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streaming.dsl.mmlib.algs.SQLFeatureExtractInPlace.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package streaming.dsl.mmlib.algs

import java.util.regex.Pattern

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SaveMode, SparkSession, functions => F}
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.UserDefinedFunction
import streaming.dsl.mmlib.SQLAlg
import streaming.dsl.mmlib.algs.MetaConst.getMetaPath

 * Created by dxy_why on 2018/8/20.
class SQLFeatureExtractInPlace extends SQLAlg with Functions {

   * 是否含有电话
   * @return
  def phoneExisted = F.udf((doc: String) => { => {
      val pattern = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE & Pattern.DOTALL)
      val matcher = pattern.matcher(doc)

   * 是否含有邮箱地址
   * @return
  def emailExisted = F.udf((doc: String) => { => {
      val pattern = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE & Pattern.DOTALL)
      val matcher = pattern.matcher(doc)

   * 是否还有qq微信号
   * @return
  def qqwechatExisted = F.udf((doc: String) => { => {
      val pattern = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE & Pattern.DOTALL)
      val matcher = pattern.matcher(doc)

   * url数量
   * @return
  def urlNumber = F.udf((doc: String) => {
    StringUtils.countMatches(doc, "http")

   * 图片数量
   * @return
  def picNumber = F.udf((doc: String) => { => {
      val pattern = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE & Pattern.DOTALL)
      val matcher = pattern.matcher(doc)
      var count = 0
      while (matcher.find()) {
        count += 1

