manifold.csv.rt.parser.CsvTokenizer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2020 - Manifold Systems LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package manifold.csv.rt.parser;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import manifold.rt.api.util.ManDateTimeUtil;
import manifold.rt.api.util.ManStringUtil;
import static manifold.csv.rt.parser.CsvToken.Type.NotQuoted;
import static manifold.csv.rt.parser.CsvToken.Type.Quoted;
public class CsvTokenizer
private static final char[] SEPARATORS = {',', ';', ':', '|', '\t'};
private CharSequence _content;
private Boolean _hasHeader;
private char _separator;
private boolean _indented;
private boolean _whitespace; // leading/trailing whitespace significant?
private List _types;
private boolean _sampling;
private int _length;
private int _pos;
private int _line;
private CsvToken _prevToken;
public CsvTokenizer( CharSequence content )
this( content, null );
public CsvTokenizer( CharSequence content, Boolean header )
_content = content;
_length = content.length();
_hasHeader = header;
private void resetPos()
_pos = -1;
_line = 1;
_prevToken = null;
public boolean hasHeader()
return _hasHeader;
public CsvToken nextToken()
char c = nextChar();
// skip whitespace
if( !_whitespace )
c = skipSpaces( c );
int offset = _pos;
int line = _line;
StringBuilder value = new StringBuilder();
// is quoted?
boolean quoted = false;
while( true )
switch( c )
case '"':
value.append( c );
if( value.length() == 1 )
quoted = true;
else if( quoted )
c = nextChar();
if( c != '"' )
int end = _pos;
c = skipSpaces( c );
if( c != _separator && c != '\n' && c != '\0' )
if( _sampling && isPossibleSeparator( c ) )
// when sampling favor the probability that one of these chars is the actual separator
if( isEol() ) _line++;
return _prevToken = new CsvToken( Quoted, value.toString(), line, offset, end - offset, _pos, c );
// Assume NOT quoted because more data follows what would be a closing quote; let's be lenient and let
// this value be non-quoted (as opposed to making this an error).
//todo: add a warning here
_pos = end - 1; // backtrack to quote
quoted = false;
if( isEol() ) _line++;
return _prevToken = new CsvToken( Quoted, value.toString(), line, offset, end - offset, _pos, c );
case ',':
case ';':
case ':':
case '|':
case '\t':
if( quoted || c != _separator )
value.append( c );
else // separator
return _prevToken = new CsvToken( NotQuoted, value.toString(), line, offset, _pos - offset, _pos, c );
case '\n':
if( quoted )
value.append( c );
int end = _pos == 0
? 0
: _content.charAt( _pos - 1 ) == '\r'
? _pos - 1
: _pos;
int length = end - offset;
boolean emptyLine = length <= 0 && (_prevToken == null || _prevToken.isLastInRecord());
if( !emptyLine )
return _prevToken = new CsvToken( NotQuoted, value.toString(), line, offset, length, _pos, c );
case '\0':
//todo: if quoted, add warning about missing terminal '"'
return new CsvToken( quoted ? Quoted : NotQuoted, value.toString(), line, offset, _pos - offset, _pos, c );
if( !skipFileIndentation( c ) )
value.append( c );
c = nextChar();
public boolean skipFileIndentation( char c )
return _indented && Character.isWhitespace( c ) && (_prevToken == null || _prevToken.isLastInRecord());
private boolean isPossibleSeparator( char c )
//noinspection ForLoopReplaceableByForEach
for( int i = 0; i < SEPARATORS.length; i++ )
if( c == SEPARATORS[i] )
return true;
return false;
private char skipSpaces( char c )
while( c == ' ' || (c == '\t' && c != _separator) )
c = nextChar();
return c;
private char skipToEofIfOnlyWhitespaceLeft( char c )
int savePos = _pos;
char saveC = c;
while( Character.isWhitespace( c ) )
c = _rawNextChar();
if( c == '\0' ) // EOF
return c;
_pos = savePos;
return saveC;
private void sample()
_sampling = true;
_separator = inferSeparator();
_indented = inferIndented();
_whitespace = inferRetainLeadingTrailingWhitespace();
_hasHeader = _hasHeader == null ? inferHeader() : _hasHeader;
_types = inferDataTypes();
_sampling = false;
private boolean inferIndented()
boolean saveWhitespace = _whitespace;
_whitespace = true;
