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* Copyright (c) 2020 - Manifold Systems LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package manifold.graphql.rt.api.request;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import manifold.ext.rt.RuntimeMethods;
import manifold.rt.api.Bindings;
import manifold.json.rt.api.Endpoint;
import manifold.json.rt.api.Requester;
* Based on: "How to make GraphQL HTTP request using cUrl"
* Based on the GET/POST and the Content-Type header, it expects the input params differently.
* This behaviour was ported from express-graphql.
* So given the following operation:
* mutation M {
* newTodo: createTodo(text: "This is a mutation example") {
* text
* done
* }
* }
* using GET
* $ curl -g -GET 'http://localhost:8080/graphql?query=mutation+M{newTodo:createTodo(text:"This+is+a+mutation+example"){text+done}}'
* using POST + Content-Type: application/graphql
* $ curl -XPOST http://localhost:8080/graphql -H 'Content-Type: application/graphql' -d 'mutation M { newTodo: createTodo(text: "This is a mutation example") { text done } }'
* using POST + Content-Type: application/json
* $ curl -XPOST http://localhost:8080/graphql -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"query": "mutation M { newTodo: createTodo(text: \"This is a mutation example\") { text done } }"}'
* @param
public class Executor
private final GqlRequestBody _reqArgs;
private final Requester _requester;
public Executor( String url, String operation, String query, Bindings variables, Class resultType )
_requester = new Requester<>( url, result -> coerce( (Class) resultType, result ) );
_requester.withHeader( "Content-Type", "application/json" );
_reqArgs = GqlRequestBody.create( query, variables );
public Executor( Endpoint endpoint, String operation, String query, Bindings variables, Class resultType )
_requester = new Requester<>( endpoint, result -> coerce( resultType, result ) );
_requester.withHeader( "Content-Type", "application/json" );
_reqArgs = GqlRequestBody.create( query, variables );
public Executor( Supplier> requester, String operation, String query, Bindings variables, Class resultType )
_requester = requester.get();
_requester.withCoercer( result -> coerce( resultType, result ) );
_requester.withHeader( "Content-Type", "application/json" );
_reqArgs = GqlRequestBody.create( query, variables );
private Object coerce( Class resultType, Object result )
Bindings response = (Bindings) result;
Object customResult = handleRawResponse( response );
if( customResult != null )
// a custom result bindings
return customResult;
handleErrors( response );
return RuntimeMethods.coerce( response.get( "data" ), resultType );
* Access the full GraphQL request body, which includes {@code query} and {@code variables} bindings.
* @return the GraphQL request body consisting of bindings for both the query and variables.
public GqlRequestBody getRequestBody()
return _reqArgs;
* Access an unmodifiable view of the GraphQL request headers.
public Map getHeaders()
return _requester.getHeaders();
* Access the GraphQL request endpoint.
public Endpoint getEndpoint()
return _requester.getEndpoint();
* Access the GraphQL request format.
public Requester.Format getFormat()
return _requester.getFormat();
* Access the GraphqL request timeout.
public int getTimeout()
return _requester.getTimeout();
* Set an HTTP request header {@code name : value} pair
* See HTTP header fields
public Executor withHeader( String name, String value )
_requester.withHeader( name, value );
return this;
* Add a {@code name=value} parameter to the request URL.
public Executor withParam( String name, String value )
_requester.withParam( name, value );
return this;
* Set the Basic Authorization header using the provided {@code username} and {@code password}
public Executor withBasicAuthorization( String username, String password )
_requester.withBasicAuthorization( username, password );
return this;
* Set the Bearer Authorization header using the provided {@code accessToken}.
* For instance, if using OAuth, {@code accessToken} is the token response from:
public Executor withBearerAuthorization( String accessToken )
return withAuthorization( "Bearer", accessToken );
public Executor withAuthorization( String tokenType, String accessToken )
return withHeader( "Authorization", tokenType + " " + accessToken );
* The connection timeout setting in milliseconds. If the timeout expires before the connection can be established, a
* {@link is thrown. A value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout, this is
* the default setting.
public Executor withTimeout( int timeout )
_requester.withTimeout( timeout );
return this;
* @param handler An optional handler for processing the raw response as an arbitrary Bindings instance. The handler
* may return a custom bindings object which overrides the default, type-safe result instance. In any
* case, the handler can process the response in any way. Note, modifications made to the response
* persist and, therefore, affect default internal data and error processing.
* @return this {@code Executor} instance.
public Executor withRawResponseHandler( Function handler )
_requester.withRawResponseHandler( handler );
return this;
public Function getRawResponseHandler()
return _requester.getRawResponseHandler();
* Make an HTTP POST request to {@code url}. The {@code payload}, if non-null, is sent as JSON encoded
* text in the request's message body.
* @return A JSON value parsed from the {@code format} specified encoded response (primitive/boxed type, String, List of JSON values, or Bindings of String/JSON value)
* @throws GqlRequestException If the response contains errors, wraps them in a list of {@link GqlError} and throws
public T post() throws GqlRequestException
return _requester.postOne( _reqArgs.getBindings() );
* Make an HTTP POST request to {@code url}. The {@code payload}, if non-null, is sent as JSON encoded
* text in the request's message body.
* @param format The expected format of the response. One of: {@code Json}, {@code Yaml}, or {@code Plain}
* @return A JSON value parsed from the {@code format} specified encoded response (primitive/boxed type, String, List of JSON values, or Bindings of String/JSON value)
* @throws GqlRequestException If the response contains errors, wraps them in a list of {@link GqlError} and throws
public T post( Requester.Format format ) throws GqlRequestException
return _requester.postOne( "", _reqArgs.getBindings(), format );
* Make an HTTP GET request to {@code url}. The {@code payload}, if non-null, is sent as JSON encoded
* text in the request's message body.
* @return A JSON value parsed from the {@code format} specified encoded response (primitive/boxed type, String, List of JSON values, or Bindings of String/JSON value)
* @throws GqlRequestException If the response contains errors, wraps them in a list of {@link GqlError} and throws
public T get() throws GqlRequestException
return (T)_requester.getOne( _reqArgs.getBindings() );
* Make an HTTP GET request to {@code url}. The {@code payload}, if non-null, is sent as JSON encoded
* text in the request's message body.
* @param format The expected format of the response. One of: {@code Json}, {@code Yaml}, or {@code Plain}
* @return A JSON value parsed from the {@code format} specified encoded response (primitive/boxed type, String, List of JSON values, or Bindings of String/JSON value)
* @throws GqlRequestException If the response contains errors, wraps them in a list of {@link GqlError} and throws
public T get( Requester.Format format ) throws GqlRequestException
return (T)_requester.getOne( "", _reqArgs.getBindings(), format );
private Object handleRawResponse( Bindings response )
Function handler = _requester.getRawResponseHandler();
if( handler != null )
return handler.apply( response );
return null;
private void handleErrors( Bindings response )
//noinspection unchecked
List errors = (List)response.get( "errors" );
if( errors != null && !errors.isEmpty() )
throw new GqlRequestException( response );