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This module provides the core implementation of loading, validating, traversing, mutating, and serializing a Smithy model.

The newest version!
// This model defines the Smithy prelude model.
// Shapes in the prelude model that are not marked as `@private` can be
// referenced using a relative shape ID.
$version: "2.0"

namespace smithy.api

// --- The following shapes are publicly available prelude shapes.

string String

blob Blob

bigInteger BigInteger

bigDecimal BigDecimal

timestamp Timestamp

document Document

boolean Boolean

byte Byte

short Short

integer Integer

long Long

float Float

double Double

boolean PrimitiveBoolean

byte PrimitiveByte

short PrimitiveShort

integer PrimitiveInteger

long PrimitiveLong

float PrimitiveFloat

double PrimitiveDouble

// The `Unit` type is a publicly available "unit" value type. This shape
// is the only shape in Smithy allowed to be marked with the `@unitType` trait.
structure Unit {}

// --- Shapes below are traits and the private shapes that define them.

/// Makes a shape a trait.
    selector: ":is(simpleType, list, map, structure, union)"
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "presence"}
        {path: "/structurallyExclusive", change: "any"}
            path: "/conflicts"
            change: "update"
            severity: "NOTE"
            message: "Adding more conflicts to a trait could cause previously written models to fail validation."
structure trait {
    /// The valid places in a model that the trait can be applied.
    selector: String

    /// Whether or not only a single member in a shape can have this trait.
    structurallyExclusive: StructurallyExclusive

    /// The traits that this trait conflicts with.
    conflicts: NonEmptyStringList

    /// Defines the backward compatibility rules of the trait.
    breakingChanges: TraitDiffRules

@length(min: 1)
list TraitDiffRules {
    member: TraitDiffRule

structure TraitDiffRule {
    /// Defines a JSON Pointer to the value to evaluate.
    path: String

    /// Defines the type of change that is not allowed.
    change: TraitChangeType

    /// Defines the severity of the change. Defaults to ERROR if not defined.
    severity: Severity = "ERROR"

    /// Provides a reason why the change is potentially backward incompatible.
    message: String

enum TraitChangeType {
    /// Emit when a trait is modified.
    UPDATE = "update"

    /// Emit when a trait or value is added that previously did not exist.
    ADD = "add"

    /// Emit when a trait or value is removed.
    REMOVE = "remove"

    /// Emit when a trait is added or removed.
    PRESENCE = "presence"

    /// Emit when any change occurs.
    ANY = "any"

enum Severity {
    /// A minor infraction occurred.

    /// An infraction occurred that needs attention.

    /// An infraction occurred that must be resolved.

    /// An unrecoverable infraction occurred.

enum StructurallyExclusive {
    /// Only a single member of a shape can be marked with the trait.
    MEMBER = "member"

    /// Only a single member of a shape can target a shape marked with
    /// this trait.
    TARGET = "target"

/// Marks a shape or member as deprecated.
structure deprecated {
    /// The reason for deprecation.
    message: String

    /// A description of when the shape was deprecated (e.g., a date or
    /// version).
    since: String

/// Used only in Smithy 1.0 to indicate that a shape is boxed.
/// This trait cannot be used in Smithy 2.0 models. When a boxed shape is the
/// target of a member, the member may or may not contain a value, and the
/// member has no default value.
    selector: """
        :test(boolean, byte, short, integer, long, float, double,
        member > :test(boolean, byte, short, integer, long, float, double))"""
structure box {}

/// Adds documentation to a shape or member using CommonMark syntax.
string documentation

/// Provides a link to additional documentation.
@length(min: 1)
map externalDocumentation {
    key: NonEmptyString
    value: NonEmptyString

/// Defines the ordered list of supported authentication schemes.
@trait(selector: ":is(service, operation)")
list auth {
    member: AuthTraitReference

/// A string that must target an auth trait.
@idRef(selector: "[trait|authDefinition]")
string AuthTraitReference

/// Marks a trait as a protocol defining trait.
/// The targeted trait must only be applied to service shapes, must be a
/// structure, and must have the `trait` trait.
    selector: "structure[trait|trait]"
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "presence"}
structure protocolDefinition {
    /// The list of traits that protocol implementations must understand in
    /// order to successfully use the protocol.
    traits: TraitShapeIdList