boolean indented = true;
int row = 0;
boolean newline = true;
while( row < 100 )
CsvToken token = nextToken();
if( newline )
indented = indented && countLeadingSpaces( token ) > 0;
newline = false;
if( token.isLastInRecord() )
if( token.isEof() )
newline = true;
_whitespace = saveWhitespace;
return indented;
private boolean inferHeader()
List header = new ArrayList<>();
while( true )
CsvToken token = nextToken();
if( token.isEmpty() )
// all header fields must be non-empty
return false;
header.add( new DataStats( token ) );
if( token.isLastInRecord() )
int fieldCount = 0;
int diffCount = 0;
int row = 0;
int i = 0;
while( row < 100 )
if( i == header.size() )
// more fields in data row than header row! bail
return false;
CsvToken token = nextToken();
DataStats stats = header.get( i );
if( !token.isEmpty() )
// empty values are excluded from analysis
if( !stats.isSimilar( token ) )
if( token.isLastInRecord() )
boolean emptyLine = i == 0 && token.getValue().isEmpty();
if( !emptyLine && i != header.size() - 1 )
// more fields in header row than data row! bail
return false;
if( token.isEof() )
i = 0;
return fieldCount != 0 && diffCount * 100 / fieldCount > 60;
private List inferDataTypes()
if( _hasHeader )
// skip header
while( true )
CsvToken token = nextToken();
if( token.isLastInRecord() )
List types = new ArrayList<>();
int row = 0;
int i = 0;
while( row < 1000 )
if( row > 0 && i == types.size() )
// more fields in data row than header row! bail
return null;
CsvToken token = nextToken();
if( row == 0 )
types.add( inferType( token.getData() ) );
else if( row <= 100 || row % 10 == 0 )
types.set( i, mergeDataType( token.getData(), types.get( i ) ) );
if( token.isLastInRecord() )
boolean emptyLine = i == 0 && token.getValue().isEmpty();
if( !emptyLine && row > 0 && i != types.size() - 1 )
// more fields in header row than data row! bail
return null;
if( token.isEof() )
i = 0;
for( int t = 0; t < types.size(); t++ )
if( types.get( t ) == null )
// all null sample values for a column => String.class
types.set( t, String.class );
return types;
private Class mergeDataType( String data, Class existingType )
if( data.isEmpty() )
return mergeTypes( existingType, null );
Class inferredType = inferType( data );
return mergeTypes( existingType, inferredType );
private Class mergeTypes( Class existingType, Class inferredType )
if( existingType == String.class )
// nothing merges with string
return existingType;
if( inferredType == existingType || existingType == null )
return inferredType;
if( inferredType == null )
return existingType;
if( existingType == Boolean.class )
// nothing merges with boolean
return String.class;
if( existingType == Integer.class )
if( inferredType == Long.class ||
inferredType == Double.class ||
inferredType == BigInteger.class ||
inferredType == BigDecimal.class )
return inferredType;
else if( existingType == Long.class )
if( inferredType == Integer.class )
return existingType;
if( inferredType == Double.class ||
inferredType == BigInteger.class ||
inferredType == BigDecimal.class )
return inferredType;
else if( existingType == BigInteger.class )
if( inferredType == Integer.class ||
inferredType == Long.class )
return existingType;
if( inferredType == Double.class )
return BigDecimal.class;
if( inferredType == BigDecimal.class )
return inferredType;
else if( existingType == Double.class )
if( inferredType == Integer.class ||
inferredType == Long.class )
return existingType;
if( inferredType == BigInteger.class )
return BigDecimal.class;
if( inferredType == BigDecimal.class )
return inferredType;
else if( existingType == BigDecimal.class )
if( inferredType == Integer.class ||
inferredType == Long.class ||
inferredType == Double.class ||
inferredType == BigInteger.class )
return existingType;
return String.class;
private Class inferType( String data )
Class type;
if( data.isEmpty() )
// empty data does not contribute toward type inference
type = null;
else if( !ManStringUtil.isAlpha( data ) )
if( isInteger( data ) )
type = Integer.class;
else if( isLong( data ) )
type = Long.class;
else if( isBigInteger( data ) )
