #environmentId(String)}.\n@param environmentId a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #environmentId(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "This specifies the ID of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "environmentId",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "This specifies the ID of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
\n@param environmentId This specifies the ID of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "environmentId",
"getterDocumentation" : "This specifies the ID of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
\n@return This specifies the ID of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "EnvironmentId",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "EnvironmentId",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "EnvironmentId",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "This specifies the ID of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
\n@param environmentId This specifies the ID of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.",
"setterMethodName" : "setEnvironmentId",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "environmentId",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "environmentId",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "This specifies the ID of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"EnvironmentName" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getEnvironmentName",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setEnvironmentName",
"c2jName" : "EnvironmentName",
"c2jShape" : "EnvironmentName",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "This specifies the name of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #environmentName(String)}.\n@param environmentName a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #environmentName(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "This specifies the name of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "environmentName",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "This specifies the name of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
\n@param environmentName This specifies the name of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "environmentName",
"getterDocumentation" : "This specifies the name of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
\n@return This specifies the name of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "EnvironmentName",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "EnvironmentName",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "EnvironmentName",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "This specifies the name of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
\n@param environmentName This specifies the name of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.",
"setterMethodName" : "setEnvironmentName",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "environmentName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "environmentName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "This specifies the name of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"nonStreamingMembers" : [ {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getEnvironmentId",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setEnvironmentId",
"c2jName" : "EnvironmentId",
"c2jShape" : "EnvironmentId",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "This specifies the ID of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #environmentId(String)}.\n@param environmentId a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #environmentId(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "This specifies the ID of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "environmentId",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "This specifies the ID of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
\n@param environmentId This specifies the ID of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "environmentId",
"getterDocumentation" : "This specifies the ID of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
\n@return This specifies the ID of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "EnvironmentId",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "EnvironmentId",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "EnvironmentId",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "This specifies the ID of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
\n@param environmentId This specifies the ID of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.",
"setterMethodName" : "setEnvironmentId",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "environmentId",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "environmentId",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "This specifies the ID of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getEnvironmentName",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setEnvironmentName",
"c2jName" : "EnvironmentName",
"c2jShape" : "EnvironmentName",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "This specifies the name of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #environmentName(String)}.\n@param environmentName a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #environmentName(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "This specifies the name of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "environmentName",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "This specifies the name of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
\n@param environmentName This specifies the name of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "environmentName",
"getterDocumentation" : "This specifies the name of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
\n@return This specifies the name of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "EnvironmentName",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "EnvironmentName",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "EnvironmentName",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "This specifies the name of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
\n@param environmentName This specifies the name of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.",
"setterMethodName" : "setEnvironmentName",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "environmentName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "environmentName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "This specifies the name of the environment with the in-progress update that you want to cancel.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
} ],
"requestSignerAware" : false,
"requestSignerClassFqcn" : null,
"required" : null,
"shapeName" : "AbortEnvironmentUpdateRequest",
"simpleMethod" : false,
"unmarshaller" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "AbortEnvironmentUpdateRequest",
"variableName" : "abortEnvironmentUpdateRequest",
"variableType" : "AbortEnvironmentUpdateRequest",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "AbortEnvironmentUpdateRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "AbortEnvironmentUpdateRequest"
"wrapper" : false
"AbortEnvironmentUpdateResponse" : {
"c2jName" : "AbortEnvironmentUpdateResponse",
"customization" : {
"artificialResultWrapper" : null,
"skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false,
"skipGeneratingModelClass" : false,
"skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false,
"staxTargetDepthOffset" : 0
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : null,
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"enums" : null,
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"event" : false,
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"explicitEventPayloadMember" : null,
"hasHeaderMember" : false,
"hasPayloadMember" : false,
"hasRequiresLengthMember" : false,
"hasStatusCodeMember" : false,
"hasStreamingMember" : false,
"httpStatusCode" : null,
"marshaller" : null,
"members" : [ ],
"membersAsMap" : { },
"nonStreamingMembers" : [ ],
"requestSignerAware" : false,
"requestSignerClassFqcn" : null,
"required" : null,
"shapeName" : "AbortEnvironmentUpdateResponse",
"simpleMethod" : false,
"unmarshaller" : {
"flattened" : false,
"resultWrapper" : null
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "AbortEnvironmentUpdateResponse",
"variableName" : "abortEnvironmentUpdateResponse",
"variableType" : "AbortEnvironmentUpdateResponse",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "AbortEnvironmentUpdateResponse",
"variableSetterType" : "AbortEnvironmentUpdateResponse"
"wrapper" : false
"ActionHistoryStatus" : {
"c2jName" : "ActionHistoryStatus",
"customization" : {
"artificialResultWrapper" : null,
"skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false,
"skipGeneratingModelClass" : false,
"skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false,
"staxTargetDepthOffset" : 0
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "",
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"enums" : [ {
"name" : "COMPLETED",
"value" : "Completed"
}, {
"name" : "FAILED",
"value" : "Failed"
}, {
"name" : "UNKNOWN",
"value" : "Unknown"
} ],
"errorCode" : null,
"event" : false,
"eventStream" : false,
"explicitEventPayloadMember" : null,
"hasHeaderMember" : false,
"hasPayloadMember" : false,
"hasRequiresLengthMember" : false,
"hasStatusCodeMember" : false,
"hasStreamingMember" : false,
"httpStatusCode" : null,
"marshaller" : null,
"members" : [ ],
"membersAsMap" : { },
"nonStreamingMembers" : [ ],
"requestSignerAware" : false,
"requestSignerClassFqcn" : null,
"required" : null,
"shapeName" : "ActionHistoryStatus",
"simpleMethod" : false,
"unmarshaller" : {
"flattened" : false,
"resultWrapper" : null
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ActionHistoryStatus",
"variableName" : "actionHistoryStatus",
"variableType" : "ActionHistoryStatus",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "ActionHistoryStatus",
"variableSetterType" : "ActionHistoryStatus"
"wrapper" : false
"ActionStatus" : {
"c2jName" : "ActionStatus",
"customization" : {
"artificialResultWrapper" : null,
"skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false,
"skipGeneratingModelClass" : false,
"skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false,
"staxTargetDepthOffset" : 0
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "",
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"enums" : [ {
"name" : "SCHEDULED",
"value" : "Scheduled"
}, {
"name" : "PENDING",
"value" : "Pending"
}, {
"name" : "RUNNING",
"value" : "Running"
}, {
"name" : "UNKNOWN",
"value" : "Unknown"
} ],
"errorCode" : null,
"event" : false,
"eventStream" : false,
"explicitEventPayloadMember" : null,
"hasHeaderMember" : false,
"hasPayloadMember" : false,
"hasRequiresLengthMember" : false,
"hasStatusCodeMember" : false,
"hasStreamingMember" : false,
"httpStatusCode" : null,
"marshaller" : null,
"members" : [ ],
"membersAsMap" : { },
"nonStreamingMembers" : [ ],
"requestSignerAware" : false,
"requestSignerClassFqcn" : null,
"required" : null,
"shapeName" : "ActionStatus",
"simpleMethod" : false,
"unmarshaller" : {
"flattened" : false,
"resultWrapper" : null
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ActionStatus",
"variableName" : "actionStatus",
"variableType" : "ActionStatus",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "ActionStatus",
"variableSetterType" : "ActionStatus"
"wrapper" : false
"ActionType" : {
"c2jName" : "ActionType",
"customization" : {
"artificialResultWrapper" : null,
"skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false,
"skipGeneratingModelClass" : false,
"skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false,
"staxTargetDepthOffset" : 0
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "",
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"enums" : [ {
"value" : "InstanceRefresh"
}, {
"value" : "PlatformUpdate"
}, {
"name" : "UNKNOWN",
"value" : "Unknown"
} ],
"errorCode" : null,
"event" : false,
"eventStream" : false,
"explicitEventPayloadMember" : null,
"hasHeaderMember" : false,
"hasPayloadMember" : false,
"hasRequiresLengthMember" : false,
"hasStatusCodeMember" : false,
"hasStreamingMember" : false,
"httpStatusCode" : null,
"marshaller" : null,
"members" : [ ],
"membersAsMap" : { },
"nonStreamingMembers" : [ ],
"requestSignerAware" : false,
"requestSignerClassFqcn" : null,
"required" : null,
"shapeName" : "ActionType",
"simpleMethod" : false,
"unmarshaller" : {
"flattened" : false,
"resultWrapper" : null
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ActionType",
"variableName" : "actionType",
"variableType" : "ActionType",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "ActionType",
"variableSetterType" : "ActionType"
"wrapper" : false
"ApplicationDescription" : {
"c2jName" : "ApplicationDescription",
"customization" : {
"artificialResultWrapper" : null,
"skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false,
"skipGeneratingModelClass" : false,
"skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false,
"staxTargetDepthOffset" : 0
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Describes the properties of an application.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"enums" : null,
"errorCode" : null,
"event" : false,
"eventStream" : false,
"explicitEventPayloadMember" : null,
"hasHeaderMember" : false,
"hasPayloadMember" : false,
"hasRequiresLengthMember" : false,
"hasStatusCodeMember" : false,
"hasStreamingMember" : false,
"httpStatusCode" : null,
"marshaller" : null,
"members" : [ {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getApplicationArn",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setApplicationArn",
"c2jName" : "ApplicationArn",
"c2jShape" : "ApplicationArn",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #applicationArn(String)}.\n@param applicationArn a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #applicationArn(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "applicationArn",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.
\n@param applicationArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "applicationArn",
"getterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.
\n@return The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ApplicationArn",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ApplicationArn",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ApplicationArn",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.
\n@param applicationArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.",
"setterMethodName" : "setApplicationArn",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "applicationArn",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "applicationArn",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getApplicationName",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setApplicationName",
"c2jName" : "ApplicationName",
"c2jShape" : "ApplicationName",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the application.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #applicationName(String)}.\n@param applicationName a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #applicationName(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The name of the application.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "applicationName",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the application.
\n@param applicationName The name of the application.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "applicationName",
"getterDocumentation" : "The name of the application.
\n@return The name of the application.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ApplicationName",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ApplicationName",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ApplicationName",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The name of the application.
\n@param applicationName The name of the application.",
"setterMethodName" : "setApplicationName",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "applicationName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "applicationName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The name of the application.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getDescription",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setDescription",
"c2jName" : "Description",
"c2jShape" : "Description",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "User-defined description of the application.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #description(String)}.\n@param description a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #description(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "User-defined description of the application.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "description",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "User-defined description of the application.
\n@param description User-defined description of the application.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "description",
"getterDocumentation" : "User-defined description of the application.
\n@return User-defined description of the application.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Description",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Description",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "Description",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "User-defined description of the application.
\n@param description User-defined description of the application.",
"setterMethodName" : "setDescription",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "description",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "description",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "User-defined description of the application.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getDateCreated",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setDateCreated",
"c2jName" : "DateCreated",
"c2jShape" : "CreationDate",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The date when the application was created.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Instant.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Instant#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Instant.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #dateCreated(Instant)}.\n@param dateCreated a consumer that will call methods on {@link Instant.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #dateCreated(Instant)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The date when the application was created.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "dateCreated",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The date when the application was created.
\n@param dateCreated The date when the application was created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "dateCreated",
"getterDocumentation" : "The date when the application was created.
\n@return The date when the application was created.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "DateCreated",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "DateCreated",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "INSTANT",
"name" : "DateCreated",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The date when the application was created.
\n@param dateCreated The date when the application was created.",
"setterMethodName" : "setDateCreated",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.time.Instant",
"variableName" : "dateCreated",
"variableType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Instant",
"variableSetterType" : "java.time.Instant"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.time.Instant",
"variableName" : "dateCreated",
"variableType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : "The date when the application was created.
"simpleType" : "Instant",
"variableSetterType" : "java.time.Instant"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getDateUpdated",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setDateUpdated",
"c2jName" : "DateUpdated",
"c2jShape" : "UpdateDate",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The date when the application was last modified.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Instant.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Instant#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Instant.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #dateUpdated(Instant)}.\n@param dateUpdated a consumer that will call methods on {@link Instant.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #dateUpdated(Instant)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The date when the application was last modified.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "dateUpdated",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The date when the application was last modified.
\n@param dateUpdated The date when the application was last modified.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "dateUpdated",
"getterDocumentation" : "The date when the application was last modified.
\n@return The date when the application was last modified.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "DateUpdated",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "DateUpdated",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "INSTANT",
"name" : "DateUpdated",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The date when the application was last modified.
\n@param dateUpdated The date when the application was last modified.",
"setterMethodName" : "setDateUpdated",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.time.Instant",
"variableName" : "dateUpdated",
"variableType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Instant",
"variableSetterType" : "java.time.Instant"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.time.Instant",
"variableName" : "dateUpdated",
"variableType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : "The date when the application was last modified.
"simpleType" : "Instant",
"variableSetterType" : "java.time.Instant"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getVersions",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setVersions",
"c2jName" : "Versions",
"c2jShape" : "VersionLabelsList",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The names of the versions for this application.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link List.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link List#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link List.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #versions(List)}.\n@param versions a consumer that will call methods on {@link List.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #versions(List)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The names of the versions for this application.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "versions",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The names of the versions for this application.
\n@param versions The names of the versions for this application.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "versions",
"getterDocumentation" : "The names of the versions for this application.
\n\nAttempts to modify the collection returned by this method will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.\n
\n@return The names of the versions for this application.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Versions",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Versions",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : true,
"listModel" : {
"implType" : "java.util.ArrayList",
"interfaceType" : "java.util.List",
"listMemberModel" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getMember",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setMember",
"c2jName" : "member",
"c2jShape" : "VersionLabel",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #member(String)}.\n@param member a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #member(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "",
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "member",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\n@param member The new value for the Member property for this object.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "member",
"getterDocumentation" : "Returns the value of the Member property for this object.\n@return The value of the Member property for this object.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "member",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "member",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "Member",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\n@param member The new value for the Member property for this object.",
"setterMethodName" : "setMember",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "member",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "member",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "",
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"memberLocationName" : null,
"memberType" : "String",
"map" : false,
"memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"simple" : true,
"simpleType" : "String",
"templateImplType" : "java.util.ArrayList",
"templateType" : "java.util.List"
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "LIST",
"name" : "Versions",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The names of the versions for this application.
\n@param versions The names of the versions for this application.",
"setterMethodName" : "setVersions",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.List",
"variableName" : "versions",
"variableType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "List",
"variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.List",
"variableName" : "versions",
"variableType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : "The names of the versions for this application.
"simpleType" : "List",
"variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getConfigurationTemplates",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setConfigurationTemplates",
"c2jName" : "ConfigurationTemplates",
"c2jShape" : "ConfigurationTemplateNamesList",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The names of the configuration templates associated with this application.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link List.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link List#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link List.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #configurationTemplates(List)}.\n@param configurationTemplates a consumer that will call methods on {@link List.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #configurationTemplates(List)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The names of the configuration templates associated with this application.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "configurationTemplates",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The names of the configuration templates associated with this application.
\n@param configurationTemplates The names of the configuration templates associated with this application.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "configurationTemplates",
"getterDocumentation" : "The names of the configuration templates associated with this application.
\n\nAttempts to modify the collection returned by this method will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.\n
\n@return The names of the configuration templates associated with this application.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ConfigurationTemplates",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ConfigurationTemplates",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : true,
"listModel" : {
"implType" : "java.util.ArrayList",
"interfaceType" : "java.util.List",
"listMemberModel" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getMember",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setMember",
"c2jName" : "member",
"c2jShape" : "ConfigurationTemplateName",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #member(String)}.\n@param member a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #member(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "",
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "member",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\n@param member The new value for the Member property for this object.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "member",
"getterDocumentation" : "Returns the value of the Member property for this object.\n@return The value of the Member property for this object.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "member",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "member",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "Member",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\n@param member The new value for the Member property for this object.",
"setterMethodName" : "setMember",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "member",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "member",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "",
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"memberLocationName" : null,
"memberType" : "String",
"map" : false,
"memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"simple" : true,
"simpleType" : "String",
"templateImplType" : "java.util.ArrayList",
"templateType" : "java.util.List"
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "LIST",
"name" : "ConfigurationTemplates",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The names of the configuration templates associated with this application.
\n@param configurationTemplates The names of the configuration templates associated with this application.",
"setterMethodName" : "setConfigurationTemplates",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.List",
"variableName" : "configurationTemplates",
"variableType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "List",
"variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.List",
"variableName" : "configurationTemplates",
"variableType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : "The names of the configuration templates associated with this application.
"simpleType" : "List",
"variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getResourceLifecycleConfig",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setResourceLifecycleConfig",
"c2jName" : "ResourceLifecycleConfig",
"c2jShape" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The lifecycle settings for the application.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #resourceLifecycleConfig(ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig)}.\n@param resourceLifecycleConfig a consumer that will call methods on {@link ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #resourceLifecycleConfig(ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The lifecycle settings for the application.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "resourceLifecycleConfig",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The lifecycle settings for the application.
\n@param resourceLifecycleConfig The lifecycle settings for the application.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "resourceLifecycleConfig",
"getterDocumentation" : "The lifecycle settings for the application.
\n@return The lifecycle settings for the application.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ResourceLifecycleConfig",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ResourceLifecycleConfig",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "SDK_POJO",
"name" : "ResourceLifecycleConfig",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The lifecycle settings for the application.
\n@param resourceLifecycleConfig The lifecycle settings for the application.",
"setterMethodName" : "setResourceLifecycleConfig",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig",
"variableName" : "resourceLifecycleConfig",
"variableType" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig",
"variableSetterType" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig",
"variableName" : "resourceLifecycleConfig",
"variableType" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig",
"documentation" : "The lifecycle settings for the application.
"simpleType" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig",
"variableSetterType" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
} ],
"membersAsMap" : {
"ApplicationArn" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getApplicationArn",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setApplicationArn",
"c2jName" : "ApplicationArn",
"c2jShape" : "ApplicationArn",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #applicationArn(String)}.\n@param applicationArn a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #applicationArn(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "applicationArn",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.
\n@param applicationArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "applicationArn",
"getterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.
\n@return The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ApplicationArn",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ApplicationArn",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ApplicationArn",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.
\n@param applicationArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.",
"setterMethodName" : "setApplicationArn",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "applicationArn",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "applicationArn",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"ApplicationName" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getApplicationName",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setApplicationName",
"c2jName" : "ApplicationName",
"c2jShape" : "ApplicationName",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the application.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #applicationName(String)}.\n@param applicationName a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #applicationName(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The name of the application.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "applicationName",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the application.
\n@param applicationName The name of the application.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "applicationName",
"getterDocumentation" : "The name of the application.
\n@return The name of the application.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ApplicationName",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ApplicationName",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ApplicationName",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The name of the application.
\n@param applicationName The name of the application.",
"setterMethodName" : "setApplicationName",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "applicationName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "applicationName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The name of the application.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"ConfigurationTemplates" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getConfigurationTemplates",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setConfigurationTemplates",
"c2jName" : "ConfigurationTemplates",
"c2jShape" : "ConfigurationTemplateNamesList",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The names of the configuration templates associated with this application.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link List.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link List#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link List.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #configurationTemplates(List)}.\n@param configurationTemplates a consumer that will call methods on {@link List.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #configurationTemplates(List)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The names of the configuration templates associated with this application.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "configurationTemplates",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The names of the configuration templates associated with this application.
\n@param configurationTemplates The names of the configuration templates associated with this application.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "configurationTemplates",
"getterDocumentation" : "The names of the configuration templates associated with this application.
\n\nAttempts to modify the collection returned by this method will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.\n
\n@return The names of the configuration templates associated with this application.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ConfigurationTemplates",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ConfigurationTemplates",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : true,
"listModel" : {
"implType" : "java.util.ArrayList",
"interfaceType" : "java.util.List",
"listMemberModel" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getMember",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setMember",
"c2jName" : "member",
"c2jShape" : "ConfigurationTemplateName",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #member(String)}.\n@param member a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #member(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "",
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "member",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\n@param member The new value for the Member property for this object.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "member",
"getterDocumentation" : "Returns the value of the Member property for this object.\n@return The value of the Member property for this object.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "member",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "member",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "Member",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\n@param member The new value for the Member property for this object.",
"setterMethodName" : "setMember",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "member",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "member",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "",
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"memberLocationName" : null,
"memberType" : "String",
"map" : false,
"memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"simple" : true,
"simpleType" : "String",
"templateImplType" : "java.util.ArrayList",
"templateType" : "java.util.List"
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "LIST",
"name" : "ConfigurationTemplates",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The names of the configuration templates associated with this application.
\n@param configurationTemplates The names of the configuration templates associated with this application.",
"setterMethodName" : "setConfigurationTemplates",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.List",
"variableName" : "configurationTemplates",
"variableType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "List",
"variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.List",
"variableName" : "configurationTemplates",
"variableType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : "The names of the configuration templates associated with this application.
"simpleType" : "List",
"variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"DateCreated" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getDateCreated",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setDateCreated",
"c2jName" : "DateCreated",
"c2jShape" : "CreationDate",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The date when the application was created.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Instant.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Instant#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Instant.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #dateCreated(Instant)}.\n@param dateCreated a consumer that will call methods on {@link Instant.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #dateCreated(Instant)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The date when the application was created.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "dateCreated",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The date when the application was created.
\n@param dateCreated The date when the application was created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "dateCreated",
"getterDocumentation" : "The date when the application was created.
\n@return The date when the application was created.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "DateCreated",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "DateCreated",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "INSTANT",
"name" : "DateCreated",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The date when the application was created.
\n@param dateCreated The date when the application was created.",
"setterMethodName" : "setDateCreated",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.time.Instant",
"variableName" : "dateCreated",
"variableType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Instant",
"variableSetterType" : "java.time.Instant"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.time.Instant",
"variableName" : "dateCreated",
"variableType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : "The date when the application was created.
"simpleType" : "Instant",
"variableSetterType" : "java.time.Instant"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"DateUpdated" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getDateUpdated",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setDateUpdated",
"c2jName" : "DateUpdated",
"c2jShape" : "UpdateDate",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The date when the application was last modified.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Instant.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Instant#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Instant.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #dateUpdated(Instant)}.\n@param dateUpdated a consumer that will call methods on {@link Instant.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #dateUpdated(Instant)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The date when the application was last modified.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "dateUpdated",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The date when the application was last modified.
\n@param dateUpdated The date when the application was last modified.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "dateUpdated",
"getterDocumentation" : "The date when the application was last modified.
\n@return The date when the application was last modified.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "DateUpdated",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "DateUpdated",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "INSTANT",
"name" : "DateUpdated",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The date when the application was last modified.
\n@param dateUpdated The date when the application was last modified.",
"setterMethodName" : "setDateUpdated",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.time.Instant",
"variableName" : "dateUpdated",
"variableType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Instant",
"variableSetterType" : "java.time.Instant"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.time.Instant",
"variableName" : "dateUpdated",
"variableType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : "The date when the application was last modified.
"simpleType" : "Instant",
"variableSetterType" : "java.time.Instant"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"Description" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getDescription",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setDescription",
"c2jName" : "Description",
"c2jShape" : "Description",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "User-defined description of the application.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #description(String)}.\n@param description a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #description(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "User-defined description of the application.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "description",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "User-defined description of the application.
\n@param description User-defined description of the application.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "description",
"getterDocumentation" : "User-defined description of the application.
\n@return User-defined description of the application.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Description",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Description",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "Description",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "User-defined description of the application.
\n@param description User-defined description of the application.",
"setterMethodName" : "setDescription",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "description",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "description",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "User-defined description of the application.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"ResourceLifecycleConfig" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getResourceLifecycleConfig",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setResourceLifecycleConfig",
"c2jName" : "ResourceLifecycleConfig",
"c2jShape" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The lifecycle settings for the application.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #resourceLifecycleConfig(ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig)}.\n@param resourceLifecycleConfig a consumer that will call methods on {@link ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #resourceLifecycleConfig(ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The lifecycle settings for the application.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "resourceLifecycleConfig",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The lifecycle settings for the application.
\n@param resourceLifecycleConfig The lifecycle settings for the application.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "resourceLifecycleConfig",
"getterDocumentation" : "The lifecycle settings for the application.
\n@return The lifecycle settings for the application.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ResourceLifecycleConfig",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ResourceLifecycleConfig",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "SDK_POJO",
"name" : "ResourceLifecycleConfig",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The lifecycle settings for the application.
\n@param resourceLifecycleConfig The lifecycle settings for the application.",
"setterMethodName" : "setResourceLifecycleConfig",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig",
"variableName" : "resourceLifecycleConfig",
"variableType" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig",
"variableSetterType" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig",
"variableName" : "resourceLifecycleConfig",
"variableType" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig",
"documentation" : "The lifecycle settings for the application.
"simpleType" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig",
"variableSetterType" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"Versions" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getVersions",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setVersions",
"c2jName" : "Versions",
"c2jShape" : "VersionLabelsList",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The names of the versions for this application.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link List.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link List#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link List.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #versions(List)}.\n@param versions a consumer that will call methods on {@link List.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #versions(List)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The names of the versions for this application.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "versions",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The names of the versions for this application.
\n@param versions The names of the versions for this application.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "versions",
"getterDocumentation" : "The names of the versions for this application.
\n\nAttempts to modify the collection returned by this method will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.\n
\n@return The names of the versions for this application.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Versions",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Versions",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : true,
"listModel" : {
"implType" : "java.util.ArrayList",
"interfaceType" : "java.util.List",
"listMemberModel" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getMember",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setMember",
"c2jName" : "member",
"c2jShape" : "VersionLabel",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #member(String)}.\n@param member a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #member(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "",
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "member",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\n@param member The new value for the Member property for this object.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "member",
"getterDocumentation" : "Returns the value of the Member property for this object.\n@return The value of the Member property for this object.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "member",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "member",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "Member",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\n@param member The new value for the Member property for this object.",
"setterMethodName" : "setMember",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "member",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "member",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "",
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"memberLocationName" : null,
"memberType" : "String",
"map" : false,
"memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"simple" : true,
"simpleType" : "String",
"templateImplType" : "java.util.ArrayList",
"templateType" : "java.util.List"
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "LIST",
"name" : "Versions",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The names of the versions for this application.
\n@param versions The names of the versions for this application.",
"setterMethodName" : "setVersions",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.List",
"variableName" : "versions",
"variableType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "List",
"variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.List",
"variableName" : "versions",
"variableType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : "The names of the versions for this application.
"simpleType" : "List",
"variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"nonStreamingMembers" : [ {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getApplicationArn",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setApplicationArn",
"c2jName" : "ApplicationArn",
"c2jShape" : "ApplicationArn",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #applicationArn(String)}.\n@param applicationArn a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #applicationArn(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "applicationArn",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.
\n@param applicationArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "applicationArn",
"getterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.
\n@return The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ApplicationArn",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ApplicationArn",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ApplicationArn",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.
\n@param applicationArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.",
"setterMethodName" : "setApplicationArn",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "applicationArn",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "applicationArn",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getApplicationName",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setApplicationName",
"c2jName" : "ApplicationName",
"c2jShape" : "ApplicationName",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the application.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #applicationName(String)}.\n@param applicationName a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #applicationName(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The name of the application.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "applicationName",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the application.
\n@param applicationName The name of the application.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "applicationName",
"getterDocumentation" : "The name of the application.
\n@return The name of the application.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ApplicationName",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ApplicationName",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ApplicationName",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The name of the application.
\n@param applicationName The name of the application.",
"setterMethodName" : "setApplicationName",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "applicationName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "applicationName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The name of the application.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getDescription",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setDescription",
"c2jName" : "Description",
"c2jShape" : "Description",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "User-defined description of the application.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #description(String)}.\n@param description a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #description(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "User-defined description of the application.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "description",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "User-defined description of the application.
\n@param description User-defined description of the application.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "description",
"getterDocumentation" : "User-defined description of the application.
\n@return User-defined description of the application.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Description",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Description",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "Description",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "User-defined description of the application.
\n@param description User-defined description of the application.",
"setterMethodName" : "setDescription",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "description",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "description",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "User-defined description of the application.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getDateCreated",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setDateCreated",
"c2jName" : "DateCreated",
"c2jShape" : "CreationDate",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The date when the application was created.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Instant.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Instant#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Instant.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #dateCreated(Instant)}.\n@param dateCreated a consumer that will call methods on {@link Instant.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #dateCreated(Instant)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The date when the application was created.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "dateCreated",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The date when the application was created.
\n@param dateCreated The date when the application was created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "dateCreated",
"getterDocumentation" : "The date when the application was created.
\n@return The date when the application was created.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "DateCreated",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "DateCreated",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "INSTANT",
"name" : "DateCreated",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The date when the application was created.
\n@param dateCreated The date when the application was created.",
"setterMethodName" : "setDateCreated",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.time.Instant",
"variableName" : "dateCreated",
"variableType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Instant",
"variableSetterType" : "java.time.Instant"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.time.Instant",
"variableName" : "dateCreated",
"variableType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : "The date when the application was created.
"simpleType" : "Instant",
"variableSetterType" : "java.time.Instant"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getDateUpdated",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setDateUpdated",
"c2jName" : "DateUpdated",
"c2jShape" : "UpdateDate",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The date when the application was last modified.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Instant.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Instant#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Instant.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #dateUpdated(Instant)}.\n@param dateUpdated a consumer that will call methods on {@link Instant.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #dateUpdated(Instant)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The date when the application was last modified.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "dateUpdated",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The date when the application was last modified.
\n@param dateUpdated The date when the application was last modified.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "dateUpdated",
"getterDocumentation" : "The date when the application was last modified.
\n@return The date when the application was last modified.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "DateUpdated",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "DateUpdated",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "INSTANT",
"name" : "DateUpdated",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The date when the application was last modified.
\n@param dateUpdated The date when the application was last modified.",
"setterMethodName" : "setDateUpdated",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.time.Instant",
"variableName" : "dateUpdated",
"variableType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Instant",
"variableSetterType" : "java.time.Instant"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.time.Instant",
"variableName" : "dateUpdated",
"variableType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : "The date when the application was last modified.
"simpleType" : "Instant",
"variableSetterType" : "java.time.Instant"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getVersions",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setVersions",
"c2jName" : "Versions",
"c2jShape" : "VersionLabelsList",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The names of the versions for this application.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link List.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link List#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link List.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #versions(List)}.\n@param versions a consumer that will call methods on {@link List.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #versions(List)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The names of the versions for this application.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "versions",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The names of the versions for this application.
\n@param versions The names of the versions for this application.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "versions",
"getterDocumentation" : "The names of the versions for this application.
\n\nAttempts to modify the collection returned by this method will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.\n
\n@return The names of the versions for this application.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Versions",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Versions",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : true,
"listModel" : {
"implType" : "java.util.ArrayList",
"interfaceType" : "java.util.List",
"listMemberModel" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getMember",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setMember",
"c2jName" : "member",
"c2jShape" : "VersionLabel",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #member(String)}.\n@param member a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #member(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "",
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "member",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\n@param member The new value for the Member property for this object.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "member",
"getterDocumentation" : "Returns the value of the Member property for this object.\n@return The value of the Member property for this object.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "member",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "member",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "Member",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\n@param member The new value for the Member property for this object.",
"setterMethodName" : "setMember",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "member",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "member",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "",
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"memberLocationName" : null,
"memberType" : "String",
"map" : false,
"memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"simple" : true,
"simpleType" : "String",
"templateImplType" : "java.util.ArrayList",
"templateType" : "java.util.List"
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "LIST",
"name" : "Versions",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The names of the versions for this application.
\n@param versions The names of the versions for this application.",
"setterMethodName" : "setVersions",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.List",
"variableName" : "versions",
"variableType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "List",
"variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.List",
"variableName" : "versions",
"variableType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : "The names of the versions for this application.
"simpleType" : "List",
"variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getConfigurationTemplates",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setConfigurationTemplates",
"c2jName" : "ConfigurationTemplates",
"c2jShape" : "ConfigurationTemplateNamesList",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The names of the configuration templates associated with this application.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link List.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link List#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link List.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #configurationTemplates(List)}.\n@param configurationTemplates a consumer that will call methods on {@link List.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #configurationTemplates(List)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The names of the configuration templates associated with this application.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "configurationTemplates",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The names of the configuration templates associated with this application.
\n@param configurationTemplates The names of the configuration templates associated with this application.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "configurationTemplates",
"getterDocumentation" : "The names of the configuration templates associated with this application.
\n\nAttempts to modify the collection returned by this method will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.\n
\n@return The names of the configuration templates associated with this application.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ConfigurationTemplates",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ConfigurationTemplates",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : true,
"listModel" : {
"implType" : "java.util.ArrayList",
"interfaceType" : "java.util.List",
"listMemberModel" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getMember",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setMember",
"c2jName" : "member",
"c2jShape" : "ConfigurationTemplateName",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #member(String)}.\n@param member a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #member(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "",
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "member",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\n@param member The new value for the Member property for this object.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "member",
"getterDocumentation" : "Returns the value of the Member property for this object.\n@return The value of the Member property for this object.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "member",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "member",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "Member",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\n@param member The new value for the Member property for this object.",
"setterMethodName" : "setMember",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "member",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "member",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "",
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"memberLocationName" : null,
"memberType" : "String",
"map" : false,
"memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"simple" : true,
"simpleType" : "String",
"templateImplType" : "java.util.ArrayList",
"templateType" : "java.util.List"
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "LIST",
"name" : "ConfigurationTemplates",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The names of the configuration templates associated with this application.
