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software.tnb.jira.validation.generated.api.WorkflowsApi Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
 * The Jira Cloud platform REST API
 * Jira Cloud platform REST API documentation
 * The version of the OpenAPI document: 1001.0.0-SNAPSHOT
 * Contact: [email protected]
 * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
 * Do not edit the class manually.

package software.tnb.jira.validation.generated.api;

import software.tnb.jira.validation.generated.ApiCallback;
import software.tnb.jira.validation.generated.ApiClient;
import software.tnb.jira.validation.generated.ApiException;
import software.tnb.jira.validation.generated.ApiResponse;
import software.tnb.jira.validation.generated.Configuration;
import software.tnb.jira.validation.generated.Pair;
import software.tnb.jira.validation.generated.ProgressRequestBody;
import software.tnb.jira.validation.generated.ProgressResponseBody;



import software.tnb.jira.validation.generated.model.CreateWorkflowDetails;
import software.tnb.jira.validation.generated.model.DeprecatedWorkflow;
import software.tnb.jira.validation.generated.model.ErrorCollection;
import software.tnb.jira.validation.generated.model.PageBeanWorkflow;
import java.util.Set;
import software.tnb.jira.validation.generated.model.WorkflowIDs;

import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class WorkflowsApi {
    private ApiClient localVarApiClient;
    private int localHostIndex;
    private String localCustomBaseUrl;

    public WorkflowsApi() {

    public WorkflowsApi(ApiClient apiClient) {
        this.localVarApiClient = apiClient;

    public ApiClient getApiClient() {
        return localVarApiClient;

    public void setApiClient(ApiClient apiClient) {
        this.localVarApiClient = apiClient;

    public int getHostIndex() {
        return localHostIndex;

    public void setHostIndex(int hostIndex) {
        this.localHostIndex = hostIndex;

    public String getCustomBaseUrl() {
        return localCustomBaseUrl;

    public void setCustomBaseUrl(String customBaseUrl) {
        this.localCustomBaseUrl = customBaseUrl;

     * Build call for createWorkflow
     * @param createWorkflowDetails The workflow details. (required)
     * @param _callback Callback for upload/download progress
     * @return Call to execute
     * @throws ApiException If fail to serialize the request body object
     * @http.response.details
Status Code Description Response Headers
201 Returned if the workflow is created. -
400 Returned if the request is not valid. -
401 Returned if the authentication credentials are incorrect or missing. -
403 Returned if the user does not have the required permissions. -
404 Returned if one or more statuses is not found. -
*/ public okhttp3.Call createWorkflowCall(CreateWorkflowDetails createWorkflowDetails, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException { String basePath = null; // Operation Servers String[] localBasePaths = new String[] { }; // Determine Base Path to Use if (localCustomBaseUrl != null){ basePath = localCustomBaseUrl; } else if ( localBasePaths.length > 0 ) { basePath = localBasePaths[localHostIndex]; } else { basePath = null; } Object localVarPostBody = createWorkflowDetails; // create path and map variables String localVarPath = "/rest/api/3/workflow"; List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList(); List localVarCollectionQueryParams = new ArrayList(); Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap(); Map localVarCookieParams = new HashMap(); Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap(); final String[] localVarAccepts = { "application/json" }; final String localVarAccept = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts); if (localVarAccept != null) { localVarHeaderParams.put("Accept", localVarAccept); } final String[] localVarContentTypes = { "application/json" }; final String localVarContentType = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes); if (localVarContentType != null) { localVarHeaderParams.put("Content-Type", localVarContentType); } String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "OAuth2", "basicAuth" }; return localVarApiClient.buildCall(basePath, localVarPath, "POST", localVarQueryParams, localVarCollectionQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarCookieParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAuthNames, _callback); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private okhttp3.Call createWorkflowValidateBeforeCall(CreateWorkflowDetails createWorkflowDetails, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException { // verify the required parameter 'createWorkflowDetails' is set if (createWorkflowDetails == null) { throw new ApiException("Missing the required parameter 'createWorkflowDetails' when calling createWorkflow(Async)"); } return createWorkflowCall(createWorkflowDetails, _callback); } /** * Create workflow * Creates a workflow. You can define transition rules using the shapes detailed in the following sections. If no transitional rules are specified the default system transition rules are used. #### Conditions #### Conditions enable workflow rules that govern whether a transition can execute. ##### Always false condition ##### A condition that always fails. { \"type\": \"AlwaysFalseCondition\" } ##### Block transition until approval ##### A condition that blocks issue transition if there is a pending approval. { \"type\": \"BlockInProgressApprovalCondition\" } ##### Compare number custom field condition ##### A condition that allows transition if a comparison between a number custom field and a value is true. { \"type\": \"CompareNumberCFCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"comparator\": \"=\", \"fieldId\": \"customfield_10029\", \"fieldValue\": 2 } } * `comparator` One of the supported comparator: `=`, `>`, and `<`. * `fieldId` The custom numeric field ID. Allowed field types: * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:float` * `com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:jsw-story-points` * `fieldValue` The value for comparison. ##### Hide from user condition ##### A condition that hides a transition from users. The transition can only be triggered from a workflow function or REST API operation. { \"type\": \"RemoteOnlyCondition\" } ##### Only assignee condition ##### A condition that allows only the assignee to execute a transition. { \"type\": \"AllowOnlyAssignee\" } ##### Only Bamboo notifications workflow condition ##### A condition that makes the transition available only to Bamboo build notifications. { \"type\": \"OnlyBambooNotificationsCondition\" } ##### Only reporter condition ##### A condition that allows only the reporter to execute a transition. { \"type\": \"AllowOnlyReporter\" } ##### Permission condition ##### A condition that allows only users with a permission to execute a transition. { \"type\": \"PermissionCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"permissionKey\": \"BROWSE_PROJECTS\" } } * `permissionKey` The permission required to perform the transition. Allowed values: [built-in]( or app defined permissions. ##### Previous status condition ##### A condition that allows a transition based on whether an issue has or has not transitioned through a status. { \"type\": \"PreviousStatusCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"ignoreLoopTransitions\": true, \"includeCurrentStatus\": true, \"mostRecentStatusOnly\": true, \"reverseCondition\": true, \"previousStatus\": { \"id\": \"5\" } } } By default this condition allows the transition if the status, as defined by its ID in the `previousStatus` object, matches any previous issue status, unless: * `ignoreLoopTransitions` is `true`, then loop transitions (from and to the same status) are ignored. * `includeCurrentStatus` is `true`, then the current issue status is also checked. * `mostRecentStatusOnly` is `true`, then only the issue's preceding status (the one immediately before the current status) is checked. * `reverseCondition` is `true`, then the status must not be present. ##### Separation of duties condition ##### A condition that prevents a user to perform the transition, if the user has already performed a transition on the issue. { \"type\": \"SeparationOfDutiesCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"fromStatus\": { \"id\": \"5\" }, \"toStatus\": { \"id\": \"6\" } } } * `fromStatus` OPTIONAL. An object containing the ID of the source status of the transition that is blocked. If omitted any transition to `toStatus` is blocked. * `toStatus` An object containing the ID of the target status of the transition that is blocked. ##### Subtask blocking condition ##### A condition that blocks transition on a parent issue if any of its subtasks are in any of one or more statuses. { \"type\": \"SubTaskBlockingCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"statuses\": [ { \"id\": \"1\" }, { \"id\": \"3\" } ] } } * `statuses` A list of objects containing status IDs. ##### User is in any group condition ##### A condition that allows users belonging to any group from a list of groups to execute a transition. { \"type\": \"UserInAnyGroupCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"groups\": [ \"administrators\", \"atlassian-addons-admin\" ] } } * `groups` A list of group names. ##### User is in any project role condition ##### A condition that allows only users with at least one project roles from a list of project roles to execute a transition. { \"type\": \"InAnyProjectRoleCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"projectRoles\": [ { \"id\": \"10002\" }, { \"id\": \"10003\" }, { \"id\": \"10012\" }, { \"id\": \"10013\" } ] } } * `projectRoles` A list of objects containing project role IDs. ##### User is in custom field condition ##### A condition that allows only users listed in a given custom field to execute the transition. { \"type\": \"UserIsInCustomFieldCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"allowUserInField\": false, \"fieldId\": \"customfield_10010\" } } * `allowUserInField` If `true` only a user who is listed in `fieldId` can perform the transition, otherwise, only a user who is not listed in `fieldId` can perform the transition. * `fieldId` The ID of the field containing the list of users. ##### User is in group condition ##### A condition that allows users belonging to a group to execute a transition. { \"type\": \"UserInGroupCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"group\": \"administrators\" } } * `group` The name of the group. ##### User is in group custom field condition ##### A condition that allows users belonging to a group specified in a custom field to execute a transition. { \"type\": \"InGroupCFCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"fieldId\": \"customfield_10012\" } } * `fieldId` The ID of the field. Allowed field types: * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multigrouppicker` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:grouppicker` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:select` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multiselect` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:radiobuttons` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multicheckboxes` * `com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-epic-status` ##### User is in project role condition ##### A condition that allows users with a project role to execute a transition. { \"type\": \"InProjectRoleCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"projectRole\": { \"id\": \"10002\" } } } * `projectRole` An object containing the ID of a project role. ##### Value field condition ##### A conditions that allows a transition to execute if the value of a field is equal to a constant value or simply set. { \"type\": \"ValueFieldCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"fieldId\": \"assignee\", \"fieldValue\": \"qm:6e1ecee6-8e64-4db6-8c85-916bb3275f51:54b56885-2bd2-4381-8239-78263442520f\", \"comparisonType\": \"NUMBER\", \"comparator\": \"=\" } } * `fieldId` The ID of a field used in the comparison. * `fieldValue` The expected value of the field. * `comparisonType` The type of the comparison. Allowed values: `STRING`, `NUMBER`, `DATE`, `DATE_WITHOUT_TIME`, or `OPTIONID`. * `comparator` One of the supported comparator: `>`, `>=`, `=`, `<=`, `<`, `!