type = BigInteger.class;
else if( isDouble( data ) )
type = Double.class;
else if( isBigDecimal( data ) )
type = BigDecimal.class;
else if( isDateTime( data ) )
type = LocalDateTime.class;
else if( isDate( data ) )
type = LocalDate.class;
else if( isTime( data ) )
type = LocalTime.class;
type = String.class;
else if( isBoolean( data ) )
type = Boolean.class;
type = String.class;
return type;
private boolean isDateTime( String data )
return null != ManDateTimeUtil.parseDateTime( data );
private boolean isDate( String data )
return null != ManDateTimeUtil.parseDate( data );
private boolean isTime( String data )
return null != ManDateTimeUtil.parseTime( data );
private boolean isInteger( String data )
Integer.parseInt( data );
return true;
catch( Exception e )
return false;
private boolean isLong( String data )
Long.parseLong( data );
return true;
catch( Exception e )
return false;
private boolean isBigInteger( String data )
new BigInteger( data );
return true;
catch( Exception e )
return false;
private boolean isDouble( String data )
Double.parseDouble( data );
return true;
catch( Exception e )
return false;
private boolean isBigDecimal( String data )
new BigDecimal( data );
return true;
catch( Exception e )
return false;
private boolean isBoolean( String data )
return "true".equalsIgnoreCase( data ) ||
"false".equalsIgnoreCase( data ) ||
"yes".equalsIgnoreCase( data ) ||
"no".equalsIgnoreCase( data ) ||
"on".equalsIgnoreCase( data ) ||
"off".equalsIgnoreCase( data );
private boolean inferRetainLeadingTrailingWhitespace()
Map spacesToOccurrence = new HashMap<>();
mapSpacesToOccurrences( spacesToOccurrence );
int[] best = {0, 0};
spacesToOccurrence.forEach( ( key, value ) -> {
if( value > best[1] )
best[0] = key;
best[1] = value;
} );
int total = spacesToOccurrence.values().size();
if( total == 0 || best[1] * 100 / total > 80 )
return best[0] == 0;
return true;
private void mapSpacesToOccurrences( Map spacesToOccurrence )
_whitespace = true;
int row = 0;
while( row < 100 )
CsvToken token = nextToken();
int count = countLeadingSpaces( token );
Integer existing = spacesToOccurrence.get( count );
spacesToOccurrence.put( count, existing == null ? count : existing + 1 );
if( token.isLastInRecord() )
if( token.isEof() )
private int countLeadingSpaces( CsvToken token )
int spaces = 0;
String value = token.getValue();
for( int i = 0; i < value.length(); i++ )
char c = value.charAt( i );
if( c == ' ' || c == '\t' )
return spaces;
private char inferSeparator()
char cMax = 0;
int max = -1;
for( char separator: SEPARATORS )
int result = sampleSeparator( separator );
if( result > max )
max = result;
cMax = separator;
if( max == -1 )
// none of the separators resulted in a consistent record size (rows had differing number of fields)
// default to comma, but the file may parse with errors
cMax = ',';
return cMax;
public boolean isEol()
if( _pos < 0 || isEof() )
return false;
if( _content.charAt( _pos ) == '\n' )
return true;
if( _content.charAt( _pos ) == '\r' )
return _length-1 == _pos || _content.charAt( _pos+1 ) != '\n';
return false;
public boolean isEof()
return _pos == _content.length();
private int sampleSeparator( char separator )
_separator = separator;
int recordSize = 0;
int count = 0;
int row = 0;
while( row < 10 )
CsvToken token = nextToken();
if( token.isLastInRecord() )
boolean emptyLine = count == 1 && token.getValue().isEmpty();
if( !emptyLine )
if( recordSize == 0 )
recordSize = count;
if( count != recordSize )
return -1;
if( token.isEof() )
count = 0;
else if( token.getSeparatorChar() != separator )
return -1;
return recordSize;
private char nextChar()
char c = _rawNextChar();
if( c == '\r' )
c = _rawNextChar();
if( c != '\n' )
// always return '\n' as linebreak
c = '\n';
if( c == '\n' )
c = skipToEofIfOnlyWhitespaceLeft( c );
return c;
private char _rawNextChar()
if( _pos < _length )
if( _pos == _length )
return '\0'; // EOF
if( _pos > _length )
throw new IllegalStateException( "position > length" );
return _content.charAt( _pos );
public List getTypes()
return _types;
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