\n@param configurationTemplates The names of the configuration templates associated with this application.",
"setterMethodName" : "setConfigurationTemplates",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.List",
"variableName" : "configurationTemplates",
"variableType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "List",
"variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.List",
"variableName" : "configurationTemplates",
"variableType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : "The names of the configuration templates associated with this application.
"simpleType" : "List",
"variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getResourceLifecycleConfig",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setResourceLifecycleConfig",
"c2jName" : "ResourceLifecycleConfig",
"c2jShape" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The lifecycle settings for the application.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #resourceLifecycleConfig(ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig)}.\n@param resourceLifecycleConfig a consumer that will call methods on {@link ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #resourceLifecycleConfig(ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The lifecycle settings for the application.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "resourceLifecycleConfig",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The lifecycle settings for the application.
\n@param resourceLifecycleConfig The lifecycle settings for the application.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "resourceLifecycleConfig",
"getterDocumentation" : "The lifecycle settings for the application.
\n@return The lifecycle settings for the application.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ResourceLifecycleConfig",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ResourceLifecycleConfig",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "SDK_POJO",
"name" : "ResourceLifecycleConfig",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The lifecycle settings for the application.
\n@param resourceLifecycleConfig The lifecycle settings for the application.",
"setterMethodName" : "setResourceLifecycleConfig",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig",
"variableName" : "resourceLifecycleConfig",
"variableType" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig",
"variableSetterType" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig",
"variableName" : "resourceLifecycleConfig",
"variableType" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig",
"documentation" : "The lifecycle settings for the application.
"simpleType" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig",
"variableSetterType" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
} ],
"requestSignerAware" : false,
"requestSignerClassFqcn" : null,
"required" : null,
"shapeName" : "ApplicationDescription",
"simpleMethod" : false,
"unmarshaller" : {
"flattened" : false,
"resultWrapper" : null
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ApplicationDescription",
"variableName" : "applicationDescription",
"variableType" : "ApplicationDescription",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "ApplicationDescription",
"variableSetterType" : "ApplicationDescription"
"wrapper" : false
"ApplicationMetrics" : {
"c2jName" : "ApplicationMetrics",
"customization" : {
"artificialResultWrapper" : null,
"skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false,
"skipGeneratingModelClass" : false,
"skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false,
"staxTargetDepthOffset" : 0
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Application request metrics for an AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"enums" : null,
"errorCode" : null,
"event" : false,
"eventStream" : false,
"explicitEventPayloadMember" : null,
"hasHeaderMember" : false,
"hasPayloadMember" : false,
"hasRequiresLengthMember" : false,
"hasStatusCodeMember" : false,
"hasStreamingMember" : false,
"httpStatusCode" : null,
"marshaller" : null,
"members" : [ {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getDuration",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setDuration",
"c2jName" : "Duration",
"c2jShape" : "NullableInteger",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The amount of time that the metrics cover (usually 10 seconds). For example, you might have 5 requests (request_count
) within the most recent time slice of 10 seconds (duration
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Integer.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Integer#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Integer.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #duration(Integer)}.\n@param duration a consumer that will call methods on {@link Integer.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #duration(Integer)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The amount of time that the metrics cover (usually 10 seconds). For example, you might have 5 requests (request_count
) within the most recent time slice of 10 seconds (duration
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "duration",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The amount of time that the metrics cover (usually 10 seconds). For example, you might have 5 requests (request_count
) within the most recent time slice of 10 seconds (duration
\n@param duration The amount of time that the metrics cover (usually 10 seconds). For example, you might have 5 requests (request_count
) within the most recent time slice of 10 seconds (duration
).\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "duration",
"getterDocumentation" : "The amount of time that the metrics cover (usually 10 seconds). For example, you might have 5 requests (request_count
) within the most recent time slice of 10 seconds (duration
\n@return The amount of time that the metrics cover (usually 10 seconds). For example, you might have 5 requests (request_count
) within the most recent time slice of 10 seconds (duration
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Integer",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Duration",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Duration",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "INTEGER",
"name" : "Duration",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The amount of time that the metrics cover (usually 10 seconds). For example, you might have 5 requests (request_count
) within the most recent time slice of 10 seconds (duration
\n@param duration The amount of time that the metrics cover (usually 10 seconds). For example, you might have 5 requests (request_count
) within the most recent time slice of 10 seconds (duration
"setterMethodName" : "setDuration",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Integer",
"variableName" : "duration",
"variableType" : "Integer",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Integer",
"variableSetterType" : "Integer"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Integer",
"variableName" : "duration",
"variableType" : "Integer",
"documentation" : "The amount of time that the metrics cover (usually 10 seconds). For example, you might have 5 requests (request_count
) within the most recent time slice of 10 seconds (duration
"simpleType" : "Integer",
"variableSetterType" : "Integer"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getRequestCount",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setRequestCount",
"c2jName" : "RequestCount",
"c2jShape" : "RequestCount",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Average number of requests handled by the web server per second over the last 10 seconds.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Integer.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Integer#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Integer.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #requestCount(Integer)}.\n@param requestCount a consumer that will call methods on {@link Integer.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #requestCount(Integer)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Average number of requests handled by the web server per second over the last 10 seconds.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "requestCount",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Average number of requests handled by the web server per second over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param requestCount Average number of requests handled by the web server per second over the last 10 seconds.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "requestCount",
"getterDocumentation" : "Average number of requests handled by the web server per second over the last 10 seconds.
\n@return Average number of requests handled by the web server per second over the last 10 seconds.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Integer",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "RequestCount",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "RequestCount",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "INTEGER",
"name" : "RequestCount",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Average number of requests handled by the web server per second over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param requestCount Average number of requests handled by the web server per second over the last 10 seconds.",
"setterMethodName" : "setRequestCount",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Integer",
"variableName" : "requestCount",
"variableType" : "Integer",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Integer",
"variableSetterType" : "Integer"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Integer",
"variableName" : "requestCount",
"variableType" : "Integer",
"documentation" : "Average number of requests handled by the web server per second over the last 10 seconds.
"simpleType" : "Integer",
"variableSetterType" : "Integer"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getStatusCodes",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setStatusCodes",
"c2jName" : "StatusCodes",
"c2jShape" : "StatusCodes",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Represents the percentage of requests over the last 10 seconds that resulted in each type of status code response.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link StatusCodes.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link StatusCodes#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link StatusCodes.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #statusCodes(StatusCodes)}.\n@param statusCodes a consumer that will call methods on {@link StatusCodes.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #statusCodes(StatusCodes)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Represents the percentage of requests over the last 10 seconds that resulted in each type of status code response.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "statusCodes",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Represents the percentage of requests over the last 10 seconds that resulted in each type of status code response.
\n@param statusCodes Represents the percentage of requests over the last 10 seconds that resulted in each type of status code response.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "statusCodes",
"getterDocumentation" : "Represents the percentage of requests over the last 10 seconds that resulted in each type of status code response.
\n@return Represents the percentage of requests over the last 10 seconds that resulted in each type of status code response.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "StatusCodes",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "StatusCodes",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "StatusCodes",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "SDK_POJO",
"name" : "StatusCodes",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Represents the percentage of requests over the last 10 seconds that resulted in each type of status code response.
\n@param statusCodes Represents the percentage of requests over the last 10 seconds that resulted in each type of status code response.",
"setterMethodName" : "setStatusCodes",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "StatusCodes",
"variableName" : "statusCodes",
"variableType" : "StatusCodes",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "StatusCodes",
"variableSetterType" : "StatusCodes"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "StatusCodes",
"variableName" : "statusCodes",
"variableType" : "StatusCodes",
"documentation" : "Represents the percentage of requests over the last 10 seconds that resulted in each type of status code response.
"simpleType" : "StatusCodes",
"variableSetterType" : "StatusCodes"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getLatency",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setLatency",
"c2jName" : "Latency",
"c2jShape" : "Latency",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Represents the average latency for the slowest X percent of requests over the last 10 seconds. Latencies are in seconds with one millisecond resolution.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Latency.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Latency#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Latency.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #latency(Latency)}.\n@param latency a consumer that will call methods on {@link Latency.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #latency(Latency)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Represents the average latency for the slowest X percent of requests over the last 10 seconds. Latencies are in seconds with one millisecond resolution.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "latency",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Represents the average latency for the slowest X percent of requests over the last 10 seconds. Latencies are in seconds with one millisecond resolution.
\n@param latency Represents the average latency for the slowest X percent of requests over the last 10 seconds. Latencies are in seconds with one millisecond resolution.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "latency",
"getterDocumentation" : "Represents the average latency for the slowest X percent of requests over the last 10 seconds. Latencies are in seconds with one millisecond resolution.
\n@return Represents the average latency for the slowest X percent of requests over the last 10 seconds. Latencies are in seconds with one millisecond resolution.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Latency",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Latency",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Latency",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "SDK_POJO",
"name" : "Latency",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Represents the average latency for the slowest X percent of requests over the last 10 seconds. Latencies are in seconds with one millisecond resolution.
\n@param latency Represents the average latency for the slowest X percent of requests over the last 10 seconds. Latencies are in seconds with one millisecond resolution.",
"setterMethodName" : "setLatency",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Latency",
"variableName" : "latency",
"variableType" : "Latency",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Latency",
"variableSetterType" : "Latency"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Latency",
"variableName" : "latency",
"variableType" : "Latency",
"documentation" : "Represents the average latency for the slowest X percent of requests over the last 10 seconds. Latencies are in seconds with one millisecond resolution.
"simpleType" : "Latency",
"variableSetterType" : "Latency"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
} ],
"membersAsMap" : {
"Duration" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getDuration",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setDuration",
"c2jName" : "Duration",
"c2jShape" : "NullableInteger",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The amount of time that the metrics cover (usually 10 seconds). For example, you might have 5 requests (request_count
) within the most recent time slice of 10 seconds (duration
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Integer.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Integer#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Integer.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #duration(Integer)}.\n@param duration a consumer that will call methods on {@link Integer.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #duration(Integer)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The amount of time that the metrics cover (usually 10 seconds). For example, you might have 5 requests (request_count
) within the most recent time slice of 10 seconds (duration
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "duration",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The amount of time that the metrics cover (usually 10 seconds). For example, you might have 5 requests (request_count
) within the most recent time slice of 10 seconds (duration
\n@param duration The amount of time that the metrics cover (usually 10 seconds). For example, you might have 5 requests (request_count
) within the most recent time slice of 10 seconds (duration
).\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "duration",
"getterDocumentation" : "The amount of time that the metrics cover (usually 10 seconds). For example, you might have 5 requests (request_count
) within the most recent time slice of 10 seconds (duration
\n@return The amount of time that the metrics cover (usually 10 seconds). For example, you might have 5 requests (request_count
) within the most recent time slice of 10 seconds (duration
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Integer",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Duration",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Duration",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "INTEGER",
"name" : "Duration",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The amount of time that the metrics cover (usually 10 seconds). For example, you might have 5 requests (request_count
) within the most recent time slice of 10 seconds (duration
\n@param duration The amount of time that the metrics cover (usually 10 seconds). For example, you might have 5 requests (request_count
) within the most recent time slice of 10 seconds (duration
"setterMethodName" : "setDuration",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Integer",
"variableName" : "duration",
"variableType" : "Integer",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Integer",
"variableSetterType" : "Integer"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Integer",
"variableName" : "duration",
"variableType" : "Integer",
"documentation" : "The amount of time that the metrics cover (usually 10 seconds). For example, you might have 5 requests (request_count
) within the most recent time slice of 10 seconds (duration
"simpleType" : "Integer",
"variableSetterType" : "Integer"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"Latency" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getLatency",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setLatency",
"c2jName" : "Latency",
"c2jShape" : "Latency",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Represents the average latency for the slowest X percent of requests over the last 10 seconds. Latencies are in seconds with one millisecond resolution.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Latency.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Latency#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Latency.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #latency(Latency)}.\n@param latency a consumer that will call methods on {@link Latency.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #latency(Latency)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Represents the average latency for the slowest X percent of requests over the last 10 seconds. Latencies are in seconds with one millisecond resolution.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "latency",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Represents the average latency for the slowest X percent of requests over the last 10 seconds. Latencies are in seconds with one millisecond resolution.
\n@param latency Represents the average latency for the slowest X percent of requests over the last 10 seconds. Latencies are in seconds with one millisecond resolution.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "latency",
"getterDocumentation" : "Represents the average latency for the slowest X percent of requests over the last 10 seconds. Latencies are in seconds with one millisecond resolution.
\n@return Represents the average latency for the slowest X percent of requests over the last 10 seconds. Latencies are in seconds with one millisecond resolution.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Latency",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Latency",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Latency",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "SDK_POJO",
"name" : "Latency",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Represents the average latency for the slowest X percent of requests over the last 10 seconds. Latencies are in seconds with one millisecond resolution.
\n@param latency Represents the average latency for the slowest X percent of requests over the last 10 seconds. Latencies are in seconds with one millisecond resolution.",
"setterMethodName" : "setLatency",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Latency",
"variableName" : "latency",
"variableType" : "Latency",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Latency",
"variableSetterType" : "Latency"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Latency",
"variableName" : "latency",
"variableType" : "Latency",
"documentation" : "Represents the average latency for the slowest X percent of requests over the last 10 seconds. Latencies are in seconds with one millisecond resolution.
"simpleType" : "Latency",
"variableSetterType" : "Latency"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"RequestCount" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getRequestCount",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setRequestCount",
"c2jName" : "RequestCount",
"c2jShape" : "RequestCount",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Average number of requests handled by the web server per second over the last 10 seconds.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Integer.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Integer#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Integer.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #requestCount(Integer)}.\n@param requestCount a consumer that will call methods on {@link Integer.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #requestCount(Integer)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Average number of requests handled by the web server per second over the last 10 seconds.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "requestCount",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Average number of requests handled by the web server per second over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param requestCount Average number of requests handled by the web server per second over the last 10 seconds.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "requestCount",
"getterDocumentation" : "Average number of requests handled by the web server per second over the last 10 seconds.
\n@return Average number of requests handled by the web server per second over the last 10 seconds.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Integer",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "RequestCount",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "RequestCount",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "INTEGER",
"name" : "RequestCount",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Average number of requests handled by the web server per second over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param requestCount Average number of requests handled by the web server per second over the last 10 seconds.",
"setterMethodName" : "setRequestCount",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Integer",
"variableName" : "requestCount",
"variableType" : "Integer",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Integer",
"variableSetterType" : "Integer"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Integer",
"variableName" : "requestCount",
"variableType" : "Integer",
"documentation" : "Average number of requests handled by the web server per second over the last 10 seconds.
"simpleType" : "Integer",
"variableSetterType" : "Integer"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"StatusCodes" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getStatusCodes",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setStatusCodes",
"c2jName" : "StatusCodes",
"c2jShape" : "StatusCodes",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Represents the percentage of requests over the last 10 seconds that resulted in each type of status code response.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link StatusCodes.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link StatusCodes#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link StatusCodes.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #statusCodes(StatusCodes)}.\n@param statusCodes a consumer that will call methods on {@link StatusCodes.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #statusCodes(StatusCodes)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Represents the percentage of requests over the last 10 seconds that resulted in each type of status code response.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "statusCodes",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Represents the percentage of requests over the last 10 seconds that resulted in each type of status code response.
\n@param statusCodes Represents the percentage of requests over the last 10 seconds that resulted in each type of status code response.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "statusCodes",
"getterDocumentation" : "Represents the percentage of requests over the last 10 seconds that resulted in each type of status code response.
\n@return Represents the percentage of requests over the last 10 seconds that resulted in each type of status code response.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "StatusCodes",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "StatusCodes",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "StatusCodes",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "SDK_POJO",
"name" : "StatusCodes",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Represents the percentage of requests over the last 10 seconds that resulted in each type of status code response.
\n@param statusCodes Represents the percentage of requests over the last 10 seconds that resulted in each type of status code response.",
"setterMethodName" : "setStatusCodes",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "StatusCodes",
"variableName" : "statusCodes",
"variableType" : "StatusCodes",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "StatusCodes",
"variableSetterType" : "StatusCodes"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "StatusCodes",
"variableName" : "statusCodes",
"variableType" : "StatusCodes",
"documentation" : "Represents the percentage of requests over the last 10 seconds that resulted in each type of status code response.
"simpleType" : "StatusCodes",
"variableSetterType" : "StatusCodes"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"nonStreamingMembers" : [ {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getDuration",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setDuration",
"c2jName" : "Duration",
"c2jShape" : "NullableInteger",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The amount of time that the metrics cover (usually 10 seconds). For example, you might have 5 requests (request_count
) within the most recent time slice of 10 seconds (duration
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Integer.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Integer#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Integer.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #duration(Integer)}.\n@param duration a consumer that will call methods on {@link Integer.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #duration(Integer)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The amount of time that the metrics cover (usually 10 seconds). For example, you might have 5 requests (request_count
) within the most recent time slice of 10 seconds (duration
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "duration",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The amount of time that the metrics cover (usually 10 seconds). For example, you might have 5 requests (request_count
) within the most recent time slice of 10 seconds (duration
\n@param duration The amount of time that the metrics cover (usually 10 seconds). For example, you might have 5 requests (request_count
) within the most recent time slice of 10 seconds (duration
).\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "duration",
"getterDocumentation" : "The amount of time that the metrics cover (usually 10 seconds). For example, you might have 5 requests (request_count
) within the most recent time slice of 10 seconds (duration
\n@return The amount of time that the metrics cover (usually 10 seconds). For example, you might have 5 requests (request_count
) within the most recent time slice of 10 seconds (duration
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Integer",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Duration",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Duration",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "INTEGER",
"name" : "Duration",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The amount of time that the metrics cover (usually 10 seconds). For example, you might have 5 requests (request_count
) within the most recent time slice of 10 seconds (duration
\n@param duration The amount of time that the metrics cover (usually 10 seconds). For example, you might have 5 requests (request_count
) within the most recent time slice of 10 seconds (duration
"setterMethodName" : "setDuration",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Integer",
"variableName" : "duration",
"variableType" : "Integer",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Integer",
"variableSetterType" : "Integer"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Integer",
"variableName" : "duration",
"variableType" : "Integer",
"documentation" : "The amount of time that the metrics cover (usually 10 seconds). For example, you might have 5 requests (request_count
) within the most recent time slice of 10 seconds (duration
"simpleType" : "Integer",
"variableSetterType" : "Integer"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getRequestCount",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setRequestCount",
"c2jName" : "RequestCount",
"c2jShape" : "RequestCount",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Average number of requests handled by the web server per second over the last 10 seconds.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Integer.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Integer#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Integer.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #requestCount(Integer)}.\n@param requestCount a consumer that will call methods on {@link Integer.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #requestCount(Integer)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Average number of requests handled by the web server per second over the last 10 seconds.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "requestCount",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Average number of requests handled by the web server per second over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param requestCount Average number of requests handled by the web server per second over the last 10 seconds.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "requestCount",
"getterDocumentation" : "Average number of requests handled by the web server per second over the last 10 seconds.
\n@return Average number of requests handled by the web server per second over the last 10 seconds.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Integer",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "RequestCount",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "RequestCount",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "INTEGER",
"name" : "RequestCount",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Average number of requests handled by the web server per second over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param requestCount Average number of requests handled by the web server per second over the last 10 seconds.",
"setterMethodName" : "setRequestCount",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Integer",
"variableName" : "requestCount",
"variableType" : "Integer",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Integer",
"variableSetterType" : "Integer"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Integer",
"variableName" : "requestCount",
"variableType" : "Integer",
"documentation" : "Average number of requests handled by the web server per second over the last 10 seconds.
"simpleType" : "Integer",
"variableSetterType" : "Integer"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getStatusCodes",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setStatusCodes",
"c2jName" : "StatusCodes",
"c2jShape" : "StatusCodes",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Represents the percentage of requests over the last 10 seconds that resulted in each type of status code response.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link StatusCodes.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link StatusCodes#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link StatusCodes.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #statusCodes(StatusCodes)}.\n@param statusCodes a consumer that will call methods on {@link StatusCodes.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #statusCodes(StatusCodes)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Represents the percentage of requests over the last 10 seconds that resulted in each type of status code response.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "statusCodes",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Represents the percentage of requests over the last 10 seconds that resulted in each type of status code response.
\n@param statusCodes Represents the percentage of requests over the last 10 seconds that resulted in each type of status code response.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "statusCodes",
"getterDocumentation" : "Represents the percentage of requests over the last 10 seconds that resulted in each type of status code response.
\n@return Represents the percentage of requests over the last 10 seconds that resulted in each type of status code response.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "StatusCodes",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "StatusCodes",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "StatusCodes",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "SDK_POJO",
"name" : "StatusCodes",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Represents the percentage of requests over the last 10 seconds that resulted in each type of status code response.
\n@param statusCodes Represents the percentage of requests over the last 10 seconds that resulted in each type of status code response.",
"setterMethodName" : "setStatusCodes",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "StatusCodes",
"variableName" : "statusCodes",
"variableType" : "StatusCodes",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "StatusCodes",
"variableSetterType" : "StatusCodes"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "StatusCodes",
"variableName" : "statusCodes",
"variableType" : "StatusCodes",
"documentation" : "Represents the percentage of requests over the last 10 seconds that resulted in each type of status code response.
"simpleType" : "StatusCodes",
"variableSetterType" : "StatusCodes"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getLatency",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setLatency",
"c2jName" : "Latency",
"c2jShape" : "Latency",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Represents the average latency for the slowest X percent of requests over the last 10 seconds. Latencies are in seconds with one millisecond resolution.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Latency.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Latency#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Latency.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #latency(Latency)}.\n@param latency a consumer that will call methods on {@link Latency.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #latency(Latency)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Represents the average latency for the slowest X percent of requests over the last 10 seconds. Latencies are in seconds with one millisecond resolution.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "latency",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Represents the average latency for the slowest X percent of requests over the last 10 seconds. Latencies are in seconds with one millisecond resolution.
\n@param latency Represents the average latency for the slowest X percent of requests over the last 10 seconds. Latencies are in seconds with one millisecond resolution.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "latency",
"getterDocumentation" : "Represents the average latency for the slowest X percent of requests over the last 10 seconds. Latencies are in seconds with one millisecond resolution.
\n@return Represents the average latency for the slowest X percent of requests over the last 10 seconds. Latencies are in seconds with one millisecond resolution.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Latency",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Latency",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Latency",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "SDK_POJO",
"name" : "Latency",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Represents the average latency for the slowest X percent of requests over the last 10 seconds. Latencies are in seconds with one millisecond resolution.
\n@param latency Represents the average latency for the slowest X percent of requests over the last 10 seconds. Latencies are in seconds with one millisecond resolution.",
"setterMethodName" : "setLatency",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Latency",
"variableName" : "latency",
"variableType" : "Latency",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Latency",
"variableSetterType" : "Latency"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Latency",
"variableName" : "latency",
"variableType" : "Latency",
"documentation" : "Represents the average latency for the slowest X percent of requests over the last 10 seconds. Latencies are in seconds with one millisecond resolution.
"simpleType" : "Latency",
"variableSetterType" : "Latency"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
} ],
"requestSignerAware" : false,
"requestSignerClassFqcn" : null,
"required" : null,
"shapeName" : "ApplicationMetrics",
"simpleMethod" : false,
"unmarshaller" : {
"flattened" : false,
"resultWrapper" : null
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ApplicationMetrics",
"variableName" : "applicationMetrics",
"variableType" : "ApplicationMetrics",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "ApplicationMetrics",
"variableSetterType" : "ApplicationMetrics"
"wrapper" : false
"ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig" : {
"c2jName" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig",
"customization" : {
"artificialResultWrapper" : null,
"skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false,
"skipGeneratingModelClass" : false,
"skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false,
"staxTargetDepthOffset" : 0
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The resource lifecycle configuration for an application. Defines lifecycle settings for resources that belong to the application, and the service role that Elastic Beanstalk assumes in order to apply lifecycle settings. The version lifecycle configuration defines lifecycle settings for application versions.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"enums" : null,
"errorCode" : null,
"event" : false,
"eventStream" : false,
"explicitEventPayloadMember" : null,
"hasHeaderMember" : false,
"hasPayloadMember" : false,
"hasRequiresLengthMember" : false,
"hasStatusCodeMember" : false,
"hasStreamingMember" : false,
"httpStatusCode" : null,
"marshaller" : null,
"members" : [ {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getServiceRole",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setServiceRole",
"c2jName" : "ServiceRole",
"c2jShape" : "String",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The ARN of an IAM service role that Elastic Beanstalk has permission to assume.
The ServiceRole
property is required the first time that you provide a VersionLifecycleConfig
for the application in one of the supporting calls (CreateApplication
or UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
). After you provide it once, in either one of the calls, Elastic Beanstalk persists the Service Role with the application, and you don't need to specify it again in subsequent UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
calls. You can, however, specify it in subsequent calls to change the Service Role to another value.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #serviceRole(String)}.\n@param serviceRole a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #serviceRole(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The ARN of an IAM service role that Elastic Beanstalk has permission to assume.
The ServiceRole
property is required the first time that you provide a VersionLifecycleConfig
for the application in one of the supporting calls (CreateApplication
or UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
). After you provide it once, in either one of the calls, Elastic Beanstalk persists the Service Role with the application, and you don't need to specify it again in subsequent UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
calls. You can, however, specify it in subsequent calls to change the Service Role to another value.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "serviceRole",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The ARN of an IAM service role that Elastic Beanstalk has permission to assume.
The ServiceRole
property is required the first time that you provide a VersionLifecycleConfig
for the application in one of the supporting calls (CreateApplication
or UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
). After you provide it once, in either one of the calls, Elastic Beanstalk persists the Service Role with the application, and you don't need to specify it again in subsequent UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
calls. You can, however, specify it in subsequent calls to change the Service Role to another value.
\n@param serviceRole The ARN of an IAM service role that Elastic Beanstalk has permission to assume. The ServiceRole
property is required the first time that you provide a VersionLifecycleConfig
for the application in one of the supporting calls (CreateApplication
or UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
). After you provide it once, in either one of the calls, Elastic Beanstalk persists the Service Role with the application, and you don't need to specify it again in subsequent UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
calls. You can, however, specify it in subsequent calls to change the Service Role to another value.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "serviceRole",
"getterDocumentation" : "
The ARN of an IAM service role that Elastic Beanstalk has permission to assume.
The ServiceRole
property is required the first time that you provide a VersionLifecycleConfig
for the application in one of the supporting calls (CreateApplication
or UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
). After you provide it once, in either one of the calls, Elastic Beanstalk persists the Service Role with the application, and you don't need to specify it again in subsequent UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
calls. You can, however, specify it in subsequent calls to change the Service Role to another value.
\n@return The ARN of an IAM service role that Elastic Beanstalk has permission to assume. The ServiceRole
property is required the first time that you provide a VersionLifecycleConfig
for the application in one of the supporting calls (CreateApplication
or UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
). After you provide it once, in either one of the calls, Elastic Beanstalk persists the Service Role with the application, and you don't need to specify it again in subsequent UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
calls. You can, however, specify it in subsequent calls to change the Service Role to another value.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ServiceRole",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ServiceRole",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ServiceRole",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "
The ARN of an IAM service role that Elastic Beanstalk has permission to assume.
The ServiceRole
property is required the first time that you provide a VersionLifecycleConfig
for the application in one of the supporting calls (CreateApplication
or UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
). After you provide it once, in either one of the calls, Elastic Beanstalk persists the Service Role with the application, and you don't need to specify it again in subsequent UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
calls. You can, however, specify it in subsequent calls to change the Service Role to another value.
\n@param serviceRole The ARN of an IAM service role that Elastic Beanstalk has permission to assume. The ServiceRole
property is required the first time that you provide a VersionLifecycleConfig
for the application in one of the supporting calls (CreateApplication
or UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
). After you provide it once, in either one of the calls, Elastic Beanstalk persists the Service Role with the application, and you don't need to specify it again in subsequent UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
calls. You can, however, specify it in subsequent calls to change the Service Role to another value.",
"setterMethodName" : "setServiceRole",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "serviceRole",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "serviceRole",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "
The ARN of an IAM service role that Elastic Beanstalk has permission to assume.
The ServiceRole
property is required the first time that you provide a VersionLifecycleConfig
for the application in one of the supporting calls (CreateApplication
or UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
). After you provide it once, in either one of the calls, Elastic Beanstalk persists the Service Role with the application, and you don't need to specify it again in subsequent UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
calls. You can, however, specify it in subsequent calls to change the Service Role to another value.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getVersionLifecycleConfig",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setVersionLifecycleConfig",
"c2jName" : "VersionLifecycleConfig",
"c2jShape" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The application version lifecycle configuration.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #versionLifecycleConfig(ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig)}.\n@param versionLifecycleConfig a consumer that will call methods on {@link ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #versionLifecycleConfig(ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The application version lifecycle configuration.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "versionLifecycleConfig",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The application version lifecycle configuration.
\n@param versionLifecycleConfig The application version lifecycle configuration.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "versionLifecycleConfig",
"getterDocumentation" : "The application version lifecycle configuration.
\n@return The application version lifecycle configuration.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "VersionLifecycleConfig",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "VersionLifecycleConfig",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "SDK_POJO",
"name" : "VersionLifecycleConfig",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The application version lifecycle configuration.
\n@param versionLifecycleConfig The application version lifecycle configuration.",
"setterMethodName" : "setVersionLifecycleConfig",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig",
"variableName" : "versionLifecycleConfig",
"variableType" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig",
"variableSetterType" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig",
"variableName" : "versionLifecycleConfig",
"variableType" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig",
"documentation" : "The application version lifecycle configuration.
"simpleType" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig",
"variableSetterType" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
} ],
"membersAsMap" : {
"ServiceRole" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getServiceRole",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setServiceRole",
"c2jName" : "ServiceRole",
"c2jShape" : "String",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The ARN of an IAM service role that Elastic Beanstalk has permission to assume.
The ServiceRole
property is required the first time that you provide a VersionLifecycleConfig
for the application in one of the supporting calls (CreateApplication
or UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
). After you provide it once, in either one of the calls, Elastic Beanstalk persists the Service Role with the application, and you don't need to specify it again in subsequent UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
calls. You can, however, specify it in subsequent calls to change the Service Role to another value.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #serviceRole(String)}.\n@param serviceRole a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #serviceRole(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The ARN of an IAM service role that Elastic Beanstalk has permission to assume.
The ServiceRole
property is required the first time that you provide a VersionLifecycleConfig
for the application in one of the supporting calls (CreateApplication
or UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
). After you provide it once, in either one of the calls, Elastic Beanstalk persists the Service Role with the application, and you don't need to specify it again in subsequent UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
calls. You can, however, specify it in subsequent calls to change the Service Role to another value.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "serviceRole",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The ARN of an IAM service role that Elastic Beanstalk has permission to assume.
The ServiceRole
property is required the first time that you provide a VersionLifecycleConfig
for the application in one of the supporting calls (CreateApplication
or UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
). After you provide it once, in either one of the calls, Elastic Beanstalk persists the Service Role with the application, and you don't need to specify it again in subsequent UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
calls. You can, however, specify it in subsequent calls to change the Service Role to another value.
\n@param serviceRole The ARN of an IAM service role that Elastic Beanstalk has permission to assume. The ServiceRole
property is required the first time that you provide a VersionLifecycleConfig
for the application in one of the supporting calls (CreateApplication
or UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
). After you provide it once, in either one of the calls, Elastic Beanstalk persists the Service Role with the application, and you don't need to specify it again in subsequent UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
calls. You can, however, specify it in subsequent calls to change the Service Role to another value.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "serviceRole",
"getterDocumentation" : "
The ARN of an IAM service role that Elastic Beanstalk has permission to assume.
The ServiceRole
property is required the first time that you provide a VersionLifecycleConfig
for the application in one of the supporting calls (CreateApplication
or UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
). After you provide it once, in either one of the calls, Elastic Beanstalk persists the Service Role with the application, and you don't need to specify it again in subsequent UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
calls. You can, however, specify it in subsequent calls to change the Service Role to another value.
\n@return The ARN of an IAM service role that Elastic Beanstalk has permission to assume. The ServiceRole
property is required the first time that you provide a VersionLifecycleConfig
for the application in one of the supporting calls (CreateApplication
or UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
). After you provide it once, in either one of the calls, Elastic Beanstalk persists the Service Role with the application, and you don't need to specify it again in subsequent UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
calls. You can, however, specify it in subsequent calls to change the Service Role to another value.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ServiceRole",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ServiceRole",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ServiceRole",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "
The ARN of an IAM service role that Elastic Beanstalk has permission to assume.
