commonMain.space.kscience.dataforge.data.Goal.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package space.kscience.dataforge.data
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import space.kscience.dataforge.misc.DFExperimental
import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
import kotlin.coroutines.EmptyCoroutineContext
* Lazy computation result with its dependencies to allowing to stat computing dependencies ahead of time
public interface Goal {
public val dependencies: Collection>
* Returns current running coroutine if the goal is started. Null if the computation is not started.
public val deferred: Deferred?
* Get ongoing computation or start a new one.
* Does not guarantee thread safety. In case of multi-thread access, could create orphan computations.
* If the computation is already running, the scope is not used.
public fun async(coroutineScope: CoroutineScope): Deferred
* Reset the computation
public fun reset()
public companion object
public fun Goal<*>.launch(coroutineScope: CoroutineScope): Job = async(coroutineScope)
public suspend fun Goal.await(): T = coroutineScope { async(this).await() }
public val Goal<*>.isComplete: Boolean get() = deferred?.isCompleted ?: false
public open class StaticGoal(public val value: T) : Goal {
override val dependencies: Collection> get() = emptyList()
override val deferred: Deferred = CompletableDeferred(value)
override fun async(coroutineScope: CoroutineScope): Deferred = deferred
override fun reset() {
* @param coroutineContext additional context information
public open class LazyGoal(
private val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
override val dependencies: Collection> = emptyList(),
public val block: suspend () -> T,
) : Goal {
final override var deferred: Deferred? = null
private set
* Get ongoing computation or start a new one.
* Does not guarantee thread safety. In case of multi-thread access, could create orphan computations.
* If [GoalExecutionRestriction] is present in the [coroutineScope] context, the call could produce a error a warning
* depending on the settings.
override fun async(coroutineScope: CoroutineScope): Deferred {
val log = coroutineScope.coroutineContext[GoalLogger]
// Check if context restricts goal computation
coroutineScope.coroutineContext[GoalExecutionRestriction]?.let { restriction ->
when (restriction.policy) {
GoalExecutionRestrictionPolicy.WARNING -> log?.emit(GoalLogger.WARNING_TAG) { "Goal eager execution is prohibited by the coroutine scope policy" }
GoalExecutionRestrictionPolicy.ERROR -> error("Goal eager execution is prohibited by the coroutine scope policy")
else -> {
/*do nothing*/
log?.emit { "Starting dependencies computation for ${this@LazyGoal}" }
val startedDependencies = this.dependencies.map { goal ->
goal.run { async(coroutineScope) }
return deferred ?: coroutineScope.async(
+ CoroutineMonitor()
+ Dependencies(startedDependencies)
+ GoalExecutionRestriction(GoalExecutionRestrictionPolicy.NONE) // Remove restrictions on goal execution
) {
//cancel execution if error encountered in one of dependencies
startedDependencies.forEach { deferred ->
deferred.invokeOnCompletion { error ->
if (error != null) this.cancel(CancellationException("Dependency $deferred failed with error: ${error.message}"))
coroutineContext[GoalLogger]?.emit { "Starting computation of ${this@LazyGoal}" }
}.also { deferred = it }
* Reset the computation
override fun reset() {
deferred = null
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