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grpc.cache_client.pubsub.PubsubGrpc Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package grpc.cache_client.pubsub;

import static io.grpc.MethodDescriptor.generateFullMethodName;

 * For working with topics in a cache.
 * Momento topics are conceptually located on a cache. They are best-effort multicast.
 * To use them, create a cache then start subscribing and publishing!
 * Momento topic subscriptions try to give you information about the quality of the
 *   stream you are receiving. For example, you might miss messages if your network
 *   is slow, or if some intermediate switch fails, or due to rate limiting. It is
 *   also possible, though we try to avoid it, that messages could briefly come out
 *   of order between subscribers.
 *   We try to tell you when things like this happen via a Discontinuity in your
 *   subscription stream. If you do not care about occasional discontinuities then
 *   don't bother handling them! You might still want to log them just in case ;-)
*/ @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "by gRPC proto compiler (version 1.57.2)", comments = "Source: cachepubsub.proto") @io.grpc.stub.annotations.GrpcGenerated public final class PubsubGrpc { private PubsubGrpc() {} public static final java.lang.String SERVICE_NAME = "cache_client.pubsub.Pubsub"; // Static method descriptors that strictly reflect the proto. private static volatile io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getPublishMethod; @io.grpc.stub.annotations.RpcMethod( fullMethodName = SERVICE_NAME + '/' + "Publish", requestType = grpc.cache_client.pubsub._PublishRequest.class, responseType = grpc.common._Empty.class, methodType = io.grpc.MethodDescriptor.MethodType.UNARY) public static io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getPublishMethod() { io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getPublishMethod; if ((getPublishMethod = PubsubGrpc.getPublishMethod) == null) { synchronized (PubsubGrpc.class) { if ((getPublishMethod = PubsubGrpc.getPublishMethod) == null) { PubsubGrpc.getPublishMethod = getPublishMethod = io.grpc.MethodDescriptor.newBuilder() .setType(io.grpc.MethodDescriptor.MethodType.UNARY) .setFullMethodName(generateFullMethodName(SERVICE_NAME, "Publish")) .setSampledToLocalTracing(true) .setRequestMarshaller(io.grpc.protobuf.ProtoUtils.marshaller( grpc.cache_client.pubsub._PublishRequest.getDefaultInstance())) .setResponseMarshaller(io.grpc.protobuf.ProtoUtils.marshaller( grpc.common._Empty.getDefaultInstance())) .setSchemaDescriptor(new PubsubMethodDescriptorSupplier("Publish")) .build(); } } } return getPublishMethod; } private static volatile io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getSubscribeMethod; @io.grpc.stub.annotations.RpcMethod( fullMethodName = SERVICE_NAME + '/' + "Subscribe", requestType = grpc.cache_client.pubsub._SubscriptionRequest.class, responseType = grpc.cache_client.pubsub._SubscriptionItem.class, methodType = io.grpc.MethodDescriptor.MethodType.SERVER_STREAMING) public static io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getSubscribeMethod() { io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getSubscribeMethod; if ((getSubscribeMethod = PubsubGrpc.getSubscribeMethod) == null) { synchronized (PubsubGrpc.class) { if ((getSubscribeMethod = PubsubGrpc.getSubscribeMethod) == null) { PubsubGrpc.getSubscribeMethod = getSubscribeMethod = io.grpc.MethodDescriptor.newBuilder() .setType(io.grpc.MethodDescriptor.MethodType.SERVER_STREAMING) .setFullMethodName(generateFullMethodName(SERVICE_NAME, "Subscribe")) .setSampledToLocalTracing(true) .setRequestMarshaller(io.grpc.protobuf.ProtoUtils.marshaller( grpc.cache_client.pubsub._SubscriptionRequest.getDefaultInstance())) .setResponseMarshaller(io.grpc.protobuf.ProtoUtils.marshaller( grpc.cache_client.pubsub._SubscriptionItem.getDefaultInstance())) .setSchemaDescriptor(new PubsubMethodDescriptorSupplier("Subscribe")) .build(); } } } return getSubscribeMethod; } /** * Creates a new async stub that supports all call types for the service */ public static PubsubStub newStub(io.grpc.Channel channel) { io.grpc.stub.AbstractStub.StubFactory factory = new io.grpc.stub.AbstractStub.StubFactory() { @java.lang.Override public PubsubStub newStub(io.grpc.Channel channel, io.grpc.CallOptions callOptions) { return new PubsubStub(channel, callOptions); } }; return PubsubStub.newStub(factory, channel); } /** * Creates a new blocking-style stub that supports unary and streaming output calls on the service */ public static PubsubBlockingStub newBlockingStub( io.grpc.Channel channel) { io.grpc.stub.AbstractStub.StubFactory factory = new io.grpc.stub.AbstractStub.StubFactory() { @java.lang.Override public PubsubBlockingStub newStub(io.grpc.Channel channel, io.grpc.CallOptions callOptions) { return new PubsubBlockingStub(channel, callOptions); } }; return PubsubBlockingStub.newStub(factory, channel); } /** * Creates a new ListenableFuture-style stub that supports unary calls on the service */ public static PubsubFutureStub newFutureStub( io.grpc.Channel channel) { io.grpc.stub.AbstractStub.StubFactory factory = new io.grpc.stub.AbstractStub.StubFactory() { @java.lang.Override public PubsubFutureStub newStub(io.grpc.Channel channel, io.grpc.CallOptions callOptions) { return new PubsubFutureStub(channel, callOptions); } }; return PubsubFutureStub.newStub(factory, channel); } /** *
   * For working with topics in a cache.