    /// Set to true if inline documents are not supported by this protocol.
    @deprecated(message: "Use the `@traitValidators` trait instead")
    noInlineDocumentSupport: Boolean

list TraitShapeIdList {
    member: TraitShapeId

@idRef(failWhenMissing: true, selector: "[trait|trait]")
string TraitShapeId

/// Marks a trait as an auth scheme defining trait.
/// The targeted trait must only be applied to service shapes or operation
/// shapes, must be a structure, and must have the `trait` trait.
    selector: "structure[trait|trait]"
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "presence"}
structure authDefinition {
    /// The list of traits that auth implementations must understand in order
    /// to successfully use the scheme.
    traits: TraitShapeIdList

/// HTTP Basic Authentication as defined in [RFC 2617](
    selector: "service"
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "remove"}
@externalDocumentation("RFC 2617": "")
structure httpBasicAuth {}

/// HTTP Digest Authentication as defined in [RFC 2617](
    selector: "service"
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "remove"}
@externalDocumentation("RFC 2617": "")
structure httpDigestAuth {}

/// HTTP Bearer Authentication as defined in [RFC 6750](
    selector: "service"
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "remove"}
@externalDocumentation("RFC 6750": "")
structure httpBearerAuth {}

/// An HTTP-specific authentication scheme that sends an arbitrary API key in
/// a header or query string parameter.
    selector: "service"
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "remove"}
structure httpApiKeyAuth {
    /// Defines the name of the HTTP header or query string parameter that
    /// contains the API key.
    name: NonEmptyString

    /// Defines the location of where the key is serialized. This value can
    /// be set to `"header"` or `"query"`.
    in: HttpApiKeyLocations

    /// Defines the security scheme to use in the ``Authorization`` header.
    /// This can only be set if the "in" property is set to ``header``.
    scheme: NonEmptyString

/// A meta-trait used to apply validation to a specific shape in the model that a trait is applied to.
/// `traitValidators` is a map of validation event IDs to validators to apply to a shape.
/// Selectors are used to identify shapes that are incompatible with a constrained trait.
/// The shape with the targeted trait applied MUST be a valid entry point for the selector.
/// The following example defines a protocol that does not support document types. Each matching member found in the
/// closure of an attached shape emits a validation event:
/// ```
/// @trait(selector: "service")
/// @traitValidators(
///     "myCustomProtocol.NoDocuments": {
///         selector: "~> member :test(> document)"
///         message: "This protocol does not support document types"
///     }
/// )
/// @protocolDefinition
/// structure myCustomProtocol {}
/// ```
@trait(selector: "[trait|trait]")
map traitValidators {
    /// The validation event ID to emit when the constraint finds an incompatible shape.
    @length(min: 1)
    key: String

    /// The validator to apply.
    value: TraitValidator

structure TraitValidator {
    /// A Smithy selector that receives only the shape to which the `traitValidators` trait is applied.
    /// Any shape yielded by the selector is considered incompatible with the trait.
    selector: String

    /// A message to use when a matching shape is found.
    message: String

    /// The severity to use when a matching shape is found.
    severity: Severity = "ERROR"

/// Provides a structure member with a default value. When added to root
/// level shapes, requires that every targeting structure member defines the
/// same default value on the member or sets a default of null.
/// This trait can currently only be used in Smithy 2.0 models.
@trait(selector: ":is(simpleType, list, map, structure > member :test(> :is(simpleType, list, map)))")
document default

/// Indicates that the default trait was added to a member.
    selector: "structure > member [trait|default]"
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "remove"}
structure addedDefault {}

/// Requires that non-authoritative generators like clients treat a structure
/// member as nullable regardless of if the member is also marked with the
/// required trait.
@trait(selector: "structure > member")
structure clientOptional {}

enum HttpApiKeyLocations {
    HEADER = "header"
    QUERY = "query"

/// Indicates that an operation can be called without authentication.
    selector: "operation"
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "remove"}
structure optionalAuth {}