The ServiceRole
property is required the first time that you provide a VersionLifecycleConfig
for the application in one of the supporting calls (CreateApplication
or UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
). After you provide it once, in either one of the calls, Elastic Beanstalk persists the Service Role with the application, and you don't need to specify it again in subsequent UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
calls. You can, however, specify it in subsequent calls to change the Service Role to another value.
\n@param serviceRole The ARN of an IAM service role that Elastic Beanstalk has permission to assume. The ServiceRole
property is required the first time that you provide a VersionLifecycleConfig
for the application in one of the supporting calls (CreateApplication
or UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
). After you provide it once, in either one of the calls, Elastic Beanstalk persists the Service Role with the application, and you don't need to specify it again in subsequent UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
calls. You can, however, specify it in subsequent calls to change the Service Role to another value.",
"setterMethodName" : "setServiceRole",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "serviceRole",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "serviceRole",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "
The ARN of an IAM service role that Elastic Beanstalk has permission to assume.
The ServiceRole
property is required the first time that you provide a VersionLifecycleConfig
for the application in one of the supporting calls (CreateApplication
or UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
). After you provide it once, in either one of the calls, Elastic Beanstalk persists the Service Role with the application, and you don't need to specify it again in subsequent UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
calls. You can, however, specify it in subsequent calls to change the Service Role to another value.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"VersionLifecycleConfig" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getVersionLifecycleConfig",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setVersionLifecycleConfig",
"c2jName" : "VersionLifecycleConfig",
"c2jShape" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The application version lifecycle configuration.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #versionLifecycleConfig(ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig)}.\n@param versionLifecycleConfig a consumer that will call methods on {@link ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #versionLifecycleConfig(ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The application version lifecycle configuration.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "versionLifecycleConfig",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The application version lifecycle configuration.
\n@param versionLifecycleConfig The application version lifecycle configuration.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "versionLifecycleConfig",
"getterDocumentation" : "The application version lifecycle configuration.
\n@return The application version lifecycle configuration.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "VersionLifecycleConfig",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "VersionLifecycleConfig",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "SDK_POJO",
"name" : "VersionLifecycleConfig",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The application version lifecycle configuration.
\n@param versionLifecycleConfig The application version lifecycle configuration.",
"setterMethodName" : "setVersionLifecycleConfig",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig",
"variableName" : "versionLifecycleConfig",
"variableType" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig",
"variableSetterType" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig",
"variableName" : "versionLifecycleConfig",
"variableType" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig",
"documentation" : "The application version lifecycle configuration.
"simpleType" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig",
"variableSetterType" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"nonStreamingMembers" : [ {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getServiceRole",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setServiceRole",
"c2jName" : "ServiceRole",
"c2jShape" : "String",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The ARN of an IAM service role that Elastic Beanstalk has permission to assume.
The ServiceRole
property is required the first time that you provide a VersionLifecycleConfig
for the application in one of the supporting calls (CreateApplication
or UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
). After you provide it once, in either one of the calls, Elastic Beanstalk persists the Service Role with the application, and you don't need to specify it again in subsequent UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
calls. You can, however, specify it in subsequent calls to change the Service Role to another value.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #serviceRole(String)}.\n@param serviceRole a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #serviceRole(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The ARN of an IAM service role that Elastic Beanstalk has permission to assume.
The ServiceRole
property is required the first time that you provide a VersionLifecycleConfig
for the application in one of the supporting calls (CreateApplication
or UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
). After you provide it once, in either one of the calls, Elastic Beanstalk persists the Service Role with the application, and you don't need to specify it again in subsequent UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
calls. You can, however, specify it in subsequent calls to change the Service Role to another value.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "serviceRole",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The ARN of an IAM service role that Elastic Beanstalk has permission to assume.
The ServiceRole
property is required the first time that you provide a VersionLifecycleConfig
for the application in one of the supporting calls (CreateApplication
or UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
). After you provide it once, in either one of the calls, Elastic Beanstalk persists the Service Role with the application, and you don't need to specify it again in subsequent UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
calls. You can, however, specify it in subsequent calls to change the Service Role to another value.
\n@param serviceRole The ARN of an IAM service role that Elastic Beanstalk has permission to assume. The ServiceRole
property is required the first time that you provide a VersionLifecycleConfig
for the application in one of the supporting calls (CreateApplication
or UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
). After you provide it once, in either one of the calls, Elastic Beanstalk persists the Service Role with the application, and you don't need to specify it again in subsequent UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
calls. You can, however, specify it in subsequent calls to change the Service Role to another value.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "serviceRole",
"getterDocumentation" : "
The ARN of an IAM service role that Elastic Beanstalk has permission to assume.
The ServiceRole
property is required the first time that you provide a VersionLifecycleConfig
for the application in one of the supporting calls (CreateApplication
or UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
). After you provide it once, in either one of the calls, Elastic Beanstalk persists the Service Role with the application, and you don't need to specify it again in subsequent UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
calls. You can, however, specify it in subsequent calls to change the Service Role to another value.
\n@return The ARN of an IAM service role that Elastic Beanstalk has permission to assume. The ServiceRole
property is required the first time that you provide a VersionLifecycleConfig
for the application in one of the supporting calls (CreateApplication
or UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
). After you provide it once, in either one of the calls, Elastic Beanstalk persists the Service Role with the application, and you don't need to specify it again in subsequent UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
calls. You can, however, specify it in subsequent calls to change the Service Role to another value.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ServiceRole",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ServiceRole",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ServiceRole",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "
The ARN of an IAM service role that Elastic Beanstalk has permission to assume.
The ServiceRole
property is required the first time that you provide a VersionLifecycleConfig
for the application in one of the supporting calls (CreateApplication
or UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
). After you provide it once, in either one of the calls, Elastic Beanstalk persists the Service Role with the application, and you don't need to specify it again in subsequent UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
calls. You can, however, specify it in subsequent calls to change the Service Role to another value.
\n@param serviceRole The ARN of an IAM service role that Elastic Beanstalk has permission to assume. The ServiceRole
property is required the first time that you provide a VersionLifecycleConfig
for the application in one of the supporting calls (CreateApplication
or UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
). After you provide it once, in either one of the calls, Elastic Beanstalk persists the Service Role with the application, and you don't need to specify it again in subsequent UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
calls. You can, however, specify it in subsequent calls to change the Service Role to another value.",
"setterMethodName" : "setServiceRole",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "serviceRole",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "serviceRole",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "
The ARN of an IAM service role that Elastic Beanstalk has permission to assume.
The ServiceRole
property is required the first time that you provide a VersionLifecycleConfig
for the application in one of the supporting calls (CreateApplication
or UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
). After you provide it once, in either one of the calls, Elastic Beanstalk persists the Service Role with the application, and you don't need to specify it again in subsequent UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle
calls. You can, however, specify it in subsequent calls to change the Service Role to another value.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getVersionLifecycleConfig",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setVersionLifecycleConfig",
"c2jName" : "VersionLifecycleConfig",
"c2jShape" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The application version lifecycle configuration.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #versionLifecycleConfig(ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig)}.\n@param versionLifecycleConfig a consumer that will call methods on {@link ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #versionLifecycleConfig(ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The application version lifecycle configuration.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "versionLifecycleConfig",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The application version lifecycle configuration.
\n@param versionLifecycleConfig The application version lifecycle configuration.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "versionLifecycleConfig",
"getterDocumentation" : "The application version lifecycle configuration.
\n@return The application version lifecycle configuration.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "VersionLifecycleConfig",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "VersionLifecycleConfig",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "SDK_POJO",
"name" : "VersionLifecycleConfig",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The application version lifecycle configuration.
\n@param versionLifecycleConfig The application version lifecycle configuration.",
"setterMethodName" : "setVersionLifecycleConfig",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig",
"variableName" : "versionLifecycleConfig",
"variableType" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig",
"variableSetterType" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig",
"variableName" : "versionLifecycleConfig",
"variableType" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig",
"documentation" : "The application version lifecycle configuration.
"simpleType" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig",
"variableSetterType" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
} ],
"requestSignerAware" : false,
"requestSignerClassFqcn" : null,
"required" : null,
"shapeName" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig",
"simpleMethod" : false,
"unmarshaller" : {
"flattened" : false,
"resultWrapper" : null
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig",
"variableName" : "applicationResourceLifecycleConfig",
"variableType" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig",
"variableSetterType" : "ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig"
"wrapper" : false
"ApplicationVersionDescription" : {
"c2jName" : "ApplicationVersionDescription",
"customization" : {
"artificialResultWrapper" : null,
"skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false,
"skipGeneratingModelClass" : false,
"skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false,
"staxTargetDepthOffset" : 0
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Describes the properties of an application version.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"enums" : null,
"errorCode" : null,
"event" : false,
"eventStream" : false,
"explicitEventPayloadMember" : null,
"hasHeaderMember" : false,
"hasPayloadMember" : false,
"hasRequiresLengthMember" : false,
"hasStatusCodeMember" : false,
"hasStreamingMember" : false,
"httpStatusCode" : null,
"marshaller" : null,
"members" : [ {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getApplicationVersionArn",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setApplicationVersionArn",
"c2jName" : "ApplicationVersionArn",
"c2jShape" : "ApplicationVersionArn",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application version.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #applicationVersionArn(String)}.\n@param applicationVersionArn a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #applicationVersionArn(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application version.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "applicationVersionArn",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application version.
\n@param applicationVersionArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application version.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "applicationVersionArn",
"getterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application version.
\n@return The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application version.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ApplicationVersionArn",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ApplicationVersionArn",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ApplicationVersionArn",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application version.
\n@param applicationVersionArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application version.",
"setterMethodName" : "setApplicationVersionArn",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "applicationVersionArn",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "applicationVersionArn",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application version.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getApplicationName",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setApplicationName",
"c2jName" : "ApplicationName",
"c2jShape" : "ApplicationName",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the application to which the application version belongs.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #applicationName(String)}.\n@param applicationName a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #applicationName(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The name of the application to which the application version belongs.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "applicationName",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the application to which the application version belongs.
\n@param applicationName The name of the application to which the application version belongs.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "applicationName",
"getterDocumentation" : "The name of the application to which the application version belongs.
\n@return The name of the application to which the application version belongs.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ApplicationName",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ApplicationName",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ApplicationName",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The name of the application to which the application version belongs.
\n@param applicationName The name of the application to which the application version belongs.",
"setterMethodName" : "setApplicationName",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "applicationName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "applicationName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The name of the application to which the application version belongs.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getDescription",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setDescription",
"c2jName" : "Description",
"c2jShape" : "Description",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The description of the application version.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #description(String)}.\n@param description a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #description(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The description of the application version.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "description",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The description of the application version.
\n@param description The description of the application version.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "description",
"getterDocumentation" : "The description of the application version.
\n@return The description of the application version.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Description",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Description",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "Description",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The description of the application version.
\n@param description The description of the application version.",
"setterMethodName" : "setDescription",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "description",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "description",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The description of the application version.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getVersionLabel",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setVersionLabel",
"c2jName" : "VersionLabel",
"c2jShape" : "VersionLabel",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "A unique identifier for the application version.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #versionLabel(String)}.\n@param versionLabel a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #versionLabel(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "A unique identifier for the application version.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "versionLabel",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "A unique identifier for the application version.
\n@param versionLabel A unique identifier for the application version.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "versionLabel",
"getterDocumentation" : "A unique identifier for the application version.
\n@return A unique identifier for the application version.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "VersionLabel",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "VersionLabel",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "VersionLabel",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "A unique identifier for the application version.
\n@param versionLabel A unique identifier for the application version.",
"setterMethodName" : "setVersionLabel",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "versionLabel",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "versionLabel",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "A unique identifier for the application version.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getSourceBuildInformation",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setSourceBuildInformation",
"c2jName" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"c2jShape" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "If the version's source code was retrieved from AWS CodeCommit, the location of the source code for the application version.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link SourceBuildInformation.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link SourceBuildInformation#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link SourceBuildInformation.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #sourceBuildInformation(SourceBuildInformation)}.\n@param sourceBuildInformation a consumer that will call methods on {@link SourceBuildInformation.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #sourceBuildInformation(SourceBuildInformation)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "If the version's source code was retrieved from AWS CodeCommit, the location of the source code for the application version.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "sourceBuildInformation",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "If the version's source code was retrieved from AWS CodeCommit, the location of the source code for the application version.
\n@param sourceBuildInformation If the version's source code was retrieved from AWS CodeCommit, the location of the source code for the application version.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "sourceBuildInformation",
"getterDocumentation" : "If the version's source code was retrieved from AWS CodeCommit, the location of the source code for the application version.
\n@return If the version's source code was retrieved from AWS CodeCommit, the location of the source code for the application version.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "SDK_POJO",
"name" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "If the version's source code was retrieved from AWS CodeCommit, the location of the source code for the application version.
\n@param sourceBuildInformation If the version's source code was retrieved from AWS CodeCommit, the location of the source code for the application version.",
"setterMethodName" : "setSourceBuildInformation",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"variableName" : "sourceBuildInformation",
"variableType" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"variableSetterType" : "SourceBuildInformation"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"variableName" : "sourceBuildInformation",
"variableType" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"documentation" : "If the version's source code was retrieved from AWS CodeCommit, the location of the source code for the application version.
"simpleType" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"variableSetterType" : "SourceBuildInformation"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getBuildArn",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setBuildArn",
"c2jName" : "BuildArn",
"c2jShape" : "String",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Reference to the artifact from the AWS CodeBuild build.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #buildArn(String)}.\n@param buildArn a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #buildArn(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Reference to the artifact from the AWS CodeBuild build.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "buildArn",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Reference to the artifact from the AWS CodeBuild build.
\n@param buildArn Reference to the artifact from the AWS CodeBuild build.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "buildArn",
"getterDocumentation" : "Reference to the artifact from the AWS CodeBuild build.
\n@return Reference to the artifact from the AWS CodeBuild build.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "BuildArn",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "BuildArn",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "BuildArn",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Reference to the artifact from the AWS CodeBuild build.
\n@param buildArn Reference to the artifact from the AWS CodeBuild build.",
"setterMethodName" : "setBuildArn",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "buildArn",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "buildArn",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "Reference to the artifact from the AWS CodeBuild build.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getSourceBundle",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setSourceBundle",
"c2jName" : "SourceBundle",
"c2jShape" : "S3Location",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The storage location of the application version's source bundle in Amazon S3.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link S3Location.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link S3Location#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link S3Location.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #sourceBundle(S3Location)}.\n@param sourceBundle a consumer that will call methods on {@link S3Location.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #sourceBundle(S3Location)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The storage location of the application version's source bundle in Amazon S3.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "sourceBundle",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The storage location of the application version's source bundle in Amazon S3.
\n@param sourceBundle The storage location of the application version's source bundle in Amazon S3.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "sourceBundle",
"getterDocumentation" : "The storage location of the application version's source bundle in Amazon S3.
\n@return The storage location of the application version's source bundle in Amazon S3.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "S3Location",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "SourceBundle",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "SourceBundle",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "SDK_POJO",
"name" : "SourceBundle",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The storage location of the application version's source bundle in Amazon S3.
\n@param sourceBundle The storage location of the application version's source bundle in Amazon S3.",
"setterMethodName" : "setSourceBundle",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "S3Location",
"variableName" : "sourceBundle",
"variableType" : "S3Location",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "S3Location",
"variableSetterType" : "S3Location"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "S3Location",
"variableName" : "sourceBundle",
"variableType" : "S3Location",
"documentation" : "The storage location of the application version's source bundle in Amazon S3.
"simpleType" : "S3Location",
"variableSetterType" : "S3Location"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getDateCreated",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setDateCreated",
"c2jName" : "DateCreated",
"c2jShape" : "CreationDate",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The creation date of the application version.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Instant.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Instant#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Instant.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #dateCreated(Instant)}.\n@param dateCreated a consumer that will call methods on {@link Instant.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #dateCreated(Instant)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The creation date of the application version.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "dateCreated",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The creation date of the application version.
\n@param dateCreated The creation date of the application version.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "dateCreated",
"getterDocumentation" : "The creation date of the application version.
\n@return The creation date of the application version.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "DateCreated",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "DateCreated",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "INSTANT",
"name" : "DateCreated",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The creation date of the application version.
\n@param dateCreated The creation date of the application version.",
"setterMethodName" : "setDateCreated",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.time.Instant",
"variableName" : "dateCreated",
"variableType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Instant",
"variableSetterType" : "java.time.Instant"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.time.Instant",
"variableName" : "dateCreated",
"variableType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : "The creation date of the application version.
"simpleType" : "Instant",
"variableSetterType" : "java.time.Instant"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getDateUpdated",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setDateUpdated",
"c2jName" : "DateUpdated",
"c2jShape" : "UpdateDate",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The last modified date of the application version.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Instant.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Instant#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Instant.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #dateUpdated(Instant)}.\n@param dateUpdated a consumer that will call methods on {@link Instant.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #dateUpdated(Instant)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The last modified date of the application version.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "dateUpdated",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The last modified date of the application version.
\n@param dateUpdated The last modified date of the application version.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "dateUpdated",
"getterDocumentation" : "The last modified date of the application version.
\n@return The last modified date of the application version.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "DateUpdated",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "DateUpdated",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "INSTANT",
"name" : "DateUpdated",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The last modified date of the application version.
\n@param dateUpdated The last modified date of the application version.",
"setterMethodName" : "setDateUpdated",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.time.Instant",
"variableName" : "dateUpdated",
"variableType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Instant",
"variableSetterType" : "java.time.Instant"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.time.Instant",
"variableName" : "dateUpdated",
"variableType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : "The last modified date of the application version.
"simpleType" : "Instant",
"variableSetterType" : "java.time.Instant"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getStatusAsString",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setStatus",
"c2jName" : "Status",
"c2jShape" : "ApplicationVersionStatus",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The processing status of the application version. Reflects the state of the application version during its creation. Many of the values are only applicable if you specified True
for the Process
parameter of the CreateApplicationVersion
action. The following list describes the possible values.
– Application version wasn't pre-processed or validated. Elastic Beanstalk will validate configuration files during deployment of the application version to an environment.
– Elastic Beanstalk is currently processing the application version.
– Application version is currently undergoing an AWS CodeBuild build.
– Elastic Beanstalk was successfully pre-processed and validated.
– Either the AWS CodeBuild build failed or configuration files didn't pass validation. This application version isn't usable.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #statusAsString(String)}.\n@param status a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #status(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The processing status of the application version. Reflects the state of the application version during its creation. Many of the values are only applicable if you specified True
for the Process
parameter of the CreateApplicationVersion
action. The following list describes the possible values.
– Application version wasn't pre-processed or validated. Elastic Beanstalk will validate configuration files during deployment of the application version to an environment.
– Elastic Beanstalk is currently processing the application version.
– Application version is currently undergoing an AWS CodeBuild build.
– Elastic Beanstalk was successfully pre-processed and validated.
– Either the AWS CodeBuild build failed or configuration files didn't pass validation. This application version isn't usable.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : "ApplicationVersionStatus",
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : "status",
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : "status",
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "statusAsString",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The processing status of the application version. Reflects the state of the application version during its creation. Many of the values are only applicable if you specified True
for the Process
parameter of the CreateApplicationVersion
action. The following list describes the possible values.
– Application version wasn't pre-processed or validated. Elastic Beanstalk will validate configuration files during deployment of the application version to an environment.
– Elastic Beanstalk is currently processing the application version.
– Application version is currently undergoing an AWS CodeBuild build.
– Elastic Beanstalk was successfully pre-processed and validated.
– Either the AWS CodeBuild build failed or configuration files didn't pass validation. This application version isn't usable.
\n@param status The processing status of the application version. Reflects the state of the application version during its creation. Many of the values are only applicable if you specified True
for the Process
parameter of the CreateApplicationVersion
action. The following list describes the possible values. -
– Application version wasn't pre-processed or validated. Elastic Beanstalk will validate configuration files during deployment of the application version to an environment.
– Elastic Beanstalk is currently processing the application version.
– Application version is currently undergoing an AWS CodeBuild build.
– Elastic Beanstalk was successfully pre-processed and validated.
– Either the AWS CodeBuild build failed or configuration files didn't pass validation. This application version isn't usable.
\n@see ApplicationVersionStatus\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see ApplicationVersionStatus",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "status",
"getterDocumentation" : "The processing status of the application version. Reflects the state of the application version during its creation. Many of the values are only applicable if you specified True
for the Process
parameter of the CreateApplicationVersion
action. The following list describes the possible values.
– Application version wasn't pre-processed or validated. Elastic Beanstalk will validate configuration files during deployment of the application version to an environment.
– Elastic Beanstalk is currently processing the application version.
– Application version is currently undergoing an AWS CodeBuild build.
– Elastic Beanstalk was successfully pre-processed and validated.
– Either the AWS CodeBuild build failed or configuration files didn't pass validation. This application version isn't usable.
\n\nIf the service returns an enum value that is not available in the current SDK version, {@link #status} will return {@link ApplicationVersionStatus#UNKNOWN_TO_SDK_VERSION}. The raw value returned by the service is available from {@link #statusAsString}.\n
\n@return The processing status of the application version. Reflects the state of the application version during its creation. Many of the values are only applicable if you specified True
for the Process
parameter of the CreateApplicationVersion
action. The following list describes the possible values. -
– Application version wasn't pre-processed or validated. Elastic Beanstalk will validate configuration files during deployment of the application version to an environment.
– Elastic Beanstalk is currently processing the application version.
– Application version is currently undergoing an AWS CodeBuild build.
– Elastic Beanstalk was successfully pre-processed and validated.
– Either the AWS CodeBuild build failed or configuration files didn't pass validation. This application version isn't usable.
\n@see ApplicationVersionStatus",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Status",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Status",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "Status",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The processing status of the application version. Reflects the state of the application version during its creation. Many of the values are only applicable if you specified True
for the Process
parameter of the CreateApplicationVersion
action. The following list describes the possible values.
– Application version wasn't pre-processed or validated. Elastic Beanstalk will validate configuration files during deployment of the application version to an environment.
– Elastic Beanstalk is currently processing the application version.
– Application version is currently undergoing an AWS CodeBuild build.
– Elastic Beanstalk was successfully pre-processed and validated.
– Either the AWS CodeBuild build failed or configuration files didn't pass validation. This application version isn't usable.
\n@param status The processing status of the application version. Reflects the state of the application version during its creation. Many of the values are only applicable if you specified True
for the Process
parameter of the CreateApplicationVersion
action. The following list describes the possible values. -
– Application version wasn't pre-processed or validated. Elastic Beanstalk will validate configuration files during deployment of the application version to an environment.
– Elastic Beanstalk is currently processing the application version.
– Application version is currently undergoing an AWS CodeBuild build.
– Elastic Beanstalk was successfully pre-processed and validated.
– Either the AWS CodeBuild build failed or configuration files didn't pass validation. This application version isn't usable.
\n@see ApplicationVersionStatus",
"setterMethodName" : "setStatus",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "status",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "status",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The processing status of the application version. Reflects the state of the application version during its creation. Many of the values are only applicable if you specified True
for the Process
parameter of the CreateApplicationVersion
action. The following list describes the possible values.
– Application version wasn't pre-processed or validated. Elastic Beanstalk will validate configuration files during deployment of the application version to an environment.
– Elastic Beanstalk is currently processing the application version.
– Application version is currently undergoing an AWS CodeBuild build.
– Elastic Beanstalk was successfully pre-processed and validated.
– Either the AWS CodeBuild build failed or configuration files didn't pass validation. This application version isn't usable.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
} ],
"membersAsMap" : {
"ApplicationName" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getApplicationName",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setApplicationName",
"c2jName" : "ApplicationName",
"c2jShape" : "ApplicationName",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the application to which the application version belongs.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #applicationName(String)}.\n@param applicationName a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #applicationName(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The name of the application to which the application version belongs.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "applicationName",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the application to which the application version belongs.
\n@param applicationName The name of the application to which the application version belongs.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "applicationName",
"getterDocumentation" : "The name of the application to which the application version belongs.
\n@return The name of the application to which the application version belongs.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ApplicationName",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ApplicationName",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ApplicationName",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The name of the application to which the application version belongs.
\n@param applicationName The name of the application to which the application version belongs.",
"setterMethodName" : "setApplicationName",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "applicationName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "applicationName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The name of the application to which the application version belongs.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"ApplicationVersionArn" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getApplicationVersionArn",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setApplicationVersionArn",
"c2jName" : "ApplicationVersionArn",
"c2jShape" : "ApplicationVersionArn",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application version.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #applicationVersionArn(String)}.\n@param applicationVersionArn a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #applicationVersionArn(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application version.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "applicationVersionArn",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application version.
\n@param applicationVersionArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application version.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "applicationVersionArn",
"getterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application version.
\n@return The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application version.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ApplicationVersionArn",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ApplicationVersionArn",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ApplicationVersionArn",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application version.
\n@param applicationVersionArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application version.",
"setterMethodName" : "setApplicationVersionArn",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "applicationVersionArn",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "applicationVersionArn",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application version.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"BuildArn" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getBuildArn",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setBuildArn",
"c2jName" : "BuildArn",
"c2jShape" : "String",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Reference to the artifact from the AWS CodeBuild build.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #buildArn(String)}.\n@param buildArn a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #buildArn(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Reference to the artifact from the AWS CodeBuild build.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "buildArn",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Reference to the artifact from the AWS CodeBuild build.
\n@param buildArn Reference to the artifact from the AWS CodeBuild build.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "buildArn",
"getterDocumentation" : "Reference to the artifact from the AWS CodeBuild build.
\n@return Reference to the artifact from the AWS CodeBuild build.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "BuildArn",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "BuildArn",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "BuildArn",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Reference to the artifact from the AWS CodeBuild build.
\n@param buildArn Reference to the artifact from the AWS CodeBuild build.",
"setterMethodName" : "setBuildArn",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "buildArn",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "buildArn",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "Reference to the artifact from the AWS CodeBuild build.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"DateCreated" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getDateCreated",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setDateCreated",
"c2jName" : "DateCreated",
"c2jShape" : "CreationDate",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The creation date of the application version.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Instant.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Instant#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Instant.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #dateCreated(Instant)}.\n@param dateCreated a consumer that will call methods on {@link Instant.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #dateCreated(Instant)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The creation date of the application version.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "dateCreated",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The creation date of the application version.
\n@param dateCreated The creation date of the application version.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "dateCreated",
"getterDocumentation" : "The creation date of the application version.
\n@return The creation date of the application version.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "DateCreated",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "DateCreated",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "INSTANT",
"name" : "DateCreated",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The creation date of the application version.
\n@param dateCreated The creation date of the application version.",
"setterMethodName" : "setDateCreated",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.time.Instant",
"variableName" : "dateCreated",
"variableType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Instant",
"variableSetterType" : "java.time.Instant"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.time.Instant",
"variableName" : "dateCreated",
"variableType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : "The creation date of the application version.
"simpleType" : "Instant",
"variableSetterType" : "java.time.Instant"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"DateUpdated" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getDateUpdated",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setDateUpdated",
"c2jName" : "DateUpdated",
"c2jShape" : "UpdateDate",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The last modified date of the application version.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Instant.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Instant#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Instant.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #dateUpdated(Instant)}.\n@param dateUpdated a consumer that will call methods on {@link Instant.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #dateUpdated(Instant)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The last modified date of the application version.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "dateUpdated",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The last modified date of the application version.
\n@param dateUpdated The last modified date of the application version.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "dateUpdated",
"getterDocumentation" : "The last modified date of the application version.
\n@return The last modified date of the application version.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "DateUpdated",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "DateUpdated",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "INSTANT",
"name" : "DateUpdated",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The last modified date of the application version.
\n@param dateUpdated The last modified date of the application version.",
"setterMethodName" : "setDateUpdated",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.time.Instant",
"variableName" : "dateUpdated",
"variableType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Instant",
"variableSetterType" : "java.time.Instant"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.time.Instant",
"variableName" : "dateUpdated",
"variableType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : "The last modified date of the application version.
"simpleType" : "Instant",
"variableSetterType" : "java.time.Instant"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"Description" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getDescription",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setDescription",
"c2jName" : "Description",
"c2jShape" : "Description",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The description of the application version.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #description(String)}.\n@param description a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #description(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The description of the application version.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "description",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The description of the application version.
\n@param description The description of the application version.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "description",
"getterDocumentation" : "The description of the application version.
\n@return The description of the application version.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Description",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Description",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "Description",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The description of the application version.
\n@param description The description of the application version.",
"setterMethodName" : "setDescription",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "description",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "description",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The description of the application version.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"SourceBuildInformation" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getSourceBuildInformation",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setSourceBuildInformation",
"c2jName" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"c2jShape" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "If the version's source code was retrieved from AWS CodeCommit, the location of the source code for the application version.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link SourceBuildInformation.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link SourceBuildInformation#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link SourceBuildInformation.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #sourceBuildInformation(SourceBuildInformation)}.\n@param sourceBuildInformation a consumer that will call methods on {@link SourceBuildInformation.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #sourceBuildInformation(SourceBuildInformation)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "If the version's source code was retrieved from AWS CodeCommit, the location of the source code for the application version.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "sourceBuildInformation",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "If the version's source code was retrieved from AWS CodeCommit, the location of the source code for the application version.
\n@param sourceBuildInformation If the version's source code was retrieved from AWS CodeCommit, the location of the source code for the application version.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "sourceBuildInformation",
"getterDocumentation" : "If the version's source code was retrieved from AWS CodeCommit, the location of the source code for the application version.
\n@return If the version's source code was retrieved from AWS CodeCommit, the location of the source code for the application version.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "SDK_POJO",
"name" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "If the version's source code was retrieved from AWS CodeCommit, the location of the source code for the application version.
\n@param sourceBuildInformation If the version's source code was retrieved from AWS CodeCommit, the location of the source code for the application version.",
"setterMethodName" : "setSourceBuildInformation",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"variableName" : "sourceBuildInformation",
"variableType" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"variableSetterType" : "SourceBuildInformation"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"variableName" : "sourceBuildInformation",
"variableType" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"documentation" : "If the version's source code was retrieved from AWS CodeCommit, the location of the source code for the application version.
"simpleType" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"variableSetterType" : "SourceBuildInformation"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"SourceBundle" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getSourceBundle",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setSourceBundle",
"c2jName" : "SourceBundle",
"c2jShape" : "S3Location",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The storage location of the application version's source bundle in Amazon S3.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link S3Location.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link S3Location#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link S3Location.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #sourceBundle(S3Location)}.\n@param sourceBundle a consumer that will call methods on {@link S3Location.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #sourceBundle(S3Location)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The storage location of the application version's source bundle in Amazon S3.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "sourceBundle",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The storage location of the application version's source bundle in Amazon S3.
\n@param sourceBundle The storage location of the application version's source bundle in Amazon S3.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "sourceBundle",
"getterDocumentation" : "The storage location of the application version's source bundle in Amazon S3.
\n@return The storage location of the application version's source bundle in Amazon S3.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "S3Location",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "SourceBundle",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "SourceBundle",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "SDK_POJO",
"name" : "SourceBundle",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The storage location of the application version's source bundle in Amazon S3.
\n@param sourceBundle The storage location of the application version's source bundle in Amazon S3.",
"setterMethodName" : "setSourceBundle",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "S3Location",
"variableName" : "sourceBundle",
"variableType" : "S3Location",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "S3Location",
"variableSetterType" : "S3Location"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "S3Location",
"variableName" : "sourceBundle",
"variableType" : "S3Location",
"documentation" : "The storage location of the application version's source bundle in Amazon S3.
"simpleType" : "S3Location",
"variableSetterType" : "S3Location"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"Status" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getStatusAsString",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setStatus",
"c2jName" : "Status",
"c2jShape" : "ApplicationVersionStatus",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The processing status of the application version. Reflects the state of the application version during its creation. Many of the values are only applicable if you specified True
for the Process
parameter of the CreateApplicationVersion
action. The following list describes the possible values.
– Application version wasn't pre-processed or validated. Elastic Beanstalk will validate configuration files during deployment of the application version to an environment.
– Elastic Beanstalk is currently processing the application version.
– Application version is currently undergoing an AWS CodeBuild build.
– Elastic Beanstalk was successfully pre-processed and validated.
– Either the AWS CodeBuild build failed or configuration files didn't pass validation. This application version isn't usable.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #statusAsString(String)}.\n@param status a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #status(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The processing status of the application version. Reflects the state of the application version during its creation. Many of the values are only applicable if you specified True
for the Process
parameter of the CreateApplicationVersion
action. The following list describes the possible values.
– Application version wasn't pre-processed or validated. Elastic Beanstalk will validate configuration files during deployment of the application version to an environment.
– Elastic Beanstalk is currently processing the application version.
– Application version is currently undergoing an AWS CodeBuild build.
– Elastic Beanstalk was successfully pre-processed and validated.