  def cleanEmotionAndSpecChar = F.udf((doc: String) => {
    val regEx_emotion = """")
      .replaceAll("&", "&").replaceAll("@", "@")
     * 去除新版app内自带的用户标签
    val regEx_user = """
""" val p_user = Pattern.compile(regEx_user, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE) val m_user = p_user.matcher(htmlStr) m_user.replaceAll("") }) def cleanDoc = F.udf((doc: String) => { /** * 去除html标签 */ // 定义script的正则表达式 val regEx_script = "]*?>[\\s\\S]*?<\\/script>" // 定义style的正则表达式 val regEx_style = "]*?>[\\s\\S]*?<\\/style>" // 定义HTML标签的正则表达式 val regEx_html = "<[^>]+>" // 过滤script标签 val p_script = Pattern.compile(regEx_script, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE) val m_script = p_script.matcher(doc) var htmlStr = m_script.replaceAll("") // 过滤style标签 val p_style = Pattern.compile(regEx_style, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE) val m_style = p_style.matcher(htmlStr) htmlStr = m_style.replaceAll("") // 过滤html标签 val p_html = Pattern.compile(regEx_html, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE) val m_html = p_html.matcher(htmlStr) htmlStr = m_html.replaceAll("") var cleanedDoc = htmlStr.trim().replaceAll("\r|\n|\t", "") .replaceAll("<[^>]*>", "").replaceAll(" ", "") /** * 去除url */ val urlPattern = Pattern.compile(SQLFeatureExtractInPlace.URL_NUMBER_REGEX(0), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE & Pattern.DOTALL) val urlMatcher = urlPattern.matcher(cleanedDoc) cleanedDoc = urlMatcher.replaceAll("") /** * 去除邮箱 */ val emailPattern = Pattern.compile(SQLFeatureExtractInPlace.EXISTED_EMAIL_REGEX(0), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE & Pattern.DOTALL) val emailMatcher = emailPattern.matcher(cleanedDoc) cleanedDoc = emailMatcher.replaceAll("") /** * 去除图片链接 */ val picPattern = Pattern.compile(SQLFeatureExtractInPlace.PIC_NUMBER_REGEX(0), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE & Pattern.DOTALL) val picMatcher = picPattern.matcher(cleanedDoc) cleanedDoc = picMatcher.replaceAll("") cleanedDoc }) /** * 文本长度 * * @return */ def docLength = F.udf((doc: String) => { doc.length }) /** * 空格百分比 * * @return */ def blankPercent = F.udf((doc: String) => { val pattern = Pattern.compile(SQLFeatureExtractInPlace.BLANK_PERCENT_REGEX(0), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE & Pattern.DOTALL) val matcher = pattern.matcher(doc) var count = 0 while (matcher.find()) { count += 1 } if (doc.length != 0) { count * 100 / doc.length } else { 0 } }) /** * 中文百分比 * * @return */ def chinesePercent = F.udf((doc: String) => { val pattern = Pattern.compile(SQLFeatureExtractInPlace.CHINESE_PERCENT_REGEX(0), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE & Pattern.DOTALL) val matcher = pattern.matcher(doc) var count = 0 while (matcher.find()) { count += 1 } if (doc.length != 0) { count * 100 / doc.length } else { 0 } }) /** * 英文百分比 * * @return */ def englishPercent = F.udf((doc: String) => { val pattern = Pattern.compile(SQLFeatureExtractInPlace.ENGLISH_PERCENT_REGEX(0), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE & Pattern.DOTALL) val matcher = pattern.matcher(doc) var count = 0 while (matcher.find()) { count += 1 } if (doc.length != 0) { count * 100 / doc.length } else { 0 } }) /** * 数字百分比 * * @return */ def numberPercent = F.udf((doc: String) => { val pattern = Pattern.compile(SQLFeatureExtractInPlace.NUMBER_PERCENT_REGEX(0), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE & Pattern.DOTALL) val matcher = pattern.matcher(doc) var count = 0 while (matcher.find()) { count += 1 } if (doc.length != 0) { count * 100 / doc.length } else { 0 } }) /** * 标点百分比 * * @return */ def punctuationPercent = F.udf((doc: String) => { val pattern = Pattern.compile(SQLFeatureExtractInPlace.PUNCTUATION_PERCENT_REGEX(0), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE & Pattern.DOTALL) val matcher = pattern.matcher(doc) var count = 0 while (matcher.find()) { count += 1 } if (doc.length != 0) { count * 100 / doc.length } else { 0 } }) /** * 不可见字符百分比 * @return */ def uninvislblePercent = F.udf((doc: String) => { val pattern = Pattern.compile(SQLFeatureExtractInPlace.UNINVISIBLE_PERCENT_REGEX(0), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE & Pattern.DOTALL) val matcher = pattern.matcher(doc) var count = 0 while (matcher.find()) { count += 1 } if (doc.length != 0) { // 特殊字符长度为2 count * 100 * 2 / doc.length } else { 0 } }) /** * 出现最多字符百分比 * * @return */ def mostcharPercent = F.udf((doc: String) => { doc.split("").map((_, 1)).groupBy(_._1).map(t => (t._1, t._2.size)).maxBy(_._2)._2 }) def internal_train(df: DataFrame, params: Map[String, String]) = { val path = params("path") val metaPath = getMetaPath(path) saveTraningParams(df.sparkSession, params, metaPath) val featureCol = params.getOrElse(SQLFeatureExtractInPlace.INPUTCOL, SQLFeatureExtractInPlace.FEATUREC_COL) val featureExtractResult = df.withColumn("phone", phoneExisted(F.col(featureCol))) .withColumn("noEmoAndSpec", cleanEmotionAndSpecChar(F.col(featureCol))) .withColumn("email", emailExisted(F.col("noEmoAndSpec"))) .withColumn("qqwechat", qqwechatExisted(F.col("noEmoAndSpec"))) .withColumn("url", urlNumber(F.col("noEmoAndSpec"))) .withColumn("pic", picNumber(F.col("noEmoAndSpec"))) .withColumn("cleanedDoc", cleanDoc(F.col("noEmoAndSpec"))) .withColumn("blank", blankPercent(F.col("cleanedDoc"))) .withColumn("chinese", chinesePercent(F.col("cleanedDoc"))) .withColumn("english", englishPercent(F.col("cleanedDoc"))) .withColumn("number", numberPercent(F.col("cleanedDoc"))) .withColumn("punctuation", punctuationPercent(F.col("cleanedDoc"))) .withColumn("uninvisible", uninvislblePercent(F.col("cleanedDoc"))) .withColumn("mostchar", mostcharPercent(F.col("cleanedDoc"))) .withColumn("length", docLength(F.col("cleanedDoc"))) featureExtractResult.write.mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).parquet(MetaConst.getDataPath(path)) } override def train(df: DataFrame, path: String, params: Map[String, String]): DataFrame = { internal_train(df, params + ("path" -> path)) emptyDataFrame()(df) } override def load(sparkSession: SparkSession, path: String, params: Map[String, String]): Any = { AnyRef } override def predict(sparkSession: SparkSession, _model: Any, name: String, params: Map[String, String]): UserDefinedFunction = { sparkSession.udf.register(name + "_phone", phoneExisted.f.asInstanceOf[String => Boolean]) sparkSession.udf.register(name + "_email", emailExisted.f.asInstanceOf[String => Boolean]) sparkSession.udf.register(name + "_qqwechat", qqwechatExisted.f.asInstanceOf[String => Boolean]) sparkSession.udf.register(name + "_url", urlNumber.f.asInstanceOf[String => Int]) sparkSession.udf.register(name + "_cleanEmotionAndSpec", cleanEmotionAndSpecChar.f.asInstanceOf[String => String]) sparkSession.udf.register(name + "_cleanHtml", cleanDoc.f.asInstanceOf[String => String]) sparkSession.udf.register(name + "_pic", picNumber.f.asInstanceOf[String => Int]) sparkSession.udf.register(name + "_blank", blankPercent.f.asInstanceOf[String => Int]) sparkSession.udf.register(name + "_chinese", chinesePercent.f.asInstanceOf[String => Int]) sparkSession.udf.register(name + "_english", englishPercent.f.asInstanceOf[String => Int]) sparkSession.udf.register(name + "_number", numberPercent.f.asInstanceOf[String => Int]) sparkSession.udf.register(name + "_punctuation", punctuationPercent.f.asInstanceOf[String => Int]) sparkSession.udf.register(name + "_mostchar", mostcharPercent.f.asInstanceOf[String => Int]) sparkSession.udf.register(name + "_length", docLength.f.asInstanceOf[String => Int]) phoneExisted } } object SQLFeatureExtractInPlace { /** * 输入列名 */ val INPUTCOL = "inputCol" /** * 待提取字段的文本字段名称 */ val FEATUREC_COL = "doc" /** * 参数数组前缀 */ val PARAMS_PREFIX = "fitParam" /** * 是否含有电话的正则表达式规则 */ val EXISTED_PHONE_REGEX = Seq( """\D[01]{1}\d{2,3}-?\d{8}\D""", """(热线|电话|TEL|来电|短信|手机).{0,3}\d{3,}""", """400-?\d{3}-?\d{3}""", """(热线|电话|TEL|来电|手机).{0,3}\d{3,}[- ]?\d{3,}[- ]?\d{3,}""", """\D1\d{2}\s*\D?\s*\d{4}\s*\D?\s*\d{4}""", """\D1\d{3}\s*\D?\s*\d{4}\s*\D?\s*\d{3}""") /** * 是否含有邮箱地址的正则表达式规则 */ val EXISTED_EMAIL_REGEX = Seq("""[\*a-zA-Z0-9-_]+@[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.[a-zA-Z]+""") /** * 是否还有qq微信号的正则表达式规则 */ val EXISTED_QQWECHAT_REGEX = Seq( """(加|Q|群|加我|扣扣)[^\w]{0,10}\d{5,}""", """(Q|群|加我|扣扣)[^\w]{0,10}(\d[\- ]?){5,}""", """(微信|v信|V)[^\w]{0,8}[a-zA-Z0-9]{5,}""") /** * url数量的正则表达式规则 */ val URL_NUMBER_REGEX = Seq("""(https?|ftp|file)://[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:,.;]+[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%=~_|]""") /** * 图片数量的正则表达式规则 */ val PIC_NUMBER_REGEX = Seq("""""") /** * 空格百分比的正则表达式规则(去除html标签, 邮箱, url, 图片链接后) */ val BLANK_PERCENT_REGEX = Seq("""[\\s|\r|\n|\t| ]""") /** * 中文百分比的正则表达式规则(去除html标签, 邮箱, url, 图片链接后) */ val CHINESE_PERCENT_REGEX = Seq("""[\u4e00-\u9fa5]""") /** * 英文百分比的正则表达式规则(去除html标签, 邮箱, url, 图片链接后) */ val ENGLISH_PERCENT_REGEX = Seq("""[a-zA-Z]""") /** * 数字百分比的正则表达式规则(去除html标签, 邮箱, url, 图片链接后) */ val NUMBER_PERCENT_REGEX = Seq("""[0-9]""") /** * 标点百分比的正则表达式规则(去除html标签, 邮箱, url, 图片链接后) */ val PUNCTUATION_PERCENT_REGEX = Seq("""\p{P}""") /** * 出现最多字符百分比的正则表达式规则(去除html标签, 邮箱, url, 图片链接后) */ val MOSTCHAR_PERCENT_REGEX = Seq("""\w+""") /** * 不可见字符百分比的正则表达式(去除html标签, 邮箱, url, 图片链接后) */ val UNINVISIBLE_PERCENT_REGEX = Seq("""\p{C}""") }

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