   * Momento topics are conceptually located on a cache. They are best-effort multicast.
   * To use them, create a cache then start subscribing and publishing!
   * Momento topic subscriptions try to give you information about the quality of the
   *   stream you are receiving. For example, you might miss messages if your network
   *   is slow, or if some intermediate switch fails, or due to rate limiting. It is
   *   also possible, though we try to avoid it, that messages could briefly come out
   *   of order between subscribers.
   *   We try to tell you when things like this happen via a Discontinuity in your
   *   subscription stream. If you do not care about occasional discontinuities then
   *   don't bother handling them! You might still want to log them just in case ;-)
*/ public interface AsyncService { /** *
     * Publish a message to a topic.
     * If a topic has no subscribers, then the effect of Publish MAY be either of:
     * * It is dropped and the topic is nonexistent.
     * * It is accepted to the topic as the next message.
     * Publish() does not wait for subscribers to accept. It returns Ok upon accepting
     * the topic value. It also returns Ok if there are no subscribers and the value
     * happens to be dropped. Publish() can not guarantee delivery in theory but in
     * practice it should almost always deliver to subscribers.
     * REQUIRES HEADER authorization: Momento auth token
*/ default void publish(grpc.cache_client.pubsub._PublishRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver responseObserver) { io.grpc.stub.ServerCalls.asyncUnimplementedUnaryCall(getPublishMethod(), responseObserver); } /** *
     * Subscribe to notifications from a topic.
     * You will receive a stream of values and (hopefully occasional) discontinuities.
     * Values will appear as copies of the payloads you Publish() to the topic.
     * REQUIRES HEADER authorization: Momento auth token
*/ default void subscribe(grpc.cache_client.pubsub._SubscriptionRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver responseObserver) { io.grpc.stub.ServerCalls.asyncUnimplementedUnaryCall(getSubscribeMethod(), responseObserver); } } /** * Base class for the server implementation of the service Pubsub. *
   * For working with topics in a cache.
   * Momento topics are conceptually located on a cache. They are best-effort multicast.
   * To use them, create a cache then start subscribing and publishing!
   * Momento topic subscriptions try to give you information about the quality of the
   *   stream you are receiving. For example, you might miss messages if your network
   *   is slow, or if some intermediate switch fails, or due to rate limiting. It is
   *   also possible, though we try to avoid it, that messages could briefly come out
   *   of order between subscribers.
   *   We try to tell you when things like this happen via a Discontinuity in your
   *   subscription stream. If you do not care about occasional discontinuities then
   *   don't bother handling them! You might still want to log them just in case ;-)
*/ public static abstract class PubsubImplBase implements io.grpc.BindableService, AsyncService { @java.lang.Override public final io.grpc.ServerServiceDefinition bindService() { return PubsubGrpc.bindService(this); } } /** * A stub to allow clients to do asynchronous rpc calls to service Pubsub. *
   * For working with topics in a cache.
   * Momento topics are conceptually located on a cache. They are best-effort multicast.
   * To use them, create a cache then start subscribing and publishing!
   * Momento topic subscriptions try to give you information about the quality of the
   *   stream you are receiving. For example, you might miss messages if your network
   *   is slow, or if some intermediate switch fails, or due to rate limiting. It is
   *   also possible, though we try to avoid it, that messages could briefly come out
   *   of order between subscribers.
   *   We try to tell you when things like this happen via a Discontinuity in your
   *   subscription stream. If you do not care about occasional discontinuities then
   *   don't bother handling them! You might still want to log them just in case ;-)
*/ public static final class PubsubStub extends io.grpc.stub.AbstractAsyncStub { private PubsubStub( io.grpc.Channel channel, io.grpc.CallOptions callOptions) { super(channel, callOptions); } @java.lang.Override protected PubsubStub build( io.grpc.Channel channel, io.grpc.CallOptions callOptions) { return new PubsubStub(channel, callOptions); } /** *
     * Publish a message to a topic.