– Either the AWS CodeBuild build failed or configuration files didn't pass validation. This application version isn't usable.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : "ApplicationVersionStatus",
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : "status",
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : "status",
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "statusAsString",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The processing status of the application version. Reflects the state of the application version during its creation. Many of the values are only applicable if you specified True
for the Process
parameter of the CreateApplicationVersion
action. The following list describes the possible values.
– Application version wasn't pre-processed or validated. Elastic Beanstalk will validate configuration files during deployment of the application version to an environment.
– Elastic Beanstalk is currently processing the application version.
– Application version is currently undergoing an AWS CodeBuild build.
– Elastic Beanstalk was successfully pre-processed and validated.
– Either the AWS CodeBuild build failed or configuration files didn't pass validation. This application version isn't usable.
\n@param status The processing status of the application version. Reflects the state of the application version during its creation. Many of the values are only applicable if you specified True
for the Process
parameter of the CreateApplicationVersion
action. The following list describes the possible values. -
– Application version wasn't pre-processed or validated. Elastic Beanstalk will validate configuration files during deployment of the application version to an environment.
– Elastic Beanstalk is currently processing the application version.
– Application version is currently undergoing an AWS CodeBuild build.
– Elastic Beanstalk was successfully pre-processed and validated.
– Either the AWS CodeBuild build failed or configuration files didn't pass validation. This application version isn't usable.
\n@see ApplicationVersionStatus\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see ApplicationVersionStatus",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "status",
"getterDocumentation" : "The processing status of the application version. Reflects the state of the application version during its creation. Many of the values are only applicable if you specified True
for the Process
parameter of the CreateApplicationVersion
action. The following list describes the possible values.
– Application version wasn't pre-processed or validated. Elastic Beanstalk will validate configuration files during deployment of the application version to an environment.
– Elastic Beanstalk is currently processing the application version.
– Application version is currently undergoing an AWS CodeBuild build.
– Elastic Beanstalk was successfully pre-processed and validated.
– Either the AWS CodeBuild build failed or configuration files didn't pass validation. This application version isn't usable.
\n\nIf the service returns an enum value that is not available in the current SDK version, {@link #status} will return {@link ApplicationVersionStatus#UNKNOWN_TO_SDK_VERSION}. The raw value returned by the service is available from {@link #statusAsString}.\n
\n@return The processing status of the application version. Reflects the state of the application version during its creation. Many of the values are only applicable if you specified True
for the Process
parameter of the CreateApplicationVersion
action. The following list describes the possible values. -
– Application version wasn't pre-processed or validated. Elastic Beanstalk will validate configuration files during deployment of the application version to an environment.
– Elastic Beanstalk is currently processing the application version.
– Application version is currently undergoing an AWS CodeBuild build.
– Elastic Beanstalk was successfully pre-processed and validated.
– Either the AWS CodeBuild build failed or configuration files didn't pass validation. This application version isn't usable.
\n@see ApplicationVersionStatus",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Status",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Status",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "Status",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The processing status of the application version. Reflects the state of the application version during its creation. Many of the values are only applicable if you specified True
for the Process
parameter of the CreateApplicationVersion
action. The following list describes the possible values.
– Application version wasn't pre-processed or validated. Elastic Beanstalk will validate configuration files during deployment of the application version to an environment.
– Elastic Beanstalk is currently processing the application version.
– Application version is currently undergoing an AWS CodeBuild build.
– Elastic Beanstalk was successfully pre-processed and validated.
– Either the AWS CodeBuild build failed or configuration files didn't pass validation. This application version isn't usable.
\n@param status The processing status of the application version. Reflects the state of the application version during its creation. Many of the values are only applicable if you specified True
for the Process
parameter of the CreateApplicationVersion
action. The following list describes the possible values. -
– Application version wasn't pre-processed or validated. Elastic Beanstalk will validate configuration files during deployment of the application version to an environment.
– Elastic Beanstalk is currently processing the application version.
– Application version is currently undergoing an AWS CodeBuild build.
– Elastic Beanstalk was successfully pre-processed and validated.
– Either the AWS CodeBuild build failed or configuration files didn't pass validation. This application version isn't usable.
\n@see ApplicationVersionStatus",
"setterMethodName" : "setStatus",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "status",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "status",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The processing status of the application version. Reflects the state of the application version during its creation. Many of the values are only applicable if you specified True
for the Process
parameter of the CreateApplicationVersion
action. The following list describes the possible values.
– Application version wasn't pre-processed or validated. Elastic Beanstalk will validate configuration files during deployment of the application version to an environment.
– Elastic Beanstalk is currently processing the application version.
– Application version is currently undergoing an AWS CodeBuild build.
– Elastic Beanstalk was successfully pre-processed and validated.
– Either the AWS CodeBuild build failed or configuration files didn't pass validation. This application version isn't usable.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"VersionLabel" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getVersionLabel",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setVersionLabel",
"c2jName" : "VersionLabel",
"c2jShape" : "VersionLabel",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "A unique identifier for the application version.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #versionLabel(String)}.\n@param versionLabel a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #versionLabel(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "A unique identifier for the application version.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "versionLabel",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "A unique identifier for the application version.
\n@param versionLabel A unique identifier for the application version.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "versionLabel",
"getterDocumentation" : "A unique identifier for the application version.
\n@return A unique identifier for the application version.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "VersionLabel",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "VersionLabel",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "VersionLabel",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "A unique identifier for the application version.
\n@param versionLabel A unique identifier for the application version.",
"setterMethodName" : "setVersionLabel",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "versionLabel",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "versionLabel",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "A unique identifier for the application version.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"nonStreamingMembers" : [ {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getApplicationVersionArn",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setApplicationVersionArn",
"c2jName" : "ApplicationVersionArn",
"c2jShape" : "ApplicationVersionArn",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application version.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #applicationVersionArn(String)}.\n@param applicationVersionArn a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #applicationVersionArn(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application version.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "applicationVersionArn",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application version.
\n@param applicationVersionArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application version.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "applicationVersionArn",
"getterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application version.
\n@return The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application version.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ApplicationVersionArn",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ApplicationVersionArn",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ApplicationVersionArn",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application version.
\n@param applicationVersionArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application version.",
"setterMethodName" : "setApplicationVersionArn",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "applicationVersionArn",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "applicationVersionArn",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application version.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getApplicationName",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setApplicationName",
"c2jName" : "ApplicationName",
"c2jShape" : "ApplicationName",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the application to which the application version belongs.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #applicationName(String)}.\n@param applicationName a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #applicationName(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The name of the application to which the application version belongs.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "applicationName",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the application to which the application version belongs.
\n@param applicationName The name of the application to which the application version belongs.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "applicationName",
"getterDocumentation" : "The name of the application to which the application version belongs.
\n@return The name of the application to which the application version belongs.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ApplicationName",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ApplicationName",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ApplicationName",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The name of the application to which the application version belongs.
\n@param applicationName The name of the application to which the application version belongs.",
"setterMethodName" : "setApplicationName",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "applicationName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "applicationName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The name of the application to which the application version belongs.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getDescription",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setDescription",
"c2jName" : "Description",
"c2jShape" : "Description",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The description of the application version.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #description(String)}.\n@param description a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #description(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The description of the application version.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "description",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The description of the application version.
\n@param description The description of the application version.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "description",
"getterDocumentation" : "The description of the application version.
\n@return The description of the application version.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Description",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Description",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "Description",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The description of the application version.
\n@param description The description of the application version.",
"setterMethodName" : "setDescription",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "description",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "description",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The description of the application version.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getVersionLabel",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setVersionLabel",
"c2jName" : "VersionLabel",
"c2jShape" : "VersionLabel",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "A unique identifier for the application version.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #versionLabel(String)}.\n@param versionLabel a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #versionLabel(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "A unique identifier for the application version.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "versionLabel",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "A unique identifier for the application version.
\n@param versionLabel A unique identifier for the application version.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "versionLabel",
"getterDocumentation" : "A unique identifier for the application version.
\n@return A unique identifier for the application version.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "VersionLabel",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "VersionLabel",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "VersionLabel",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "A unique identifier for the application version.
\n@param versionLabel A unique identifier for the application version.",
"setterMethodName" : "setVersionLabel",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "versionLabel",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "versionLabel",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "A unique identifier for the application version.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getSourceBuildInformation",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setSourceBuildInformation",
"c2jName" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"c2jShape" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "If the version's source code was retrieved from AWS CodeCommit, the location of the source code for the application version.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link SourceBuildInformation.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link SourceBuildInformation#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link SourceBuildInformation.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #sourceBuildInformation(SourceBuildInformation)}.\n@param sourceBuildInformation a consumer that will call methods on {@link SourceBuildInformation.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #sourceBuildInformation(SourceBuildInformation)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "If the version's source code was retrieved from AWS CodeCommit, the location of the source code for the application version.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "sourceBuildInformation",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "If the version's source code was retrieved from AWS CodeCommit, the location of the source code for the application version.
\n@param sourceBuildInformation If the version's source code was retrieved from AWS CodeCommit, the location of the source code for the application version.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "sourceBuildInformation",
"getterDocumentation" : "If the version's source code was retrieved from AWS CodeCommit, the location of the source code for the application version.
\n@return If the version's source code was retrieved from AWS CodeCommit, the location of the source code for the application version.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "SDK_POJO",
"name" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "If the version's source code was retrieved from AWS CodeCommit, the location of the source code for the application version.
\n@param sourceBuildInformation If the version's source code was retrieved from AWS CodeCommit, the location of the source code for the application version.",
"setterMethodName" : "setSourceBuildInformation",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"variableName" : "sourceBuildInformation",
"variableType" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"variableSetterType" : "SourceBuildInformation"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"variableName" : "sourceBuildInformation",
"variableType" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"documentation" : "If the version's source code was retrieved from AWS CodeCommit, the location of the source code for the application version.
"simpleType" : "SourceBuildInformation",
"variableSetterType" : "SourceBuildInformation"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getBuildArn",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setBuildArn",
"c2jName" : "BuildArn",
"c2jShape" : "String",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Reference to the artifact from the AWS CodeBuild build.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #buildArn(String)}.\n@param buildArn a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #buildArn(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Reference to the artifact from the AWS CodeBuild build.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "buildArn",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Reference to the artifact from the AWS CodeBuild build.
\n@param buildArn Reference to the artifact from the AWS CodeBuild build.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "buildArn",
"getterDocumentation" : "Reference to the artifact from the AWS CodeBuild build.
\n@return Reference to the artifact from the AWS CodeBuild build.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "BuildArn",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "BuildArn",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "BuildArn",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Reference to the artifact from the AWS CodeBuild build.
\n@param buildArn Reference to the artifact from the AWS CodeBuild build.",
"setterMethodName" : "setBuildArn",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "buildArn",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "buildArn",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "Reference to the artifact from the AWS CodeBuild build.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getSourceBundle",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setSourceBundle",
"c2jName" : "SourceBundle",
"c2jShape" : "S3Location",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The storage location of the application version's source bundle in Amazon S3.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link S3Location.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link S3Location#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link S3Location.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #sourceBundle(S3Location)}.\n@param sourceBundle a consumer that will call methods on {@link S3Location.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #sourceBundle(S3Location)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The storage location of the application version's source bundle in Amazon S3.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "sourceBundle",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The storage location of the application version's source bundle in Amazon S3.
\n@param sourceBundle The storage location of the application version's source bundle in Amazon S3.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "sourceBundle",
"getterDocumentation" : "The storage location of the application version's source bundle in Amazon S3.
\n@return The storage location of the application version's source bundle in Amazon S3.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "S3Location",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "SourceBundle",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "SourceBundle",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "SDK_POJO",
"name" : "SourceBundle",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The storage location of the application version's source bundle in Amazon S3.
\n@param sourceBundle The storage location of the application version's source bundle in Amazon S3.",
"setterMethodName" : "setSourceBundle",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "S3Location",
"variableName" : "sourceBundle",
"variableType" : "S3Location",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "S3Location",
"variableSetterType" : "S3Location"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "S3Location",
"variableName" : "sourceBundle",
"variableType" : "S3Location",
"documentation" : "The storage location of the application version's source bundle in Amazon S3.
"simpleType" : "S3Location",
"variableSetterType" : "S3Location"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getDateCreated",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setDateCreated",
"c2jName" : "DateCreated",
"c2jShape" : "CreationDate",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The creation date of the application version.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Instant.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Instant#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Instant.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #dateCreated(Instant)}.\n@param dateCreated a consumer that will call methods on {@link Instant.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #dateCreated(Instant)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The creation date of the application version.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "dateCreated",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The creation date of the application version.
\n@param dateCreated The creation date of the application version.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "dateCreated",
"getterDocumentation" : "The creation date of the application version.
\n@return The creation date of the application version.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "DateCreated",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "DateCreated",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "INSTANT",
"name" : "DateCreated",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The creation date of the application version.
\n@param dateCreated The creation date of the application version.",
"setterMethodName" : "setDateCreated",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.time.Instant",
"variableName" : "dateCreated",
"variableType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Instant",
"variableSetterType" : "java.time.Instant"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.time.Instant",
"variableName" : "dateCreated",
"variableType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : "The creation date of the application version.
"simpleType" : "Instant",
"variableSetterType" : "java.time.Instant"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getDateUpdated",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setDateUpdated",
"c2jName" : "DateUpdated",
"c2jShape" : "UpdateDate",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The last modified date of the application version.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Instant.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Instant#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Instant.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #dateUpdated(Instant)}.\n@param dateUpdated a consumer that will call methods on {@link Instant.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #dateUpdated(Instant)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The last modified date of the application version.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "dateUpdated",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The last modified date of the application version.
\n@param dateUpdated The last modified date of the application version.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "dateUpdated",
"getterDocumentation" : "The last modified date of the application version.
\n@return The last modified date of the application version.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "DateUpdated",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "DateUpdated",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "INSTANT",
"name" : "DateUpdated",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The last modified date of the application version.
\n@param dateUpdated The last modified date of the application version.",
"setterMethodName" : "setDateUpdated",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.time.Instant",
"variableName" : "dateUpdated",
"variableType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Instant",
"variableSetterType" : "java.time.Instant"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.time.Instant",
"variableName" : "dateUpdated",
"variableType" : "java.time.Instant",
"documentation" : "The last modified date of the application version.
"simpleType" : "Instant",
"variableSetterType" : "java.time.Instant"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getStatusAsString",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setStatus",
"c2jName" : "Status",
"c2jShape" : "ApplicationVersionStatus",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The processing status of the application version. Reflects the state of the application version during its creation. Many of the values are only applicable if you specified True
for the Process
parameter of the CreateApplicationVersion
action. The following list describes the possible values.
– Application version wasn't pre-processed or validated. Elastic Beanstalk will validate configuration files during deployment of the application version to an environment.
– Elastic Beanstalk is currently processing the application version.
– Application version is currently undergoing an AWS CodeBuild build.
– Elastic Beanstalk was successfully pre-processed and validated.
– Either the AWS CodeBuild build failed or configuration files didn't pass validation. This application version isn't usable.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #statusAsString(String)}.\n@param status a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #status(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The processing status of the application version. Reflects the state of the application version during its creation. Many of the values are only applicable if you specified True
for the Process
parameter of the CreateApplicationVersion
action. The following list describes the possible values.
– Application version wasn't pre-processed or validated. Elastic Beanstalk will validate configuration files during deployment of the application version to an environment.
– Elastic Beanstalk is currently processing the application version.
– Application version is currently undergoing an AWS CodeBuild build.
– Elastic Beanstalk was successfully pre-processed and validated.
– Either the AWS CodeBuild build failed or configuration files didn't pass validation. This application version isn't usable.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : "ApplicationVersionStatus",
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : "status",
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : "status",
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "statusAsString",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The processing status of the application version. Reflects the state of the application version during its creation. Many of the values are only applicable if you specified True
for the Process
parameter of the CreateApplicationVersion
action. The following list describes the possible values.
– Application version wasn't pre-processed or validated. Elastic Beanstalk will validate configuration files during deployment of the application version to an environment.
– Elastic Beanstalk is currently processing the application version.
– Application version is currently undergoing an AWS CodeBuild build.
– Elastic Beanstalk was successfully pre-processed and validated.
– Either the AWS CodeBuild build failed or configuration files didn't pass validation. This application version isn't usable.
\n@param status The processing status of the application version. Reflects the state of the application version during its creation. Many of the values are only applicable if you specified True
for the Process
parameter of the CreateApplicationVersion
action. The following list describes the possible values. -
– Application version wasn't pre-processed or validated. Elastic Beanstalk will validate configuration files during deployment of the application version to an environment.
– Elastic Beanstalk is currently processing the application version.
– Application version is currently undergoing an AWS CodeBuild build.
– Elastic Beanstalk was successfully pre-processed and validated.
– Either the AWS CodeBuild build failed or configuration files didn't pass validation. This application version isn't usable.
\n@see ApplicationVersionStatus\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see ApplicationVersionStatus",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "status",
"getterDocumentation" : "The processing status of the application version. Reflects the state of the application version during its creation. Many of the values are only applicable if you specified True
for the Process
parameter of the CreateApplicationVersion
action. The following list describes the possible values.
– Application version wasn't pre-processed or validated. Elastic Beanstalk will validate configuration files during deployment of the application version to an environment.
– Elastic Beanstalk is currently processing the application version.
– Application version is currently undergoing an AWS CodeBuild build.
– Elastic Beanstalk was successfully pre-processed and validated.
– Either the AWS CodeBuild build failed or configuration files didn't pass validation. This application version isn't usable.
\n\nIf the service returns an enum value that is not available in the current SDK version, {@link #status} will return {@link ApplicationVersionStatus#UNKNOWN_TO_SDK_VERSION}. The raw value returned by the service is available from {@link #statusAsString}.\n
\n@return The processing status of the application version. Reflects the state of the application version during its creation. Many of the values are only applicable if you specified True
for the Process
parameter of the CreateApplicationVersion
action. The following list describes the possible values. -
– Application version wasn't pre-processed or validated. Elastic Beanstalk will validate configuration files during deployment of the application version to an environment.
– Elastic Beanstalk is currently processing the application version.
– Application version is currently undergoing an AWS CodeBuild build.
– Elastic Beanstalk was successfully pre-processed and validated.
– Either the AWS CodeBuild build failed or configuration files didn't pass validation. This application version isn't usable.
\n@see ApplicationVersionStatus",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Status",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Status",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "Status",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The processing status of the application version. Reflects the state of the application version during its creation. Many of the values are only applicable if you specified True
for the Process
parameter of the CreateApplicationVersion
action. The following list describes the possible values.
– Application version wasn't pre-processed or validated. Elastic Beanstalk will validate configuration files during deployment of the application version to an environment.
– Elastic Beanstalk is currently processing the application version.
– Application version is currently undergoing an AWS CodeBuild build.
– Elastic Beanstalk was successfully pre-processed and validated.
– Either the AWS CodeBuild build failed or configuration files didn't pass validation. This application version isn't usable.
\n@param status The processing status of the application version. Reflects the state of the application version during its creation. Many of the values are only applicable if you specified True
for the Process
parameter of the CreateApplicationVersion
action. The following list describes the possible values. -
– Application version wasn't pre-processed or validated. Elastic Beanstalk will validate configuration files during deployment of the application version to an environment.
– Elastic Beanstalk is currently processing the application version.
– Application version is currently undergoing an AWS CodeBuild build.
– Elastic Beanstalk was successfully pre-processed and validated.
– Either the AWS CodeBuild build failed or configuration files didn't pass validation. This application version isn't usable.
\n@see ApplicationVersionStatus",
"setterMethodName" : "setStatus",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "status",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "status",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The processing status of the application version. Reflects the state of the application version during its creation. Many of the values are only applicable if you specified True
for the Process
parameter of the CreateApplicationVersion
action. The following list describes the possible values.
– Application version wasn't pre-processed or validated. Elastic Beanstalk will validate configuration files during deployment of the application version to an environment.
– Elastic Beanstalk is currently processing the application version.
– Application version is currently undergoing an AWS CodeBuild build.
– Elastic Beanstalk was successfully pre-processed and validated.
– Either the AWS CodeBuild build failed or configuration files didn't pass validation. This application version isn't usable.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
} ],
"requestSignerAware" : false,
"requestSignerClassFqcn" : null,
"required" : null,
"shapeName" : "ApplicationVersionDescription",
"simpleMethod" : false,
"unmarshaller" : {
"flattened" : false,
"resultWrapper" : null
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ApplicationVersionDescription",
"variableName" : "applicationVersionDescription",
"variableType" : "ApplicationVersionDescription",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "ApplicationVersionDescription",
"variableSetterType" : "ApplicationVersionDescription"
"wrapper" : false
"ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig" : {
"c2jName" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig",
"customization" : {
"artificialResultWrapper" : null,
"skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false,
"skipGeneratingModelClass" : false,
"skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false,
"staxTargetDepthOffset" : 0
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The application version lifecycle settings for an application. Defines the rules that Elastic Beanstalk applies to an application's versions in order to avoid hitting the per-region limit for application versions.
When Elastic Beanstalk deletes an application version from its database, you can no longer deploy that version to an environment. The source bundle remains in S3 unless you configure the rule to delete it.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"enums" : null,
"errorCode" : null,
"event" : false,
"eventStream" : false,
"explicitEventPayloadMember" : null,
"hasHeaderMember" : false,
"hasPayloadMember" : false,
"hasRequiresLengthMember" : false,
"hasStatusCodeMember" : false,
"hasStreamingMember" : false,
"httpStatusCode" : null,
"marshaller" : null,
"members" : [ {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getMaxCountRule",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setMaxCountRule",
"c2jName" : "MaxCountRule",
"c2jShape" : "MaxCountRule",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Specify a max count rule to restrict the number of application versions that are retained for an application.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link MaxCountRule.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link MaxCountRule#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link MaxCountRule.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #maxCountRule(MaxCountRule)}.\n@param maxCountRule a consumer that will call methods on {@link MaxCountRule.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #maxCountRule(MaxCountRule)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Specify a max count rule to restrict the number of application versions that are retained for an application.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "maxCountRule",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Specify a max count rule to restrict the number of application versions that are retained for an application.
\n@param maxCountRule Specify a max count rule to restrict the number of application versions that are retained for an application.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "maxCountRule",
"getterDocumentation" : "Specify a max count rule to restrict the number of application versions that are retained for an application.
\n@return Specify a max count rule to restrict the number of application versions that are retained for an application.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "MaxCountRule",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "MaxCountRule",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "MaxCountRule",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "SDK_POJO",
"name" : "MaxCountRule",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Specify a max count rule to restrict the number of application versions that are retained for an application.
\n@param maxCountRule Specify a max count rule to restrict the number of application versions that are retained for an application.",
"setterMethodName" : "setMaxCountRule",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "MaxCountRule",
"variableName" : "maxCountRule",
"variableType" : "MaxCountRule",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "MaxCountRule",
"variableSetterType" : "MaxCountRule"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "MaxCountRule",
"variableName" : "maxCountRule",
"variableType" : "MaxCountRule",
"documentation" : "Specify a max count rule to restrict the number of application versions that are retained for an application.
"simpleType" : "MaxCountRule",
"variableSetterType" : "MaxCountRule"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getMaxAgeRule",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setMaxAgeRule",
"c2jName" : "MaxAgeRule",
"c2jShape" : "MaxAgeRule",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Specify a max age rule to restrict the length of time that application versions are retained for an application.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link MaxAgeRule.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link MaxAgeRule#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link MaxAgeRule.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #maxAgeRule(MaxAgeRule)}.\n@param maxAgeRule a consumer that will call methods on {@link MaxAgeRule.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #maxAgeRule(MaxAgeRule)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Specify a max age rule to restrict the length of time that application versions are retained for an application.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "maxAgeRule",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Specify a max age rule to restrict the length of time that application versions are retained for an application.
\n@param maxAgeRule Specify a max age rule to restrict the length of time that application versions are retained for an application.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "maxAgeRule",
"getterDocumentation" : "Specify a max age rule to restrict the length of time that application versions are retained for an application.
\n@return Specify a max age rule to restrict the length of time that application versions are retained for an application.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "MaxAgeRule",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "MaxAgeRule",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "MaxAgeRule",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "SDK_POJO",
"name" : "MaxAgeRule",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Specify a max age rule to restrict the length of time that application versions are retained for an application.
\n@param maxAgeRule Specify a max age rule to restrict the length of time that application versions are retained for an application.",
"setterMethodName" : "setMaxAgeRule",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "MaxAgeRule",
"variableName" : "maxAgeRule",
"variableType" : "MaxAgeRule",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "MaxAgeRule",
"variableSetterType" : "MaxAgeRule"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "MaxAgeRule",
"variableName" : "maxAgeRule",
"variableType" : "MaxAgeRule",
"documentation" : "Specify a max age rule to restrict the length of time that application versions are retained for an application.
"simpleType" : "MaxAgeRule",
"variableSetterType" : "MaxAgeRule"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
} ],
"membersAsMap" : {
"MaxAgeRule" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getMaxAgeRule",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setMaxAgeRule",
"c2jName" : "MaxAgeRule",
"c2jShape" : "MaxAgeRule",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Specify a max age rule to restrict the length of time that application versions are retained for an application.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link MaxAgeRule.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link MaxAgeRule#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link MaxAgeRule.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #maxAgeRule(MaxAgeRule)}.\n@param maxAgeRule a consumer that will call methods on {@link MaxAgeRule.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #maxAgeRule(MaxAgeRule)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Specify a max age rule to restrict the length of time that application versions are retained for an application.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "maxAgeRule",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Specify a max age rule to restrict the length of time that application versions are retained for an application.
\n@param maxAgeRule Specify a max age rule to restrict the length of time that application versions are retained for an application.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "maxAgeRule",
"getterDocumentation" : "Specify a max age rule to restrict the length of time that application versions are retained for an application.
\n@return Specify a max age rule to restrict the length of time that application versions are retained for an application.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "MaxAgeRule",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "MaxAgeRule",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "MaxAgeRule",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "SDK_POJO",
"name" : "MaxAgeRule",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Specify a max age rule to restrict the length of time that application versions are retained for an application.
\n@param maxAgeRule Specify a max age rule to restrict the length of time that application versions are retained for an application.",
"setterMethodName" : "setMaxAgeRule",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "MaxAgeRule",
"variableName" : "maxAgeRule",
"variableType" : "MaxAgeRule",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "MaxAgeRule",
"variableSetterType" : "MaxAgeRule"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "MaxAgeRule",
"variableName" : "maxAgeRule",
"variableType" : "MaxAgeRule",
"documentation" : "Specify a max age rule to restrict the length of time that application versions are retained for an application.
"simpleType" : "MaxAgeRule",
"variableSetterType" : "MaxAgeRule"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"MaxCountRule" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getMaxCountRule",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setMaxCountRule",
"c2jName" : "MaxCountRule",
"c2jShape" : "MaxCountRule",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Specify a max count rule to restrict the number of application versions that are retained for an application.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link MaxCountRule.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link MaxCountRule#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link MaxCountRule.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #maxCountRule(MaxCountRule)}.\n@param maxCountRule a consumer that will call methods on {@link MaxCountRule.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #maxCountRule(MaxCountRule)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Specify a max count rule to restrict the number of application versions that are retained for an application.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "maxCountRule",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Specify a max count rule to restrict the number of application versions that are retained for an application.
\n@param maxCountRule Specify a max count rule to restrict the number of application versions that are retained for an application.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "maxCountRule",
"getterDocumentation" : "Specify a max count rule to restrict the number of application versions that are retained for an application.
\n@return Specify a max count rule to restrict the number of application versions that are retained for an application.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "MaxCountRule",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "MaxCountRule",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "MaxCountRule",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "SDK_POJO",
"name" : "MaxCountRule",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Specify a max count rule to restrict the number of application versions that are retained for an application.
\n@param maxCountRule Specify a max count rule to restrict the number of application versions that are retained for an application.",
"setterMethodName" : "setMaxCountRule",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "MaxCountRule",
"variableName" : "maxCountRule",
"variableType" : "MaxCountRule",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "MaxCountRule",
"variableSetterType" : "MaxCountRule"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "MaxCountRule",
"variableName" : "maxCountRule",
"variableType" : "MaxCountRule",
"documentation" : "Specify a max count rule to restrict the number of application versions that are retained for an application.
"simpleType" : "MaxCountRule",
"variableSetterType" : "MaxCountRule"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"nonStreamingMembers" : [ {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getMaxCountRule",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setMaxCountRule",
"c2jName" : "MaxCountRule",
"c2jShape" : "MaxCountRule",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Specify a max count rule to restrict the number of application versions that are retained for an application.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link MaxCountRule.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link MaxCountRule#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link MaxCountRule.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #maxCountRule(MaxCountRule)}.\n@param maxCountRule a consumer that will call methods on {@link MaxCountRule.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #maxCountRule(MaxCountRule)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Specify a max count rule to restrict the number of application versions that are retained for an application.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "maxCountRule",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Specify a max count rule to restrict the number of application versions that are retained for an application.
\n@param maxCountRule Specify a max count rule to restrict the number of application versions that are retained for an application.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "maxCountRule",
"getterDocumentation" : "Specify a max count rule to restrict the number of application versions that are retained for an application.
\n@return Specify a max count rule to restrict the number of application versions that are retained for an application.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "MaxCountRule",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "MaxCountRule",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "MaxCountRule",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "SDK_POJO",
"name" : "MaxCountRule",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Specify a max count rule to restrict the number of application versions that are retained for an application.
\n@param maxCountRule Specify a max count rule to restrict the number of application versions that are retained for an application.",
"setterMethodName" : "setMaxCountRule",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "MaxCountRule",
"variableName" : "maxCountRule",
"variableType" : "MaxCountRule",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "MaxCountRule",
"variableSetterType" : "MaxCountRule"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "MaxCountRule",
"variableName" : "maxCountRule",
"variableType" : "MaxCountRule",
"documentation" : "Specify a max count rule to restrict the number of application versions that are retained for an application.
"simpleType" : "MaxCountRule",
"variableSetterType" : "MaxCountRule"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getMaxAgeRule",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setMaxAgeRule",
"c2jName" : "MaxAgeRule",
"c2jShape" : "MaxAgeRule",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Specify a max age rule to restrict the length of time that application versions are retained for an application.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link MaxAgeRule.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link MaxAgeRule#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link MaxAgeRule.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #maxAgeRule(MaxAgeRule)}.\n@param maxAgeRule a consumer that will call methods on {@link MaxAgeRule.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #maxAgeRule(MaxAgeRule)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Specify a max age rule to restrict the length of time that application versions are retained for an application.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "maxAgeRule",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Specify a max age rule to restrict the length of time that application versions are retained for an application.
\n@param maxAgeRule Specify a max age rule to restrict the length of time that application versions are retained for an application.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "maxAgeRule",
"getterDocumentation" : "Specify a max age rule to restrict the length of time that application versions are retained for an application.
\n@return Specify a max age rule to restrict the length of time that application versions are retained for an application.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "MaxAgeRule",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "MaxAgeRule",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "MaxAgeRule",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "SDK_POJO",
"name" : "MaxAgeRule",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Specify a max age rule to restrict the length of time that application versions are retained for an application.
\n@param maxAgeRule Specify a max age rule to restrict the length of time that application versions are retained for an application.",
"setterMethodName" : "setMaxAgeRule",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "MaxAgeRule",
"variableName" : "maxAgeRule",
"variableType" : "MaxAgeRule",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "MaxAgeRule",
"variableSetterType" : "MaxAgeRule"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "MaxAgeRule",
"variableName" : "maxAgeRule",
"variableType" : "MaxAgeRule",
"documentation" : "Specify a max age rule to restrict the length of time that application versions are retained for an application.