/// Provides example inputs and outputs for operations.
@trait(selector: "operation")
list examples {
    member: Example

structure Example {
    title: String

    documentation: String

    input: Document

    output: Document

    error: ExampleError

    allowConstraintErrors: Boolean

structure ExampleError {
    @idRef(selector: "structure[trait|error]")
    shapeId: String

    content: Document

/// Indicates that a structure shape represents an error.
/// All shapes referenced by the errors list of an operation MUST be targeted
/// with this trait.
    selector: "structure"
    conflicts: [trait]
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "any"}
enum error {
    CLIENT = "client"
    SERVER = "server"

/// Indicates that an error MAY be retried by the client.
    selector: "structure[trait|error]"
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "remove"}
structure retryable {
    /// Classifies the retry as throttling.
    throttling: Boolean

/// Indicates that an operation is effectively read-only.
    selector: "operation"
    conflicts: [idempotent]
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "remove"}
structure readonly {}

/// Indicates that the intended effect on the server of multiple identical
/// requests with an operation is the same as the effect for a single such
/// request.
    selector: "operation"
    conflicts: [readonly]
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "remove"}
structure idempotent {}

/// Defines the input member of an operation that is used by the server to
/// identify and discard replayed requests.
    selector: "structure > :test(member > string)"
    structurallyExclusive: "member"
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "remove"}
structure idempotencyToken {}

/// Shapes marked with the internal trait are meant only for internal use and
/// must not be exposed to customers.
    breakingChanges: [
            change: "remove"
            severity: "WARNING"
            message: "Removing the @internal trait makes a shape externally visible."
structure internal {}

/// Allows a serialized object property name to differ from a structure member
/// name used in the model.
    selector: ":is(structure, union) > member"
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "any"}
string jsonName

/// Serializes an object property as an XML attribute rather than a nested XML
/// element.
    selector: "structure > :test(member > :test(boolean, number, string, timestamp))"
    conflicts: [xmlNamespace]
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "any"}
structure xmlAttribute {}

/// Unwraps the values of a list, set, or map into the containing
/// structure/union.
    selector: ":is(structure, union) > :test(member > :test(list, map))"
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "any"}
structure xmlFlattened {}

/// Changes the serialized element or attribute name of a structure, union,
/// or member.
    selector: ":is(structure, union, member)"
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "any"}
string xmlName

/// Adds an xmlns namespace definition URI to an XML element.
    selector: ":is(service, member, simpleType, list, map, structure, union)"
    conflicts: [xmlAttribute]
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "any"}
structure xmlNamespace {
    /// The namespace URI for scoping this XML element.
    uri: NonEmptyString

    /// The prefix for the given namespace.
    prefix: NonEmptyString

@length(min: 1)
string NonEmptyString

/// Indicates that the put lifecycle operation of a resource can only be used
/// to create a resource and cannot replace an existing resource.
@trait(selector: "resource:test(-[put]->)")
structure noReplace {}

/// Describes the contents of a blob shape using a media type as defined by
/// RFC 6838 (e.g., "video/quicktime").
    selector: ":is(blob, string)"
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "remove"}
string mediaType

/// Defines the resource shapes that are referenced by a string shape or a
/// structure shape and the members of the structure that provide values for
/// the identifiers of the resource.
@trait(selector: ":is(structure, string)")
list references {
    member: Reference

structure Reference {
    /// The shape ID of the referenced resource.
    resource: NonEmptyString

    /// Defines a mapping of each resource identifier name to a structure member
    /// name that provides its value. Each key in the map MUST refer to one of the
    /// identifier names in the identifiers property of the resource, and each
    /// value in the map MUST refer to a valid structure member name that targets
    /// a string shape.
    ids: NonEmptyStringMap

    /// Providing a service makes the reference specific to a particular binding
    /// of the resource to a service. When omitted, the reference is late-bound to
    /// a service, meaning the reference is assumed to be a reference to the
    /// resource bound to the service currently in use by the client or server.
    service: NonEmptyString