=`. **Notes:** * If you choose the comparison type `STRING`, only `=` and `!=` are valid options. * You may leave `fieldValue` empty when comparison type is `!=` to indicate that a value is required in the field. * For date fields without time format values as `yyyy-MM-dd`, and for those with time as `yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm`. For example, for July 16 2021 use `2021-07-16`, for 8:05 AM use `2021-07-16 08:05`, and for 4 PM: `2021-07-16 16:00`. #### Validators #### Validators check that any input made to the transition is valid before the transition is performed. ##### Date field validator ##### A validator that compares two dates. { \"type\": \"DateFieldValidator\", \"configuration\": { \"comparator\": \">\", \"date1\": \"updated\", \"date2\": \"created\", \"expression\": \"1d\", \"includeTime\": true } } * `comparator` One of the supported comparator: `>`, `>=`, `=`, `<=`, `<`, or `!=`. * `date1` The date field to validate. Allowed field types: * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:datepicker` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:datetime` * `com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-custom-field-baseline-end` * `com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-custom-field-baseline-start` * `duedate` * `created` * `updated` * `resolutiondate` * `date2` The second date field. Required, if `expression` is not passed. Allowed field types: * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:datepicker` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:datetime` * `com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-custom-field-baseline-end` * `com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-custom-field-baseline-start` * `duedate` * `created` * `updated` * `resolutiondate` * `expression` An expression specifying an offset. Required, if `date2` is not passed. Offsets are built with a number, with `-` as prefix for the past, and one of these time units: `d` for day, `w` for week, `m` for month, or `y` for year. For example, -2d means two days into the past and 1w means one week into the future. The `now` keyword enables a comparison with the current date. * `includeTime` If `true`, then the time part of the data is included for the comparison. If the field doesn't have a time part, 00:00:00 is used. ##### Windows date validator ##### A validator that checks that a date falls on or after a reference date and before or on the reference date plus a number of days. { \"type\": \"WindowsDateValidator\", \"configuration\": { \"date1\": \"customfield_10009\", \"date2\": \"created\", \"windowsDays\": 5 } } * `date1` The date field to validate. Allowed field types: * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:datepicker` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:datetime` * `com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-custom-field-baseline-end` * `com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-custom-field-baseline-start` * `duedate` * `created` * `updated` * `resolutiondate` * `date2` The reference date. Allowed field types: * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:datepicker` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:datetime` * `com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-custom-field-baseline-end` * `com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-custom-field-baseline-start` * `duedate` * `created` * `updated` * `resolutiondate` * `windowsDays` A positive integer indicating a number of days. ##### Field required validator ##### A validator that checks fields are not empty. By default, if a field is not included in the current context it's ignored and not validated. { \"type\": \"FieldRequiredValidator\", \"configuration\": { \"ignoreContext\": true, \"errorMessage\": \"Hey\", \"fieldIds\": [ \"versions\", \"customfield_10037\", \"customfield_10003\" ] } } * `ignoreContext` If `true`, then the context is ignored and all the fields are validated. * `errorMessage` OPTIONAL. The error message displayed when one or more fields are empty. A default error message is shown if an error message is not provided. * `fieldIds` The list of fields to validate. ##### Field changed validator ##### A validator that checks that a field value is changed. However, this validation can be ignored for users from a list of groups. { \"type\": \"FieldChangedValidator\", \"configuration\": { \"fieldId\": \"comment\", \"errorMessage\": \"Hey\", \"exemptedGroups\": [ \"administrators\", \"atlassian-addons-admin\" ] } } * `fieldId` The ID of a field. * `errorMessage` OPTIONAL. The error message displayed if the field is not changed. A default error message is shown if the error message is not provided. * `exemptedGroups` OPTIONAL. The list of groups. ##### Field has single value validator ##### A validator that checks that a multi-select field has only one value. Optionally, the validation can ignore values copied from subtasks. { \"type\": \"FieldHasSingleValueValidator\", \"configuration\": { \"fieldId\": \"attachment, \"excludeSubtasks\": true } } * `fieldId` The ID of a field. * `excludeSubtasks` If `true`, then values copied from subtasks are ignored. ##### Parent status validator ##### A validator that checks the status of the parent issue of a subtask. Ìf the issue is not a subtask, no validation is performed. { \"type\": \"ParentStatusValidator\", \"configuration\": { \"parentStatuses\": [ { \"id\":\"1\" }, { \"id\":\"2\" } ] } } * `parentStatus` The list of required parent issue statuses. ##### Permission validator ##### A validator that checks the user has a permission. { \"type\": \"PermissionValidator\", \"configuration\": { \"permissionKey\": \"ADMINISTER_PROJECTS\" } } * `permissionKey` The permission required to perform the transition. Allowed values: [built-in]( or app defined permissions. ##### Previous status validator ##### A validator that checks if the issue has held a status. { \"type\": \"PreviousStatusValidator\", \"configuration\": { \"mostRecentStatusOnly\": false, \"previousStatus\": { \"id\": \"15\" } } } * `mostRecentStatusOnly` If `true`, then only the issue's preceding status (the one immediately before the current status) is checked. * `previousStatus` An object containing the ID of an issue status. ##### Regular expression validator ##### A validator that checks the content of a field against a regular expression. { \"type\": \"RegexpFieldValidator\", \"configuration\": { \"regExp\": \"[0-9]\", \"fieldId\": \"customfield_10029\" } } * `regExp`A regular expression. * `fieldId` The ID of a field. Allowed field types: * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:select` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multiselect` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:radiobuttons` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multicheckboxes` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:textarea` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:textfield` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:url` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:float` * `com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:jsw-story-points` * `com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-epic-status` * `description` * `summary` ##### User permission validator ##### A validator that checks if a user has a permission. Obsolete. You may encounter this validator when getting transition rules and can pass it when updating or creating rules, for example, when you want to duplicate the rules from a workflow on a new workflow. { \"type\": \"UserPermissionValidator\", \"configuration\": { \"permissionKey\": \"BROWSE_PROJECTS\", \"nullAllowed\": false, \"username\": \"TestUser\" } } * `permissionKey` The permission to be validated. Allowed values: [built-in]( or app defined permissions. * `nullAllowed` If `true`, allows the transition when `username` is empty. * `username` The username to validate against the `permissionKey`. #### Post functions #### Post functions carry out any additional processing required after a Jira workflow transition is executed. ##### Fire issue event function ##### A post function that fires an event that is processed by the listeners. { \"type\": \"FireIssueEventFunction\", \"configuration\": { \"event\": { \"id\":\"1\" } } } **Note:** If provided, this post function overrides the default `FireIssueEventFunction`. Can be included once in a transition. * `event` An object containing the ID of the issue event. ##### Update issue status ##### A post function that sets issue status to the linked status of the destination workflow status. { \"type\": \"UpdateIssueStatusFunction\" } **Note:** This post function is a default function in global and directed transitions. It can only be added to the initial transition and can only be added once. ##### Create comment ##### A post function that adds a comment entered during the transition to an issue. { \"type\": \"CreateCommentFunction\" } **Note:** This post function is a default function in global and directed transitions. It can only be added to the initial transition and can only be added once. ##### Store issue ##### A post function that stores updates to an issue. { \"type\": \"IssueStoreFunction\" } **Note:** This post function can only be added to the initial transition and can only be added once. ##### Assign to current user function ##### A post function that assigns the issue to the current user if the current user has the `ASSIGNABLE_USER` permission. { \"type\": \"AssignToCurrentUserFunction\" } **Note:** This post function can be included once in a transition. ##### Assign to lead function ##### A post function that assigns the issue to the project or component lead developer. { \"type\": \"AssignToLeadFunction\" } **Note:** This post function can be included once in a transition. ##### Assign to reporter function ##### A post function that assigns the issue to the reporter. { \"type\": \"AssignToReporterFunction\" } **Note:** This post function can be included once in a transition. ##### Clear field value function ##### A post function that clears the value from a field. { \"type\": \"ClearFieldValuePostFunction\", \"configuration\": { \"fieldId\": \"assignee\" } } * `fieldId` The ID of the field. ##### Copy value from other field function ##### A post function that copies the value of one field to another, either within an issue or from parent to subtask. { \"type\": \"CopyValueFromOtherFieldPostFunction\", \"configuration\": { \"sourceFieldId\": \"assignee\", \"destinationFieldId\": \"creator\", \"copyType\": \"same\" } } * `sourceFieldId` The ID of the source field. * `destinationFieldId` The ID of the destination field. * `copyType` Use `same` to copy the value from a field inside the issue, or `parent` to copy the value from the parent issue. ##### Create Crucible review workflow function ##### A post function that creates a Crucible review for all unreviewed code for the issue. { \"type\": \"CreateCrucibleReviewWorkflowFunction\" } **Note:** This post function can be included once in a transition. ##### Set issue security level based on user's project role function ##### A post function that sets the issue's security level if the current user has a project role. { \"type\": \"SetIssueSecurityFromRoleFunction\", \"configuration\": { \"projectRole\": { \"id\":\"10002\" }, \"issueSecurityLevel\": { \"id\":\"10000\" } } } * `projectRole` An object containing the ID of the project role. * `issueSecurityLevel` OPTIONAL. The object containing the ID of the security level. If not passed, then the security level is set to `none`. ##### Trigger a webhook function ##### A post function that triggers a webhook. { \"type\": \"TriggerWebhookFunction\", \"configuration\": { \"webhook\": { \"id\": \"1\" } } } * `webhook` An object containing the ID of the webhook listener to trigger. ##### Update issue custom field function ##### A post function that updates the content of an issue custom field. { \"type\": \"UpdateIssueCustomFieldPostFunction\", \"configuration\": { \"mode\": \"append\", \"fieldId\": \"customfield_10003\", \"fieldValue\": \"yikes\" } } * `mode` Use `replace` to override the field content with `fieldValue` or `append` to add `fieldValue` to the end of the field content. * `fieldId` The ID of the field. * `fieldValue` The update content. ##### Update issue field function ##### A post function that updates a simple issue field. { \"type\": \"UpdateIssueFieldFunction\", \"configuration\": { \"fieldId\": \"assignee\", \"fieldValue\": \"5f0c277e70b8a90025a00776\" } } * `fieldId` The ID of the field. Allowed field types: * `assignee` * `description` * `environment` * `priority` * `resolution` * `summary` * `timeoriginalestimate` * `timeestimate` * `timespent` * `fieldValue` The update value. * If the `fieldId` is `assignee`, the `fieldValue` should be one of these values: * an account ID. * `automatic`. * a blank string, which sets the value to `unassigned`. #### Connect rules #### Connect rules are conditions, validators, and post functions of a transition that are registered by Connect apps. To create a rule registered by the app, the app must be enabled and the rule's module must exist. { \"type\": \"appKey__moduleKey\", \"configuration\": { \"value\":\"{\\\"isValid\\\":\\\"true\\\"}\" } } * `type` A Connect rule key in a form of `appKey__moduleKey`. * `value` The stringified JSON configuration of a Connect rule. #### Forge rules #### Forge transition rules are not yet supported. **[Permissions](#permissions) required:** *Administer Jira* [global permission]( * @param createWorkflowDetails The workflow details. (required) * @return WorkflowIDs * @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body * @http.response.details
