lang.lang_en.yml Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
no-money: "&cYou don't have enough money! You need $ but you have $, missing: $"
no-points: "&cYou don't have enough points! You need $ but you have $, missing: $"
'yes': "yes"
'no': "no"
useWithConfirm: "&cYou are trying to use $ power item, type \"$\" on chat to confirm, or \"$\" to cancel. (will be cancelled after $ secs)"
canNotDrop: "&cYou can't drop this item!"
canNotTrade: "&cYou can't trade this item!"
used: "&3Consumed your power item ($)!"
timeout: "&cYou canceled using item ($) by not typing $ on chat in $ seconds"
cancel: "&cYou canceled using item ($) by typing $ on chat."
canNotFindItem: "&cWhere is your power item ($)? Did you try hide it before confirming?"
pending: "You have some items to claim! /econ claim"
claimed: "You claimed $ items"
success: "&3Successfully given $ &a$"
success: "&3Successfully dropped item &a$ &3at $'s feet"
noItem: "&cCan't find item with id/name '&r$&c'."
delete: "&fDeleted '&r$&7' item."
no-item: "&7You must have some item in hand."
done: "&7Saved new item."
already-used: "&cThe voucher ID #$ has already been used! Contact staff if you need further help."
info: "Voucher #$ has been used by $ on $"
info-unused: "Voucher #$ has not been used yet."
list-header: "&7============= &3Items &7============="
list-entry: "&3$. &f$ &7- $&r"
list-footer: "&7============ &3Page: &8$ &7============"
help: |2-
You typed: &7$&r
Valid syntax:
&8/&7sapphire &ritems list &8[&7page&8]
&8/&7sapphire &ritems give &8<&7id&8>
&8/&7sapphire &ritems give &8<&7player&8> &8<&7id&8> [&7amount&8]
&8/&7sapphire &ritems drop &8<&7id&8>
&8/&7sapphire &ritems drop &8<&7player&8> &8<&7id&8> [&7amount&8]
&8/&7sapphire &ritems create &8<&7id&8> [&7-file&8 <&7fileName&8>] [&7-dropOnDeath&8] [&7-confirmOnUse&8] [&7-CantDrop&8] [&7-removeOnDeath&8 <&7amount&8>] [&7-removeOnUse&8 <&7amount&8>] [&7-durability&8 <&7from&8>&f-&8<&7to&8>]
&8/&7sapphire &ritems delete &8<&7id&8>
&8/&7sapphire &rclaim
&8/&7sapphire &rreload
&8/&7sapphire &rsave
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