    /// Defines the semantics of the relationship. The rel property SHOULD
    /// contain a link relation as defined in RFC 5988#section-4.
    rel: NonEmptyString

map NonEmptyStringMap {
    key: NonEmptyString
    value: NonEmptyString

/// Indicates that the targeted structure member provides an identifier for
/// a resource.
    selector: "structure > :test(member[trait|required] > string)"
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "remove"}
@length(min: 1)
string resourceIdentifier

/// Prevents models defined in a different namespace from referencing the
/// targeted shape.
structure private {}

/// Indicates that the data stored in the shape is sensitive and MUST be
/// handled with care.
@trait(selector: ":not(:test(service, operation, resource, member))")
structure sensitive {}

/// Defines the version or date in which a shape or member was added to the
/// model.
string since

/// Indicates that the data stored in the shape is very large and should not
/// be stored in memory, or that the size of the data stored in the shape is
/// unknown at the start of a request. If the target is a union then the shape
/// represents a stream of events.
    selector: ":is(blob, union)"
    structurallyExclusive: "target"
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "any"}
structure streaming {}

/// Indicates that the streaming blob must be finite and has a known size.
    selector: "blob[trait|streaming]"
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "presence"}
structure requiresLength {}

/// Tags a shape with arbitrary tag names that can be used to filter and
/// group shapes in the model.
list tags {
    member: String

/// Defines a proper name for a service or resource shape.
/// This title can be used in automatically generated documentation
/// and other contexts to provide a user friendly for shapes.
@trait(selector: ":not(member)")
string title

/// Constrains the acceptable values of a string to a fixed set
/// of constant values.
    selector: "string :not(enum)"
    // It's a breaking change to change values or enums or the ordering of
    // enums, but that validation happens in code to provide better error
    // messages.
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "presence"}
@length(min: 1)
@deprecated(message: "The enum trait is replaced by the enum shape in Smithy 2.0", since: "2.0")
list enum {
    member: EnumDefinition

/// An enum definition for the enum trait.
structure EnumDefinition {
    /// Defines the enum value that is sent over the wire.
    value: NonEmptyString

    /// Defines the name that is used in code to represent this variant.
    name: EnumConstantBodyName

    /// Provides optional documentation about the enum constant value.
    documentation: String

    /// Applies a list of tags to the enum constant.
    tags: NonEmptyStringList

    /// Whether the enum value should be considered deprecated.
    deprecated: Boolean

/// The optional name or label of the enum constant value.
/// This property is used in code generation to provide a label for
/// each enum value. No two enums can have the same 'name' value.
string EnumConstantBodyName

/// Defines the value of an enum member.
@trait(selector: ":is(enum, intEnum) > member")
document enumValue

/// Constrains a shape to minimum and maximum number of elements or size.
@trait(selector: ":test(list, map, string, blob, member > :is(list, map, string, blob))")
structure length {
    /// Integer value that represents the minimum inclusive length of a shape.
    min: Long

    /// Integer value that represents the maximum inclusive length of a shape.
    max: Long

/// Restricts allowed values of byte, short, integer, long, float, double,
/// bigDecimal, and bigInteger shapes within an acceptable lower and upper
/// bound.
@trait(selector: ":test(number, member > number)")
structure range {
    /// Specifies the allowed inclusive minimum value.
    min: BigDecimal

    /// Specifies the allowed inclusive maximum value.
    max: BigDecimal

/// Restricts string shape values to a specified regular expression.
    selector: ":test(string, member > string)"
    breakingChanges: [
            change: "add"
            severity: "WARNING"
            message: "The @pattern trait should only be added if the string already had adhered to the pattern."
            change: "update"
            severity: "NOTE"
            message: "Changes to the @pattern trait should generally make the string more permissive, not less."
string pattern

/// Marks a structure member as required, meaning a value for the member MUST
/// be present.
    selector: "structure > member"
    breakingChanges: [
            change: "add"
            severity: "WARNING"
            message: "If any consumers were previously omitting this member in operation inputs, making it required is backwards incompatible"
structure required {}

/// Configures a structure member's resource property mapping behavior.
    selector: "structure > member"
    conflicts: [resourceIdentifier]
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "remove"}
        {change: "update"}
structure property {
    name: String