Status Code Description Response Headers
201 Returned if the workflow is created. -
400 Returned if the request is not valid. -
401 Returned if the authentication credentials are incorrect or missing. -
403 Returned if the user does not have the required permissions. -
404 Returned if one or more statuses is not found. -
*/ public WorkflowIDs createWorkflow(CreateWorkflowDetails createWorkflowDetails) throws ApiException { ApiResponse localVarResp = createWorkflowWithHttpInfo(createWorkflowDetails); return localVarResp.getData(); } /** * Create workflow * Creates a workflow. You can define transition rules using the shapes detailed in the following sections. If no transitional rules are specified the default system transition rules are used. #### Conditions #### Conditions enable workflow rules that govern whether a transition can execute. ##### Always false condition ##### A condition that always fails. { \"type\": \"AlwaysFalseCondition\" } ##### Block transition until approval ##### A condition that blocks issue transition if there is a pending approval. { \"type\": \"BlockInProgressApprovalCondition\" } ##### Compare number custom field condition ##### A condition that allows transition if a comparison between a number custom field and a value is true. { \"type\": \"CompareNumberCFCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"comparator\": \"=\", \"fieldId\": \"customfield_10029\", \"fieldValue\": 2 } } * `comparator` One of the supported comparator: `=`, `>`, and `<`. * `fieldId` The custom numeric field ID. Allowed field types: * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:float` * `com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:jsw-story-points` * `fieldValue` The value for comparison. ##### Hide from user condition ##### A condition that hides a transition from users. The transition can only be triggered from a workflow function or REST API operation. { \"type\": \"RemoteOnlyCondition\" } ##### Only assignee condition ##### A condition that allows only the assignee to execute a transition. { \"type\": \"AllowOnlyAssignee\" } ##### Only Bamboo notifications workflow condition ##### A condition that makes the transition available only to Bamboo build notifications. { \"type\": \"OnlyBambooNotificationsCondition\" } ##### Only reporter condition ##### A condition that allows only the reporter to execute a transition. { \"type\": \"AllowOnlyReporter\" } ##### Permission condition ##### A condition that allows only users with a permission to execute a transition. { \"type\": \"PermissionCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"permissionKey\": \"BROWSE_PROJECTS\" } } * `permissionKey` The permission required to perform the transition. Allowed values: [built-in]( or app defined permissions. ##### Previous status condition ##### A condition that allows a transition based on whether an issue has or has not transitioned through a status. { \"type\": \"PreviousStatusCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"ignoreLoopTransitions\": true, \"includeCurrentStatus\": true, \"mostRecentStatusOnly\": true, \"reverseCondition\": true, \"previousStatus\": { \"id\": \"5\" } } } By default this condition allows the transition if the status, as defined by its ID in the `previousStatus` object, matches any previous issue status, unless: * `ignoreLoopTransitions` is `true`, then loop transitions (from and to the same status) are ignored. * `includeCurrentStatus` is `true`, then the current issue status is also checked. * `mostRecentStatusOnly` is `true`, then only the issue's preceding status (the one immediately before the current status) is checked. * `reverseCondition` is `true`, then the status must not be present. ##### Separation of duties condition ##### A condition that prevents a user to perform the transition, if the user has already performed a transition on the issue. { \"type\": \"SeparationOfDutiesCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"fromStatus\": { \"id\": \"5\" }, \"toStatus\": { \"id\": \"6\" } } } * `fromStatus` OPTIONAL. An object containing the ID of the source status of the transition that is blocked. If omitted any transition to `toStatus` is blocked. * `toStatus` An object containing the ID of the target status of the transition that is blocked. ##### Subtask blocking condition ##### A condition that blocks transition on a parent issue if any of its subtasks are in any of one or more statuses. { \"type\": \"SubTaskBlockingCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"statuses\": [ { \"id\": \"1\" }, { \"id\": \"3\" } ] } } * `statuses` A list of objects containing status IDs. ##### User is in any group condition ##### A condition that allows users belonging to any group from a list of groups to execute a transition. { \"type\": \"UserInAnyGroupCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"groups\": [ \"administrators\", \"atlassian-addons-admin\" ] } } * `groups` A list of group names. ##### User is in any project role condition ##### A condition that allows only users with at least one project roles from a list of project roles to execute a transition. { \"type\": \"InAnyProjectRoleCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"projectRoles\": [ { \"id\": \"10002\" }, { \"id\": \"10003\" }, { \"id\": \"10012\" }, { \"id\": \"10013\" } ] } } * `projectRoles` A list of objects containing project role IDs. ##### User is in custom field condition ##### A condition that allows only users listed in a given custom field to execute the transition. { \"type\": \"UserIsInCustomFieldCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"allowUserInField\": false, \"fieldId\": \"customfield_10010\" } } * `allowUserInField` If `true` only a user who is listed in `fieldId` can perform the transition, otherwise, only a user who is not listed in `fieldId` can perform the transition. * `fieldId` The ID of the field containing the list of users. ##### User is in group condition ##### A condition that allows users belonging to a group to execute a transition. { \"type\": \"UserInGroupCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"group\": \"administrators\" } } * `group` The name of the group. ##### User is in group custom field condition ##### A condition that allows users belonging to a group specified in a custom field to execute a transition. { \"type\": \"InGroupCFCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"fieldId\": \"customfield_10012\" } } * `fieldId` The ID of the field. Allowed field types: * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multigrouppicker` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:grouppicker` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:select` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multiselect` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:radiobuttons` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multicheckboxes` * `com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-epic-status` ##### User is in project role condition ##### A condition that allows users with a project role to execute a transition. { \"type\": \"InProjectRoleCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"projectRole\": { \"id\": \"10002\" } } } * `projectRole` An object containing the ID of a project role. ##### Value field condition ##### A conditions that allows a transition to execute if the value of a field is equal to a constant value or simply set. { \"type\": \"ValueFieldCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"fieldId\": \"assignee\", \"fieldValue\": \"qm:6e1ecee6-8e64-4db6-8c85-916bb3275f51:54b56885-2bd2-4381-8239-78263442520f\", \"comparisonType\": \"NUMBER\", \"comparator\": \"=\" } } * `fieldId` The ID of a field used in the comparison. * `fieldValue` The expected value of the field. * `comparisonType` The type of the comparison. Allowed values: `STRING`, `NUMBER`, `DATE`, `DATE_WITHOUT_TIME`, or `OPTIONID`. * `comparator` One of the supported comparator: `>`, `>=`, `=`, `<=`, `<`, `!=`. **Notes:** * If you choose the comparison type `STRING`, only `=` and `!=` are valid options. * You may leave `fieldValue` empty when comparison type is `!=` to indicate that a value is required in the field. * For date fields without time format values as `yyyy-MM-dd`, and for those with time as `yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm`. For example, for July 16 2021 use `2021-07-16`, for 8:05 AM use `2021-07-16 08:05`, and for 4 PM: `2021-07-16 16:00`. #### Validators #### Validators check that any input made to the transition is valid before the transition is performed. ##### Date field validator ##### A validator that compares two dates. { \"type\": \"DateFieldValidator\", \"configuration\": { \"comparator\": \">\", \"date1\": \"updated\", \"date2\": \"created\", \"expression\": \"1d\", \"includeTime\": true } } * `comparator` One of the supported comparator: `>`, `>=`, `=`, `<=`, `<`, or `!