"simpleType" : "MaxAgeRule",
"variableSetterType" : "MaxAgeRule"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
} ],
"requestSignerAware" : false,
"requestSignerClassFqcn" : null,
"required" : null,
"shapeName" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig",
"simpleMethod" : false,
"unmarshaller" : {
"flattened" : false,
"resultWrapper" : null
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig",
"variableName" : "applicationVersionLifecycleConfig",
"variableType" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig",
"variableSetterType" : "ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig"
"wrapper" : false
"ApplicationVersionStatus" : {
"c2jName" : "ApplicationVersionStatus",
"customization" : {
"artificialResultWrapper" : null,
"skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false,
"skipGeneratingModelClass" : false,
"skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false,
"staxTargetDepthOffset" : 0
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "",
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"enums" : [ {
"name" : "PROCESSED",
"value" : "Processed"
}, {
"name" : "UNPROCESSED",
"value" : "Unprocessed"
}, {
"name" : "FAILED",
"value" : "Failed"
}, {
"name" : "PROCESSING",
"value" : "Processing"
}, {
"name" : "BUILDING",
"value" : "Building"
} ],
"errorCode" : null,
"event" : false,
"eventStream" : false,
"explicitEventPayloadMember" : null,
"hasHeaderMember" : false,
"hasPayloadMember" : false,
"hasRequiresLengthMember" : false,
"hasStatusCodeMember" : false,
"hasStreamingMember" : false,
"httpStatusCode" : null,
"marshaller" : null,
"members" : [ ],
"membersAsMap" : { },
"nonStreamingMembers" : [ ],
"requestSignerAware" : false,
"requestSignerClassFqcn" : null,
"required" : null,
"shapeName" : "ApplicationVersionStatus",
"simpleMethod" : false,
"unmarshaller" : {
"flattened" : false,
"resultWrapper" : null
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ApplicationVersionStatus",
"variableName" : "applicationVersionStatus",
"variableType" : "ApplicationVersionStatus",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "ApplicationVersionStatus",
"variableSetterType" : "ApplicationVersionStatus"
"wrapper" : false
"ApplyEnvironmentManagedActionRequest" : {
"c2jName" : "ApplyEnvironmentManagedActionRequest",
"customization" : {
"artificialResultWrapper" : null,
"skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false,
"skipGeneratingModelClass" : false,
"skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false,
"staxTargetDepthOffset" : 0
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Request to execute a scheduled managed action immediately.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"enums" : null,
"errorCode" : null,
"event" : false,
"eventStream" : false,
"explicitEventPayloadMember" : null,
"hasHeaderMember" : false,
"hasPayloadMember" : false,
"hasRequiresLengthMember" : false,
"hasStatusCodeMember" : false,
"hasStreamingMember" : false,
"httpStatusCode" : null,
"marshaller" : {
"action" : "ApplyEnvironmentManagedAction",
"locationName" : null,
"requestUri" : "/",
"target" : "ApplyEnvironmentManagedAction",
"verb" : "POST",
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"members" : [ {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getEnvironmentName",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setEnvironmentName",
"c2jName" : "EnvironmentName",
"c2jShape" : "String",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the target environment.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #environmentName(String)}.\n@param environmentName a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #environmentName(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The name of the target environment.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "environmentName",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the target environment.
\n@param environmentName The name of the target environment.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "environmentName",
"getterDocumentation" : "The name of the target environment.
\n@return The name of the target environment.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "EnvironmentName",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "EnvironmentName",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "EnvironmentName",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The name of the target environment.
\n@param environmentName The name of the target environment.",
"setterMethodName" : "setEnvironmentName",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "environmentName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "environmentName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The name of the target environment.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getEnvironmentId",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setEnvironmentId",
"c2jName" : "EnvironmentId",
"c2jShape" : "String",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The environment ID of the target environment.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #environmentId(String)}.\n@param environmentId a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #environmentId(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The environment ID of the target environment.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "environmentId",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The environment ID of the target environment.
\n@param environmentId The environment ID of the target environment.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "environmentId",
"getterDocumentation" : "The environment ID of the target environment.
\n@return The environment ID of the target environment.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "EnvironmentId",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "EnvironmentId",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "EnvironmentId",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The environment ID of the target environment.
\n@param environmentId The environment ID of the target environment.",
"setterMethodName" : "setEnvironmentId",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "environmentId",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "environmentId",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The environment ID of the target environment.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getActionId",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setActionId",
"c2jName" : "ActionId",
"c2jShape" : "String",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The action ID of the scheduled managed action to execute.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #actionId(String)}.\n@param actionId a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #actionId(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The action ID of the scheduled managed action to execute.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "actionId",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The action ID of the scheduled managed action to execute.
\n@param actionId The action ID of the scheduled managed action to execute.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "actionId",
"getterDocumentation" : "The action ID of the scheduled managed action to execute.
\n@return The action ID of the scheduled managed action to execute.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ActionId",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ActionId",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ActionId",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The action ID of the scheduled managed action to execute.
\n@param actionId The action ID of the scheduled managed action to execute.",
"setterMethodName" : "setActionId",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "actionId",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "actionId",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The action ID of the scheduled managed action to execute.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
} ],
"membersAsMap" : {
"ActionId" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getActionId",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setActionId",
"c2jName" : "ActionId",
"c2jShape" : "String",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The action ID of the scheduled managed action to execute.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #actionId(String)}.\n@param actionId a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #actionId(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The action ID of the scheduled managed action to execute.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "actionId",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The action ID of the scheduled managed action to execute.
\n@param actionId The action ID of the scheduled managed action to execute.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "actionId",
"getterDocumentation" : "The action ID of the scheduled managed action to execute.
\n@return The action ID of the scheduled managed action to execute.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ActionId",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ActionId",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ActionId",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The action ID of the scheduled managed action to execute.
\n@param actionId The action ID of the scheduled managed action to execute.",
"setterMethodName" : "setActionId",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "actionId",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "actionId",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The action ID of the scheduled managed action to execute.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"EnvironmentId" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getEnvironmentId",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setEnvironmentId",
"c2jName" : "EnvironmentId",
"c2jShape" : "String",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The environment ID of the target environment.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #environmentId(String)}.\n@param environmentId a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #environmentId(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The environment ID of the target environment.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "environmentId",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The environment ID of the target environment.
\n@param environmentId The environment ID of the target environment.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "environmentId",
"getterDocumentation" : "The environment ID of the target environment.
\n@return The environment ID of the target environment.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "EnvironmentId",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "EnvironmentId",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "EnvironmentId",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The environment ID of the target environment.
\n@param environmentId The environment ID of the target environment.",
"setterMethodName" : "setEnvironmentId",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "environmentId",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "environmentId",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The environment ID of the target environment.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"EnvironmentName" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getEnvironmentName",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setEnvironmentName",
"c2jName" : "EnvironmentName",
"c2jShape" : "String",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the target environment.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #environmentName(String)}.\n@param environmentName a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #environmentName(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The name of the target environment.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "environmentName",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the target environment.
\n@param environmentName The name of the target environment.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "environmentName",
"getterDocumentation" : "The name of the target environment.
\n@return The name of the target environment.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "EnvironmentName",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "EnvironmentName",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "EnvironmentName",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The name of the target environment.
\n@param environmentName The name of the target environment.",
"setterMethodName" : "setEnvironmentName",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "environmentName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "environmentName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The name of the target environment.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"nonStreamingMembers" : [ {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getEnvironmentName",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setEnvironmentName",
"c2jName" : "EnvironmentName",
"c2jShape" : "String",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the target environment.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #environmentName(String)}.\n@param environmentName a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #environmentName(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The name of the target environment.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "environmentName",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the target environment.
\n@param environmentName The name of the target environment.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "environmentName",
"getterDocumentation" : "The name of the target environment.
\n@return The name of the target environment.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "EnvironmentName",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "EnvironmentName",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "EnvironmentName",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The name of the target environment.
\n@param environmentName The name of the target environment.",
"setterMethodName" : "setEnvironmentName",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "environmentName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "environmentName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The name of the target environment.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getEnvironmentId",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setEnvironmentId",
"c2jName" : "EnvironmentId",
"c2jShape" : "String",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The environment ID of the target environment.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #environmentId(String)}.\n@param environmentId a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #environmentId(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The environment ID of the target environment.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "environmentId",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The environment ID of the target environment.
\n@param environmentId The environment ID of the target environment.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "environmentId",
"getterDocumentation" : "The environment ID of the target environment.
\n@return The environment ID of the target environment.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "EnvironmentId",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "EnvironmentId",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "EnvironmentId",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The environment ID of the target environment.
\n@param environmentId The environment ID of the target environment.",
"setterMethodName" : "setEnvironmentId",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "environmentId",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "environmentId",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The environment ID of the target environment.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getActionId",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setActionId",
"c2jName" : "ActionId",
"c2jShape" : "String",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The action ID of the scheduled managed action to execute.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #actionId(String)}.\n@param actionId a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #actionId(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The action ID of the scheduled managed action to execute.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "actionId",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The action ID of the scheduled managed action to execute.
\n@param actionId The action ID of the scheduled managed action to execute.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "actionId",
"getterDocumentation" : "The action ID of the scheduled managed action to execute.
\n@return The action ID of the scheduled managed action to execute.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ActionId",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ActionId",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ActionId",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The action ID of the scheduled managed action to execute.
\n@param actionId The action ID of the scheduled managed action to execute.",
"setterMethodName" : "setActionId",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "actionId",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "actionId",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The action ID of the scheduled managed action to execute.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
} ],
"requestSignerAware" : false,
"requestSignerClassFqcn" : null,
"required" : [ "ActionId" ],
"shapeName" : "ApplyEnvironmentManagedActionRequest",
"simpleMethod" : false,
"unmarshaller" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ApplyEnvironmentManagedActionRequest",
"variableName" : "applyEnvironmentManagedActionRequest",
"variableType" : "ApplyEnvironmentManagedActionRequest",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "ApplyEnvironmentManagedActionRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "ApplyEnvironmentManagedActionRequest"
"wrapper" : false
"ApplyEnvironmentManagedActionResponse" : {
"c2jName" : "ApplyEnvironmentManagedActionResult",
"customization" : {
"artificialResultWrapper" : null,
"skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false,
"skipGeneratingModelClass" : false,
"skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false,
"staxTargetDepthOffset" : 0
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The result message containing information about the managed action.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"enums" : null,
"errorCode" : null,
"event" : false,
"eventStream" : false,
"explicitEventPayloadMember" : null,
"hasHeaderMember" : false,
"hasPayloadMember" : false,
"hasRequiresLengthMember" : false,
"hasStatusCodeMember" : false,
"hasStreamingMember" : false,
"httpStatusCode" : null,
"marshaller" : null,
"members" : [ {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getActionId",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setActionId",
"c2jName" : "ActionId",
"c2jShape" : "String",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The action ID of the managed action.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #actionId(String)}.\n@param actionId a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #actionId(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The action ID of the managed action.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "actionId",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The action ID of the managed action.
\n@param actionId The action ID of the managed action.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "actionId",
"getterDocumentation" : "The action ID of the managed action.
\n@return The action ID of the managed action.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ActionId",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ActionId",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ActionId",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The action ID of the managed action.
\n@param actionId The action ID of the managed action.",
"setterMethodName" : "setActionId",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "actionId",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "actionId",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The action ID of the managed action.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getActionDescription",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setActionDescription",
"c2jName" : "ActionDescription",
"c2jShape" : "String",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "A description of the managed action.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #actionDescription(String)}.\n@param actionDescription a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #actionDescription(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "A description of the managed action.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "actionDescription",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "A description of the managed action.
\n@param actionDescription A description of the managed action.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "actionDescription",
"getterDocumentation" : "A description of the managed action.
\n@return A description of the managed action.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ActionDescription",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ActionDescription",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ActionDescription",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "A description of the managed action.
\n@param actionDescription A description of the managed action.",
"setterMethodName" : "setActionDescription",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "actionDescription",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "actionDescription",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "A description of the managed action.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getActionTypeAsString",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setActionType",
"c2jName" : "ActionType",
"c2jShape" : "ActionType",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The type of managed action.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #actionTypeAsString(String)}.\n@param actionType a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #actionType(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The type of managed action.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : "ActionType",
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : "actionType",
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : "actionType",
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "actionTypeAsString",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The type of managed action.
\n@param actionType The type of managed action.\n@see ActionType\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see ActionType",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "actionType",
"getterDocumentation" : "The type of managed action.
\n\nIf the service returns an enum value that is not available in the current SDK version, {@link #actionType} will return {@link ActionType#UNKNOWN_TO_SDK_VERSION}. The raw value returned by the service is available from {@link #actionTypeAsString}.\n
\n@return The type of managed action.\n@see ActionType",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ActionType",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ActionType",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ActionType",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The type of managed action.
\n@param actionType The type of managed action.\n@see ActionType",
"setterMethodName" : "setActionType",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "actionType",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "actionType",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The type of managed action.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getStatus",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setStatus",
"c2jName" : "Status",
"c2jShape" : "String",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The status of the managed action.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #status(String)}.\n@param status a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #status(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The status of the managed action.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "status",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The status of the managed action.
\n@param status The status of the managed action.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "status",
"getterDocumentation" : "The status of the managed action.
\n@return The status of the managed action.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Status",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Status",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "Status",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The status of the managed action.
\n@param status The status of the managed action.",
"setterMethodName" : "setStatus",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "status",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "status",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The status of the managed action.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
} ],
"membersAsMap" : {
"ActionDescription" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getActionDescription",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setActionDescription",
"c2jName" : "ActionDescription",
"c2jShape" : "String",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "A description of the managed action.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #actionDescription(String)}.\n@param actionDescription a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #actionDescription(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "A description of the managed action.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "actionDescription",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "A description of the managed action.
\n@param actionDescription A description of the managed action.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "actionDescription",
"getterDocumentation" : "A description of the managed action.
\n@return A description of the managed action.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ActionDescription",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ActionDescription",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ActionDescription",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "A description of the managed action.
\n@param actionDescription A description of the managed action.",
"setterMethodName" : "setActionDescription",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "actionDescription",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "actionDescription",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "A description of the managed action.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"ActionId" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getActionId",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setActionId",
"c2jName" : "ActionId",
"c2jShape" : "String",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The action ID of the managed action.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #actionId(String)}.\n@param actionId a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #actionId(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The action ID of the managed action.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "actionId",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The action ID of the managed action.
\n@param actionId The action ID of the managed action.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "actionId",
"getterDocumentation" : "The action ID of the managed action.
\n@return The action ID of the managed action.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ActionId",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ActionId",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ActionId",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The action ID of the managed action.
\n@param actionId The action ID of the managed action.",
"setterMethodName" : "setActionId",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "actionId",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "actionId",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The action ID of the managed action.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"ActionType" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getActionTypeAsString",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setActionType",
"c2jName" : "ActionType",
"c2jShape" : "ActionType",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The type of managed action.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #actionTypeAsString(String)}.\n@param actionType a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #actionType(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The type of managed action.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : "ActionType",
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : "actionType",
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : "actionType",
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "actionTypeAsString",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The type of managed action.
\n@param actionType The type of managed action.\n@see ActionType\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see ActionType",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "actionType",
"getterDocumentation" : "The type of managed action.
\n\nIf the service returns an enum value that is not available in the current SDK version, {@link #actionType} will return {@link ActionType#UNKNOWN_TO_SDK_VERSION}. The raw value returned by the service is available from {@link #actionTypeAsString}.\n
\n@return The type of managed action.\n@see ActionType",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ActionType",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ActionType",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ActionType",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The type of managed action.
\n@param actionType The type of managed action.\n@see ActionType",
"setterMethodName" : "setActionType",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "actionType",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "actionType",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The type of managed action.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"Status" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getStatus",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setStatus",
"c2jName" : "Status",
"c2jShape" : "String",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The status of the managed action.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #status(String)}.\n@param status a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #status(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The status of the managed action.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "status",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The status of the managed action.
\n@param status The status of the managed action.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "status",
"getterDocumentation" : "The status of the managed action.
\n@return The status of the managed action.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Status",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Status",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "Status",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The status of the managed action.
\n@param status The status of the managed action.",
"setterMethodName" : "setStatus",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "status",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "status",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The status of the managed action.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"nonStreamingMembers" : [ {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getActionId",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setActionId",
"c2jName" : "ActionId",
"c2jShape" : "String",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The action ID of the managed action.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #actionId(String)}.\n@param actionId a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #actionId(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The action ID of the managed action.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "actionId",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The action ID of the managed action.
\n@param actionId The action ID of the managed action.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "actionId",
"getterDocumentation" : "The action ID of the managed action.
\n@return The action ID of the managed action.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ActionId",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ActionId",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ActionId",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The action ID of the managed action.
\n@param actionId The action ID of the managed action.",
"setterMethodName" : "setActionId",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "actionId",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "actionId",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The action ID of the managed action.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getActionDescription",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setActionDescription",
"c2jName" : "ActionDescription",
"c2jShape" : "String",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "A description of the managed action.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #actionDescription(String)}.\n@param actionDescription a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #actionDescription(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "A description of the managed action.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "actionDescription",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "A description of the managed action.
\n@param actionDescription A description of the managed action.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "actionDescription",
"getterDocumentation" : "A description of the managed action.
\n@return A description of the managed action.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ActionDescription",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ActionDescription",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ActionDescription",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "A description of the managed action.
\n@param actionDescription A description of the managed action.",
"setterMethodName" : "setActionDescription",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "actionDescription",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "actionDescription",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "A description of the managed action.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getActionTypeAsString",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setActionType",
"c2jName" : "ActionType",
"c2jShape" : "ActionType",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The type of managed action.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #actionTypeAsString(String)}.\n@param actionType a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #actionType(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The type of managed action.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : "ActionType",
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : "actionType",
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : "actionType",
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "actionTypeAsString",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The type of managed action.
\n@param actionType The type of managed action.\n@see ActionType\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see ActionType",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "actionType",
"getterDocumentation" : "The type of managed action.
\n\nIf the service returns an enum value that is not available in the current SDK version, {@link #actionType} will return {@link ActionType#UNKNOWN_TO_SDK_VERSION}. The raw value returned by the service is available from {@link #actionTypeAsString}.\n
\n@return The type of managed action.\n@see ActionType",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ActionType",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ActionType",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ActionType",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The type of managed action.
\n@param actionType The type of managed action.\n@see ActionType",
"setterMethodName" : "setActionType",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "actionType",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "actionType",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The type of managed action.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getStatus",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setStatus",
"c2jName" : "Status",
"c2jShape" : "String",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The status of the managed action.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #status(String)}.\n@param status a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #status(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The status of the managed action.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "status",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The status of the managed action.
\n@param status The status of the managed action.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "status",
"getterDocumentation" : "The status of the managed action.
\n@return The status of the managed action.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Status",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Status",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "Status",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The status of the managed action.
\n@param status The status of the managed action.",
"setterMethodName" : "setStatus",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "status",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "status",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The status of the managed action.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
} ],
"requestSignerAware" : false,
"requestSignerClassFqcn" : null,
"required" : null,
"shapeName" : "ApplyEnvironmentManagedActionResponse",
"simpleMethod" : false,
"unmarshaller" : {
"flattened" : false,
"resultWrapper" : "ApplyEnvironmentManagedActionResult"
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ApplyEnvironmentManagedActionResponse",
"variableName" : "applyEnvironmentManagedActionResponse",
"variableType" : "ApplyEnvironmentManagedActionResponse",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "ApplyEnvironmentManagedActionResponse",
"variableSetterType" : "ApplyEnvironmentManagedActionResponse"
"wrapper" : false
"AutoScalingGroup" : {
"c2jName" : "AutoScalingGroup",
"customization" : {
"artificialResultWrapper" : null,
"skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false,
"skipGeneratingModelClass" : false,
"skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false,
"staxTargetDepthOffset" : 0
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Describes an Auto Scaling launch configuration.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"enums" : null,
"errorCode" : null,
"event" : false,
"eventStream" : false,
"explicitEventPayloadMember" : null,
"hasHeaderMember" : false,
"hasPayloadMember" : false,
"hasRequiresLengthMember" : false,
"hasStatusCodeMember" : false,
"hasStreamingMember" : false,
"httpStatusCode" : null,
"marshaller" : null,
"members" : [ {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getName",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setName",
"c2jName" : "Name",
"c2jShape" : "ResourceId",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the AutoScalingGroup
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #name(String)}.\n@param name a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #name(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The name of the AutoScalingGroup
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "name",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the AutoScalingGroup
\n@param name The name of the AutoScalingGroup
.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "name",
"getterDocumentation" : "The name of the AutoScalingGroup
\n@return The name of the AutoScalingGroup
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Name",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Name",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "Name",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The name of the AutoScalingGroup
\n@param name The name of the AutoScalingGroup
"setterMethodName" : "setName",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "name",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "name",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The name of the AutoScalingGroup
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
} ],
"membersAsMap" : {
"Name" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getName",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setName",
"c2jName" : "Name",
"c2jShape" : "ResourceId",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the AutoScalingGroup
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #name(String)}.\n@param name a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #name(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The name of the AutoScalingGroup
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "name",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the AutoScalingGroup
\n@param name The name of the AutoScalingGroup
.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "name",
"getterDocumentation" : "The name of the AutoScalingGroup
\n@return The name of the AutoScalingGroup
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Name",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Name",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "Name",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The name of the AutoScalingGroup
\n@param name The name of the AutoScalingGroup
"setterMethodName" : "setName",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "name",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "name",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The name of the AutoScalingGroup
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"nonStreamingMembers" : [ {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getName",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setName",
"c2jName" : "Name",
"c2jShape" : "ResourceId",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the AutoScalingGroup
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #name(String)}.\n@param name a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #name(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The name of the AutoScalingGroup
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "name",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the AutoScalingGroup
\n@param name The name of the AutoScalingGroup
.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "name",
"getterDocumentation" : "The name of the AutoScalingGroup
\n@return The name of the AutoScalingGroup
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Name",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Name",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "Name",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The name of the AutoScalingGroup
\n@param name The name of the AutoScalingGroup
"setterMethodName" : "setName",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "name",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "name",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The name of the AutoScalingGroup
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
} ],
"requestSignerAware" : false,
"requestSignerClassFqcn" : null,
"required" : null,
"shapeName" : "AutoScalingGroup",
"simpleMethod" : false,
"unmarshaller" : {
"flattened" : false,
"resultWrapper" : null
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "AutoScalingGroup",
"variableName" : "autoScalingGroup",
"variableType" : "AutoScalingGroup",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "AutoScalingGroup",
"variableSetterType" : "AutoScalingGroup"
"wrapper" : false
"BuildConfiguration" : {
"c2jName" : "BuildConfiguration",
"customization" : {
"artificialResultWrapper" : null,
"skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false,
"skipGeneratingModelClass" : false,
"skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false,
"staxTargetDepthOffset" : 0
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Settings for an AWS CodeBuild build.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"enums" : null,
"errorCode" : null,
"event" : false,
"eventStream" : false,
"explicitEventPayloadMember" : null,
"hasHeaderMember" : false,
"hasPayloadMember" : false,
"hasRequiresLengthMember" : false,
"hasStatusCodeMember" : false,
"hasStreamingMember" : false,
"httpStatusCode" : null,
"marshaller" : null,
"members" : [ {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getArtifactName",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setArtifactName",
"c2jName" : "ArtifactName",
"c2jShape" : "String",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the artifact of the CodeBuild build. If provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label-artifact-name.zip. If not provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label.zip.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #artifactName(String)}.\n@param artifactName a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #artifactName(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The name of the artifact of the CodeBuild build. If provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label-artifact-name.zip. If not provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label.zip.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "artifactName",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the artifact of the CodeBuild build. If provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label-artifact-name.zip. If not provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label.zip.
\n@param artifactName The name of the artifact of the CodeBuild build. If provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label-artifact-name.zip. If not provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label.zip.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "artifactName",
"getterDocumentation" : "The name of the artifact of the CodeBuild build. If provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label-artifact-name.zip. If not provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label.zip.
\n@return The name of the artifact of the CodeBuild build. If provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label-artifact-name.zip. If not provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label.zip.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ArtifactName",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ArtifactName",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ArtifactName",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The name of the artifact of the CodeBuild build. If provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label-artifact-name.zip. If not provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label.zip.
\n@param artifactName The name of the artifact of the CodeBuild build. If provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label-artifact-name.zip. If not provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label.zip.",
"setterMethodName" : "setArtifactName",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "artifactName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "artifactName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The name of the artifact of the CodeBuild build. If provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label-artifact-name.zip. If not provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label.zip.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getCodeBuildServiceRole",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setCodeBuildServiceRole",
"c2jName" : "CodeBuildServiceRole",
"c2jShape" : "NonEmptyString",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that enables AWS CodeBuild to interact with dependent AWS services on behalf of the AWS account.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #codeBuildServiceRole(String)}.\n@param codeBuildServiceRole a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #codeBuildServiceRole(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that enables AWS CodeBuild to interact with dependent AWS services on behalf of the AWS account.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "codeBuildServiceRole",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that enables AWS CodeBuild to interact with dependent AWS services on behalf of the AWS account.
\n@param codeBuildServiceRole The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that enables AWS CodeBuild to interact with dependent AWS services on behalf of the AWS account.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "codeBuildServiceRole",
"getterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that enables AWS CodeBuild to interact with dependent AWS services on behalf of the AWS account.
\n@return The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that enables AWS CodeBuild to interact with dependent AWS services on behalf of the AWS account.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "CodeBuildServiceRole",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "CodeBuildServiceRole",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "CodeBuildServiceRole",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that enables AWS CodeBuild to interact with dependent AWS services on behalf of the AWS account.
\n@param codeBuildServiceRole The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that enables AWS CodeBuild to interact with dependent AWS services on behalf of the AWS account.",
"setterMethodName" : "setCodeBuildServiceRole",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "codeBuildServiceRole",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "codeBuildServiceRole",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that enables AWS CodeBuild to interact with dependent AWS services on behalf of the AWS account.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getComputeTypeAsString",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setComputeType",
"c2jName" : "ComputeType",
"c2jShape" : "ComputeType",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Information about the compute resources the build project will use.
BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL: Use up to 3 GB memory and 2 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM: Use up to 7 GB memory and 4 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE: Use up to 15 GB memory and 8 vCPUs for builds
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #computeTypeAsString(String)}.\n@param computeType a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #computeType(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Information about the compute resources the build project will use.
BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL: Use up to 3 GB memory and 2 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM: Use up to 7 GB memory and 4 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE: Use up to 15 GB memory and 8 vCPUs for builds
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : "ComputeType",
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : "computeType",
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : "computeType",
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "computeTypeAsString",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Information about the compute resources the build project will use.
BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL: Use up to 3 GB memory and 2 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM: Use up to 7 GB memory and 4 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE: Use up to 15 GB memory and 8 vCPUs for builds
\n@param computeType Information about the compute resources the build project will use. -
BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL: Use up to 3 GB memory and 2 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM: Use up to 7 GB memory and 4 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE: Use up to 15 GB memory and 8 vCPUs for builds
\n@see ComputeType\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see ComputeType",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "computeType",
"getterDocumentation" : "Information about the compute resources the build project will use.
BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL: Use up to 3 GB memory and 2 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM: Use up to 7 GB memory and 4 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE: Use up to 15 GB memory and 8 vCPUs for builds
\n\nIf the service returns an enum value that is not available in the current SDK version, {@link #computeType} will return {@link ComputeType#UNKNOWN_TO_SDK_VERSION}. The raw value returned by the service is available from {@link #computeTypeAsString}.\n
\n@return Information about the compute resources the build project will use. -
BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL: Use up to 3 GB memory and 2 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM: Use up to 7 GB memory and 4 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE: Use up to 15 GB memory and 8 vCPUs for builds
\n@see ComputeType",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ComputeType",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ComputeType",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ComputeType",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Information about the compute resources the build project will use.
BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL: Use up to 3 GB memory and 2 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM: Use up to 7 GB memory and 4 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE: Use up to 15 GB memory and 8 vCPUs for builds
\n@param computeType Information about the compute resources the build project will use. -
BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL: Use up to 3 GB memory and 2 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM: Use up to 7 GB memory and 4 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE: Use up to 15 GB memory and 8 vCPUs for builds
\n@see ComputeType",
"setterMethodName" : "setComputeType",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "computeType",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "computeType",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "Information about the compute resources the build project will use.
BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL: Use up to 3 GB memory and 2 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM: Use up to 7 GB memory and 4 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE: Use up to 15 GB memory and 8 vCPUs for builds
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getImage",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setImage",
"c2jName" : "Image",
"c2jShape" : "NonEmptyString",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The ID of the Docker image to use for this build project.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #image(String)}.\n@param image a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #image(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The ID of the Docker image to use for this build project.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "image",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The ID of the Docker image to use for this build project.
\n@param image The ID of the Docker image to use for this build project.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "image",
"getterDocumentation" : "The ID of the Docker image to use for this build project.
\n@return The ID of the Docker image to use for this build project.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Image",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Image",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "Image",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The ID of the Docker image to use for this build project.
\n@param image The ID of the Docker image to use for this build project.",
"setterMethodName" : "setImage",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "image",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "image",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The ID of the Docker image to use for this build project.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getTimeoutInMinutes",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setTimeoutInMinutes",
"c2jName" : "TimeoutInMinutes",
"c2jShape" : "BoxedInt",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "How long in minutes, from 5 to 480 (8 hours), for AWS CodeBuild to wait until timing out any related build that does not get marked as completed. The default is 60 minutes.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Integer.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Integer#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Integer.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #timeoutInMinutes(Integer)}.\n@param timeoutInMinutes a consumer that will call methods on {@link Integer.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #timeoutInMinutes(Integer)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "How long in minutes, from 5 to 480 (8 hours), for AWS CodeBuild to wait until timing out any related build that does not get marked as completed. The default is 60 minutes.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "timeoutInMinutes",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "How long in minutes, from 5 to 480 (8 hours), for AWS CodeBuild to wait until timing out any related build that does not get marked as completed. The default is 60 minutes.
\n@param timeoutInMinutes How long in minutes, from 5 to 480 (8 hours), for AWS CodeBuild to wait until timing out any related build that does not get marked as completed. The default is 60 minutes.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "timeoutInMinutes",
"getterDocumentation" : "How long in minutes, from 5 to 480 (8 hours), for AWS CodeBuild to wait until timing out any related build that does not get marked as completed. The default is 60 minutes.
\n@return How long in minutes, from 5 to 480 (8 hours), for AWS CodeBuild to wait until timing out any related build that does not get marked as completed. The default is 60 minutes.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Integer",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "TimeoutInMinutes",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "TimeoutInMinutes",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "INTEGER",
"name" : "TimeoutInMinutes",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "How long in minutes, from 5 to 480 (8 hours), for AWS CodeBuild to wait until timing out any related build that does not get marked as completed. The default is 60 minutes.
\n@param timeoutInMinutes How long in minutes, from 5 to 480 (8 hours), for AWS CodeBuild to wait until timing out any related build that does not get marked as completed. The default is 60 minutes.",
"setterMethodName" : "setTimeoutInMinutes",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Integer",
"variableName" : "timeoutInMinutes",
"variableType" : "Integer",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Integer",
"variableSetterType" : "Integer"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Integer",
"variableName" : "timeoutInMinutes",
"variableType" : "Integer",
"documentation" : "How long in minutes, from 5 to 480 (8 hours), for AWS CodeBuild to wait until timing out any related build that does not get marked as completed. The default is 60 minutes.
"simpleType" : "Integer",
"variableSetterType" : "Integer"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
} ],
"membersAsMap" : {
"ArtifactName" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getArtifactName",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setArtifactName",
"c2jName" : "ArtifactName",
"c2jShape" : "String",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the artifact of the CodeBuild build. If provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label-artifact-name.zip. If not provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label.zip.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #artifactName(String)}.\n@param artifactName a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #artifactName(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The name of the artifact of the CodeBuild build. If provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label-artifact-name.zip. If not provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label.zip.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "artifactName",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the artifact of the CodeBuild build. If provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label-artifact-name.zip. If not provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label.zip.
\n@param artifactName The name of the artifact of the CodeBuild build. If provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label-artifact-name.zip. If not provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label.zip.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "artifactName",
"getterDocumentation" : "The name of the artifact of the CodeBuild build. If provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label-artifact-name.zip. If not provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label.zip.
\n@return The name of the artifact of the CodeBuild build. If provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label-artifact-name.zip. If not provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label.zip.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ArtifactName",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ArtifactName",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ArtifactName",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The name of the artifact of the CodeBuild build. If provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label-artifact-name.zip. If not provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label.zip.
\n@param artifactName The name of the artifact of the CodeBuild build. If provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label-artifact-name.zip. If not provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label.zip.",
"setterMethodName" : "setArtifactName",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "artifactName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "artifactName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The name of the artifact of the CodeBuild build. If provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label-artifact-name.zip. If not provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label.zip.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"CodeBuildServiceRole" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getCodeBuildServiceRole",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setCodeBuildServiceRole",
"c2jName" : "CodeBuildServiceRole",
"c2jShape" : "NonEmptyString",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that enables AWS CodeBuild to interact with dependent AWS services on behalf of the AWS account.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #codeBuildServiceRole(String)}.\n@param codeBuildServiceRole a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #codeBuildServiceRole(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that enables AWS CodeBuild to interact with dependent AWS services on behalf of the AWS account.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "codeBuildServiceRole",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that enables AWS CodeBuild to interact with dependent AWS services on behalf of the AWS account.
\n@param codeBuildServiceRole The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that enables AWS CodeBuild to interact with dependent AWS services on behalf of the AWS account.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "codeBuildServiceRole",
"getterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that enables AWS CodeBuild to interact with dependent AWS services on behalf of the AWS account.
\n@return The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that enables AWS CodeBuild to interact with dependent AWS services on behalf of the AWS account.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "CodeBuildServiceRole",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "CodeBuildServiceRole",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "CodeBuildServiceRole",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that enables AWS CodeBuild to interact with dependent AWS services on behalf of the AWS account.
\n@param codeBuildServiceRole The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that enables AWS CodeBuild to interact with dependent AWS services on behalf of the AWS account.",
"setterMethodName" : "setCodeBuildServiceRole",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "codeBuildServiceRole",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "codeBuildServiceRole",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that enables AWS CodeBuild to interact with dependent AWS services on behalf of the AWS account.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"ComputeType" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getComputeTypeAsString",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setComputeType",
"c2jName" : "ComputeType",
"c2jShape" : "ComputeType",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Information about the compute resources the build project will use.
BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL: Use up to 3 GB memory and 2 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM: Use up to 7 GB memory and 4 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE: Use up to 15 GB memory and 8 vCPUs for builds
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #computeTypeAsString(String)}.\n@param computeType a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #computeType(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Information about the compute resources the build project will use.
BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL: Use up to 3 GB memory and 2 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM: Use up to 7 GB memory and 4 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE: Use up to 15 GB memory and 8 vCPUs for builds
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : "ComputeType",
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : "computeType",
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : "computeType",
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "computeTypeAsString",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Information about the compute resources the build project will use.
BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL: Use up to 3 GB memory and 2 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM: Use up to 7 GB memory and 4 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE: Use up to 15 GB memory and 8 vCPUs for builds
\n@param computeType Information about the compute resources the build project will use. -
BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL: Use up to 3 GB memory and 2 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM: Use up to 7 GB memory and 4 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE: Use up to 15 GB memory and 8 vCPUs for builds
\n@see ComputeType\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see ComputeType",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "computeType",
"getterDocumentation" : "Information about the compute resources the build project will use.
BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL: Use up to 3 GB memory and 2 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM: Use up to 7 GB memory and 4 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE: Use up to 15 GB memory and 8 vCPUs for builds
\n\nIf the service returns an enum value that is not available in the current SDK version, {@link #computeType} will return {@link ComputeType#UNKNOWN_TO_SDK_VERSION}. The raw value returned by the service is available from {@link #computeTypeAsString}.\n
\n@return Information about the compute resources the build project will use. -
BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL: Use up to 3 GB memory and 2 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM: Use up to 7 GB memory and 4 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE: Use up to 15 GB memory and 8 vCPUs for builds
\n@see ComputeType",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ComputeType",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ComputeType",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ComputeType",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Information about the compute resources the build project will use.
BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL: Use up to 3 GB memory and 2 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM: Use up to 7 GB memory and 4 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE: Use up to 15 GB memory and 8 vCPUs for builds
\n@param computeType Information about the compute resources the build project will use. -
BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL: Use up to 3 GB memory and 2 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM: Use up to 7 GB memory and 4 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE: Use up to 15 GB memory and 8 vCPUs for builds
\n@see ComputeType",
"setterMethodName" : "setComputeType",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "computeType",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "computeType",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "Information about the compute resources the build project will use.
BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL: Use up to 3 GB memory and 2 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM: Use up to 7 GB memory and 4 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE: Use up to 15 GB memory and 8 vCPUs for builds
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"Image" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getImage",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setImage",
"c2jName" : "Image",
"c2jShape" : "NonEmptyString",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The ID of the Docker image to use for this build project.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #image(String)}.\n@param image a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #image(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The ID of the Docker image to use for this build project.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "image",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The ID of the Docker image to use for this build project.
\n@param image The ID of the Docker image to use for this build project.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "image",
"getterDocumentation" : "The ID of the Docker image to use for this build project.
\n@return The ID of the Docker image to use for this build project.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Image",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Image",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "Image",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The ID of the Docker image to use for this build project.
\n@param image The ID of the Docker image to use for this build project.",
"setterMethodName" : "setImage",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "image",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "image",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The ID of the Docker image to use for this build project.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"TimeoutInMinutes" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getTimeoutInMinutes",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setTimeoutInMinutes",
"c2jName" : "TimeoutInMinutes",
"c2jShape" : "BoxedInt",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "How long in minutes, from 5 to 480 (8 hours), for AWS CodeBuild to wait until timing out any related build that does not get marked as completed. The default is 60 minutes.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Integer.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Integer#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Integer.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #timeoutInMinutes(Integer)}.\n@param timeoutInMinutes a consumer that will call methods on {@link Integer.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #timeoutInMinutes(Integer)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "How long in minutes, from 5 to 480 (8 hours), for AWS CodeBuild to wait until timing out any related build that does not get marked as completed. The default is 60 minutes.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "timeoutInMinutes",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "How long in minutes, from 5 to 480 (8 hours), for AWS CodeBuild to wait until timing out any related build that does not get marked as completed. The default is 60 minutes.
\n@param timeoutInMinutes How long in minutes, from 5 to 480 (8 hours), for AWS CodeBuild to wait until timing out any related build that does not get marked as completed. The default is 60 minutes.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "timeoutInMinutes",
"getterDocumentation" : "How long in minutes, from 5 to 480 (8 hours), for AWS CodeBuild to wait until timing out any related build that does not get marked as completed. The default is 60 minutes.
\n@return How long in minutes, from 5 to 480 (8 hours), for AWS CodeBuild to wait until timing out any related build that does not get marked as completed. The default is 60 minutes.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Integer",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "TimeoutInMinutes",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "TimeoutInMinutes",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "INTEGER",
"name" : "TimeoutInMinutes",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "How long in minutes, from 5 to 480 (8 hours), for AWS CodeBuild to wait until timing out any related build that does not get marked as completed. The default is 60 minutes.
\n@param timeoutInMinutes How long in minutes, from 5 to 480 (8 hours), for AWS CodeBuild to wait until timing out any related build that does not get marked as completed. The default is 60 minutes.",
"setterMethodName" : "setTimeoutInMinutes",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Integer",
"variableName" : "timeoutInMinutes",
"variableType" : "Integer",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Integer",
"variableSetterType" : "Integer"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Integer",
"variableName" : "timeoutInMinutes",
"variableType" : "Integer",
"documentation" : "How long in minutes, from 5 to 480 (8 hours), for AWS CodeBuild to wait until timing out any related build that does not get marked as completed. The default is 60 minutes.
"simpleType" : "Integer",
"variableSetterType" : "Integer"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"nonStreamingMembers" : [ {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getArtifactName",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setArtifactName",
"c2jName" : "ArtifactName",
"c2jShape" : "String",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the artifact of the CodeBuild build. If provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label-artifact-name.zip. If not provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label.zip.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #artifactName(String)}.\n@param artifactName a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #artifactName(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The name of the artifact of the CodeBuild build. If provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label-artifact-name.zip. If not provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label.zip.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "artifactName",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the artifact of the CodeBuild build. If provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label-artifact-name.zip. If not provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label.zip.
\n@param artifactName The name of the artifact of the CodeBuild build. If provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label-artifact-name.zip. If not provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label.zip.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "artifactName",
"getterDocumentation" : "The name of the artifact of the CodeBuild build. If provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label-artifact-name.zip. If not provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label.zip.
\n@return The name of the artifact of the CodeBuild build. If provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label-artifact-name.zip. If not provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label.zip.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ArtifactName",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ArtifactName",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ArtifactName",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The name of the artifact of the CodeBuild build. If provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label-artifact-name.zip. If not provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label.zip.
\n@param artifactName The name of the artifact of the CodeBuild build. If provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label-artifact-name.zip. If not provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label.zip.",
"setterMethodName" : "setArtifactName",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "artifactName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "artifactName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The name of the artifact of the CodeBuild build. If provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label-artifact-name.zip. If not provided, Elastic Beanstalk stores the build artifact in the S3 location S3-bucket/resources/application-name/codebuild/codebuild-version-label.zip.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getCodeBuildServiceRole",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setCodeBuildServiceRole",
"c2jName" : "CodeBuildServiceRole",
"c2jShape" : "NonEmptyString",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that enables AWS CodeBuild to interact with dependent AWS services on behalf of the AWS account.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #codeBuildServiceRole(String)}.\n@param codeBuildServiceRole a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #codeBuildServiceRole(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that enables AWS CodeBuild to interact with dependent AWS services on behalf of the AWS account.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "codeBuildServiceRole",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that enables AWS CodeBuild to interact with dependent AWS services on behalf of the AWS account.
\n@param codeBuildServiceRole The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that enables AWS CodeBuild to interact with dependent AWS services on behalf of the AWS account.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "codeBuildServiceRole",
"getterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that enables AWS CodeBuild to interact with dependent AWS services on behalf of the AWS account.
\n@return The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that enables AWS CodeBuild to interact with dependent AWS services on behalf of the AWS account.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "CodeBuildServiceRole",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "CodeBuildServiceRole",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "CodeBuildServiceRole",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that enables AWS CodeBuild to interact with dependent AWS services on behalf of the AWS account.
\n@param codeBuildServiceRole The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that enables AWS CodeBuild to interact with dependent AWS services on behalf of the AWS account.",
"setterMethodName" : "setCodeBuildServiceRole",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "codeBuildServiceRole",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "codeBuildServiceRole",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that enables AWS CodeBuild to interact with dependent AWS services on behalf of the AWS account.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getComputeTypeAsString",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setComputeType",
"c2jName" : "ComputeType",
"c2jShape" : "ComputeType",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Information about the compute resources the build project will use.
BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL: Use up to 3 GB memory and 2 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM: Use up to 7 GB memory and 4 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE: Use up to 15 GB memory and 8 vCPUs for builds
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #computeTypeAsString(String)}.\n@param computeType a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #computeType(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Information about the compute resources the build project will use.
BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL: Use up to 3 GB memory and 2 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM: Use up to 7 GB memory and 4 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE: Use up to 15 GB memory and 8 vCPUs for builds
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : "ComputeType",
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : "computeType",
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : "computeType",
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "computeTypeAsString",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Information about the compute resources the build project will use.
BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL: Use up to 3 GB memory and 2 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM: Use up to 7 GB memory and 4 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE: Use up to 15 GB memory and 8 vCPUs for builds
\n@param computeType Information about the compute resources the build project will use. -
BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL: Use up to 3 GB memory and 2 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM: Use up to 7 GB memory and 4 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE: Use up to 15 GB memory and 8 vCPUs for builds
\n@see ComputeType\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see ComputeType",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "computeType",
"getterDocumentation" : "Information about the compute resources the build project will use.
BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL: Use up to 3 GB memory and 2 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM: Use up to 7 GB memory and 4 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE: Use up to 15 GB memory and 8 vCPUs for builds
\n\nIf the service returns an enum value that is not available in the current SDK version, {@link #computeType} will return {@link ComputeType#UNKNOWN_TO_SDK_VERSION}. The raw value returned by the service is available from {@link #computeTypeAsString}.\n
\n@return Information about the compute resources the build project will use. -
BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL: Use up to 3 GB memory and 2 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM: Use up to 7 GB memory and 4 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE: Use up to 15 GB memory and 8 vCPUs for builds
\n@see ComputeType",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ComputeType",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ComputeType",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ComputeType",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Information about the compute resources the build project will use.
BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL: Use up to 3 GB memory and 2 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM: Use up to 7 GB memory and 4 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE: Use up to 15 GB memory and 8 vCPUs for builds
\n@param computeType Information about the compute resources the build project will use. -
BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL: Use up to 3 GB memory and 2 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM: Use up to 7 GB memory and 4 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE: Use up to 15 GB memory and 8 vCPUs for builds
\n@see ComputeType",
"setterMethodName" : "setComputeType",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "computeType",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "computeType",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "Information about the compute resources the build project will use.
BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL: Use up to 3 GB memory and 2 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM: Use up to 7 GB memory and 4 vCPUs for builds
BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE: Use up to 15 GB memory and 8 vCPUs for builds
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getImage",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setImage",
"c2jName" : "Image",
"c2jShape" : "NonEmptyString",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The ID of the Docker image to use for this build project.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #image(String)}.\n@param image a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #image(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The ID of the Docker image to use for this build project.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "image",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The ID of the Docker image to use for this build project.
\n@param image The ID of the Docker image to use for this build project.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "image",
"getterDocumentation" : "The ID of the Docker image to use for this build project.
\n@return The ID of the Docker image to use for this build project.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Image",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Image",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "Image",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The ID of the Docker image to use for this build project.
\n@param image The ID of the Docker image to use for this build project.",
"setterMethodName" : "setImage",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "image",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "image",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The ID of the Docker image to use for this build project.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getTimeoutInMinutes",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setTimeoutInMinutes",
"c2jName" : "TimeoutInMinutes",
"c2jShape" : "BoxedInt",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "How long in minutes, from 5 to 480 (8 hours), for AWS CodeBuild to wait until timing out any related build that does not get marked as completed. The default is 60 minutes.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Integer.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Integer#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Integer.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #timeoutInMinutes(Integer)}.\n@param timeoutInMinutes a consumer that will call methods on {@link Integer.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #timeoutInMinutes(Integer)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "How long in minutes, from 5 to 480 (8 hours), for AWS CodeBuild to wait until timing out any related build that does not get marked as completed. The default is 60 minutes.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "timeoutInMinutes",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "How long in minutes, from 5 to 480 (8 hours), for AWS CodeBuild to wait until timing out any related build that does not get marked as completed. The default is 60 minutes.
\n@param timeoutInMinutes How long in minutes, from 5 to 480 (8 hours), for AWS CodeBuild to wait until timing out any related build that does not get marked as completed. The default is 60 minutes.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "timeoutInMinutes",
"getterDocumentation" : "How long in minutes, from 5 to 480 (8 hours), for AWS CodeBuild to wait until timing out any related build that does not get marked as completed. The default is 60 minutes.
\n@return How long in minutes, from 5 to 480 (8 hours), for AWS CodeBuild to wait until timing out any related build that does not get marked as completed. The default is 60 minutes.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Integer",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "TimeoutInMinutes",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "TimeoutInMinutes",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "INTEGER",
"name" : "TimeoutInMinutes",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "How long in minutes, from 5 to 480 (8 hours), for AWS CodeBuild to wait until timing out any related build that does not get marked as completed. The default is 60 minutes.
\n@param timeoutInMinutes How long in minutes, from 5 to 480 (8 hours), for AWS CodeBuild to wait until timing out any related build that does not get marked as completed. The default is 60 minutes.",
"setterMethodName" : "setTimeoutInMinutes",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Integer",
"variableName" : "timeoutInMinutes",
"variableType" : "Integer",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Integer",
"variableSetterType" : "Integer"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Integer",
"variableName" : "timeoutInMinutes",
"variableType" : "Integer",
"documentation" : "How long in minutes, from 5 to 480 (8 hours), for AWS CodeBuild to wait until timing out any related build that does not get marked as completed. The default is 60 minutes.
"simpleType" : "Integer",
"variableSetterType" : "Integer"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
} ],
"requestSignerAware" : false,
"requestSignerClassFqcn" : null,
"required" : [ "CodeBuildServiceRole", "Image" ],
"shapeName" : "BuildConfiguration",
"simpleMethod" : false,
"unmarshaller" : {
"flattened" : false,
"resultWrapper" : null
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "BuildConfiguration",
"variableName" : "buildConfiguration",
"variableType" : "BuildConfiguration",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "BuildConfiguration",
"variableSetterType" : "BuildConfiguration"
"wrapper" : false
"CPUUtilization" : {
"c2jName" : "CPUUtilization",
"customization" : {
"artificialResultWrapper" : null,
"skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false,
"skipGeneratingModelClass" : false,
"skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false,
"staxTargetDepthOffset" : 0
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "CPU utilization metrics for an instance.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"enums" : null,
"errorCode" : null,
"event" : false,
"eventStream" : false,
"explicitEventPayloadMember" : null,
"hasHeaderMember" : false,
"hasPayloadMember" : false,
"hasRequiresLengthMember" : false,
"hasStatusCodeMember" : false,
"hasStreamingMember" : false,
"httpStatusCode" : null,
"marshaller" : null,
"members" : [ {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getUser",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setUser",
"c2jName" : "User",
"c2jShape" : "NullableDouble",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the User
state over the last 10 seconds.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Double.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Double#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Double.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #user(Double)}.\n@param user a consumer that will call methods on {@link Double.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #user(Double)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the User
state over the last 10 seconds.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "user",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the User
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param user Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the User
state over the last 10 seconds.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "user",
"getterDocumentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the User
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@return Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the User
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "User",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "User",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "DOUBLE",
"name" : "User",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the User
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param user Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the User
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"setterMethodName" : "setUser",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "user",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "user",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the User
state over the last 10 seconds.
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getNice",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setNice",
"c2jName" : "Nice",
"c2jShape" : "NullableDouble",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Nice
state over the last 10 seconds.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Double.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Double#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Double.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #nice(Double)}.\n@param nice a consumer that will call methods on {@link Double.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #nice(Double)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Nice
state over the last 10 seconds.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "nice",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Nice
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param nice Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Nice
state over the last 10 seconds.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "nice",
"getterDocumentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Nice
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@return Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Nice
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Nice",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Nice",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "DOUBLE",
"name" : "Nice",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Nice
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param nice Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Nice
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"setterMethodName" : "setNice",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "nice",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "nice",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Nice
state over the last 10 seconds.
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getSystem",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setSystem",
"c2jName" : "System",
"c2jShape" : "NullableDouble",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the System
state over the last 10 seconds.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Double.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Double#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Double.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #system(Double)}.\n@param system a consumer that will call methods on {@link Double.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #system(Double)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the System
state over the last 10 seconds.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "system",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the System
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param system Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the System
state over the last 10 seconds.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "system",
"getterDocumentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the System
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@return Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the System
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "System",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "System",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "DOUBLE",
"name" : "System",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the System
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param system Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the System
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"setterMethodName" : "setSystem",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "system",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "system",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the System
state over the last 10 seconds.
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getIdle",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setIdle",
"c2jName" : "Idle",
"c2jShape" : "NullableDouble",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Idle
state over the last 10 seconds.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Double.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Double#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Double.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #idle(Double)}.\n@param idle a consumer that will call methods on {@link Double.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #idle(Double)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Idle
state over the last 10 seconds.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "idle",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Idle
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param idle Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Idle
state over the last 10 seconds.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "idle",
"getterDocumentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Idle
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@return Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Idle
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Idle",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Idle",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "DOUBLE",
"name" : "Idle",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Idle
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param idle Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Idle
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"setterMethodName" : "setIdle",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "idle",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "idle",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Idle
state over the last 10 seconds.
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getIoWait",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setIoWait",
"c2jName" : "IOWait",
"c2jShape" : "NullableDouble",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the I/O Wait
state over the last 10 seconds.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Double.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Double#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Double.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #ioWait(Double)}.\n@param ioWait a consumer that will call methods on {@link Double.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #ioWait(Double)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the I/O Wait
state over the last 10 seconds.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "ioWait",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the I/O Wait
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param ioWait Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the I/O Wait
state over the last 10 seconds.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "ioWait",
"getterDocumentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the I/O Wait
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@return Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the I/O Wait
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "IOWait",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "IOWait",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "DOUBLE",
"name" : "IOWait",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the I/O Wait
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param ioWait Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the I/O Wait
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"setterMethodName" : "setIoWait",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "ioWait",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "ioWait",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the I/O Wait
state over the last 10 seconds.
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getIrq",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setIrq",
"c2jName" : "IRQ",
"c2jShape" : "NullableDouble",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the IRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Double.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Double#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Double.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #irq(Double)}.\n@param irq a consumer that will call methods on {@link Double.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #irq(Double)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the IRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "irq",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the IRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param irq Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the IRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "irq",
"getterDocumentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the IRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@return Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the IRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "IRQ",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "IRQ",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "DOUBLE",
"name" : "IRQ",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the IRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param irq Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the IRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"setterMethodName" : "setIrq",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "irq",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "irq",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the IRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getSoftIRQ",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setSoftIRQ",
"c2jName" : "SoftIRQ",
"c2jShape" : "NullableDouble",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the SoftIRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Double.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Double#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Double.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #softIRQ(Double)}.\n@param softIRQ a consumer that will call methods on {@link Double.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #softIRQ(Double)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the SoftIRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "softIRQ",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the SoftIRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param softIRQ Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the SoftIRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "softIRQ",
"getterDocumentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the SoftIRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@return Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the SoftIRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "SoftIRQ",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "SoftIRQ",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "DOUBLE",
"name" : "SoftIRQ",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the SoftIRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param softIRQ Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the SoftIRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"setterMethodName" : "setSoftIRQ",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "softIRQ",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "softIRQ",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the SoftIRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getPrivileged",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setPrivileged",
"c2jName" : "Privileged",
"c2jShape" : "NullableDouble",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Windows environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Privileged
state over the last 10 seconds.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Double.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Double#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Double.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #privileged(Double)}.\n@param privileged a consumer that will call methods on {@link Double.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #privileged(Double)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Available on Windows environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Privileged
state over the last 10 seconds.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "privileged",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Windows environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Privileged
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param privileged Available on Windows environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Privileged
state over the last 10 seconds.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "privileged",
"getterDocumentation" : "
Available on Windows environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Privileged
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@return Available on Windows environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Privileged
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Privileged",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Privileged",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "DOUBLE",
"name" : "Privileged",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "
Available on Windows environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Privileged
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param privileged Available on Windows environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Privileged
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"setterMethodName" : "setPrivileged",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "privileged",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "privileged",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : "
Available on Windows environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Privileged
state over the last 10 seconds.
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
} ],
"membersAsMap" : {
"IOWait" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getIoWait",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setIoWait",
"c2jName" : "IOWait",
"c2jShape" : "NullableDouble",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the I/O Wait
state over the last 10 seconds.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Double.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Double#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Double.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #ioWait(Double)}.\n@param ioWait a consumer that will call methods on {@link Double.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #ioWait(Double)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the I/O Wait
state over the last 10 seconds.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "ioWait",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the I/O Wait
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param ioWait Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the I/O Wait
state over the last 10 seconds.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "ioWait",
"getterDocumentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the I/O Wait
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@return Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the I/O Wait
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "IOWait",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "IOWait",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "DOUBLE",
"name" : "IOWait",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the I/O Wait
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param ioWait Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the I/O Wait
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"setterMethodName" : "setIoWait",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "ioWait",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "ioWait",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the I/O Wait
state over the last 10 seconds.
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"IRQ" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getIrq",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setIrq",
"c2jName" : "IRQ",
"c2jShape" : "NullableDouble",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the IRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Double.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Double#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Double.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #irq(Double)}.\n@param irq a consumer that will call methods on {@link Double.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #irq(Double)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the IRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "irq",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the IRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param irq Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the IRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "irq",
"getterDocumentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the IRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@return Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the IRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "IRQ",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "IRQ",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "DOUBLE",
"name" : "IRQ",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the IRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param irq Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the IRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"setterMethodName" : "setIrq",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "irq",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "irq",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the IRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"Idle" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getIdle",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setIdle",
"c2jName" : "Idle",
"c2jShape" : "NullableDouble",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Idle
state over the last 10 seconds.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Double.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Double#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Double.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #idle(Double)}.\n@param idle a consumer that will call methods on {@link Double.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #idle(Double)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Idle
state over the last 10 seconds.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "idle",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Idle
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param idle Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Idle
state over the last 10 seconds.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "idle",
"getterDocumentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Idle
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@return Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Idle
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Idle",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Idle",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "DOUBLE",
"name" : "Idle",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Idle
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param idle Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Idle
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"setterMethodName" : "setIdle",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "idle",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "idle",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Idle
state over the last 10 seconds.
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"Nice" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getNice",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setNice",
"c2jName" : "Nice",
"c2jShape" : "NullableDouble",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Nice
state over the last 10 seconds.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Double.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Double#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Double.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #nice(Double)}.\n@param nice a consumer that will call methods on {@link Double.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #nice(Double)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Nice
state over the last 10 seconds.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "nice",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Nice
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param nice Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Nice
state over the last 10 seconds.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "nice",
"getterDocumentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Nice
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@return Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Nice
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Nice",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Nice",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "DOUBLE",
"name" : "Nice",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Nice
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param nice Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Nice
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"setterMethodName" : "setNice",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "nice",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "nice",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Nice
state over the last 10 seconds.
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"Privileged" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getPrivileged",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setPrivileged",
"c2jName" : "Privileged",
"c2jShape" : "NullableDouble",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Windows environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Privileged
state over the last 10 seconds.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Double.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Double#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Double.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #privileged(Double)}.\n@param privileged a consumer that will call methods on {@link Double.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #privileged(Double)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Available on Windows environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Privileged
state over the last 10 seconds.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "privileged",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Windows environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Privileged
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param privileged Available on Windows environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Privileged
state over the last 10 seconds.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "privileged",
"getterDocumentation" : "
Available on Windows environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Privileged
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@return Available on Windows environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Privileged
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Privileged",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Privileged",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "DOUBLE",
"name" : "Privileged",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "
Available on Windows environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Privileged
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param privileged Available on Windows environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Privileged
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"setterMethodName" : "setPrivileged",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "privileged",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "privileged",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : "
Available on Windows environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Privileged
state over the last 10 seconds.
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"SoftIRQ" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getSoftIRQ",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setSoftIRQ",
"c2jName" : "SoftIRQ",
"c2jShape" : "NullableDouble",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the SoftIRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Double.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Double#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Double.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #softIRQ(Double)}.\n@param softIRQ a consumer that will call methods on {@link Double.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #softIRQ(Double)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the SoftIRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "softIRQ",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the SoftIRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param softIRQ Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the SoftIRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "softIRQ",
"getterDocumentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the SoftIRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@return Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the SoftIRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "SoftIRQ",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "SoftIRQ",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "DOUBLE",
"name" : "SoftIRQ",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the SoftIRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param softIRQ Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the SoftIRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"setterMethodName" : "setSoftIRQ",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "softIRQ",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "softIRQ",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the SoftIRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"System" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getSystem",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setSystem",
"c2jName" : "System",
"c2jShape" : "NullableDouble",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the System
state over the last 10 seconds.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Double.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Double#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Double.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #system(Double)}.\n@param system a consumer that will call methods on {@link Double.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #system(Double)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the System
state over the last 10 seconds.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "system",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the System
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param system Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the System
state over the last 10 seconds.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "system",
"getterDocumentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the System
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@return Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the System
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "System",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "System",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "DOUBLE",
"name" : "System",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the System
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param system Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the System
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"setterMethodName" : "setSystem",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "system",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "system",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the System
state over the last 10 seconds.
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"User" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getUser",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setUser",
"c2jName" : "User",
"c2jShape" : "NullableDouble",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the User
state over the last 10 seconds.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Double.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Double#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Double.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #user(Double)}.\n@param user a consumer that will call methods on {@link Double.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #user(Double)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the User
state over the last 10 seconds.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "user",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the User
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param user Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the User
state over the last 10 seconds.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "user",
"getterDocumentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the User
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@return Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the User
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "User",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "User",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "DOUBLE",
"name" : "User",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the User
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param user Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the User
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"setterMethodName" : "setUser",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "user",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "user",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the User
state over the last 10 seconds.
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"nonStreamingMembers" : [ {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getUser",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setUser",
"c2jName" : "User",
"c2jShape" : "NullableDouble",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the User
state over the last 10 seconds.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Double.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Double#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Double.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #user(Double)}.\n@param user a consumer that will call methods on {@link Double.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #user(Double)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the User
state over the last 10 seconds.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "user",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the User
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param user Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the User
state over the last 10 seconds.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "user",
"getterDocumentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the User
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@return Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the User
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "User",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "User",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "DOUBLE",
"name" : "User",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the User
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param user Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the User
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"setterMethodName" : "setUser",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "user",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "user",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the User
state over the last 10 seconds.
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getNice",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setNice",
"c2jName" : "Nice",
"c2jShape" : "NullableDouble",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Nice
state over the last 10 seconds.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Double.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Double#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Double.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #nice(Double)}.\n@param nice a consumer that will call methods on {@link Double.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #nice(Double)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Nice
state over the last 10 seconds.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "nice",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Nice
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param nice Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Nice
state over the last 10 seconds.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "nice",
"getterDocumentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Nice
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@return Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Nice
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Nice",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Nice",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "DOUBLE",
"name" : "Nice",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Nice
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param nice Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Nice
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"setterMethodName" : "setNice",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "nice",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "nice",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Nice
state over the last 10 seconds.
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getSystem",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setSystem",
"c2jName" : "System",
"c2jShape" : "NullableDouble",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the System
state over the last 10 seconds.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Double.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Double#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Double.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #system(Double)}.\n@param system a consumer that will call methods on {@link Double.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #system(Double)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the System
state over the last 10 seconds.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "system",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the System
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param system Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the System
state over the last 10 seconds.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "system",
"getterDocumentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the System
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@return Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the System
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "System",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "System",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "DOUBLE",
"name" : "System",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the System
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param system Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the System
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"setterMethodName" : "setSystem",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "system",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "system",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the System
state over the last 10 seconds.
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getIdle",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setIdle",
"c2jName" : "Idle",
"c2jShape" : "NullableDouble",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Idle
state over the last 10 seconds.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Double.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Double#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Double.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #idle(Double)}.\n@param idle a consumer that will call methods on {@link Double.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #idle(Double)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Idle
state over the last 10 seconds.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "idle",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Idle
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param idle Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Idle
state over the last 10 seconds.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "idle",
"getterDocumentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Idle
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@return Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Idle
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Idle",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Idle",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "DOUBLE",
"name" : "Idle",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Idle
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param idle Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Idle
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"setterMethodName" : "setIdle",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "idle",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "idle",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : "Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Idle
state over the last 10 seconds.
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getIoWait",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setIoWait",
"c2jName" : "IOWait",
"c2jShape" : "NullableDouble",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the I/O Wait
state over the last 10 seconds.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Double.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Double#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Double.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #ioWait(Double)}.\n@param ioWait a consumer that will call methods on {@link Double.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #ioWait(Double)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the I/O Wait
state over the last 10 seconds.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "ioWait",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the I/O Wait
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param ioWait Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the I/O Wait
state over the last 10 seconds.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "ioWait",
"getterDocumentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the I/O Wait
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@return Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the I/O Wait
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "IOWait",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "IOWait",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "DOUBLE",
"name" : "IOWait",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the I/O Wait
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param ioWait Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the I/O Wait
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"setterMethodName" : "setIoWait",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "ioWait",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "ioWait",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the I/O Wait
state over the last 10 seconds.
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getIrq",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setIrq",
"c2jName" : "IRQ",
"c2jShape" : "NullableDouble",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the IRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Double.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Double#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Double.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #irq(Double)}.\n@param irq a consumer that will call methods on {@link Double.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #irq(Double)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the IRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "irq",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the IRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param irq Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the IRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "irq",
"getterDocumentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the IRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@return Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the IRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "IRQ",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "IRQ",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "DOUBLE",
"name" : "IRQ",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the IRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param irq Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the IRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"setterMethodName" : "setIrq",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "irq",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "irq",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the IRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getSoftIRQ",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setSoftIRQ",
"c2jName" : "SoftIRQ",
"c2jShape" : "NullableDouble",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the SoftIRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Double.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Double#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Double.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #softIRQ(Double)}.\n@param softIRQ a consumer that will call methods on {@link Double.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #softIRQ(Double)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the SoftIRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "softIRQ",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the SoftIRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param softIRQ Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the SoftIRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "softIRQ",
"getterDocumentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the SoftIRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@return Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the SoftIRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "SoftIRQ",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "SoftIRQ",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "DOUBLE",
"name" : "SoftIRQ",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the SoftIRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param softIRQ Available on Linux environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the SoftIRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"setterMethodName" : "setSoftIRQ",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "softIRQ",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "softIRQ",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : "
Available on Linux environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the SoftIRQ
state over the last 10 seconds.
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getPrivileged",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setPrivileged",
"c2jName" : "Privileged",
"c2jShape" : "NullableDouble",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Windows environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Privileged
state over the last 10 seconds.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Double.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Double#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Double.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #privileged(Double)}.\n@param privileged a consumer that will call methods on {@link Double.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #privileged(Double)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Available on Windows environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Privileged
state over the last 10 seconds.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "privileged",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Available on Windows environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Privileged
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param privileged Available on Windows environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Privileged
state over the last 10 seconds.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "privileged",
"getterDocumentation" : "
Available on Windows environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Privileged
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@return Available on Windows environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Privileged
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Privileged",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Privileged",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "DOUBLE",
"name" : "Privileged",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "
Available on Windows environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Privileged
state over the last 10 seconds.
\n@param privileged Available on Windows environments only. Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Privileged
state over the last 10 seconds.",
"setterMethodName" : "setPrivileged",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "privileged",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Double",
"variableName" : "privileged",
"variableType" : "Double",
"documentation" : "
Available on Windows environments only.
Percentage of time that the CPU has spent in the Privileged
state over the last 10 seconds.
"simpleType" : "Double",
"variableSetterType" : "Double"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
} ],
"requestSignerAware" : false,
"requestSignerClassFqcn" : null,
"required" : null,
"shapeName" : "CPUUtilization",
"simpleMethod" : false,
"unmarshaller" : {
"flattened" : false,
"resultWrapper" : null
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "CPUUtilization",
"variableName" : "cpuUtilization",
"variableType" : "CPUUtilization",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "CPUUtilization",
"variableSetterType" : "CPUUtilization"
"wrapper" : false
"CheckDnsAvailabilityRequest" : {
"c2jName" : "CheckDNSAvailabilityMessage",
"customization" : {
"artificialResultWrapper" : null,
"skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false,
"skipGeneratingModelClass" : false,
"skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false,
"staxTargetDepthOffset" : 0
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Results message indicating whether a CNAME is available.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"enums" : null,
"errorCode" : null,
"event" : false,
"eventStream" : false,
"explicitEventPayloadMember" : null,
"hasHeaderMember" : false,
"hasPayloadMember" : false,
"hasRequiresLengthMember" : false,
"hasStatusCodeMember" : false,
"hasStreamingMember" : false,
"httpStatusCode" : null,
"marshaller" : {
"action" : "CheckDNSAvailability",
"locationName" : null,
"requestUri" : "/",
"target" : "CheckDNSAvailability",
"verb" : "POST",
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"members" : [ {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getCnamePrefix",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setCnamePrefix",
"c2jName" : "CNAMEPrefix",
"c2jShape" : "DNSCnamePrefix",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The prefix used when this CNAME is reserved.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #cnamePrefix(String)}.\n@param cnamePrefix a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #cnamePrefix(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The prefix used when this CNAME is reserved.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "cnamePrefix",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The prefix used when this CNAME is reserved.