/// Explicitly excludes a member from resource property mapping or enables
/// another trait to carry the same implied meaning.
    selector: ":is(operation -[input, output]-> structure > member, [trait|trait])"
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "add"}
structure notProperty {}

/// Adjusts the resource property mapping of a lifecycle operation to the
/// targeted member.
    selector: "operation -[input, output]-> structure > member :test(> structure)"
    structurallyExclusive: "member"
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "any"}
structure nestedProperties {}

/// Indicates that a structure member SHOULD be set.
    selector: "structure > member"
    conflicts: [required]
structure recommended {
    /// Provides a reason why the member is recommended.
    reason: String

/// Marks a list or map as sparse.
    selector: ":is(list, map)"
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "presence"}
structure sparse {}

/// Indicates that the items in a list MUST be unique.
    selector: "list :not(> member ~> :is(float, double, document))"
    conflicts: [sparse]
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "presence", severity: "WARNING"}
structure uniqueItems {}

/// Indicates that the shape is unstable and could change in the future.
structure unstable {}

/// The paginated trait indicates that an operation intentionally limits the
/// number of results returned in a single response and that multiple
/// invocations might be necessary to retrieve all results.
    selector: ":is(service, operation)"
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "remove"}
        {path: "/inputToken", change: "update"}
        {path: "/outputToken", change: "update"}
        {path: "/items", change: "remove"}
        {path: "/items", change: "add", severity: "NOTE"}
        {path: "/items", change: "update", severity: "NOTE"}
        {path: "/pageSize", change: "update"}
        {path: "/pageSize", change: "remove"}
structure paginated {
    /// The name of the operation input member that represents the continuation
    /// token.
    /// When this value is provided as operation input, the service returns
    /// results from where the previous response left off. This input member
    /// MUST NOT be required and MUST target a string shape.
    inputToken: NonEmptyString

    /// The name of the operation output member that represents the
    /// continuation token.
    /// When this value is present in operation output, it indicates that there
    /// are more results to retrieve. To get the next page of results, the
    /// client uses the output token as the input token of the next request.
    /// This output member MUST NOT be required and MUST target a string shape.
    outputToken: NonEmptyString

    /// The name of a top-level output member of the operation that is the data
    /// that is being paginated across many responses.
    /// The named output member, if specified, MUST target a list or map.
    items: NonEmptyString

    /// The name of an operation input member that limits the maximum number of
    /// results to include in the operation output. This input member MUST NOT
    /// be required and MUST target an integer shape.
    pageSize: NonEmptyString

/// Configures the HTTP bindings of an operation.
    selector: "operation"
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "remove"}
        {path: "/method", change: "update"}
        {path: "/uri", change: "update"}
        {path: "/code", change: "update"}
            path: "/code"
            change: "presence"
            severity: "DANGER"
            message: "Adding or removing is backward compatible only if the value is the default value of 200"
structure http {
    /// The HTTP method of the operation.
    method: NonEmptyString

    /// The URI pattern of the operation.
    /// Labels defined in the URI pattern are used to bind operation input
    /// members to the URI.
    uri: NonEmptyString

    // The HTTP status code of a successful response.
    @range(min: 100, max: 999)
    code: Integer = 200

/// Binds an operation input structure member to an HTTP label.
    selector: "structure > member[trait|required] :test(> :test(string, number, boolean, timestamp))"
    conflicts: [httpHeader, httpQuery, httpPrefixHeaders, httpPayload, httpResponseCode, httpQueryParams]
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "presence"}
structure httpLabel {}

/// Binds an operation input structure member to a query string parameter.
    selector: """
        structure > member
        :test(> :test(string, number, boolean, timestamp),
        > list > member > :test(string, number, boolean, timestamp))"""
    conflicts: [httpLabel, httpHeader, httpPrefixHeaders, httpPayload, httpResponseCode, httpQueryParams]
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "any"}
@length(min: 1)
string httpQuery