=`. * `date1` The date field to validate. Allowed field types: * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:datepicker` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:datetime` * `com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-custom-field-baseline-end` * `com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-custom-field-baseline-start` * `duedate` * `created` * `updated` * `resolutiondate` * `date2` The second date field. Required, if `expression` is not passed. Allowed field types: * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:datepicker` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:datetime` * `com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-custom-field-baseline-end` * `com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-custom-field-baseline-start` * `duedate` * `created` * `updated` * `resolutiondate` * `expression` An expression specifying an offset. Required, if `date2` is not passed. Offsets are built with a number, with `-` as prefix for the past, and one of these time units: `d` for day, `w` for week, `m` for month, or `y` for year. For example, -2d means two days into the past and 1w means one week into the future. The `now` keyword enables a comparison with the current date. * `includeTime` If `true`, then the time part of the data is included for the comparison. If the field doesn't have a time part, 00:00:00 is used. ##### Windows date validator ##### A validator that checks that a date falls on or after a reference date and before or on the reference date plus a number of days. { \"type\": \"WindowsDateValidator\", \"configuration\": { \"date1\": \"customfield_10009\", \"date2\": \"created\", \"windowsDays\": 5 } } * `date1` The date field to validate. Allowed field types: * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:datepicker` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:datetime` * `com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-custom-field-baseline-end` * `com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-custom-field-baseline-start` * `duedate` * `created` * `updated` * `resolutiondate` * `date2` The reference date. Allowed field types: * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:datepicker` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:datetime` * `com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-custom-field-baseline-end` * `com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-custom-field-baseline-start` * `duedate` * `created` * `updated` * `resolutiondate` * `windowsDays` A positive integer indicating a number of days. ##### Field required validator ##### A validator that checks fields are not empty. By default, if a field is not included in the current context it's ignored and not validated. { \"type\": \"FieldRequiredValidator\", \"configuration\": { \"ignoreContext\": true, \"errorMessage\": \"Hey\", \"fieldIds\": [ \"versions\", \"customfield_10037\", \"customfield_10003\" ] } } * `ignoreContext` If `true`, then the context is ignored and all the fields are validated. * `errorMessage` OPTIONAL. The error message displayed when one or more fields are empty. A default error message is shown if an error message is not provided. * `fieldIds` The list of fields to validate. ##### Field changed validator ##### A validator that checks that a field value is changed. However, this validation can be ignored for users from a list of groups. { \"type\": \"FieldChangedValidator\", \"configuration\": { \"fieldId\": \"comment\", \"errorMessage\": \"Hey\", \"exemptedGroups\": [ \"administrators\", \"atlassian-addons-admin\" ] } } * `fieldId` The ID of a field. * `errorMessage` OPTIONAL. The error message displayed if the field is not changed. A default error message is shown if the error message is not provided. * `exemptedGroups` OPTIONAL. The list of groups. ##### Field has single value validator ##### A validator that checks that a multi-select field has only one value. Optionally, the validation can ignore values copied from subtasks. { \"type\": \"FieldHasSingleValueValidator\", \"configuration\": { \"fieldId\": \"attachment, \"excludeSubtasks\": true } } * `fieldId` The ID of a field. * `excludeSubtasks` If `true`, then values copied from subtasks are ignored. ##### Parent status validator ##### A validator that checks the status of the parent issue of a subtask. Ìf the issue is not a subtask, no validation is performed. { \"type\": \"ParentStatusValidator\", \"configuration\": { \"parentStatuses\": [ { \"id\":\"1\" }, { \"id\":\"2\" } ] } } * `parentStatus` The list of required parent issue statuses. ##### Permission validator ##### A validator that checks the user has a permission. { \"type\": \"PermissionValidator\", \"configuration\": { \"permissionKey\": \"ADMINISTER_PROJECTS\" } } * `permissionKey` The permission required to perform the transition. Allowed values: [built-in]( or app defined permissions. ##### Previous status validator ##### A validator that checks if the issue has held a status. { \"type\": \"PreviousStatusValidator\", \"configuration\": { \"mostRecentStatusOnly\": false, \"previousStatus\": { \"id\": \"15\" } } } * `mostRecentStatusOnly` If `true`, then only the issue's preceding status (the one immediately before the current status) is checked. * `previousStatus` An object containing the ID of an issue status. ##### Regular expression validator ##### A validator that checks the content of a field against a regular expression. { \"type\": \"RegexpFieldValidator\", \"configuration\": { \"regExp\": \"[0-9]\", \"fieldId\": \"customfield_10029\" } } * `regExp`A regular expression. * `fieldId` The ID of a field. Allowed field types: * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:select` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multiselect` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:radiobuttons` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multicheckboxes` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:textarea` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:textfield` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:url` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:float` * `com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:jsw-story-points` * `com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-epic-status` * `description` * `summary` ##### User permission validator ##### A validator that checks if a user has a permission. Obsolete. You may encounter this validator when getting transition rules and can pass it when updating or creating rules, for example, when you want to duplicate the rules from a workflow on a new workflow. { \"type\": \"UserPermissionValidator\", \"configuration\": { \"permissionKey\": \"BROWSE_PROJECTS\", \"nullAllowed\": false, \"username\": \"TestUser\" } } * `permissionKey` The permission to be validated. Allowed values: [built-in]( or app defined permissions. * `nullAllowed` If `true`, allows the transition when `username` is empty. * `username` The username to validate against the `permissionKey`. #### Post functions #### Post functions carry out any additional processing required after a Jira workflow transition is executed. ##### Fire issue event function ##### A post function that fires an event that is processed by the listeners. { \"type\": \"FireIssueEventFunction\", \"configuration\": { \"event\": { \"id\":\"1\" } } } **Note:** If provided, this post function overrides the default `FireIssueEventFunction`. Can be included once in a transition. * `event` An object containing the ID of the issue event. ##### Update issue status ##### A post function that sets issue status to the linked status of the destination workflow status. { \"type\": \"UpdateIssueStatusFunction\" } **Note:** This post function is a default function in global and directed transitions. It can only be added to the initial transition and can only be added once. ##### Create comment ##### A post function that adds a comment entered during the transition to an issue. { \"type\": \"CreateCommentFunction\" } **Note:** This post function is a default function in global and directed transitions. It can only be added to the initial transition and can only be added once. ##### Store issue ##### A post function that stores updates to an issue. { \"type\": \"IssueStoreFunction\" } **Note:** This post function can only be added to the initial transition and can only be added once. ##### Assign to current user function ##### A post function that assigns the issue to the current user if the current user has the `ASSIGNABLE_USER` permission. { \"type\": \"AssignToCurrentUserFunction\" } **Note:** This post function can be included once in a transition. ##### Assign to lead function ##### A post function that assigns the issue to the project or component lead developer. { \"type\": \"AssignToLeadFunction\" } **Note:** This post function can be included once in a transition. ##### Assign to reporter function ##### A post function that assigns the issue to the reporter. { \"type\": \"AssignToReporterFunction\" } **Note:** This post function can be included once in a transition. ##### Clear field value function ##### A post function that clears the value from a field. { \"type\": \"ClearFieldValuePostFunction\", \"configuration\": { \"fieldId\": \"assignee\" } } * `fieldId` The ID of the field. ##### Copy value from other field function ##### A post function that copies the value of one field to another, either within an issue or from parent to subtask. { \"type\": \"CopyValueFromOtherFieldPostFunction\", \"configuration\": { \"sourceFieldId\": \"assignee\", \"destinationFieldId\": \"creator\", \"copyType\": \"same\" } } * `sourceFieldId` The ID of the source field. * `destinationFieldId` The ID of the destination field. * `copyType` Use `same` to copy the value from a field inside the issue, or `parent` to copy the value from the parent issue. ##### Create Crucible review workflow function ##### A post function that creates a Crucible review for all unreviewed code for the issue. { \"type\": \"CreateCrucibleReviewWorkflowFunction\" } **Note:** This post function can be included once in a transition. ##### Set issue security level based on user's project role function ##### A post function that sets the issue's security level if the current user has a project role. { \"type\": \"SetIssueSecurityFromRoleFunction\", \"configuration\": { \"projectRole\": { \"id\":\"10002\" }, \"issueSecurityLevel\": { \"id\":\"10000\" } } } * `projectRole` An object containing the ID of the project role. * `issueSecurityLevel` OPTIONAL. The object containing the ID of the security level. If not passed, then the security level is set to `none`. ##### Trigger a webhook function ##### A post function that triggers a webhook. { \"type\": \"TriggerWebhookFunction\", \"configuration\": { \"webhook\": { \"id\": \"1\" } } } * `webhook` An object containing the ID of the webhook listener to trigger. ##### Update issue custom field function ##### A post function that updates the content of an issue custom field. { \"type\": \"UpdateIssueCustomFieldPostFunction\", \"configuration\": { \"mode\": \"append\", \"fieldId\": \"customfield_10003\", \"fieldValue\": \"yikes\" } } * `mode` Use `replace` to override the field content with `fieldValue` or `append` to add `fieldValue` to the end of the field content. * `fieldId` The ID of the field. * `fieldValue` The update content. ##### Update issue field function ##### A post function that updates a simple issue field. { \"type\": \"UpdateIssueFieldFunction\", \"configuration\": { \"fieldId\": \"assignee\", \"fieldValue\": \"5f0c277e70b8a90025a00776\" } } * `fieldId` The ID of the field. Allowed field types: * `assignee` * `description` * `environment` * `priority` * `resolution` * `summary` * `timeoriginalestimate` * `timeestimate` * `timespent` * `fieldValue` The update value. * If the `fieldId` is `assignee`, the `fieldValue` should be one of these values: * an account ID. * `automatic`. * a blank string, which sets the value to `unassigned`. #### Connect rules #### Connect rules are conditions, validators, and post functions of a transition that are registered by Connect apps. To create a rule registered by the app, the app must be enabled and the rule's module must exist. { \"type\": \"appKey__moduleKey\", \"configuration\": { \"value\":\"{\\\"isValid\\\":\\\"true\\\"}\" } } * `type` A Connect rule key in a form of `appKey__moduleKey`. * `value` The stringified JSON configuration of a Connect rule. #### Forge rules #### Forge transition rules are not yet supported. **[Permissions](#permissions) required:** *Administer Jira* [global permission]( * @param createWorkflowDetails The workflow details. (required) * @return ApiResponse<WorkflowIDs> * @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body * @http.response.details
Status Code Description Response Headers
201 Returned if the workflow is created. -
400 Returned if the request is not valid. -
401 Returned if the authentication credentials are incorrect or missing. -
403 Returned if the user does not have the required permissions. -
404 Returned if one or more statuses is not found. -