\n@param cnamePrefix The prefix used when this CNAME is reserved.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "cnamePrefix",
"getterDocumentation" : "The prefix used when this CNAME is reserved.
\n@return The prefix used when this CNAME is reserved.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "CNAMEPrefix",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "CNAMEPrefix",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "CNAMEPrefix",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The prefix used when this CNAME is reserved.
\n@param cnamePrefix The prefix used when this CNAME is reserved.",
"setterMethodName" : "setCnamePrefix",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "cnamePrefix",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "cnamePrefix",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The prefix used when this CNAME is reserved.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
} ],
"membersAsMap" : {
"CNAMEPrefix" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getCnamePrefix",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setCnamePrefix",
"c2jName" : "CNAMEPrefix",
"c2jShape" : "DNSCnamePrefix",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The prefix used when this CNAME is reserved.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #cnamePrefix(String)}.\n@param cnamePrefix a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #cnamePrefix(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The prefix used when this CNAME is reserved.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "cnamePrefix",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The prefix used when this CNAME is reserved.
\n@param cnamePrefix The prefix used when this CNAME is reserved.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "cnamePrefix",
"getterDocumentation" : "The prefix used when this CNAME is reserved.
\n@return The prefix used when this CNAME is reserved.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "CNAMEPrefix",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "CNAMEPrefix",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "CNAMEPrefix",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The prefix used when this CNAME is reserved.
\n@param cnamePrefix The prefix used when this CNAME is reserved.",
"setterMethodName" : "setCnamePrefix",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "cnamePrefix",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "cnamePrefix",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The prefix used when this CNAME is reserved.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"nonStreamingMembers" : [ {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getCnamePrefix",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setCnamePrefix",
"c2jName" : "CNAMEPrefix",
"c2jShape" : "DNSCnamePrefix",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The prefix used when this CNAME is reserved.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #cnamePrefix(String)}.\n@param cnamePrefix a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #cnamePrefix(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The prefix used when this CNAME is reserved.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "cnamePrefix",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The prefix used when this CNAME is reserved.
\n@param cnamePrefix The prefix used when this CNAME is reserved.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "cnamePrefix",
"getterDocumentation" : "The prefix used when this CNAME is reserved.
\n@return The prefix used when this CNAME is reserved.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "CNAMEPrefix",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "CNAMEPrefix",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "CNAMEPrefix",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The prefix used when this CNAME is reserved.
\n@param cnamePrefix The prefix used when this CNAME is reserved.",
"setterMethodName" : "setCnamePrefix",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "cnamePrefix",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "cnamePrefix",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The prefix used when this CNAME is reserved.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
} ],
"requestSignerAware" : false,
"requestSignerClassFqcn" : null,
"required" : [ "CNAMEPrefix" ],
"shapeName" : "CheckDnsAvailabilityRequest",
"simpleMethod" : false,
"unmarshaller" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "CheckDnsAvailabilityRequest",
"variableName" : "checkDnsAvailabilityRequest",
"variableType" : "CheckDnsAvailabilityRequest",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "CheckDnsAvailabilityRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "CheckDnsAvailabilityRequest"
"wrapper" : false
"CheckDnsAvailabilityResponse" : {
"c2jName" : "CheckDNSAvailabilityResultMessage",
"customization" : {
"artificialResultWrapper" : null,
"skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false,
"skipGeneratingModelClass" : false,
"skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false,
"staxTargetDepthOffset" : 0
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Indicates if the specified CNAME is available.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"enums" : null,
"errorCode" : null,
"event" : false,
"eventStream" : false,
"explicitEventPayloadMember" : null,
"hasHeaderMember" : false,
"hasPayloadMember" : false,
"hasRequiresLengthMember" : false,
"hasStatusCodeMember" : false,
"hasStreamingMember" : false,
"httpStatusCode" : null,
"marshaller" : null,
"members" : [ {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getAvailable",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setAvailable",
"c2jName" : "Available",
"c2jShape" : "CnameAvailability",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Indicates if the specified CNAME is available:
: The CNAME is available.
: The CNAME is not available.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Boolean.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Boolean#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Boolean.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #available(Boolean)}.\n@param available a consumer that will call methods on {@link Boolean.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #available(Boolean)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Indicates if the specified CNAME is available:
: The CNAME is available.
: The CNAME is not available.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "available",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Indicates if the specified CNAME is available:
: The CNAME is available.
: The CNAME is not available.
\n@param available Indicates if the specified CNAME is available: -
: The CNAME is available.
: The CNAME is not available.
\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "available",
"getterDocumentation" : "Indicates if the specified CNAME is available:
: The CNAME is available.
: The CNAME is not available.
\n@return Indicates if the specified CNAME is available: -
: The CNAME is available.
: The CNAME is not available.
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Boolean",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Available",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Available",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "BOOLEAN",
"name" : "Available",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Indicates if the specified CNAME is available:
: The CNAME is available.
: The CNAME is not available.
\n@param available Indicates if the specified CNAME is available: -
: The CNAME is available.
: The CNAME is not available.
"setterMethodName" : "setAvailable",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean",
"variableName" : "available",
"variableType" : "Boolean",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Boolean",
"variableSetterType" : "Boolean"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean",
"variableName" : "available",
"variableType" : "Boolean",
"documentation" : "Indicates if the specified CNAME is available:
: The CNAME is available.
: The CNAME is not available.
"simpleType" : "Boolean",
"variableSetterType" : "Boolean"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getFullyQualifiedCNAME",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setFullyQualifiedCNAME",
"c2jName" : "FullyQualifiedCNAME",
"c2jShape" : "DNSCname",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The fully qualified CNAME to reserve when CreateEnvironment is called with the provided prefix.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #fullyQualifiedCNAME(String)}.\n@param fullyQualifiedCNAME a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #fullyQualifiedCNAME(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The fully qualified CNAME to reserve when CreateEnvironment is called with the provided prefix.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "fullyQualifiedCNAME",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The fully qualified CNAME to reserve when CreateEnvironment is called with the provided prefix.
\n@param fullyQualifiedCNAME The fully qualified CNAME to reserve when CreateEnvironment is called with the provided prefix.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "fullyQualifiedCNAME",
"getterDocumentation" : "The fully qualified CNAME to reserve when CreateEnvironment is called with the provided prefix.
\n@return The fully qualified CNAME to reserve when CreateEnvironment is called with the provided prefix.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "FullyQualifiedCNAME",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "FullyQualifiedCNAME",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "FullyQualifiedCNAME",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The fully qualified CNAME to reserve when CreateEnvironment is called with the provided prefix.
\n@param fullyQualifiedCNAME The fully qualified CNAME to reserve when CreateEnvironment is called with the provided prefix.",
"setterMethodName" : "setFullyQualifiedCNAME",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "fullyQualifiedCNAME",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "fullyQualifiedCNAME",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The fully qualified CNAME to reserve when CreateEnvironment is called with the provided prefix.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
} ],
"membersAsMap" : {
"Available" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getAvailable",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setAvailable",
"c2jName" : "Available",
"c2jShape" : "CnameAvailability",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Indicates if the specified CNAME is available:
: The CNAME is available.
: The CNAME is not available.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Boolean.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Boolean#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Boolean.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #available(Boolean)}.\n@param available a consumer that will call methods on {@link Boolean.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #available(Boolean)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Indicates if the specified CNAME is available:
: The CNAME is available.
: The CNAME is not available.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "available",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Indicates if the specified CNAME is available:
: The CNAME is available.
: The CNAME is not available.
\n@param available Indicates if the specified CNAME is available: -
: The CNAME is available.
: The CNAME is not available.
\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "available",
"getterDocumentation" : "Indicates if the specified CNAME is available:
: The CNAME is available.
: The CNAME is not available.
\n@return Indicates if the specified CNAME is available: -
: The CNAME is available.
: The CNAME is not available.
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Boolean",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Available",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Available",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "BOOLEAN",
"name" : "Available",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Indicates if the specified CNAME is available:
: The CNAME is available.
: The CNAME is not available.
\n@param available Indicates if the specified CNAME is available: -
: The CNAME is available.
: The CNAME is not available.
"setterMethodName" : "setAvailable",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean",
"variableName" : "available",
"variableType" : "Boolean",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Boolean",
"variableSetterType" : "Boolean"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean",
"variableName" : "available",
"variableType" : "Boolean",
"documentation" : "Indicates if the specified CNAME is available:
: The CNAME is available.
: The CNAME is not available.
"simpleType" : "Boolean",
"variableSetterType" : "Boolean"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"FullyQualifiedCNAME" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getFullyQualifiedCNAME",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setFullyQualifiedCNAME",
"c2jName" : "FullyQualifiedCNAME",
"c2jShape" : "DNSCname",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The fully qualified CNAME to reserve when CreateEnvironment is called with the provided prefix.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #fullyQualifiedCNAME(String)}.\n@param fullyQualifiedCNAME a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #fullyQualifiedCNAME(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The fully qualified CNAME to reserve when CreateEnvironment is called with the provided prefix.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "fullyQualifiedCNAME",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The fully qualified CNAME to reserve when CreateEnvironment is called with the provided prefix.
\n@param fullyQualifiedCNAME The fully qualified CNAME to reserve when CreateEnvironment is called with the provided prefix.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "fullyQualifiedCNAME",
"getterDocumentation" : "The fully qualified CNAME to reserve when CreateEnvironment is called with the provided prefix.
\n@return The fully qualified CNAME to reserve when CreateEnvironment is called with the provided prefix.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "FullyQualifiedCNAME",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "FullyQualifiedCNAME",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "FullyQualifiedCNAME",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The fully qualified CNAME to reserve when CreateEnvironment is called with the provided prefix.
\n@param fullyQualifiedCNAME The fully qualified CNAME to reserve when CreateEnvironment is called with the provided prefix.",
"setterMethodName" : "setFullyQualifiedCNAME",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "fullyQualifiedCNAME",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "fullyQualifiedCNAME",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The fully qualified CNAME to reserve when CreateEnvironment is called with the provided prefix.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"nonStreamingMembers" : [ {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getAvailable",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setAvailable",
"c2jName" : "Available",
"c2jShape" : "CnameAvailability",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Indicates if the specified CNAME is available:
: The CNAME is available.
: The CNAME is not available.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Boolean.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Boolean#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Boolean.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #available(Boolean)}.\n@param available a consumer that will call methods on {@link Boolean.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #available(Boolean)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Indicates if the specified CNAME is available:
: The CNAME is available.
: The CNAME is not available.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "available",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Indicates if the specified CNAME is available:
: The CNAME is available.
: The CNAME is not available.
\n@param available Indicates if the specified CNAME is available: -
: The CNAME is available.
: The CNAME is not available.
\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "available",
"getterDocumentation" : "Indicates if the specified CNAME is available:
: The CNAME is available.
: The CNAME is not available.
\n@return Indicates if the specified CNAME is available: -
: The CNAME is available.
: The CNAME is not available.
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Boolean",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Available",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Available",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "BOOLEAN",
"name" : "Available",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Indicates if the specified CNAME is available:
: The CNAME is available.
: The CNAME is not available.
\n@param available Indicates if the specified CNAME is available: -
: The CNAME is available.
: The CNAME is not available.
"setterMethodName" : "setAvailable",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean",
"variableName" : "available",
"variableType" : "Boolean",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Boolean",
"variableSetterType" : "Boolean"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean",
"variableName" : "available",
"variableType" : "Boolean",
"documentation" : "Indicates if the specified CNAME is available:
: The CNAME is available.
: The CNAME is not available.
"simpleType" : "Boolean",
"variableSetterType" : "Boolean"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getFullyQualifiedCNAME",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setFullyQualifiedCNAME",
"c2jName" : "FullyQualifiedCNAME",
"c2jShape" : "DNSCname",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The fully qualified CNAME to reserve when CreateEnvironment is called with the provided prefix.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #fullyQualifiedCNAME(String)}.\n@param fullyQualifiedCNAME a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #fullyQualifiedCNAME(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The fully qualified CNAME to reserve when CreateEnvironment is called with the provided prefix.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "fullyQualifiedCNAME",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The fully qualified CNAME to reserve when CreateEnvironment is called with the provided prefix.
\n@param fullyQualifiedCNAME The fully qualified CNAME to reserve when CreateEnvironment is called with the provided prefix.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "fullyQualifiedCNAME",
"getterDocumentation" : "The fully qualified CNAME to reserve when CreateEnvironment is called with the provided prefix.
\n@return The fully qualified CNAME to reserve when CreateEnvironment is called with the provided prefix.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "FullyQualifiedCNAME",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "FullyQualifiedCNAME",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "FullyQualifiedCNAME",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The fully qualified CNAME to reserve when CreateEnvironment is called with the provided prefix.
\n@param fullyQualifiedCNAME The fully qualified CNAME to reserve when CreateEnvironment is called with the provided prefix.",
"setterMethodName" : "setFullyQualifiedCNAME",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "fullyQualifiedCNAME",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "fullyQualifiedCNAME",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The fully qualified CNAME to reserve when CreateEnvironment is called with the provided prefix.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
} ],
"requestSignerAware" : false,
"requestSignerClassFqcn" : null,
"required" : null,
"shapeName" : "CheckDnsAvailabilityResponse",
"simpleMethod" : false,
"unmarshaller" : {
"flattened" : false,
"resultWrapper" : "CheckDNSAvailabilityResult"
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "CheckDnsAvailabilityResponse",
"variableName" : "checkDnsAvailabilityResponse",
"variableType" : "CheckDnsAvailabilityResponse",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "CheckDnsAvailabilityResponse",
"variableSetterType" : "CheckDnsAvailabilityResponse"
"wrapper" : false
"CodeBuildNotInServiceRegionException" : {
"c2jName" : "CodeBuildNotInServiceRegionException",
"customization" : {
"artificialResultWrapper" : null,
"skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false,
"skipGeneratingModelClass" : false,
"skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false,
"staxTargetDepthOffset" : 0
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "AWS CodeBuild is not available in the specified region.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"enums" : null,
"errorCode" : "CodeBuildNotInServiceRegionException",
"event" : false,
"eventStream" : false,
"explicitEventPayloadMember" : null,
"hasHeaderMember" : false,
"hasPayloadMember" : false,
"hasRequiresLengthMember" : false,
"hasStatusCodeMember" : false,
"hasStreamingMember" : false,
"httpStatusCode" : 400,
"marshaller" : null,
"members" : [ ],
"membersAsMap" : { },
"nonStreamingMembers" : [ ],
"requestSignerAware" : false,
"requestSignerClassFqcn" : null,
"required" : null,
"shapeName" : "CodeBuildNotInServiceRegionException",
"simpleMethod" : false,
"unmarshaller" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "CodeBuildNotInServiceRegionException",
"variableName" : "codeBuildNotInServiceRegionException",
"variableType" : "CodeBuildNotInServiceRegionException",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "CodeBuildNotInServiceRegionException",
"variableSetterType" : "CodeBuildNotInServiceRegionException"
"wrapper" : false
"ComposeEnvironmentsRequest" : {
"c2jName" : "ComposeEnvironmentsMessage",
"customization" : {
"artificialResultWrapper" : null,
"skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false,
"skipGeneratingModelClass" : false,
"skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false,
"staxTargetDepthOffset" : 0
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Request to create or update a group of environments.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"enums" : null,
"errorCode" : null,
"event" : false,
"eventStream" : false,
"explicitEventPayloadMember" : null,
"hasHeaderMember" : false,
"hasPayloadMember" : false,
"hasRequiresLengthMember" : false,
"hasStatusCodeMember" : false,
"hasStreamingMember" : false,
"httpStatusCode" : null,
"marshaller" : {
"action" : "ComposeEnvironments",
"locationName" : null,
"requestUri" : "/",
"target" : "ComposeEnvironments",
"verb" : "POST",
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"members" : [ {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getApplicationName",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setApplicationName",
"c2jName" : "ApplicationName",
"c2jShape" : "ApplicationName",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the application to which the specified source bundles belong.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #applicationName(String)}.\n@param applicationName a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #applicationName(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The name of the application to which the specified source bundles belong.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "applicationName",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the application to which the specified source bundles belong.
\n@param applicationName The name of the application to which the specified source bundles belong.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "applicationName",
"getterDocumentation" : "The name of the application to which the specified source bundles belong.
\n@return The name of the application to which the specified source bundles belong.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ApplicationName",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ApplicationName",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ApplicationName",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The name of the application to which the specified source bundles belong.
\n@param applicationName The name of the application to which the specified source bundles belong.",
"setterMethodName" : "setApplicationName",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "applicationName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "applicationName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The name of the application to which the specified source bundles belong.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getGroupName",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setGroupName",
"c2jName" : "GroupName",
"c2jShape" : "GroupName",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the group to which the target environments belong. Specify a group name only if the environment name defined in each target environment's manifest ends with a + (plus) character. See Environment Manifest (env.yaml) for details.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #groupName(String)}.\n@param groupName a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #groupName(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The name of the group to which the target environments belong. Specify a group name only if the environment name defined in each target environment's manifest ends with a + (plus) character. See Environment Manifest (env.yaml) for details.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "groupName",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the group to which the target environments belong. Specify a group name only if the environment name defined in each target environment's manifest ends with a + (plus) character. See Environment Manifest (env.yaml) for details.
\n@param groupName The name of the group to which the target environments belong. Specify a group name only if the environment name defined in each target environment's manifest ends with a + (plus) character. See Environment Manifest (env.yaml) for details.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "groupName",
"getterDocumentation" : "The name of the group to which the target environments belong. Specify a group name only if the environment name defined in each target environment's manifest ends with a + (plus) character. See Environment Manifest (env.yaml) for details.
\n@return The name of the group to which the target environments belong. Specify a group name only if the environment name defined in each target environment's manifest ends with a + (plus) character. See Environment Manifest (env.yaml) for details.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "GroupName",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "GroupName",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "GroupName",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The name of the group to which the target environments belong. Specify a group name only if the environment name defined in each target environment's manifest ends with a + (plus) character. See Environment Manifest (env.yaml) for details.
\n@param groupName The name of the group to which the target environments belong. Specify a group name only if the environment name defined in each target environment's manifest ends with a + (plus) character. See Environment Manifest (env.yaml) for details.",
"setterMethodName" : "setGroupName",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "groupName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "groupName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The name of the group to which the target environments belong. Specify a group name only if the environment name defined in each target environment's manifest ends with a + (plus) character. See Environment Manifest (env.yaml) for details.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getVersionLabels",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setVersionLabels",
"c2jName" : "VersionLabels",
"c2jShape" : "VersionLabels",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "A list of version labels, specifying one or more application source bundles that belong to the target application. Each source bundle must include an environment manifest that specifies the name of the environment and the name of the solution stack to use, and optionally can specify environment links to create.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link List.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link List#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link List.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #versionLabels(List)}.\n@param versionLabels a consumer that will call methods on {@link List.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #versionLabels(List)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "A list of version labels, specifying one or more application source bundles that belong to the target application. Each source bundle must include an environment manifest that specifies the name of the environment and the name of the solution stack to use, and optionally can specify environment links to create.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "versionLabels",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "A list of version labels, specifying one or more application source bundles that belong to the target application. Each source bundle must include an environment manifest that specifies the name of the environment and the name of the solution stack to use, and optionally can specify environment links to create.
\n@param versionLabels A list of version labels, specifying one or more application source bundles that belong to the target application. Each source bundle must include an environment manifest that specifies the name of the environment and the name of the solution stack to use, and optionally can specify environment links to create.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "versionLabels",
"getterDocumentation" : "A list of version labels, specifying one or more application source bundles that belong to the target application. Each source bundle must include an environment manifest that specifies the name of the environment and the name of the solution stack to use, and optionally can specify environment links to create.
\n\nAttempts to modify the collection returned by this method will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.\n
\n@return A list of version labels, specifying one or more application source bundles that belong to the target application. Each source bundle must include an environment manifest that specifies the name of the environment and the name of the solution stack to use, and optionally can specify environment links to create.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "VersionLabels",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "VersionLabels",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : true,
"listModel" : {
"implType" : "java.util.ArrayList",
"interfaceType" : "java.util.List",
"listMemberModel" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getMember",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setMember",
"c2jName" : "member",
"c2jShape" : "VersionLabel",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #member(String)}.\n@param member a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #member(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "",
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "member",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\n@param member The new value for the Member property for this object.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "member",
"getterDocumentation" : "Returns the value of the Member property for this object.\n@return The value of the Member property for this object.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "member",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "member",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "Member",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\n@param member The new value for the Member property for this object.",
"setterMethodName" : "setMember",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "member",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "member",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "",
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"memberLocationName" : null,
"memberType" : "String",
"map" : false,
"memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"simple" : true,
"simpleType" : "String",
"templateImplType" : "java.util.ArrayList",
"templateType" : "java.util.List"
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "LIST",
"name" : "VersionLabels",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "A list of version labels, specifying one or more application source bundles that belong to the target application. Each source bundle must include an environment manifest that specifies the name of the environment and the name of the solution stack to use, and optionally can specify environment links to create.
\n@param versionLabels A list of version labels, specifying one or more application source bundles that belong to the target application. Each source bundle must include an environment manifest that specifies the name of the environment and the name of the solution stack to use, and optionally can specify environment links to create.",
"setterMethodName" : "setVersionLabels",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.List",
"variableName" : "versionLabels",
"variableType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "List",
"variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.List",
"variableName" : "versionLabels",
"variableType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : "A list of version labels, specifying one or more application source bundles that belong to the target application. Each source bundle must include an environment manifest that specifies the name of the environment and the name of the solution stack to use, and optionally can specify environment links to create.
"simpleType" : "List",
"variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
} ],
"membersAsMap" : {
"ApplicationName" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getApplicationName",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setApplicationName",
"c2jName" : "ApplicationName",
"c2jShape" : "ApplicationName",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the application to which the specified source bundles belong.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #applicationName(String)}.\n@param applicationName a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #applicationName(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The name of the application to which the specified source bundles belong.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "applicationName",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the application to which the specified source bundles belong.
\n@param applicationName The name of the application to which the specified source bundles belong.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "applicationName",
"getterDocumentation" : "The name of the application to which the specified source bundles belong.
\n@return The name of the application to which the specified source bundles belong.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ApplicationName",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ApplicationName",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ApplicationName",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The name of the application to which the specified source bundles belong.
\n@param applicationName The name of the application to which the specified source bundles belong.",
"setterMethodName" : "setApplicationName",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "applicationName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "applicationName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The name of the application to which the specified source bundles belong.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"GroupName" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getGroupName",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setGroupName",
"c2jName" : "GroupName",
"c2jShape" : "GroupName",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the group to which the target environments belong. Specify a group name only if the environment name defined in each target environment's manifest ends with a + (plus) character. See Environment Manifest (env.yaml) for details.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #groupName(String)}.\n@param groupName a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #groupName(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The name of the group to which the target environments belong. Specify a group name only if the environment name defined in each target environment's manifest ends with a + (plus) character. See Environment Manifest (env.yaml) for details.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "groupName",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the group to which the target environments belong. Specify a group name only if the environment name defined in each target environment's manifest ends with a + (plus) character. See Environment Manifest (env.yaml) for details.
\n@param groupName The name of the group to which the target environments belong. Specify a group name only if the environment name defined in each target environment's manifest ends with a + (plus) character. See Environment Manifest (env.yaml) for details.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "groupName",
"getterDocumentation" : "The name of the group to which the target environments belong. Specify a group name only if the environment name defined in each target environment's manifest ends with a + (plus) character. See Environment Manifest (env.yaml) for details.
\n@return The name of the group to which the target environments belong. Specify a group name only if the environment name defined in each target environment's manifest ends with a + (plus) character. See Environment Manifest (env.yaml) for details.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "GroupName",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "GroupName",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "GroupName",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The name of the group to which the target environments belong. Specify a group name only if the environment name defined in each target environment's manifest ends with a + (plus) character. See Environment Manifest (env.yaml) for details.
\n@param groupName The name of the group to which the target environments belong. Specify a group name only if the environment name defined in each target environment's manifest ends with a + (plus) character. See Environment Manifest (env.yaml) for details.",
"setterMethodName" : "setGroupName",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "groupName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "groupName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The name of the group to which the target environments belong. Specify a group name only if the environment name defined in each target environment's manifest ends with a + (plus) character. See Environment Manifest (env.yaml) for details.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"VersionLabels" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getVersionLabels",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setVersionLabels",
"c2jName" : "VersionLabels",
"c2jShape" : "VersionLabels",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "A list of version labels, specifying one or more application source bundles that belong to the target application. Each source bundle must include an environment manifest that specifies the name of the environment and the name of the solution stack to use, and optionally can specify environment links to create.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link List.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link List#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link List.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #versionLabels(List)}.\n@param versionLabels a consumer that will call methods on {@link List.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #versionLabels(List)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "A list of version labels, specifying one or more application source bundles that belong to the target application. Each source bundle must include an environment manifest that specifies the name of the environment and the name of the solution stack to use, and optionally can specify environment links to create.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "versionLabels",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "A list of version labels, specifying one or more application source bundles that belong to the target application. Each source bundle must include an environment manifest that specifies the name of the environment and the name of the solution stack to use, and optionally can specify environment links to create.
\n@param versionLabels A list of version labels, specifying one or more application source bundles that belong to the target application. Each source bundle must include an environment manifest that specifies the name of the environment and the name of the solution stack to use, and optionally can specify environment links to create.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "versionLabels",
"getterDocumentation" : "A list of version labels, specifying one or more application source bundles that belong to the target application. Each source bundle must include an environment manifest that specifies the name of the environment and the name of the solution stack to use, and optionally can specify environment links to create.
\n\nAttempts to modify the collection returned by this method will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.\n
\n@return A list of version labels, specifying one or more application source bundles that belong to the target application. Each source bundle must include an environment manifest that specifies the name of the environment and the name of the solution stack to use, and optionally can specify environment links to create.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "VersionLabels",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "VersionLabels",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : true,
"listModel" : {
"implType" : "java.util.ArrayList",
"interfaceType" : "java.util.List",
"listMemberModel" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getMember",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setMember",
"c2jName" : "member",
"c2jShape" : "VersionLabel",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #member(String)}.\n@param member a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #member(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "",
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "member",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\n@param member The new value for the Member property for this object.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "member",
"getterDocumentation" : "Returns the value of the Member property for this object.\n@return The value of the Member property for this object.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "member",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "member",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "Member",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\n@param member The new value for the Member property for this object.",
"setterMethodName" : "setMember",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "member",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "member",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "",
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"memberLocationName" : null,
"memberType" : "String",
"map" : false,
"memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"simple" : true,
"simpleType" : "String",
"templateImplType" : "java.util.ArrayList",
"templateType" : "java.util.List"
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "LIST",
"name" : "VersionLabels",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "A list of version labels, specifying one or more application source bundles that belong to the target application. Each source bundle must include an environment manifest that specifies the name of the environment and the name of the solution stack to use, and optionally can specify environment links to create.
\n@param versionLabels A list of version labels, specifying one or more application source bundles that belong to the target application. Each source bundle must include an environment manifest that specifies the name of the environment and the name of the solution stack to use, and optionally can specify environment links to create.",
"setterMethodName" : "setVersionLabels",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.List",
"variableName" : "versionLabels",
"variableType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "List",
"variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.List",
"variableName" : "versionLabels",
"variableType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : "A list of version labels, specifying one or more application source bundles that belong to the target application. Each source bundle must include an environment manifest that specifies the name of the environment and the name of the solution stack to use, and optionally can specify environment links to create.
"simpleType" : "List",
"variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"nonStreamingMembers" : [ {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getApplicationName",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setApplicationName",
"c2jName" : "ApplicationName",
"c2jShape" : "ApplicationName",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the application to which the specified source bundles belong.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #applicationName(String)}.\n@param applicationName a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #applicationName(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The name of the application to which the specified source bundles belong.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "applicationName",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the application to which the specified source bundles belong.
\n@param applicationName The name of the application to which the specified source bundles belong.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "applicationName",
"getterDocumentation" : "The name of the application to which the specified source bundles belong.
\n@return The name of the application to which the specified source bundles belong.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ApplicationName",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ApplicationName",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ApplicationName",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The name of the application to which the specified source bundles belong.
\n@param applicationName The name of the application to which the specified source bundles belong.",
"setterMethodName" : "setApplicationName",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "applicationName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "applicationName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The name of the application to which the specified source bundles belong.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getGroupName",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setGroupName",
"c2jName" : "GroupName",
"c2jShape" : "GroupName",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the group to which the target environments belong. Specify a group name only if the environment name defined in each target environment's manifest ends with a + (plus) character. See Environment Manifest (env.yaml) for details.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #groupName(String)}.\n@param groupName a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #groupName(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The name of the group to which the target environments belong. Specify a group name only if the environment name defined in each target environment's manifest ends with a + (plus) character. See Environment Manifest (env.yaml) for details.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "groupName",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the group to which the target environments belong. Specify a group name only if the environment name defined in each target environment's manifest ends with a + (plus) character. See Environment Manifest (env.yaml) for details.
\n@param groupName The name of the group to which the target environments belong. Specify a group name only if the environment name defined in each target environment's manifest ends with a + (plus) character. See Environment Manifest (env.yaml) for details.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "groupName",
"getterDocumentation" : "The name of the group to which the target environments belong. Specify a group name only if the environment name defined in each target environment's manifest ends with a + (plus) character. See Environment Manifest (env.yaml) for details.
\n@return The name of the group to which the target environments belong. Specify a group name only if the environment name defined in each target environment's manifest ends with a + (plus) character. See Environment Manifest (env.yaml) for details.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "GroupName",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "GroupName",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "GroupName",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The name of the group to which the target environments belong. Specify a group name only if the environment name defined in each target environment's manifest ends with a + (plus) character. See Environment Manifest (env.yaml) for details.
\n@param groupName The name of the group to which the target environments belong. Specify a group name only if the environment name defined in each target environment's manifest ends with a + (plus) character. See Environment Manifest (env.yaml) for details.",
"setterMethodName" : "setGroupName",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "groupName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "groupName",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The name of the group to which the target environments belong. Specify a group name only if the environment name defined in each target environment's manifest ends with a + (plus) character. See Environment Manifest (env.yaml) for details.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getVersionLabels",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setVersionLabels",
"c2jName" : "VersionLabels",
"c2jShape" : "VersionLabels",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "A list of version labels, specifying one or more application source bundles that belong to the target application. Each source bundle must include an environment manifest that specifies the name of the environment and the name of the solution stack to use, and optionally can specify environment links to create.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link List.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link List#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link List.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #versionLabels(List)}.\n@param versionLabels a consumer that will call methods on {@link List.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #versionLabels(List)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "A list of version labels, specifying one or more application source bundles that belong to the target application. Each source bundle must include an environment manifest that specifies the name of the environment and the name of the solution stack to use, and optionally can specify environment links to create.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "versionLabels",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "A list of version labels, specifying one or more application source bundles that belong to the target application. Each source bundle must include an environment manifest that specifies the name of the environment and the name of the solution stack to use, and optionally can specify environment links to create.
\n@param versionLabels A list of version labels, specifying one or more application source bundles that belong to the target application. Each source bundle must include an environment manifest that specifies the name of the environment and the name of the solution stack to use, and optionally can specify environment links to create.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "versionLabels",
"getterDocumentation" : "A list of version labels, specifying one or more application source bundles that belong to the target application. Each source bundle must include an environment manifest that specifies the name of the environment and the name of the solution stack to use, and optionally can specify environment links to create.
\n\nAttempts to modify the collection returned by this method will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.\n
\n@return A list of version labels, specifying one or more application source bundles that belong to the target application. Each source bundle must include an environment manifest that specifies the name of the environment and the name of the solution stack to use, and optionally can specify environment links to create.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "VersionLabels",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "VersionLabels",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : true,
"listModel" : {
"implType" : "java.util.ArrayList",
"interfaceType" : "java.util.List",
"listMemberModel" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getMember",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setMember",
"c2jName" : "member",
"c2jShape" : "VersionLabel",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #member(String)}.\n@param member a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #member(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "",
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "member",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\n@param member The new value for the Member property for this object.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "member",
"getterDocumentation" : "Returns the value of the Member property for this object.\n@return The value of the Member property for this object.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "member",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "member",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "Member",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\n@param member The new value for the Member property for this object.",
"setterMethodName" : "setMember",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "member",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "member",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "",
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"memberLocationName" : null,
"memberType" : "String",
"map" : false,
"memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"simple" : true,
"simpleType" : "String",
"templateImplType" : "java.util.ArrayList",
"templateType" : "java.util.List"
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "LIST",
"name" : "VersionLabels",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "A list of version labels, specifying one or more application source bundles that belong to the target application. Each source bundle must include an environment manifest that specifies the name of the environment and the name of the solution stack to use, and optionally can specify environment links to create.