/// Binds an operation input structure member to the HTTP query string.
    selector: """
        structure > member
        :test(> map > member[id|member=value] > :test(string, list > member > string))"""
    structurallyExclusive: "member"
    conflicts: [httpLabel, httpQuery, httpHeader, httpPayload, httpResponseCode, httpPrefixHeaders]
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "any"}
structure httpQueryParams {}

/// Binds a structure member to an HTTP header.
    selector: """
        structure > :test(member > :test(boolean, number, string, timestamp,
        list > member > :test(boolean, number, string, timestamp)))"""
    conflicts: [httpLabel, httpQuery, httpPrefixHeaders, httpPayload, httpResponseCode, httpQueryParams]
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "any"}
@length(min: 1)
string httpHeader

/// Binds a map of key-value pairs to prefixed HTTP headers.
    selector: """
        structure > member
        :test(> map :not([trait|sparse]) > member[id|member=value] > string)"""
    structurallyExclusive: "member"
    conflicts: [httpLabel, httpQuery, httpHeader, httpPayload, httpResponseCode, httpQueryParams]
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "any"}
string httpPrefixHeaders

/// Binds a single structure member to the body of an HTTP request.
    selector: "structure > member"
    conflicts: [httpLabel, httpQuery, httpHeader, httpPrefixHeaders, httpResponseCode, httpQueryParams]
    structurallyExclusive: "member"
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "presence"}
structure httpPayload {}

/// Defines an HTTP response code for an operation error.
    selector: "structure[trait|error]"
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "any"}
integer httpError

/// Indicates that the structure member represents the HTTP response
/// status code. The value MAY differ from the HTTP status code provided
/// on the response.
    selector: "structure :not([trait|input]) > member :test(> integer)"
    structurallyExclusive: "member"
    conflicts: [httpLabel, httpQuery, httpHeader, httpPrefixHeaders, httpPayload, httpQueryParams]
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "any"}
structure httpResponseCode {}

/// Defines how a service supports cross-origin resource sharing.
    selector: "service"
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "remove"}
structure cors {
    /// The origin from which browser script-originating requests will be
    /// allowed.
    origin: NonEmptyString = "*"

    /// The maximum number of seconds for which browsers are allowed to cache
    /// the results of a preflight OPTIONS request.
    /// Defaults to 600, the maximum age permitted by several browsers.
    /// Set to -1 to disable caching entirely.
    maxAge: Integer = 600

    /// The names of headers that should be included in the
    /// Access-Control-Allow-Headers header in responses to preflight OPTIONS
    /// requests. This list will be used in addition to the names of all
    /// request headers bound to an input data member via the httpHeader, as
    /// well as any headers required by the protocol or authentication scheme.
    additionalAllowedHeaders: NonEmptyStringList

    /// The names of headers that should be included in the
    /// Access-Control-Expose-Headers header in all responses sent by the
    /// service. This list will be used in addition to the names of all
    /// request headers bound to an output data member via the httpHeader,
    /// as well as any headers required by the protocol or authentication
    /// scheme.
    additionalExposedHeaders: NonEmptyStringList

list NonEmptyStringList {
    member: NonEmptyString

/// Marks a member as the payload of an event.
    selector: "structure > :test(member > :test(blob, string, structure, union))"
    conflicts: [eventHeader]
    structurallyExclusive: "member"
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "any"}
structure eventPayload {}

/// Marks a member as a header of an event.
    selector: """
        structure >
        :test(member > :test(boolean, byte, short, integer, long, blob, string, timestamp))"""
    conflicts: [eventPayload]
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "any"}
structure eventHeader {}

/// Indicates that a string value MUST contain a valid shape ID.
/// The provided shape ID MAY be absolute or relative to the shape to which
/// the trait is applied. A relative shape ID that does not resolve to a
/// shape defined in the same namespace resolves to a shape defined in the
/// prelude if the prelude shape is not marked with the private trait.
@trait(selector: ":test(string, member > string)")
structure idRef {
    /// Defines the selector that the resolved shape, if found, MUST match.
    selector: String = "*"

    /// When set to `true`, the shape ID MUST target a shape that can be
    /// found in the model.
    failWhenMissing: Boolean