*/ public ApiResponse createWorkflowWithHttpInfo(CreateWorkflowDetails createWorkflowDetails) throws ApiException { okhttp3.Call localVarCall = createWorkflowValidateBeforeCall(createWorkflowDetails, null); Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType(); return localVarApiClient.execute(localVarCall, localVarReturnType); } /** * Create workflow (asynchronously) * Creates a workflow. You can define transition rules using the shapes detailed in the following sections. If no transitional rules are specified the default system transition rules are used. #### Conditions #### Conditions enable workflow rules that govern whether a transition can execute. ##### Always false condition ##### A condition that always fails. { \"type\": \"AlwaysFalseCondition\" } ##### Block transition until approval ##### A condition that blocks issue transition if there is a pending approval. { \"type\": \"BlockInProgressApprovalCondition\" } ##### Compare number custom field condition ##### A condition that allows transition if a comparison between a number custom field and a value is true. { \"type\": \"CompareNumberCFCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"comparator\": \"=\", \"fieldId\": \"customfield_10029\", \"fieldValue\": 2 } } * `comparator` One of the supported comparator: `=`, `>`, and `<`. * `fieldId` The custom numeric field ID. Allowed field types: * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:float` * `com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:jsw-story-points` * `fieldValue` The value for comparison. ##### Hide from user condition ##### A condition that hides a transition from users. The transition can only be triggered from a workflow function or REST API operation. { \"type\": \"RemoteOnlyCondition\" } ##### Only assignee condition ##### A condition that allows only the assignee to execute a transition. { \"type\": \"AllowOnlyAssignee\" } ##### Only Bamboo notifications workflow condition ##### A condition that makes the transition available only to Bamboo build notifications. { \"type\": \"OnlyBambooNotificationsCondition\" } ##### Only reporter condition ##### A condition that allows only the reporter to execute a transition. { \"type\": \"AllowOnlyReporter\" } ##### Permission condition ##### A condition that allows only users with a permission to execute a transition. { \"type\": \"PermissionCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"permissionKey\": \"BROWSE_PROJECTS\" } } * `permissionKey` The permission required to perform the transition. Allowed values: [built-in]( or app defined permissions. ##### Previous status condition ##### A condition that allows a transition based on whether an issue has or has not transitioned through a status. { \"type\": \"PreviousStatusCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"ignoreLoopTransitions\": true, \"includeCurrentStatus\": true, \"mostRecentStatusOnly\": true, \"reverseCondition\": true, \"previousStatus\": { \"id\": \"5\" } } } By default this condition allows the transition if the status, as defined by its ID in the `previousStatus` object, matches any previous issue status, unless: * `ignoreLoopTransitions` is `true`, then loop transitions (from and to the same status) are ignored. * `includeCurrentStatus` is `true`, then the current issue status is also checked. * `mostRecentStatusOnly` is `true`, then only the issue's preceding status (the one immediately before the current status) is checked. * `reverseCondition` is `true`, then the status must not be present. ##### Separation of duties condition ##### A condition that prevents a user to perform the transition, if the user has already performed a transition on the issue. { \"type\": \"SeparationOfDutiesCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"fromStatus\": { \"id\": \"5\" }, \"toStatus\": { \"id\": \"6\" } } } * `fromStatus` OPTIONAL. An object containing the ID of the source status of the transition that is blocked. If omitted any transition to `toStatus` is blocked. * `toStatus` An object containing the ID of the target status of the transition that is blocked. ##### Subtask blocking condition ##### A condition that blocks transition on a parent issue if any of its subtasks are in any of one or more statuses. { \"type\": \"SubTaskBlockingCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"statuses\": [ { \"id\": \"1\" }, { \"id\": \"3\" } ] } } * `statuses` A list of objects containing status IDs. ##### User is in any group condition ##### A condition that allows users belonging to any group from a list of groups to execute a transition. { \"type\": \"UserInAnyGroupCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"groups\": [ \"administrators\", \"atlassian-addons-admin\" ] } } * `groups` A list of group names. ##### User is in any project role condition ##### A condition that allows only users with at least one project roles from a list of project roles to execute a transition. { \"type\": \"InAnyProjectRoleCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"projectRoles\": [ { \"id\": \"10002\" }, { \"id\": \"10003\" }, { \"id\": \"10012\" }, { \"id\": \"10013\" } ] } } * `projectRoles` A list of objects containing project role IDs. ##### User is in custom field condition ##### A condition that allows only users listed in a given custom field to execute the transition. { \"type\": \"UserIsInCustomFieldCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"allowUserInField\": false, \"fieldId\": \"customfield_10010\" } } * `allowUserInField` If `true` only a user who is listed in `fieldId` can perform the transition, otherwise, only a user who is not listed in `fieldId` can perform the transition. * `fieldId` The ID of the field containing the list of users. ##### User is in group condition ##### A condition that allows users belonging to a group to execute a transition. { \"type\": \"UserInGroupCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"group\": \"administrators\" } } * `group` The name of the group. ##### User is in group custom field condition ##### A condition that allows users belonging to a group specified in a custom field to execute a transition. { \"type\": \"InGroupCFCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"fieldId\": \"customfield_10012\" } } * `fieldId` The ID of the field. Allowed field types: * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multigrouppicker` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:grouppicker` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:select` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multiselect` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:radiobuttons` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multicheckboxes` * `com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-epic-status` ##### User is in project role condition ##### A condition that allows users with a project role to execute a transition. { \"type\": \"InProjectRoleCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"projectRole\": { \"id\": \"10002\" } } } * `projectRole` An object containing the ID of a project role. ##### Value field condition ##### A conditions that allows a transition to execute if the value of a field is equal to a constant value or simply set. { \"type\": \"ValueFieldCondition\", \"configuration\": { \"fieldId\": \"assignee\", \"fieldValue\": \"qm:6e1ecee6-8e64-4db6-8c85-916bb3275f51:54b56885-2bd2-4381-8239-78263442520f\", \"comparisonType\": \"NUMBER\", \"comparator\": \"=\" } } * `fieldId` The ID of a field used in the comparison. * `fieldValue` The expected value of the field. * `comparisonType` The type of the comparison. Allowed values: `STRING`, `NUMBER`, `DATE`, `DATE_WITHOUT_TIME`, or `OPTIONID`. * `comparator` One of the supported comparator: `>`, `>=`, `=`, `<=`, `<`, `!=`. **Notes:** * If you choose the comparison type `STRING`, only `=` and `!=` are valid options. * You may leave `fieldValue` empty when comparison type is `!=` to indicate that a value is required in the field. * For date fields without time format values as `yyyy-MM-dd`, and for those with time as `yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm`. For example, for July 16 2021 use `2021-07-16`, for 8:05 AM use `2021-07-16 08:05`, and for 4 PM: `2021-07-16 16:00`. #### Validators #### Validators check that any input made to the transition is valid before the transition is performed. ##### Date field validator ##### A validator that compares two dates. { \"type\": \"DateFieldValidator\", \"configuration\": { \"comparator\": \">\", \"date1\": \"updated\", \"date2\": \"created\", \"expression\": \"1d\", \"includeTime\": true } } * `comparator` One of the supported comparator: `>`, `>=`, `=`, `<=`, `<`, or `!=`. * `date1` The date field to validate. Allowed field types: * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:datepicker` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:datetime` * `com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-custom-field-baseline-end` * `com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-custom-field-baseline-start` * `duedate` * `created` * `updated` * `resolutiondate` * `date2` The second date field. Required, if `expression` is not passed. Allowed field types: * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:datepicker` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:datetime` * `com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-custom-field-baseline-end` * `com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-custom-field-baseline-start` * `duedate` * `created` * `updated` * `resolutiondate` * `expression` An expression specifying an offset. Required, if `date2` is not passed. Offsets are built with a number, with `-` as prefix for the past, and one of these time units: `d` for day, `w` for week, `m` for month, or `y` for year. For example, -2d means two days into the past and 1w means one week into the future. The `now` keyword enables a comparison with the current date. * `includeTime` If `true`, then the time part of the data is included for the comparison. If the field doesn't have a time part, 00:00:00 is used. ##### Windows date validator ##### A validator that checks that a date falls on or after a reference date and before or on the reference date plus a number of days. { \"type\": \"WindowsDateValidator\", \"configuration\": { \"date1\": \"customfield_10009\", \"date2\": \"created\", \"windowsDays\": 5 } } * `date1` The date field to validate. Allowed field types: * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:datepicker` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:datetime` * `com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-custom-field-baseline-end` * `com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-custom-field-baseline-start` * `duedate` * `created` * `updated` * `resolutiondate` * `date2` The reference date. Allowed field types: * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:datepicker` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:datetime` * `com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-custom-field-baseline-end` * `com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-custom-field-baseline-start` * `duedate` * `created` * `updated` * `resolutiondate` * `windowsDays` A positive integer indicating a number of days. ##### Field required validator ##### A validator that checks fields are not empty. By default, if a field is not included in the current context it's ignored and not validated. { \"type\": \"FieldRequiredValidator\", \"configuration\": { \"ignoreContext\": true, \"errorMessage\": \"Hey\", \"fieldIds\": [ \"versions\", \"customfield_10037\", \"customfield_10003\" ] } } * `ignoreContext` If `true`, then the context is ignored and all the fields are validated. * `errorMessage` OPTIONAL. The error message displayed when one or more fields are empty. A default error message is shown if an error message is not provided. * `fieldIds` The list of fields to validate. ##### Field changed validator ##### A validator that checks that a field value is changed. However, this validation can be ignored for users from a list of groups. { \"type\": \"FieldChangedValidator\", \"configuration\": { \"fieldId\": \"comment\", \"errorMessage\": \"Hey\", \"exemptedGroups\": [ \"administrators\", \"atlassian-addons-admin\" ] } } * `fieldId` The ID of a field. * `errorMessage` OPTIONAL. The error message displayed if the field is not changed. A default error message is shown if the error message is not provided. * `exemptedGroups` OPTIONAL. The list of groups. ##### Field has single value validator ##### A validator that checks that a multi-select field has only one value. Optionally, the validation can ignore values copied from subtasks. { \"type\": \"FieldHasSingleValueValidator\", \"configuration\": { \"fieldId\": \"attachment, \"excludeSubtasks\": true } } * `fieldId` The ID of a field. * `excludeSubtasks` If `true`, then values copied from subtasks are ignored. ##### Parent status validator ##### A validator that checks the status of the parent issue of a subtask. Ìf the issue is not a subtask, no validation is performed. { \"type\": \"ParentStatusValidator\", \"configuration\": { \"parentStatuses\": [ { \"id\":\"1\" }, { \"id\":\"2\" } ] } } * `parentStatus` The list of required parent issue statuses. ##### Permission validator ##### A validator that checks the user has a permission. { \"type\": \"PermissionValidator\", \"configuration\": { \"permissionKey\": \"ADMINISTER_PROJECTS\" } } * `permissionKey` The permission required to perform the transition. Allowed values: [built-in]( or app defined permissions. ##### Previous status validator ##### A validator that checks if the issue has held a status. { \"type\": \"PreviousStatusValidator\", \"configuration\": { \"mostRecentStatusOnly\": false, \"previousStatus\": { \"id\": \"15\" } } } * `mostRecentStatusOnly` If `true`, then only the issue's preceding status (the one immediately before the current status) is checked. * `previousStatus` An object containing the ID of an issue status. ##### Regular expression validator ##### A validator that checks the content of a field against a regular expression. { \"type\": \"RegexpFieldValidator\", \"configuration\": { \"regExp\": \"[0-9]\", \"fieldId\": \"customfield_10029\" } } * `regExp`A regular expression. * `fieldId` The ID of a field. Allowed field types: * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:select` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multiselect` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:radiobuttons` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multicheckboxes` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:textarea` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:textfield` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:url` * `com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:float` * `com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:jsw-story-points` * `com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-epic-status` * `description` * `summary` ##### User permission validator ##### A validator that checks if a user has a permission. Obsolete. You may encounter this validator when getting transition rules and can pass it when updating or creating rules, for example, when you want to duplicate the rules from a workflow on a new workflow. { \"type\": \"UserPermissionValidator\", \"configuration\": { \"permissionKey\": \"BROWSE_PROJECTS\", \"nullAllowed\": false, \"username\": \"TestUser\" } } * `permissionKey` The permission to be validated. Allowed values: [built-in]( or app defined permissions. * `nullAllowed` If `true`, allows the transition when `username` is empty. * `username` The username to validate against the `permissionKey`. #### Post functions #### Post functions carry out any additional processing required after a Jira workflow transition is executed. ##### Fire issue event function ##### A post function that fires an event that is processed by the listeners. { \"type\": \"FireIssueEventFunction\", \"configuration\": { \"event\": { \"id\":\"1\" } } } **Note:** If provided, this post function overrides the default `FireIssueEventFunction`. Can be included once in a transition. * `event` An object containing the ID of the issue event. ##### Update issue status ##### A post function that sets issue status to the linked status of the destination workflow status. { \"type\": \"UpdateIssueStatusFunction\" } **Note:** This post function is a default function in global and directed transitions. It can only be added to the initial transition and can only be added once. ##### Create comment ##### A post function that adds a comment entered during the transition to an issue. { \"type\": \"CreateCommentFunction\" } **Note:** This post function is a default function in global and directed transitions. It can only be added to the initial transition and can only be added once. ##### Store issue ##### A post function that stores updates to an issue. { \"type\": \"IssueStoreFunction\" } **Note:** This post function can only be added to the initial transition and can only be added once. ##### Assign to current user function ##### A post function that assigns the issue to the current user if the current user has the `ASSIGNABLE_USER` permission. { \"type\": \"AssignToCurrentUserFunction\" } **Note:** This post function can be included once in a transition. ##### Assign to lead function ##### A post function that assigns the issue to the project or component lead developer. { \"type\": \"AssignToLeadFunction\" } **Note:** This post function can be included once in a transition. ##### Assign to reporter function ##### A post function that assigns the issue to the reporter. { \"type\": \"AssignToReporterFunction\" } **Note:** This post function can be included once in a transition. ##### Clear field value function ##### A post function that clears the value from a field. { \"type\": \"ClearFieldValuePostFunction\", \"configuration\": { \"fieldId\": \"assignee\" } } * `fieldId` The ID of the field. ##### Copy value from other field function ##### A post function that copies the value of one field to another, either within an issue or from parent to subtask. { \"type\": \"CopyValueFromOtherFieldPostFunction\", \"configuration\": { \"sourceFieldId\": \"assignee\", \"destinationFieldId\": \"creator\", \"copyType\": \"same\" } } * `sourceFieldId` The ID of the source field. * `destinationFieldId` The ID of the destination field. * `copyType` Use `same` to copy the value from a field inside the issue, or `parent` to copy the value from the parent issue. ##### Create Crucible review workflow function ##### A post function that creates a Crucible review for all unreviewed code for the issue. { \"type\": \"CreateCrucibleReviewWorkflowFunction\" } **Note:** This post function can be included once in a transition. ##### Set issue security level based on user's project role function ##### A post function that sets the issue's security level if the current user has a project role. { \"type\": \"SetIssueSecurityFromRoleFunction\", \"configuration\": { \"projectRole\": { \"id\":\"10002\" }, \"issueSecurityLevel\": { \"id\":\"10000\" } } } * `projectRole` An object containing the ID of the project role. * `issueSecurityLevel` OPTIONAL. The object containing the ID of the security level. If not passed, then the security level is set to `none`. ##### Trigger a webhook function ##### A post function that triggers a webhook. { \"type\": \"TriggerWebhookFunction\", \"configuration\": { \"webhook\": { \"id\": \"1\" } } } * `webhook` An object containing the ID of the webhook listener to trigger. ##### Update issue custom field function ##### A post function that updates the content of an issue custom field. { \"type\": \"UpdateIssueCustomFieldPostFunction\", \"configuration\": { \"mode\": \"append\", \"fieldId\": \"customfield_10003\", \"fieldValue\": \"yikes\" } } * `mode` Use `replace` to override the field content with `fieldValue` or `append` to add `fieldValue` to the end of the field content. * `fieldId` The ID of the field. * `fieldValue` The update content. ##### Update issue field function ##### A post function that updates a simple issue field. { \"type\": \"UpdateIssueFieldFunction\", \"configuration\": { \"fieldId\": \"assignee\", \"fieldValue\": \"5f0c277e70b8a90025a00776\" } } * `fieldId` The ID of the field. Allowed field types: * `assignee` * `description` * `environment` * `priority` * `resolution` * `summary` * `timeoriginalestimate` * `timeestimate` * `timespent` * `fieldValue` The update value. * If the `fieldId` is `assignee`, the `fieldValue` should be one of these values: * an account ID. * `automatic`. * a blank string, which sets the value to `unassigned`. #### Connect rules #### Connect rules are conditions, validators, and post functions of a transition that are registered by Connect apps. To create a rule registered by the app, the app must be enabled and the rule's module must exist. { \"type\": \"appKey__moduleKey\", \"configuration\": { \"value\":\"{\\\"isValid\\\":\\\"true\\\"}\" } } * `type` A Connect rule key in a form of `appKey__moduleKey`. * `value` The stringified JSON configuration of a Connect rule. #### Forge rules #### Forge transition rules are not yet supported. **[Permissions](#permissions) required:** *Administer Jira* [global permission]( * @param createWorkflowDetails The workflow details. (required) * @param _callback The callback to be executed when the API call finishes * @return The request call * @throws ApiException If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object * @http.response.details
Status Code Description Response Headers
201 Returned if the workflow is created. -
400 Returned if the request is not valid. -
401 Returned if the authentication credentials are incorrect or missing. -
403 Returned if the user does not have the required permissions. -
404 Returned if one or more statuses is not found. -
*/ public okhttp3.Call createWorkflowAsync(CreateWorkflowDetails createWorkflowDetails, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException { okhttp3.Call localVarCall = createWorkflowValidateBeforeCall(createWorkflowDetails, _callback); Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType(); localVarApiClient.executeAsync(localVarCall, localVarReturnType, _callback); return localVarCall; } /** * Build call for deleteInactiveWorkflow * @param entityId The entity ID of the workflow. (required) * @param _callback Callback for upload/download progress * @return Call to execute * @throws ApiException If fail to serialize the request body object * @http.response.details
Status Code Description Response Headers
204 Returned if the workflow is deleted. -
400 Returned if the request is not valid. -
401 Returned if the authentication credentials are incorrect or missing. -
403 Returned if the user does not have the required permissions. -
404 Returned if the workflow is not found. -
*/ public okhttp3.Call deleteInactiveWorkflowCall(String entityId, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException { String basePath = null; // Operation Servers String[] localBasePaths = new String[] { }; // Determine Base Path to Use if (localCustomBaseUrl != null){ basePath = localCustomBaseUrl; } else if ( localBasePaths.length > 0 ) { basePath = localBasePaths[localHostIndex]; } else { basePath = null; } Object localVarPostBody = null; // create path and map variables String localVarPath = "/rest/api/3/workflow/{entityId}" .replace("{" + "entityId" + "}", localVarApiClient.escapeString(entityId.toString())); List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList(); List localVarCollectionQueryParams = new ArrayList(); Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap(); Map localVarCookieParams = new HashMap(); Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap(); final String[] localVarAccepts = { "application/json" }; final String localVarAccept = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts); if (localVarAccept != null) { localVarHeaderParams.put("Accept", localVarAccept); } final String[] localVarContentTypes = { }; final String localVarContentType = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes); if (localVarContentType != null) { localVarHeaderParams.put("Content-Type", localVarContentType); } String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "OAuth2", "basicAuth" }; return localVarApiClient.buildCall(basePath, localVarPath, "DELETE", localVarQueryParams, localVarCollectionQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarCookieParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAuthNames, _callback); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private okhttp3.Call deleteInactiveWorkflowValidateBeforeCall(String entityId, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException { // verify the required parameter 'entityId' is set if (entityId == null) { throw new ApiException("Missing the required parameter 'entityId' when calling deleteInactiveWorkflow(Async)"); } return deleteInactiveWorkflowCall(entityId, _callback); } /** * Delete inactive workflow * Deletes a workflow. The workflow cannot be deleted if it is: * an active workflow. * a system workflow. * associated with any workflow scheme. * associated with any draft workflow scheme. **[Permissions](#permissions) required:** *Administer Jira* [global permission]( * @param entityId The entity ID of the workflow. (required) * @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body * @http.response.details