\n@param versionLabels A list of version labels, specifying one or more application source bundles that belong to the target application. Each source bundle must include an environment manifest that specifies the name of the environment and the name of the solution stack to use, and optionally can specify environment links to create.",
"setterMethodName" : "setVersionLabels",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.List",
"variableName" : "versionLabels",
"variableType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "List",
"variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.List",
"variableName" : "versionLabels",
"variableType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : "A list of version labels, specifying one or more application source bundles that belong to the target application. Each source bundle must include an environment manifest that specifies the name of the environment and the name of the solution stack to use, and optionally can specify environment links to create.
"simpleType" : "List",
"variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
} ],
"requestSignerAware" : false,
"requestSignerClassFqcn" : null,
"required" : null,
"shapeName" : "ComposeEnvironmentsRequest",
"simpleMethod" : false,
"unmarshaller" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ComposeEnvironmentsRequest",
"variableName" : "composeEnvironmentsRequest",
"variableType" : "ComposeEnvironmentsRequest",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "ComposeEnvironmentsRequest",
"variableSetterType" : "ComposeEnvironmentsRequest"
"wrapper" : false
"ComposeEnvironmentsResponse" : {
"c2jName" : "EnvironmentDescriptionsMessage",
"customization" : {
"artificialResultWrapper" : null,
"skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false,
"skipGeneratingModelClass" : false,
"skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false,
"staxTargetDepthOffset" : 0
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Result message containing a list of environment descriptions.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"enums" : null,
"errorCode" : null,
"event" : false,
"eventStream" : false,
"explicitEventPayloadMember" : null,
"hasHeaderMember" : false,
"hasPayloadMember" : false,
"hasRequiresLengthMember" : false,
"hasStatusCodeMember" : false,
"hasStreamingMember" : false,
"httpStatusCode" : null,
"marshaller" : null,
"members" : [ {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getEnvironments",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setEnvironments",
"c2jName" : "Environments",
"c2jShape" : "EnvironmentDescriptionsList",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : " Returns an EnvironmentDescription list.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link List.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link List#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link List.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #environments(List)}.\n@param environments a consumer that will call methods on {@link List.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #environments(List)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : " Returns an EnvironmentDescription list.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "environments",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : " Returns an EnvironmentDescription list.
\n@param environments Returns an EnvironmentDescription list.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "environments",
"getterDocumentation" : " Returns an EnvironmentDescription list.
\n\nAttempts to modify the collection returned by this method will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.\n
\n@return Returns an EnvironmentDescription list.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Environments",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Environments",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : true,
"listModel" : {
"implType" : "java.util.ArrayList",
"interfaceType" : "java.util.List",
"listMemberModel" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getMember",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setMember",
"c2jName" : "member",
"c2jShape" : "EnvironmentDescription",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link EnvironmentDescription.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link EnvironmentDescription#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link EnvironmentDescription.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #member(EnvironmentDescription)}.\n@param member a consumer that will call methods on {@link EnvironmentDescription.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #member(EnvironmentDescription)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "",
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "member",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\n@param member The new value for the Member property for this object.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "member",
"getterDocumentation" : "Returns the value of the Member property for this object.\n@return The value of the Member property for this object.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "EnvironmentDescription",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "member",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "member",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "SDK_POJO",
"name" : "Member",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\n@param member The new value for the Member property for this object.",
"setterMethodName" : "setMember",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "EnvironmentDescription",
"variableName" : "member",
"variableType" : "EnvironmentDescription",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "EnvironmentDescription",
"variableSetterType" : "EnvironmentDescription"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "EnvironmentDescription",
"variableName" : "member",
"variableType" : "EnvironmentDescription",
"documentation" : "",
"simpleType" : "EnvironmentDescription",
"variableSetterType" : "EnvironmentDescription"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"memberLocationName" : null,
"memberType" : "EnvironmentDescription",
"map" : false,
"memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"simple" : false,
"simpleType" : "EnvironmentDescription",
"templateImplType" : "java.util.ArrayList",
"templateType" : "java.util.List"
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "LIST",
"name" : "Environments",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : " Returns an EnvironmentDescription list.
\n@param environments Returns an EnvironmentDescription list.",
"setterMethodName" : "setEnvironments",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.List",
"variableName" : "environments",
"variableType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "List",
"variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.List",
"variableName" : "environments",
"variableType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : " Returns an EnvironmentDescription list.
"simpleType" : "List",
"variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getNextToken",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setNextToken",
"c2jName" : "NextToken",
"c2jShape" : "Token",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "In a paginated request, the token that you can pass in a subsequent request to get the next response page.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #nextToken(String)}.\n@param nextToken a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #nextToken(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "In a paginated request, the token that you can pass in a subsequent request to get the next response page.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "nextToken",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "In a paginated request, the token that you can pass in a subsequent request to get the next response page.
\n@param nextToken In a paginated request, the token that you can pass in a subsequent request to get the next response page.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "nextToken",
"getterDocumentation" : "In a paginated request, the token that you can pass in a subsequent request to get the next response page.
\n@return In a paginated request, the token that you can pass in a subsequent request to get the next response page.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "NextToken",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "NextToken",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "In a paginated request, the token that you can pass in a subsequent request to get the next response page.
\n@param nextToken In a paginated request, the token that you can pass in a subsequent request to get the next response page.",
"setterMethodName" : "setNextToken",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "nextToken",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "nextToken",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "In a paginated request, the token that you can pass in a subsequent request to get the next response page.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
} ],
"membersAsMap" : {
"Environments" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getEnvironments",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setEnvironments",
"c2jName" : "Environments",
"c2jShape" : "EnvironmentDescriptionsList",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : " Returns an EnvironmentDescription list.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link List.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link List#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link List.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #environments(List)}.\n@param environments a consumer that will call methods on {@link List.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #environments(List)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : " Returns an EnvironmentDescription list.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "environments",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : " Returns an EnvironmentDescription list.
\n@param environments Returns an EnvironmentDescription list.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "environments",
"getterDocumentation" : " Returns an EnvironmentDescription list.
\n\nAttempts to modify the collection returned by this method will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.\n
\n@return Returns an EnvironmentDescription list.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Environments",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Environments",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : true,
"listModel" : {
"implType" : "java.util.ArrayList",
"interfaceType" : "java.util.List",
"listMemberModel" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getMember",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setMember",
"c2jName" : "member",
"c2jShape" : "EnvironmentDescription",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link EnvironmentDescription.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link EnvironmentDescription#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link EnvironmentDescription.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #member(EnvironmentDescription)}.\n@param member a consumer that will call methods on {@link EnvironmentDescription.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #member(EnvironmentDescription)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "",
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "member",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\n@param member The new value for the Member property for this object.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "member",
"getterDocumentation" : "Returns the value of the Member property for this object.\n@return The value of the Member property for this object.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "EnvironmentDescription",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "member",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "member",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "SDK_POJO",
"name" : "Member",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\n@param member The new value for the Member property for this object.",
"setterMethodName" : "setMember",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "EnvironmentDescription",
"variableName" : "member",
"variableType" : "EnvironmentDescription",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "EnvironmentDescription",
"variableSetterType" : "EnvironmentDescription"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "EnvironmentDescription",
"variableName" : "member",
"variableType" : "EnvironmentDescription",
"documentation" : "",
"simpleType" : "EnvironmentDescription",
"variableSetterType" : "EnvironmentDescription"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"memberLocationName" : null,
"memberType" : "EnvironmentDescription",
"map" : false,
"memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"simple" : false,
"simpleType" : "EnvironmentDescription",
"templateImplType" : "java.util.ArrayList",
"templateType" : "java.util.List"
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "LIST",
"name" : "Environments",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : " Returns an EnvironmentDescription list.
\n@param environments Returns an EnvironmentDescription list.",
"setterMethodName" : "setEnvironments",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.List",
"variableName" : "environments",
"variableType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "List",
"variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.List",
"variableName" : "environments",
"variableType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : " Returns an EnvironmentDescription list.
"simpleType" : "List",
"variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"NextToken" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getNextToken",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setNextToken",
"c2jName" : "NextToken",
"c2jShape" : "Token",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "In a paginated request, the token that you can pass in a subsequent request to get the next response page.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #nextToken(String)}.\n@param nextToken a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #nextToken(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "In a paginated request, the token that you can pass in a subsequent request to get the next response page.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "nextToken",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "In a paginated request, the token that you can pass in a subsequent request to get the next response page.
\n@param nextToken In a paginated request, the token that you can pass in a subsequent request to get the next response page.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "nextToken",
"getterDocumentation" : "In a paginated request, the token that you can pass in a subsequent request to get the next response page.
\n@return In a paginated request, the token that you can pass in a subsequent request to get the next response page.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "NextToken",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "NextToken",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "In a paginated request, the token that you can pass in a subsequent request to get the next response page.
\n@param nextToken In a paginated request, the token that you can pass in a subsequent request to get the next response page.",
"setterMethodName" : "setNextToken",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "nextToken",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "nextToken",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "In a paginated request, the token that you can pass in a subsequent request to get the next response page.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"nonStreamingMembers" : [ {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getEnvironments",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setEnvironments",
"c2jName" : "Environments",
"c2jShape" : "EnvironmentDescriptionsList",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : " Returns an EnvironmentDescription list.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link List.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link List#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link List.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #environments(List)}.\n@param environments a consumer that will call methods on {@link List.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #environments(List)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : " Returns an EnvironmentDescription list.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "environments",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : " Returns an EnvironmentDescription list.
\n@param environments Returns an EnvironmentDescription list.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "environments",
"getterDocumentation" : " Returns an EnvironmentDescription list.
\n\nAttempts to modify the collection returned by this method will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.\n
\n@return Returns an EnvironmentDescription list.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Environments",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Environments",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : true,
"listModel" : {
"implType" : "java.util.ArrayList",
"interfaceType" : "java.util.List",
"listMemberModel" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getMember",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setMember",
"c2jName" : "member",
"c2jShape" : "EnvironmentDescription",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link EnvironmentDescription.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link EnvironmentDescription#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link EnvironmentDescription.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #member(EnvironmentDescription)}.\n@param member a consumer that will call methods on {@link EnvironmentDescription.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #member(EnvironmentDescription)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "",
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "member",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\n@param member The new value for the Member property for this object.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "member",
"getterDocumentation" : "Returns the value of the Member property for this object.\n@return The value of the Member property for this object.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "EnvironmentDescription",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "member",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "member",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "SDK_POJO",
"name" : "Member",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\n@param member The new value for the Member property for this object.",
"setterMethodName" : "setMember",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "EnvironmentDescription",
"variableName" : "member",
"variableType" : "EnvironmentDescription",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "EnvironmentDescription",
"variableSetterType" : "EnvironmentDescription"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "EnvironmentDescription",
"variableName" : "member",
"variableType" : "EnvironmentDescription",
"documentation" : "",
"simpleType" : "EnvironmentDescription",
"variableSetterType" : "EnvironmentDescription"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"memberLocationName" : null,
"memberType" : "EnvironmentDescription",
"map" : false,
"memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"simple" : false,
"simpleType" : "EnvironmentDescription",
"templateImplType" : "java.util.ArrayList",
"templateType" : "java.util.List"
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "LIST",
"name" : "Environments",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : " Returns an EnvironmentDescription list.
\n@param environments Returns an EnvironmentDescription list.",
"setterMethodName" : "setEnvironments",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.List",
"variableName" : "environments",
"variableType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "List",
"variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.List",
"variableName" : "environments",
"variableType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : " Returns an EnvironmentDescription list.
"simpleType" : "List",
"variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getNextToken",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setNextToken",
"c2jName" : "NextToken",
"c2jShape" : "Token",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "In a paginated request, the token that you can pass in a subsequent request to get the next response page.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #nextToken(String)}.\n@param nextToken a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #nextToken(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "In a paginated request, the token that you can pass in a subsequent request to get the next response page.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "nextToken",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "In a paginated request, the token that you can pass in a subsequent request to get the next response page.
\n@param nextToken In a paginated request, the token that you can pass in a subsequent request to get the next response page.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "nextToken",
"getterDocumentation" : "In a paginated request, the token that you can pass in a subsequent request to get the next response page.
\n@return In a paginated request, the token that you can pass in a subsequent request to get the next response page.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "NextToken",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "NextToken",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "In a paginated request, the token that you can pass in a subsequent request to get the next response page.
\n@param nextToken In a paginated request, the token that you can pass in a subsequent request to get the next response page.",
"setterMethodName" : "setNextToken",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "nextToken",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "nextToken",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "In a paginated request, the token that you can pass in a subsequent request to get the next response page.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
} ],
"requestSignerAware" : false,
"requestSignerClassFqcn" : null,
"required" : null,
"shapeName" : "ComposeEnvironmentsResponse",
"simpleMethod" : false,
"unmarshaller" : {
"flattened" : false,
"resultWrapper" : "ComposeEnvironmentsResult"
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ComposeEnvironmentsResponse",
"variableName" : "composeEnvironmentsResponse",
"variableType" : "ComposeEnvironmentsResponse",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "ComposeEnvironmentsResponse",
"variableSetterType" : "ComposeEnvironmentsResponse"
"wrapper" : false
"ComputeType" : {
"c2jName" : "ComputeType",
"customization" : {
"artificialResultWrapper" : null,
"skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false,
"skipGeneratingModelClass" : false,
"skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false,
"staxTargetDepthOffset" : 0
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "",
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"enums" : [ {
}, {
}, {
} ],
"errorCode" : null,
"event" : false,
"eventStream" : false,
"explicitEventPayloadMember" : null,
"hasHeaderMember" : false,
"hasPayloadMember" : false,
"hasRequiresLengthMember" : false,
"hasStatusCodeMember" : false,
"hasStreamingMember" : false,
"httpStatusCode" : null,
"marshaller" : null,
"members" : [ ],
"membersAsMap" : { },
"nonStreamingMembers" : [ ],
"requestSignerAware" : false,
"requestSignerClassFqcn" : null,
"required" : null,
"shapeName" : "ComputeType",
"simpleMethod" : false,
"unmarshaller" : {
"flattened" : false,
"resultWrapper" : null
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ComputeType",
"variableName" : "computeType",
"variableType" : "ComputeType",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "ComputeType",
"variableSetterType" : "ComputeType"
"wrapper" : false
"ConfigurationDeploymentStatus" : {
"c2jName" : "ConfigurationDeploymentStatus",
"customization" : {
"artificialResultWrapper" : null,
"skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false,
"skipGeneratingModelClass" : false,
"skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false,
"staxTargetDepthOffset" : 0
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "",
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"enums" : [ {
"name" : "DEPLOYED",
"value" : "deployed"
}, {
"name" : "PENDING",
"value" : "pending"
}, {
"name" : "FAILED",
"value" : "failed"
} ],
"errorCode" : null,
"event" : false,
"eventStream" : false,
"explicitEventPayloadMember" : null,
"hasHeaderMember" : false,
"hasPayloadMember" : false,
"hasRequiresLengthMember" : false,
"hasStatusCodeMember" : false,
"hasStreamingMember" : false,
"httpStatusCode" : null,
"marshaller" : null,
"members" : [ ],
"membersAsMap" : { },
"nonStreamingMembers" : [ ],
"requestSignerAware" : false,
"requestSignerClassFqcn" : null,
"required" : null,
"shapeName" : "ConfigurationDeploymentStatus",
"simpleMethod" : false,
"unmarshaller" : {
"flattened" : false,
"resultWrapper" : null
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "ConfigurationDeploymentStatus",
"variableName" : "configurationDeploymentStatus",
"variableType" : "ConfigurationDeploymentStatus",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "ConfigurationDeploymentStatus",
"variableSetterType" : "ConfigurationDeploymentStatus"
"wrapper" : false
"ConfigurationOptionDescription" : {
"c2jName" : "ConfigurationOptionDescription",
"customization" : {
"artificialResultWrapper" : null,
"skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false,
"skipGeneratingModelClass" : false,
"skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false,
"staxTargetDepthOffset" : 0
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "Describes the possible values for a configuration option.
"endpointDiscovery" : null,
"enums" : null,
"errorCode" : null,
"event" : false,
"eventStream" : false,
"explicitEventPayloadMember" : null,
"hasHeaderMember" : false,
"hasPayloadMember" : false,
"hasRequiresLengthMember" : false,
"hasStatusCodeMember" : false,
"hasStreamingMember" : false,
"httpStatusCode" : null,
"marshaller" : null,
"members" : [ {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getNamespace",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setNamespace",
"c2jName" : "Namespace",
"c2jShape" : "OptionNamespace",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "A unique namespace identifying the option's associated AWS resource.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #namespace(String)}.\n@param namespace a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #namespace(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "A unique namespace identifying the option's associated AWS resource.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "namespace",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "A unique namespace identifying the option's associated AWS resource.
\n@param namespace A unique namespace identifying the option's associated AWS resource.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "namespace",
"getterDocumentation" : "A unique namespace identifying the option's associated AWS resource.
\n@return A unique namespace identifying the option's associated AWS resource.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Namespace",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Namespace",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "Namespace",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "A unique namespace identifying the option's associated AWS resource.
\n@param namespace A unique namespace identifying the option's associated AWS resource.",
"setterMethodName" : "setNamespace",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "namespace",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "namespace",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "A unique namespace identifying the option's associated AWS resource.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getName",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setName",
"c2jName" : "Name",
"c2jShape" : "ConfigurationOptionName",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the configuration option.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #name(String)}.\n@param name a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #name(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The name of the configuration option.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "name",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The name of the configuration option.
\n@param name The name of the configuration option.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "name",
"getterDocumentation" : "The name of the configuration option.
\n@return The name of the configuration option.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "Name",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "Name",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "Name",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The name of the configuration option.
\n@param name The name of the configuration option.",
"setterMethodName" : "setName",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "name",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "name",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The name of the configuration option.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getDefaultValue",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setDefaultValue",
"c2jName" : "DefaultValue",
"c2jShape" : "ConfigurationOptionDefaultValue",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "The default value for this configuration option.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #defaultValue(String)}.\n@param defaultValue a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #defaultValue(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "The default value for this configuration option.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "defaultValue",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "The default value for this configuration option.
\n@param defaultValue The default value for this configuration option.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "defaultValue",
"getterDocumentation" : "The default value for this configuration option.
\n@return The default value for this configuration option.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "DefaultValue",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "DefaultValue",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "DefaultValue",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "The default value for this configuration option.
\n@param defaultValue The default value for this configuration option.",
"setterMethodName" : "setDefaultValue",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "defaultValue",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "defaultValue",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "The default value for this configuration option.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getChangeSeverity",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setChangeSeverity",
"c2jName" : "ChangeSeverity",
"c2jShape" : "ConfigurationOptionSeverity",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "An indication of which action is required if the value for this configuration option changes:
: There is no interruption to the environment or application availability.
: The environment is entirely restarted, all AWS resources are deleted and recreated, and the environment is unavailable during the process.
: The environment is available the entire time. However, a short application outage occurs when the application servers on the running Amazon EC2 instances are restarted.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #changeSeverity(String)}.\n@param changeSeverity a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #changeSeverity(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "An indication of which action is required if the value for this configuration option changes:
: There is no interruption to the environment or application availability.
: The environment is entirely restarted, all AWS resources are deleted and recreated, and the environment is unavailable during the process.
: The environment is available the entire time. However, a short application outage occurs when the application servers on the running Amazon EC2 instances are restarted.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "changeSeverity",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "An indication of which action is required if the value for this configuration option changes:
: There is no interruption to the environment or application availability.
: The environment is entirely restarted, all AWS resources are deleted and recreated, and the environment is unavailable during the process.
: The environment is available the entire time. However, a short application outage occurs when the application servers on the running Amazon EC2 instances are restarted.
\n@param changeSeverity An indication of which action is required if the value for this configuration option changes: -
: There is no interruption to the environment or application availability.
: The environment is entirely restarted, all AWS resources are deleted and recreated, and the environment is unavailable during the process.
: The environment is available the entire time. However, a short application outage occurs when the application servers on the running Amazon EC2 instances are restarted.
\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "changeSeverity",
"getterDocumentation" : "An indication of which action is required if the value for this configuration option changes:
: There is no interruption to the environment or application availability.
: The environment is entirely restarted, all AWS resources are deleted and recreated, and the environment is unavailable during the process.
: The environment is available the entire time. However, a short application outage occurs when the application servers on the running Amazon EC2 instances are restarted.
\n@return An indication of which action is required if the value for this configuration option changes: -
: There is no interruption to the environment or application availability.
: The environment is entirely restarted, all AWS resources are deleted and recreated, and the environment is unavailable during the process.
: The environment is available the entire time. However, a short application outage occurs when the application servers on the running Amazon EC2 instances are restarted.
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ChangeSeverity",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ChangeSeverity",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ChangeSeverity",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "An indication of which action is required if the value for this configuration option changes:
: There is no interruption to the environment or application availability.
: The environment is entirely restarted, all AWS resources are deleted and recreated, and the environment is unavailable during the process.
: The environment is available the entire time. However, a short application outage occurs when the application servers on the running Amazon EC2 instances are restarted.
\n@param changeSeverity An indication of which action is required if the value for this configuration option changes: -
: There is no interruption to the environment or application availability.
: The environment is entirely restarted, all AWS resources are deleted and recreated, and the environment is unavailable during the process.
: The environment is available the entire time. However, a short application outage occurs when the application servers on the running Amazon EC2 instances are restarted.
"setterMethodName" : "setChangeSeverity",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "changeSeverity",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "changeSeverity",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "An indication of which action is required if the value for this configuration option changes:
: There is no interruption to the environment or application availability.
: The environment is entirely restarted, all AWS resources are deleted and recreated, and the environment is unavailable during the process.
: The environment is available the entire time. However, a short application outage occurs when the application servers on the running Amazon EC2 instances are restarted.
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getUserDefined",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setUserDefined",
"c2jName" : "UserDefined",
"c2jShape" : "UserDefinedOption",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "An indication of whether the user defined this configuration option:
: This configuration option was defined by the user. It is a valid choice for specifying if this as an Option to Remove
when updating configuration settings.
: This configuration was not defined by the user.
Constraint: You can remove only UserDefined
options from a configuration.
Valid Values: true
| false
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link Boolean.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link Boolean#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link Boolean.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #userDefined(Boolean)}.\n@param userDefined a consumer that will call methods on {@link Boolean.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #userDefined(Boolean)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "An indication of whether the user defined this configuration option:
: This configuration option was defined by the user. It is a valid choice for specifying if this as an Option to Remove
when updating configuration settings.
: This configuration was not defined by the user.
Constraint: You can remove only UserDefined
options from a configuration.
Valid Values: true
| false
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "userDefined",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "An indication of whether the user defined this configuration option:
: This configuration option was defined by the user. It is a valid choice for specifying if this as an Option to Remove
when updating configuration settings.
: This configuration was not defined by the user.
Constraint: You can remove only UserDefined
options from a configuration.
Valid Values: true
| false
\n@param userDefined An indication of whether the user defined this configuration option: -
: This configuration option was defined by the user. It is a valid choice for specifying if this as an Option to Remove
when updating configuration settings.
: This configuration was not defined by the user.
Constraint: You can remove only UserDefined
options from a configuration.
Valid Values: true
| false
\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "userDefined",
"getterDocumentation" : "
An indication of whether the user defined this configuration option:
: This configuration option was defined by the user. It is a valid choice for specifying if this as an Option to Remove
when updating configuration settings.
: This configuration was not defined by the user.
Constraint: You can remove only UserDefined
options from a configuration.
Valid Values: true
| false
\n@return An indication of whether the user defined this configuration option: -
: This configuration option was defined by the user. It is a valid choice for specifying if this as an Option to Remove
when updating configuration settings.
: This configuration was not defined by the user.
Constraint: You can remove only UserDefined
options from a configuration.
Valid Values: true
| false
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Boolean",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "UserDefined",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "UserDefined",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "BOOLEAN",
"name" : "UserDefined",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "
An indication of whether the user defined this configuration option:
: This configuration option was defined by the user. It is a valid choice for specifying if this as an Option to Remove
when updating configuration settings.
: This configuration was not defined by the user.
Constraint: You can remove only UserDefined
options from a configuration.
Valid Values: true
| false
\n@param userDefined An indication of whether the user defined this configuration option: -
: This configuration option was defined by the user. It is a valid choice for specifying if this as an Option to Remove
when updating configuration settings.
: This configuration was not defined by the user.
Constraint: You can remove only UserDefined
options from a configuration.
Valid Values: true
| false
"setterMethodName" : "setUserDefined",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean",
"variableName" : "userDefined",
"variableType" : "Boolean",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "Boolean",
"variableSetterType" : "Boolean"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean",
"variableName" : "userDefined",
"variableType" : "Boolean",
"documentation" : "
An indication of whether the user defined this configuration option:
: This configuration option was defined by the user. It is a valid choice for specifying if this as an Option to Remove
when updating configuration settings.
: This configuration was not defined by the user.
Constraint: You can remove only UserDefined
options from a configuration.
Valid Values: true
| false
"simpleType" : "Boolean",
"variableSetterType" : "Boolean"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getValueTypeAsString",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setValueType",
"c2jName" : "ValueType",
"c2jShape" : "ConfigurationOptionValueType",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "An indication of which type of values this option has and whether it is allowable to select one or more than one of the possible values:
: Values for this option are a single selection from the possible values, or an unformatted string, or numeric value governed by the MIN/MAX/Regex
: Values for this option are multiple selections from the possible values.
: Values for this option are either true
or false
: Values for this option are a JSON representation of a ConfigDocument
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #valueTypeAsString(String)}.\n@param valueType a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #valueType(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "An indication of which type of values this option has and whether it is allowable to select one or more than one of the possible values:
: Values for this option are a single selection from the possible values, or an unformatted string, or numeric value governed by the MIN/MAX/Regex
: Values for this option are multiple selections from the possible values.
: Values for this option are either true
or false
: Values for this option are a JSON representation of a ConfigDocument
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : "ConfigurationOptionValueType",
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : "valueType",
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : "valueType",
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "valueTypeAsString",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "An indication of which type of values this option has and whether it is allowable to select one or more than one of the possible values:
: Values for this option are a single selection from the possible values, or an unformatted string, or numeric value governed by the MIN/MAX/Regex
: Values for this option are multiple selections from the possible values.
: Values for this option are either true
or false
: Values for this option are a JSON representation of a ConfigDocument
\n@param valueType An indication of which type of values this option has and whether it is allowable to select one or more than one of the possible values: -
: Values for this option are a single selection from the possible values, or an unformatted string, or numeric value governed by the MIN/MAX/Regex
: Values for this option are multiple selections from the possible values.
: Values for this option are either true
or false
: Values for this option are a JSON representation of a ConfigDocument
\n@see ConfigurationOptionValueType\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see ConfigurationOptionValueType",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "valueType",
"getterDocumentation" : "An indication of which type of values this option has and whether it is allowable to select one or more than one of the possible values:
: Values for this option are a single selection from the possible values, or an unformatted string, or numeric value governed by the MIN/MAX/Regex
: Values for this option are multiple selections from the possible values.
: Values for this option are either true
or false
: Values for this option are a JSON representation of a ConfigDocument
\n\nIf the service returns an enum value that is not available in the current SDK version, {@link #valueType} will return {@link ConfigurationOptionValueType#UNKNOWN_TO_SDK_VERSION}. The raw value returned by the service is available from {@link #valueTypeAsString}.\n
\n@return An indication of which type of values this option has and whether it is allowable to select one or more than one of the possible values: -
: Values for this option are a single selection from the possible values, or an unformatted string, or numeric value governed by the MIN/MAX/Regex
: Values for this option are multiple selections from the possible values.
: Values for this option are either true
or false
: Values for this option are a JSON representation of a ConfigDocument
\n@see ConfigurationOptionValueType",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ValueType",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ValueType",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "ValueType",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "An indication of which type of values this option has and whether it is allowable to select one or more than one of the possible values:
: Values for this option are a single selection from the possible values, or an unformatted string, or numeric value governed by the MIN/MAX/Regex
: Values for this option are multiple selections from the possible values.
: Values for this option are either true
or false
: Values for this option are a JSON representation of a ConfigDocument
\n@param valueType An indication of which type of values this option has and whether it is allowable to select one or more than one of the possible values: -
: Values for this option are a single selection from the possible values, or an unformatted string, or numeric value governed by the MIN/MAX/Regex
: Values for this option are multiple selections from the possible values.
: Values for this option are either true
or false
: Values for this option are a JSON representation of a ConfigDocument
\n@see ConfigurationOptionValueType",
"setterMethodName" : "setValueType",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "valueType",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "valueType",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "An indication of which type of values this option has and whether it is allowable to select one or more than one of the possible values:
: Values for this option are a single selection from the possible values, or an unformatted string, or numeric value governed by the MIN/MAX/Regex
: Values for this option are multiple selections from the possible values.
: Values for this option are either true
or false
: Values for this option are a JSON representation of a ConfigDocument
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
}, {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getValueOptions",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setValueOptions",
"c2jName" : "ValueOptions",
"c2jShape" : "ConfigurationOptionPossibleValues",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "If specified, values for the configuration option are selected from this list.
\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link List.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link List#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link List.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #valueOptions(List)}.\n@param valueOptions a consumer that will call methods on {@link List.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #valueOptions(List)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "If specified, values for the configuration option are selected from this list.
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "valueOptions",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "If specified, values for the configuration option are selected from this list.
\n@param valueOptions If specified, values for the configuration option are selected from this list.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "valueOptions",
"getterDocumentation" : "If specified, values for the configuration option are selected from this list.
\n\nAttempts to modify the collection returned by this method will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.\n
\n@return If specified, values for the configuration option are selected from this list.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "ValueOptions",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "ValueOptions",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : true,
"listModel" : {
"implType" : "java.util.ArrayList",
"interfaceType" : "java.util.List",
"listMemberModel" : {
"beanStyleGetterMethodName" : "getMember",
"beanStyleSetterMethodName" : "setMember",
"c2jName" : "member",
"c2jShape" : "ConfigurationOptionPossibleValue",
"defaultConsumerFluentSetterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\nThis is a convenience that creates an instance of the {@link String.Builder} avoiding the need to create one manually via {@link String#builder()}.\n\nWhen the {@link Consumer} completes, {@link String.Builder#build()} is called immediately and its result is passed to {@link #member(String)}.\n@param member a consumer that will call methods on {@link String.Builder}\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see #member(String)",
"deprecated" : false,
"documentation" : "",
"endpointDiscoveryId" : false,
"enumType" : null,
"eventHeader" : false,
"eventPayload" : false,
"fluentEnumGetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentEnumSetterMethodName" : null,
"fluentGetterMethodName" : "member",
"fluentSetterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\n@param member The new value for the Member property for this object.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "member",
"getterDocumentation" : "Returns the value of the Member property for this object.\n@return The value of the Member property for this object.",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "String",
"documentation" : null
"http" : {
"additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"flattened" : false,
"greedy" : false,
"header" : false,
"isPayload" : false,
"isStreaming" : false,
"location" : null,
"marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
"marshallLocationName" : "member",
"queryString" : false,
"requiresLength" : false,
"statusCode" : false,
"unmarshallLocationName" : "member",
"uri" : false
"idempotencyToken" : false,
"isBinary" : false,
"jsonValue" : false,
"list" : false,
"listModel" : null,
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "STRING",
"name" : "Member",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "Sets the value of the Member property for this object.\n\n@param member The new value for the Member property for this object.",
"setterMethodName" : "setMember",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "member",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"simple" : true,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "String",
"variableName" : "member",
"variableType" : "String",
"documentation" : "",
"simpleType" : "String",
"variableSetterType" : "String"
"xmlNameSpaceUri" : null
"memberLocationName" : null,
"memberType" : "String",
"map" : false,
"memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null,
"memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
"simple" : true,
"simpleType" : "String",
"templateImplType" : "java.util.ArrayList",
"templateType" : "java.util.List"
"map" : false,
"mapModel" : null,
"marshallingType" : "LIST",
"name" : "ValueOptions",
"sensitive" : false,
"setterDocumentation" : "If specified, values for the configuration option are selected from this list.
\n@param valueOptions If specified, values for the configuration option are selected from this list.",
"setterMethodName" : "setValueOptions",
"setterModel" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.List",
"variableName" : "valueOptions",
"variableType" : "java.util.List",
"documentation" : null,
"simpleType" : "List",
"variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection"
"simple" : false,
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variable" : {
"variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.List