Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.lsp4j.Position;
import org.eclipse.lsp4j.Range;
* In-memory representation of a text document, indexed by line, which can
* be patched in-place.
* Methods on this class will often return {@code -1} or {@code null} for
* failure cases to reduce allocations, since these methods may be called
* frequently.
public final class Document {
private final StringBuilder buffer;
private int[] lineIndices;
private Document(StringBuilder buffer, int[] lineIndices) {
this.buffer = buffer;
this.lineIndices = lineIndices;
* @param string String to create a document for
* @return The created document
public static Document of(String string) {
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(string);
int[] lineIndicies = computeLineIndicies(buffer);
return new Document(buffer, lineIndicies);
* @return A copy of this document
public Document copy() {
return new Document(new StringBuilder(copyText()), lineIndices.clone());
* @param range The range to apply the edit to. Providing {@code null} will
* replace the text in the document
* @param text The text of the edit to apply
public void applyEdit(Range range, String text) {
if (range == null) {
buffer.replace(0, buffer.length(), text);
} else {
Position start = range.getStart();
Position end = range.getEnd();
if (start.getLine() >= lineIndices.length) {
} else {
int startIndex = lineIndices[start.getLine()] + start.getCharacter();
if (end.getLine() >= lineIndices.length) {
buffer.replace(startIndex, buffer.length(), text);
} else {
int endIndex = lineIndices[end.getLine()] + end.getCharacter();
buffer.replace(startIndex, endIndex, text);
this.lineIndices = computeLineIndicies(buffer);
* @return The range of the document, from (0, 0) to {@link #end()}
public Range fullRange() {
return LspAdapter.offset(end());
* @param line The line to find the index of
* @return The index of the start of the given {@code line}, or {@code -1}
* if the line doesn't exist
public int indexOfLine(int line) {
if (line >= lineIndices.length || line < 0) {
return -1;
return lineIndices[line];
* @param idx Index to find the line of
* @return The line that {@code idx} is within or {@code -1} if the line
* doesn't exist
public int lineOfIndex(int idx) {
// TODO: Use binary search or similar
if (idx >= length() || idx < 0) {
return -1;
for (int line = 0; line <= lastLine() - 1; line++) {
int currentLineIdx = indexOfLine(line);
int nextLineIdx = indexOfLine(line + 1);
if (idx >= currentLineIdx && idx < nextLineIdx) {
return line;
return lastLine();
* @param position The position to find the index of
* @return The index of the position in this document, or {@code -1} if the
* position is out of bounds
public int indexOfPosition(Position position) {
return indexOfPosition(position.getLine(), position.getCharacter());
* @param line The line of the index to find
* @param character The character offset in the line
* @return The index of the position in this document, or {@code -1} if the
* position is out of bounds
public int indexOfPosition(int line, int character) {
int startLineIdx = indexOfLine(line);
if (startLineIdx < 0) {
// line is oob
return -1;
int idx = startLineIdx + character;
if (line == lastLine()) {
if (idx >= buffer.length()) {
// index is oob
return -1;
} else {
if (idx >= indexOfLine(line + 1)) {
// index is onto next line
return -1;
return idx;
* @param index The index to find the position of
* @return The position of the index in this document, or {@code null} if
* the index is out of bounds
public Position positionAtIndex(int index) {
int line = lineOfIndex(index);
if (line < 0) {
return null;
int lineStart = indexOfLine(line);
int character = index - lineStart;
return new Position(line, character);
* @param line The line to find the end of
* @return The index of the end of the given line, or {@code -1} if the
* line is out of bounds
public int lineEnd(int line) {
if (line > lastLine() || line < 0) {
return -1;
if (line == lastLine()) {
return length() - 1;
} else {
return indexOfLine(line + 1) - 1;
* @return The line number of the last line in this document
public int lastLine() {
return lineIndices.length - 1;
* @return The end position of this document
public Position end() {
return new Position(
lineIndices.length - 1,
buffer.length() - lineIndices[lineIndices.length - 1]);
* @param s The string to find the next index of