Status Code Description Response Headers
204 Returned if the workflow is deleted. -
400 Returned if the request is not valid. -
401 Returned if the authentication credentials are incorrect or missing. -
403 Returned if the user does not have the required permissions. -
404 Returned if the workflow is not found. -
*/ public void deleteInactiveWorkflow(String entityId) throws ApiException { deleteInactiveWorkflowWithHttpInfo(entityId); } /** * Delete inactive workflow * Deletes a workflow. The workflow cannot be deleted if it is: * an active workflow. * a system workflow. * associated with any workflow scheme. * associated with any draft workflow scheme. **[Permissions](#permissions) required:** *Administer Jira* [global permission]( * @param entityId The entity ID of the workflow. (required) * @return ApiResponse<Void> * @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body * @http.response.details
Status Code Description Response Headers
204 Returned if the workflow is deleted. -
400 Returned if the request is not valid. -
401 Returned if the authentication credentials are incorrect or missing. -
403 Returned if the user does not have the required permissions. -
404 Returned if the workflow is not found. -
*/ public ApiResponse deleteInactiveWorkflowWithHttpInfo(String entityId) throws ApiException { okhttp3.Call localVarCall = deleteInactiveWorkflowValidateBeforeCall(entityId, null); return localVarApiClient.execute(localVarCall); } /** * Delete inactive workflow (asynchronously) * Deletes a workflow. The workflow cannot be deleted if it is: * an active workflow. * a system workflow. * associated with any workflow scheme. * associated with any draft workflow scheme. **[Permissions](#permissions) required:** *Administer Jira* [global permission]( * @param entityId The entity ID of the workflow. (required) * @param _callback The callback to be executed when the API call finishes * @return The request call * @throws ApiException If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object * @http.response.details
Status Code Description Response Headers
204 Returned if the workflow is deleted. -
400 Returned if the request is not valid. -
401 Returned if the authentication credentials are incorrect or missing. -
403 Returned if the user does not have the required permissions. -
404 Returned if the workflow is not found. -
*/ public okhttp3.Call deleteInactiveWorkflowAsync(String entityId, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException { okhttp3.Call localVarCall = deleteInactiveWorkflowValidateBeforeCall(entityId, _callback); localVarApiClient.executeAsync(localVarCall, _callback); return localVarCall; } /** * Build call for getAllWorkflows * @param workflowName The name of the workflow to be returned. Only one workflow can be specified. (optional) * @param _callback Callback for upload/download progress * @return Call to execute * @throws ApiException If fail to serialize the request body object * @http.response.details
Status Code Description Response Headers
200 Returned if the request is successful. -
401 Returned if the user does not have the necessary permission. -
* @deprecated */ @Deprecated public okhttp3.Call getAllWorkflowsCall(String workflowName, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException { String basePath = null; // Operation Servers String[] localBasePaths = new String[] { }; // Determine Base Path to Use if (localCustomBaseUrl != null){ basePath = localCustomBaseUrl; } else if ( localBasePaths.length > 0 ) { basePath = localBasePaths[localHostIndex]; } else { basePath = null; } Object localVarPostBody = null; // create path and map variables String localVarPath = "/rest/api/3/workflow"; List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList(); List localVarCollectionQueryParams = new ArrayList(); Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap(); Map localVarCookieParams = new HashMap(); Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap(); if (workflowName != null) { localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("workflowName", workflowName)); } final String[] localVarAccepts = { "application/json" }; final String localVarAccept = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts); if (localVarAccept != null) { localVarHeaderParams.put("Accept", localVarAccept); } final String[] localVarContentTypes = { }; final String localVarContentType = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes); if (localVarContentType != null) { localVarHeaderParams.put("Content-Type", localVarContentType); } String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "OAuth2", "basicAuth" }; return localVarApiClient.buildCall(basePath, localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarCollectionQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarCookieParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAuthNames, _callback); } @Deprecated @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private okhttp3.Call getAllWorkflowsValidateBeforeCall(String workflowName, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException { return getAllWorkflowsCall(workflowName, _callback); } /** * Get all workflows * Returns all workflows in Jira or a workflow. Deprecated, use [Get workflows paginated](#api-rest-api-3-workflow-search-get). If the `workflowName` parameter is specified, the workflow is returned as an object (not in an array). Otherwise, an array of workflow objects is returned. **[Permissions](#permissions) required:** *Administer Jira* [global permission]( * @param workflowName The name of the workflow to be returned. Only one workflow can be specified. (optional) * @return List<DeprecatedWorkflow> * @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body * @http.response.details
Status Code Description Response Headers
200 Returned if the request is successful. -
401 Returned if the user does not have the necessary permission. -
* @deprecated */ @Deprecated public List getAllWorkflows(String workflowName) throws ApiException { ApiResponse> localVarResp = getAllWorkflowsWithHttpInfo(workflowName); return localVarResp.getData(); } /** * Get all workflows * Returns all workflows in Jira or a workflow. Deprecated, use [Get workflows paginated](#api-rest-api-3-workflow-search-get). If the `workflowName` parameter is specified, the workflow is returned as an object (not in an array). Otherwise, an array of workflow objects is returned. **[Permissions](#permissions) required:** *Administer Jira* [global permission]( * @param workflowName The name of the workflow to be returned. Only one workflow can be specified. (optional) * @return ApiResponse<List<DeprecatedWorkflow>> * @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body * @http.response.details
Status Code Description Response Headers
200 Returned if the request is successful. -
401 Returned if the user does not have the necessary permission. -
* @deprecated */ @Deprecated public ApiResponse> getAllWorkflowsWithHttpInfo(String workflowName) throws ApiException { okhttp3.Call localVarCall = getAllWorkflowsValidateBeforeCall(workflowName, null); Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken>(){}.getType(); return localVarApiClient.execute(localVarCall, localVarReturnType); } /** * Get all workflows (asynchronously) * Returns all workflows in Jira or a workflow. Deprecated, use [Get workflows paginated](#api-rest-api-3-workflow-search-get). If the `workflowName` parameter is specified, the workflow is returned as an object (not in an array). Otherwise, an array of workflow objects is returned. **[Permissions](#permissions) required:** *Administer Jira* [global permission]( * @param workflowName The name of the workflow to be returned. Only one workflow can be specified. (optional) * @param _callback The callback to be executed when the API call finishes * @return The request call * @throws ApiException If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object * @http.response.details
Status Code Description Response Headers
200 Returned if the request is successful. -
401 Returned if the user does not have the necessary permission. -
* @deprecated */ @Deprecated public okhttp3.Call getAllWorkflowsAsync(String workflowName, final ApiCallback> _callback) throws ApiException { okhttp3.Call localVarCall = getAllWorkflowsValidateBeforeCall(workflowName, _callback); Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken>(){}.getType(); localVarApiClient.executeAsync(localVarCall, localVarReturnType, _callback); return localVarCall; } /** * Build call for getWorkflowsPaginated * @param startAt The index of the first item to return in a page of results (page offset). (optional, default to 0) * @param maxResults The maximum number of items to return per page. (optional, default to 50) * @param workflowName The name of a workflow to return. To include multiple workflows, provide an ampersand-separated list. For example, `workflowName=name1&workflowName=name2`. (optional) * @param expand Use [expand](#expansion) to include additional information in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Expand options include: * `transitions` For each workflow, returns information about the transitions inside the workflow. * `transitions.rules` For each workflow transition, returns information about its rules. Transitions are included automatically if this expand is requested. * `` For each workflow transition, returns information about its properties. Transitions are included automatically if this expand is requested. * `statuses` For each workflow, returns information about the statuses inside the workflow. * `` For each workflow status, returns information about its properties. Statuses are included automatically if this expand is requested. * `default` For each workflow, returns information about whether this is the default workflow. * `schemes` For each workflow, returns information about the workflow schemes the workflow is assigned to. * `projects` For each workflow, returns information about the projects the workflow is assigned to, through workflow schemes. * `hasDraftWorkflow` For each workflow, returns information about whether the workflow has a draft version. * `operations` For each workflow, returns information about the actions that can be undertaken on the workflow. (optional) * @param queryString String used to perform a case-insensitive partial match with workflow name. (optional) * @param orderBy [Order](#ordering) the results by a field: * `name` Sorts by workflow name. * `created` Sorts by create time. * `updated` Sorts by update time. (optional) * @param isActive Filters active and inactive workflows. (optional) * @param _callback Callback for upload/download progress * @return Call to execute * @throws ApiException If fail to serialize the request body object * @http.response.details
Status Code Description Response Headers
200 Returned if the request is successful. -
401 Returned if the authentication credentials are incorrect or missing. -
403 Returned if the user does not have the necessary permission. -