     * If a topic has no subscribers, then the effect of Publish MAY be either of:
     * * It is dropped and the topic is nonexistent.
     * * It is accepted to the topic as the next message.
     * Publish() does not wait for subscribers to accept. It returns Ok upon accepting
     * the topic value. It also returns Ok if there are no subscribers and the value
     * happens to be dropped. Publish() can not guarantee delivery in theory but in
     * practice it should almost always deliver to subscribers.
     * REQUIRES HEADER authorization: Momento auth token
*/ public void publish(grpc.cache_client.pubsub._PublishRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver responseObserver) { io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.asyncUnaryCall( getChannel().newCall(getPublishMethod(), getCallOptions()), request, responseObserver); } /** *
     * Subscribe to notifications from a topic.
     * You will receive a stream of values and (hopefully occasional) discontinuities.
     * Values will appear as copies of the payloads you Publish() to the topic.
     * REQUIRES HEADER authorization: Momento auth token
*/ public void subscribe(grpc.cache_client.pubsub._SubscriptionRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver responseObserver) { io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.asyncServerStreamingCall( getChannel().newCall(getSubscribeMethod(), getCallOptions()), request, responseObserver); } } /** * A stub to allow clients to do synchronous rpc calls to service Pubsub. *
   * For working with topics in a cache.
   * Momento topics are conceptually located on a cache. They are best-effort multicast.
   * To use them, create a cache then start subscribing and publishing!
   * Momento topic subscriptions try to give you information about the quality of the
   *   stream you are receiving. For example, you might miss messages if your network
   *   is slow, or if some intermediate switch fails, or due to rate limiting. It is
   *   also possible, though we try to avoid it, that messages could briefly come out
   *   of order between subscribers.
   *   We try to tell you when things like this happen via a Discontinuity in your
   *   subscription stream. If you do not care about occasional discontinuities then
   *   don't bother handling them! You might still want to log them just in case ;-)
*/ public static final class PubsubBlockingStub extends io.grpc.stub.AbstractBlockingStub { private PubsubBlockingStub( io.grpc.Channel channel, io.grpc.CallOptions callOptions) { super(channel, callOptions); } @java.lang.Override protected PubsubBlockingStub build( io.grpc.Channel channel, io.grpc.CallOptions callOptions) { return new PubsubBlockingStub(channel, callOptions); } /** *
     * Publish a message to a topic.
     * If a topic has no subscribers, then the effect of Publish MAY be either of:
     * * It is dropped and the topic is nonexistent.
     * * It is accepted to the topic as the next message.
     * Publish() does not wait for subscribers to accept. It returns Ok upon accepting
     * the topic value. It also returns Ok if there are no subscribers and the value
     * happens to be dropped. Publish() can not guarantee delivery in theory but in
     * practice it should almost always deliver to subscribers.
     * REQUIRES HEADER authorization: Momento auth token
*/ public grpc.common._Empty publish(grpc.cache_client.pubsub._PublishRequest request) { return io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.blockingUnaryCall( getChannel(), getPublishMethod(), getCallOptions(), request); } /** *
     * Subscribe to notifications from a topic.
     * You will receive a stream of values and (hopefully occasional) discontinuities.
     * Values will appear as copies of the payloads you Publish() to the topic.
     * REQUIRES HEADER authorization: Momento auth token
*/ public java.util.Iterator subscribe( grpc.cache_client.pubsub._SubscriptionRequest request) { return io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.blockingServerStreamingCall( getChannel(), getSubscribeMethod(), getCallOptions(), request); } } /** * A stub to allow clients to do ListenableFuture-style rpc calls to service Pubsub. *
   * For working with topics in a cache.
   * Momento topics are conceptually located on a cache. They are best-effort multicast.
   * To use them, create a cache then start subscribing and publishing!
   * Momento topic subscriptions try to give you information about the quality of the
   *   stream you are receiving. For example, you might miss messages if your network
   *   is slow, or if some intermediate switch fails, or due to rate limiting. It is
   *   also possible, though we try to avoid it, that messages could briefly come out
   *   of order between subscribers.