* @param after The index to start the search at
* @return The index of the next occurrence of {@code s} after {@code after}
* or {@code -1} if one doesn't exist
public int nextIndexOf(String s, int after) {
return buffer.indexOf(s, after);
* @param s The string to find the last index of
* @param before The index to end the search at
* @return The index of the last occurrence of {@code s} before {@code before}
* or {@code -1} if one doesn't exist
public int lastIndexOf(String s, int before) {
return buffer.lastIndexOf(s, before);
* @param c The character to find the last index of
* @param before The index to stop the search at
* @param line The line to search within
* @return The index of the last occurrence of {@code c} before {@code before}
* on the line {@code line} or {@code -1} if one doesn't exist
int lastIndexOfOnLine(char c, int before, int line) {
int lineIdx = indexOfLine(line);
for (int i = before; i >= lineIdx; i--) {
if (buffer.charAt(i) == c) {
return i;
return -1;
* @return A reference to the text in this document
public CharSequence borrowText() {
return buffer;
* @param range The range to borrow the text of
* @return A reference to the text in this document within the given {@code range}
* or {@code null} if the range is out of bounds
public CharBuffer borrowRange(Range range) {
int startLine = range.getStart().getLine();
int startChar = range.getStart().getCharacter();
int endLine = range.getEnd().getLine();
int endChar = range.getEnd().getCharacter();
// TODO: Maybe make this return the whole thing, thing up to an index, or thing after an
// index if one of the indicies is out of bounds.
int startLineIdx = indexOfLine(startLine);
int endLineIdx = indexOfLine(endLine);
if (startLineIdx < 0 || endLineIdx < 0) {
return null;
int startIdx = startLineIdx + startChar;
int endIdx = endLineIdx + endChar;
if (startIdx > buffer.length() || endIdx > buffer.length()) {
return null;
return CharBuffer.wrap(buffer, startIdx, endIdx);
* @param position The position within the token to borrow
* @return A reference to the token that the given {@code position} is
* within, or {@code null} if the position is not within a token
public CharBuffer borrowToken(Position position) {
int idx = indexOfPosition(position);
if (idx < 0) {
return null;
char atIdx = buffer.charAt(idx);
// Not a token
if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit(atIdx) && atIdx != '_') {
return null;
int startIdx = idx;
while (startIdx >= 0) {
char c = buffer.charAt(startIdx);
if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(c) || c == '_') {
} else {
int endIdx = idx;
while (endIdx < buffer.length()) {
char c = buffer.charAt(endIdx);
if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(c) || c == '_') {
} else {
return CharBuffer.wrap(buffer, startIdx + 1, endIdx);
* @param position The position within the id to borrow
* @return A reference to the id that the given {@code position} is
* within, or {@code null} if the position is not within an id
public CharBuffer borrowId(Position position) {
DocumentId id = copyDocumentId(position);
if (id == null) {
return null;
return id.idSlice();
* @param line The line to borrow
* @return A reference to the text in the given line, or {@code null} if
* the line doesn't exist
public CharBuffer borrowLine(int line) {
if (line >= lineIndices.length || line < 0) {
return null;
int lineStart = indexOfLine(line);
if (line + 1 >= lineIndices.length) {
return CharBuffer.wrap(buffer, lineStart, buffer.length());
return CharBuffer.wrap(buffer, lineStart, indexOfLine(line + 1));
* @param start The index of the start of the span to borrow
* @param end The end of the index of the span to borrow (exclusive)
* @return A reference to the text within the indicies {@code start} and
* {@code end}, or {@code null} if the span is out of bounds or start > end
public CharBuffer borrowSpan(int start, int end) {
if (start < 0 || end < 0) {
return null;
// end is exclusive
if (end > buffer.length() || start > end) {
return null;
return CharBuffer.wrap(buffer, start, end);
* @return A copy of the text of this document
public String copyText() {
return buffer.toString();
* @param range The range to copy the text of
* @return A copy of the text in this document within the given {@code range}
* or {@code null} if the range is out of bounds