*/ public okhttp3.Call getWorkflowsPaginatedCall(Long startAt, Integer maxResults, Set workflowName, String expand, String queryString, String orderBy, Boolean isActive, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException { String basePath = null; // Operation Servers String[] localBasePaths = new String[] { }; // Determine Base Path to Use if (localCustomBaseUrl != null){ basePath = localCustomBaseUrl; } else if ( localBasePaths.length > 0 ) { basePath = localBasePaths[localHostIndex]; } else { basePath = null; } Object localVarPostBody = null; // create path and map variables String localVarPath = "/rest/api/3/workflow/search"; List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList(); List localVarCollectionQueryParams = new ArrayList(); Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap(); Map localVarCookieParams = new HashMap(); Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap(); if (startAt != null) { localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("startAt", startAt)); } if (maxResults != null) { localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("maxResults", maxResults)); } if (workflowName != null) { localVarCollectionQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPairs("multi", "workflowName", workflowName)); } if (expand != null) { localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("expand", expand)); } if (queryString != null) { localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("queryString", queryString)); } if (orderBy != null) { localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("orderBy", orderBy)); } if (isActive != null) { localVarQueryParams.addAll(localVarApiClient.parameterToPair("isActive", isActive)); } final String[] localVarAccepts = { "application/json" }; final String localVarAccept = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts); if (localVarAccept != null) { localVarHeaderParams.put("Accept", localVarAccept); } final String[] localVarContentTypes = { }; final String localVarContentType = localVarApiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes); if (localVarContentType != null) { localVarHeaderParams.put("Content-Type", localVarContentType); } String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "OAuth2", "basicAuth" }; return localVarApiClient.buildCall(basePath, localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarCollectionQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarCookieParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAuthNames, _callback); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private okhttp3.Call getWorkflowsPaginatedValidateBeforeCall(Long startAt, Integer maxResults, Set workflowName, String expand, String queryString, String orderBy, Boolean isActive, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException { return getWorkflowsPaginatedCall(startAt, maxResults, workflowName, expand, queryString, orderBy, isActive, _callback); } /** * Get workflows paginated * Returns a [paginated](#pagination) list of published classic workflows. When workflow names are specified, details of those workflows are returned. Otherwise, all published classic workflows are returned. This operation does not return next-gen workflows. **[Permissions](#permissions) required:** *Administer Jira* [global permission]( * @param startAt The index of the first item to return in a page of results (page offset). (optional, default to 0) * @param maxResults The maximum number of items to return per page. (optional, default to 50) * @param workflowName The name of a workflow to return. To include multiple workflows, provide an ampersand-separated list. For example, `workflowName=name1&workflowName=name2`. (optional) * @param expand Use [expand](#expansion) to include additional information in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Expand options include: * `transitions` For each workflow, returns information about the transitions inside the workflow. * `transitions.rules` For each workflow transition, returns information about its rules. Transitions are included automatically if this expand is requested. * `` For each workflow transition, returns information about its properties. Transitions are included automatically if this expand is requested. * `statuses` For each workflow, returns information about the statuses inside the workflow. * `` For each workflow status, returns information about its properties. Statuses are included automatically if this expand is requested. * `default` For each workflow, returns information about whether this is the default workflow. * `schemes` For each workflow, returns information about the workflow schemes the workflow is assigned to. * `projects` For each workflow, returns information about the projects the workflow is assigned to, through workflow schemes. * `hasDraftWorkflow` For each workflow, returns information about whether the workflow has a draft version. * `operations` For each workflow, returns information about the actions that can be undertaken on the workflow. (optional) * @param queryString String used to perform a case-insensitive partial match with workflow name. (optional) * @param orderBy [Order](#ordering) the results by a field: * `name` Sorts by workflow name. * `created` Sorts by create time. * `updated` Sorts by update time. (optional) * @param isActive Filters active and inactive workflows. (optional) * @return PageBeanWorkflow * @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body * @http.response.details
Status Code Description Response Headers
200 Returned if the request is successful. -
401 Returned if the authentication credentials are incorrect or missing. -
403 Returned if the user does not have the necessary permission. -
*/ public PageBeanWorkflow getWorkflowsPaginated(Long startAt, Integer maxResults, Set workflowName, String expand, String queryString, String orderBy, Boolean isActive) throws ApiException { ApiResponse localVarResp = getWorkflowsPaginatedWithHttpInfo(startAt, maxResults, workflowName, expand, queryString, orderBy, isActive); return localVarResp.getData(); } /** * Get workflows paginated * Returns a [paginated](#pagination) list of published classic workflows. When workflow names are specified, details of those workflows are returned. Otherwise, all published classic workflows are returned. This operation does not return next-gen workflows. **[Permissions](#permissions) required:** *Administer Jira* [global permission]( * @param startAt The index of the first item to return in a page of results (page offset). (optional, default to 0) * @param maxResults The maximum number of items to return per page. (optional, default to 50) * @param workflowName The name of a workflow to return. To include multiple workflows, provide an ampersand-separated list. For example, `workflowName=name1&workflowName=name2`. (optional) * @param expand Use [expand](#expansion) to include additional information in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Expand options include: * `transitions` For each workflow, returns information about the transitions inside the workflow. * `transitions.rules` For each workflow transition, returns information about its rules. Transitions are included automatically if this expand is requested. * `` For each workflow transition, returns information about its properties. Transitions are included automatically if this expand is requested. * `statuses` For each workflow, returns information about the statuses inside the workflow. * `` For each workflow status, returns information about its properties. Statuses are included automatically if this expand is requested. * `default` For each workflow, returns information about whether this is the default workflow. * `schemes` For each workflow, returns information about the workflow schemes the workflow is assigned to. * `projects` For each workflow, returns information about the projects the workflow is assigned to, through workflow schemes. * `hasDraftWorkflow` For each workflow, returns information about whether the workflow has a draft version. * `operations` For each workflow, returns information about the actions that can be undertaken on the workflow. (optional) * @param queryString String used to perform a case-insensitive partial match with workflow name. (optional) * @param orderBy [Order](#ordering) the results by a field: * `name` Sorts by workflow name. * `created` Sorts by create time. * `updated` Sorts by update time. (optional) * @param isActive Filters active and inactive workflows. (optional) * @return ApiResponse<PageBeanWorkflow> * @throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body * @http.response.details
Status Code Description Response Headers
200 Returned if the request is successful. -
401 Returned if the authentication credentials are incorrect or missing. -
403 Returned if the user does not have the necessary permission. -
*/ public ApiResponse getWorkflowsPaginatedWithHttpInfo(Long startAt, Integer maxResults, Set workflowName, String expand, String queryString, String orderBy, Boolean isActive) throws ApiException { okhttp3.Call localVarCall = getWorkflowsPaginatedValidateBeforeCall(startAt, maxResults, workflowName, expand, queryString, orderBy, isActive, null); Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType(); return localVarApiClient.execute(localVarCall, localVarReturnType); } /** * Get workflows paginated (asynchronously) * Returns a [paginated](#pagination) list of published classic workflows. When workflow names are specified, details of those workflows are returned. Otherwise, all published classic workflows are returned. This operation does not return next-gen workflows. **[Permissions](#permissions) required:** *Administer Jira* [global permission]( * @param startAt The index of the first item to return in a page of results (page offset). (optional, default to 0) * @param maxResults The maximum number of items to return per page. (optional, default to 50) * @param workflowName The name of a workflow to return. To include multiple workflows, provide an ampersand-separated list. For example, `workflowName=name1&workflowName=name2`. (optional) * @param expand Use [expand](#expansion) to include additional information in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Expand options include: * `transitions` For each workflow, returns information about the transitions inside the workflow. * `transitions.rules` For each workflow transition, returns information about its rules. Transitions are included automatically if this expand is requested. * `` For each workflow transition, returns information about its properties. Transitions are included automatically if this expand is requested. * `statuses` For each workflow, returns information about the statuses inside the workflow. * `` For each workflow status, returns information about its properties. Statuses are included automatically if this expand is requested. * `default` For each workflow, returns information about whether this is the default workflow. * `schemes` For each workflow, returns information about the workflow schemes the workflow is assigned to. * `projects` For each workflow, returns information about the projects the workflow is assigned to, through workflow schemes. * `hasDraftWorkflow` For each workflow, returns information about whether the workflow has a draft version. * `operations` For each workflow, returns information about the actions that can be undertaken on the workflow. (optional) * @param queryString String used to perform a case-insensitive partial match with workflow name. (optional) * @param orderBy [Order](#ordering) the results by a field: * `name` Sorts by workflow name. * `created` Sorts by create time. * `updated` Sorts by update time. (optional) * @param isActive Filters active and inactive workflows. (optional) * @param _callback The callback to be executed when the API call finishes * @return The request call * @throws ApiException If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object * @http.response.details
Status Code Description Response Headers
200 Returned if the request is successful. -
401 Returned if the authentication credentials are incorrect or missing. -
403 Returned if the user does not have the necessary permission. -
*/ public okhttp3.Call getWorkflowsPaginatedAsync(Long startAt, Integer maxResults, Set workflowName, String expand, String queryString, String orderBy, Boolean isActive, final ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException { okhttp3.Call localVarCall = getWorkflowsPaginatedValidateBeforeCall(startAt, maxResults, workflowName, expand, queryString, orderBy, isActive, _callback); Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken(){}.getType(); localVarApiClient.executeAsync(localVarCall, localVarReturnType, _callback); return localVarCall; } }

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