   *   We try to tell you when things like this happen via a Discontinuity in your
   *   subscription stream. If you do not care about occasional discontinuities then
   *   don't bother handling them! You might still want to log them just in case ;-)
*/ public static final class PubsubFutureStub extends io.grpc.stub.AbstractFutureStub { private PubsubFutureStub( io.grpc.Channel channel, io.grpc.CallOptions callOptions) { super(channel, callOptions); } @java.lang.Override protected PubsubFutureStub build( io.grpc.Channel channel, io.grpc.CallOptions callOptions) { return new PubsubFutureStub(channel, callOptions); } /** *
     * Publish a message to a topic.
     * If a topic has no subscribers, then the effect of Publish MAY be either of:
     * * It is dropped and the topic is nonexistent.
     * * It is accepted to the topic as the next message.
     * Publish() does not wait for subscribers to accept. It returns Ok upon accepting
     * the topic value. It also returns Ok if there are no subscribers and the value
     * happens to be dropped. Publish() can not guarantee delivery in theory but in
     * practice it should almost always deliver to subscribers.
     * REQUIRES HEADER authorization: Momento auth token
*/ public publish( grpc.cache_client.pubsub._PublishRequest request) { return io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.futureUnaryCall( getChannel().newCall(getPublishMethod(), getCallOptions()), request); } } private static final int METHODID_PUBLISH = 0; private static final int METHODID_SUBSCRIBE = 1; private static final class MethodHandlers implements io.grpc.stub.ServerCalls.UnaryMethod, io.grpc.stub.ServerCalls.ServerStreamingMethod, io.grpc.stub.ServerCalls.ClientStreamingMethod, io.grpc.stub.ServerCalls.BidiStreamingMethod { private final AsyncService serviceImpl; private final int methodId; MethodHandlers(AsyncService serviceImpl, int methodId) { this.serviceImpl = serviceImpl; this.methodId = methodId; } @java.lang.Override @java.lang.SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void invoke(Req request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver responseObserver) { switch (methodId) { case METHODID_PUBLISH: serviceImpl.publish((grpc.cache_client.pubsub._PublishRequest) request, (io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver) responseObserver); break; case METHODID_SUBSCRIBE: serviceImpl.subscribe((grpc.cache_client.pubsub._SubscriptionRequest) request, (io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver) responseObserver); break; default: throw new AssertionError(); } } @java.lang.Override @java.lang.SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver invoke( io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver responseObserver) { switch (methodId) { default: throw new AssertionError(); } } } public static final io.grpc.ServerServiceDefinition bindService(AsyncService service) { return io.grpc.ServerServiceDefinition.builder(getServiceDescriptor()) .addMethod( getPublishMethod(), io.grpc.stub.ServerCalls.asyncUnaryCall( new MethodHandlers< grpc.cache_client.pubsub._PublishRequest, grpc.common._Empty>( service, METHODID_PUBLISH))) .addMethod( getSubscribeMethod(), io.grpc.stub.ServerCalls.asyncServerStreamingCall( new MethodHandlers< grpc.cache_client.pubsub._SubscriptionRequest, grpc.cache_client.pubsub._SubscriptionItem>( service, METHODID_SUBSCRIBE))) .build(); } private static abstract class PubsubBaseDescriptorSupplier implements io.grpc.protobuf.ProtoFileDescriptorSupplier, io.grpc.protobuf.ProtoServiceDescriptorSupplier { PubsubBaseDescriptorSupplier() {} @java.lang.Override public getFileDescriptor() { return grpc.cache_client.pubsub.Cachepubsub.getDescriptor(); } @java.lang.Override public getServiceDescriptor() { return getFileDescriptor().findServiceByName("Pubsub"); } } private static final class PubsubFileDescriptorSupplier extends PubsubBaseDescriptorSupplier { PubsubFileDescriptorSupplier() {} } private static final class PubsubMethodDescriptorSupplier extends PubsubBaseDescriptorSupplier implements io.grpc.protobuf.ProtoMethodDescriptorSupplier { private final java.lang.String methodName; PubsubMethodDescriptorSupplier(java.lang.String methodName) { this.methodName = methodName; } @java.lang.Override public getMethodDescriptor() { return getServiceDescriptor().findMethodByName(methodName); } } private static volatile io.grpc.ServiceDescriptor serviceDescriptor; public static io.grpc.ServiceDescriptor getServiceDescriptor() { io.grpc.ServiceDescriptor result = serviceDescriptor; if (result == null) { synchronized (PubsubGrpc.class) { result = serviceDescriptor; if (result == null) { serviceDescriptor = result = io.grpc.ServiceDescriptor.newBuilder(SERVICE_NAME) .setSchemaDescriptor(new PubsubFileDescriptorSupplier()) .addMethod(getPublishMethod()) .addMethod(getSubscribeMethod()) .build(); } } } return result; } }

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