public String copyRange(Range range) {
CharBuffer borrowed = borrowRange(range);
if (borrowed == null) {
return null;
return borrowed.toString();
* @param position The position within the token to copy
* @return A copy of the token that the given {@code position} is within,
* or {@code null} if the position is not within a token
public String copyToken(Position position) {
CharSequence token = borrowToken(position);
if (token == null) {
return null;
return token.toString();
* @param position The position within the id to copy
* @return A copy of the id that the given {@code position} is
* within, or {@code null} if the position is not within an id
public String copyId(Position position) {
CharBuffer id = borrowId(position);
if (id == null) {
return null;
return id.toString();
* @param position The position within the id to get
* @return A new id that the given {@code position} is
* within, or {@code null} if the position is not within an id
public DocumentId copyDocumentId(Position position) {
int idx = indexOfPosition(position);
if (idx < 0) {
return null;
char atIdx = buffer.charAt(idx);
if (!isIdChar(atIdx)) {
return null;
boolean hasHash = false;
boolean hasDollar = false;
boolean hasDot = false;
int startIdx = idx;
while (startIdx >= 0) {
char c = buffer.charAt(startIdx);
if (isIdChar(c)) {
switch (c) {
case '#':
hasHash = true;
case '$':
hasDollar = true;
case '.':
hasDot = true;
startIdx -= 1;
} else {
int endIdx = idx;
while (endIdx < buffer.length()) {
char c = buffer.charAt(endIdx);
if (isIdChar(c)) {
switch (c) {
case '#':
hasHash = true;
case '$':
hasDollar = true;
case '.':
hasDot = true;
endIdx += 1;
} else {
// TODO: This can be improved to do some extra validation, like if
// there's more than 1 hash or $, its invalid. Additionally, we
// should only give a type of *WITH_MEMBER if the position is on
// the member itself. We will probably need to add some logic or
// keep track of the member itself in order to properly match the
// RELATIVE_WITH_MEMBER type in handlers.
DocumentId.Type type;
if (hasHash && hasDollar) {
type = DocumentId.Type.ABSOLUTE_WITH_MEMBER;
} else if (hasHash) {
type = DocumentId.Type.ABSOLUTE_ID;
} else if (hasDollar) {
type = DocumentId.Type.RELATIVE_WITH_MEMBER;
} else if (hasDot) {
type = DocumentId.Type.NAMESPACE;
} else {
type = DocumentId.Type.ID;
int actualStartIdx = startIdx + 1; // because we go past the actual start in the loop
CharBuffer wrapped = CharBuffer.wrap(buffer, actualStartIdx, endIdx); // endIdx here is non-inclusive
Position start = positionAtIndex(actualStartIdx);
Position end = positionAtIndex(endIdx - 1); // because we go pas the actual end in the loop
Range range = new Range(start, end);
return new DocumentId(type, wrapped, range);
private static boolean isIdChar(char c) {
return Character.isLetterOrDigit(c) || c == '_' || c == '$' || c == '#' || c == '.';
* @param line The line to copy
* @return A copy of the text in the given line, or {@code null} if the line
* doesn't exist
public String copyLine(int line) {
CharBuffer borrowed = borrowLine(line);
if (borrowed == null) {
return null;
return borrowed.toString();
* @param start The index of the start of the span to copy
* @param end The index of the end of the span to copy
* @return A copy of the text within the indicies {@code start} and
* {@code end}, or {@code null} if the span is out of bounds or start > end
public String copySpan(int start, int end) {
CharBuffer borrowed = borrowSpan(start, end);
if (borrowed == null) {
return null;
return borrowed.toString();
* @return The length of the document
public int length() {
return buffer.length();
* @param index The index to get the character at
* @return The character at the given index, or {@code \u0000} if one
* doesn't exist
char charAt(int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= length()) {
return '\u0000';
return buffer.charAt(index);
// Adapted from String::split
private static int[] computeLineIndicies(StringBuilder buffer) {
int matchCount = 0;
int off = 0;
int next;
// Have to box sadly, unless there's some IntArray I'm not aware of. Maybe IntBuffer
List indicies = new ArrayList<>();
// This works with \r\n line breaks by basically forgetting about the \r, since we don't actually
// care about the content of the line
while ((next = buffer.indexOf("\n", off)) != -1) {
indicies.add(next + 1);
off = next + 1;