Maven / Gradle / Ivy
"version" : "2.0",
"service" : "Stub description
"operations" : {
"ClaimDevicesByClaimCode" : "Adds device(s) to your account (i.e., claim one or more devices) if and only if\n you received a claim code with the device(s).
"DescribeDevice" : "Given a device ID, returns a DescribeDeviceResponse object describing\n the details of the device.
"FinalizeDeviceClaim" : "Given a device ID, finalizes the claim request for the associated device.
\n Claiming a device consists of initiating a claim, then publishing a device\n event, and finalizing the claim. For a device of type button, a\n device event can be published by simply clicking the device.
\n ",
"GetDeviceMethods" : "Given a device ID, returns the invokable methods associated with the\n device.
"InitiateDeviceClaim" : "Given a device ID, initiates a claim request for the associated device.
\n Claiming a device consists of initiating a claim, then publishing a device\n event, and finalizing the claim. For a device of type button, a\n device event can be published by simply clicking the device.
\n ",
"InvokeDeviceMethod" : "Given a device ID, issues a request to invoke a named device method (with possible\n parameters). See the \"Example POST\" code snippet below.
"ListDeviceEvents" : "Using a device ID, returns a DeviceEventsResponse object containing\n an array of events for the device.
"ListDevices" : "Lists the 1-Click compatible devices associated with your AWS account.
"UnclaimDevice" : "Disassociates a device from your AWS account using its device ID.
"UpdateDeviceState" : "Using a Boolean value (true or false), this operation\n enables or disables the device given a device ID.
"shapes" : {
"Attributes" : {
"base" : null,
"refs" : {
"Device$Attributes" : "The user specified attributes associated with the device for an event.
"ClaimDevicesByClaimCodeResponse" : {
"base" : null,
"refs" : { }
"DescribeDeviceResponse" : {
"base" : null,
"refs" : { }
"Device" : {
"base" : null,
"refs" : {
"DeviceEvent$Device" : "An object representing the device associated with the event.
"DeviceAttributes" : {
"base" : "\n DeviceAttributes is a string-to-string map specified by the user.
"refs" : {
"DeviceDescription$Attributes" : "An array of zero or more elements of DeviceAttribute objects\n providing user specified device attributes.
"DeviceClaimResponse" : {
"base" : null,
"refs" : { }
"DeviceDescription" : {
"base" : null,
"refs" : {
"DescribeDeviceResponse$DeviceDescription" : "Device details.
"__listOfDeviceDescription$member" : null
"DeviceEvent" : {
"base" : null,
"refs" : {
"__listOfDeviceEvent$member" : null
"DeviceEventsResponse" : {
"base" : null,
"refs" : { }
"DeviceMethod" : {
"base" : null,
"refs" : {
"InvokeDeviceMethodRequest$DeviceMethod" : "The device method to invoke.
"__listOfDeviceMethod$member" : null
"Empty" : {
"base" : "On success, an empty object is returned.
"refs" : { }
"ForbiddenException" : {
"base" : null,
"refs" : { }
"GetDeviceMethodsResponse" : {
"base" : null,
"refs" : { }
"InternalFailureException" : {
"base" : null,
"refs" : { }
"InvalidRequestException" : {
"base" : null,
"refs" : { }
"InvokeDeviceMethodRequest" : {
"base" : null,
"refs" : { }
"InvokeDeviceMethodResponse" : {
"base" : null,
"refs" : { }
"ListDevicesResponse" : {
"base" : null,
"refs" : { }
"PreconditionFailedException" : {
"base" : null,
"refs" : { }
"RangeNotSatisfiableException" : {
"base" : null,
"refs" : { }
"ResourceConflictException" : {
"base" : null,
"refs" : { }
"ResourceNotFoundException" : {
"base" : null,
"refs" : { }
"UpdateDeviceStateRequest" : {
"base" : null,
"refs" : { }
"__boolean" : {
"base" : null,
"refs" : {
"DeviceDescription$Enabled" : "A Boolean value indicating whether or not the device is enabled.
"UpdateDeviceStateRequest$Enabled" : "If true, the device is enabled. If false, the device is\n disabled.
"__doubleMin0Max100" : {
"base" : null,
"refs" : {
"DeviceDescription$RemainingLife" : "A value between 0 and 1 inclusive, representing the fraction of life remaining for\n the device.
"__integer" : {
"base" : null,
"refs" : {
"ClaimDevicesByClaimCodeResponse$Total" : "The total number of devices associated with the claim code that has been processed\n in the claim request.
"__listOfDeviceDescription" : {
"base" : null,
"refs" : {
"ListDevicesResponse$Devices" : "A list of devices.
"__listOfDeviceEvent" : {
"base" : null,
"refs" : {
"DeviceEventsResponse$Events" : "An array of zero or more elements describing the event(s) associated with the\n device.
"__listOfDeviceMethod" : {
"base" : null,
"refs" : {
"GetDeviceMethodsResponse$DeviceMethods" : "List of available device APIs.
"__string" : {
"base" : null,
"refs" : {
"Device$DeviceId" : "The unique identifier of the device.
"Device$Type" : "The device type, such as \"button\".
"DeviceAttributes$member" : null,
"DeviceClaimResponse$State" : "The device's final claim state.
"DeviceDescription$DeviceId" : "The unique identifier of the device.
"DeviceDescription$Type" : "The type of the device, such as \"button\".
"DeviceEvent$StdEvent" : "A serialized JSON object representing the device-type specific event.
"DeviceEventsResponse$NextToken" : "The token to retrieve the next set of results.
"DeviceMethod$DeviceType" : "The type of the device, such as \"button\".
"DeviceMethod$MethodName" : "The name of the method applicable to the deviceType.
"ForbiddenException$Code" : "403
"ForbiddenException$Message" : "The 403 error message returned by the web server.
"InternalFailureException$Code" : "500
"InternalFailureException$Message" : "The 500 error message returned by the web server.
"InvalidRequestException$Code" : "400
"InvalidRequestException$Message" : "The 400 error message returned by the web server.
"InvokeDeviceMethodRequest$DeviceMethodParameters" : "A JSON encoded string containing the device method request parameters.
"InvokeDeviceMethodResponse$DeviceMethodResponse" : "A JSON encoded string containing the device method response.
"ListDevicesResponse$NextToken" : "The token to retrieve the next set of results.
"PreconditionFailedException$Code" : "412
"PreconditionFailedException$Message" : "An error message explaining the error or its remedy.
"RangeNotSatisfiableException$Code" : "416
"RangeNotSatisfiableException$Message" : "The requested number of results specified by nextToken cannot be\n satisfied.
"ResourceConflictException$Code" : "409
"ResourceConflictException$Message" : "An error message explaining the error or its remedy.
"ResourceNotFoundException$Code" : "404
"ResourceNotFoundException$Message" : "The requested device could not be found.
"__stringMin12Max40" : {
"base" : null,
"refs" : {
"ClaimDevicesByClaimCodeResponse$ClaimCode" : "The claim code provided by the device manufacturer.