    /// Defines a custom error message to use when the shape ID cannot be
    /// found or does not match the selector.
    /// A default message is generated when errorMessage is not defined.
    errorMessage: String

    selector: ":test(timestamp, member > timestamp)"
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "any"}
enum timestampFormat {
    /// Date time as defined by the date-time production in RFC3339 section 5.6
    /// with no UTC offset (for example, 1985-04-12T23:20:50.52Z).
    DATE_TIME = "date-time"

    /// Also known as Unix time, the number of seconds that have elapsed since
    /// 00:00:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), Thursday, 1 January 1970,
    /// with decimal precision (for example, 1515531081.1234).
    EPOCH_SECONDS = "epoch-seconds"

    /// An HTTP date as defined by the IMF-fixdate production in
    /// RFC 9110#section-5.6.7 (for example, Tue, 29 Apr 2014 18:30:38 GMT).
    HTTP_DATE = "http-date"

/// Configures a custom operation endpoint.
    selector: "operation"
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "any"}
structure endpoint {
    /// A host prefix pattern for the operation.
    /// Labels defined in the host pattern are used to bind top-level
    /// operation input members to the host.
    hostPrefix: NonEmptyString

/// Binds a top-level operation input structure member to a label
/// in the hostPrefix of an endpoint trait.
    selector: "structure > :test(member[trait|required] > string)"
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "any"}
structure hostLabel {}

/// Suppresses validation events by ID for a given shape.
list suppress {
    @length(min: 1)
    member: String

/// Marks an operation as requiring checksum in its HTTP request.
/// By default, the checksum used for a service is a MD5 checksum
/// passed in the Content-MD5 header.
@trait(selector: "operation")
structure httpChecksumRequired {}

/// Specializes a structure for use only as the input of a single operation.
    selector: "structure"
    conflicts: [output, error]
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "presence"}
structure input {}

/// Specializes a structure for use only as the output of a single operation.
    selector: "structure"
    conflicts: [input, error]
    breakingChanges: [
        {change: "presence"}
structure output {}

/// Specializes a structure as a unit type that has no meaningful value.
/// This trait can only be applied to smithy.api#Unit, which ensures that
/// only a single Unit shape can be created.
@trait(selector: "[id=smithy.api#Unit]")
structure unitType {}

/// Makes a structure or union a mixin.
@trait(selector: ":not(member)")
structure mixin {
    localTraits: LocalMixinTraitList

list LocalMixinTraitList {
    member: LocalMixinTrait

    selector: "[trait|trait]"
    failWhenMissing: true
    errorMessage: """
        Strings provided to the localTraits property of a mixin trait
        must target a valid trait."""
string LocalMixinTrait

/// Defines the priority-ordered list of compression algorithms supported by
/// the service operation.
list RequestCompressionEncodingsList {
    // Encodings are NOT constrained in a Smithy enum since supported encodings
    // are case-insensitive
    member: String

/// Indicates that an operation supports compressing requests from clients to
/// services.
    selector: "operation"
    breakingChanges: [
            change: "remove"
            severity: "DANGER"
            message: """
                Trait was removed so newly generated clients will no longer compress requests, \
                but the service MUST continue to support removed compression algorithms in `encodings`."""
            change: "remove"
            path: "/encodings"
            message: "`encodings` was removed, but is required for the requestCompression trait."
            change: "add"
            severity: "NOTE"
            path: "/encodings/member"
            message: """
                Members of `encodings` were added. Once a compression algorithm is added, \
                the service MUST support the compression algorithm."""
            change: "remove"
            severity: "DANGER"
            path: "/encodings/member"
            message: """
                Members of `encodings` were removed so newly generated clients will no longer compress requests \
                for removed compression algorithms. The service MUST continue to support old clients by supporting \
                removed compression algorithms."""
            change: "update"
            severity: "DANGER"
            path: "/encodings/member"
            message: """
                Members of `encodings` were updated so newly generated clients will no longer compress requests \
                for compression algorithms prior to the updates. The service MUST continue to support old clients by \
                supporting compression algorithms prior to the updates."""
structure requestCompression {
    encodings: RequestCompressionEncodingsList

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