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streaming.dsl.mmlib.algs.SQLTreeBuildExt.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package streaming.dsl.mmlib.algs

import net.liftweb.json.NoTypeHints
import net.liftweb.{json => SJSon}
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.UserDefinedFunction
import org.apache.spark.sql.mlsql.session.MLSQLException
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Row, SparkSession, functions => F}
import streaming.dsl.mmlib._
import streaming.dsl.mmlib.algs.param.{BaseParams, WowParams}

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

  * 2018-12-12 WilliamZhu([email protected])
class SQLTreeBuildExt(override val uid: String) extends SQLAlg with Functions with WowParams {

  def this() = this(BaseParams.randomUID())

  override def train(df: DataFrame, path: String, params: Map[String, String]): DataFrame = {
      map(m => set(idCol, m)).getOrElse {
      throw new MLSQLException("idCol is required")

      map(m => set(parentIdCol, m)).getOrElse {
      throw new MLSQLException("parentIdCol is required")

      map(m => set(topLevelMark, m)).getOrElse {
      set(topLevelMark, null)

      map(m => set(treeType, m)).getOrElse {
      set(treeType, "treePerRow")

      map(m => set(recurringDependencyBreakTimes, m.toInt)).getOrElse {
      set(recurringDependencyBreakTimes, 1000)

    val maxTimes = $(recurringDependencyBreakTimes)

    val parentIdColType = df.schema.filter(f => == $(parentIdCol)).head
    val t = if ($(topLevelMark) != null) {
      parentIdColType.dataType match {
        case s: IntegerType => $(topLevelMark).toInt
        case s: LongType => $(topLevelMark).toLong
        case s: DoubleType => $(topLevelMark).toDouble
        case s: ShortType => $(topLevelMark).toShort
        case _ => $(topLevelMark)
    } else {
    val items =$(idCol), $(parentIdCol)).distinct().rdd.filter(row => row.get(0) != row.get(1)).map { row => IDParentID(row.get(0), row.get(1), ArrayBuffer()) }.collect()
    val ROOTS = ArrayBuffer[IDParentID]()
    val tempMap = scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[Any, Int]()
    val itemsWithIndex = items.zipWithIndex
    itemsWithIndex.foreach { case (item, index) =>
      tempMap( = index
    itemsWithIndex.foreach { case (item, index) =>

      if (item.parentID != null || item.parentID != t) {
        items(tempMap(item.parentID)).children += item
      } else {
        ROOTS += item
    implicit val formats = SJSon.Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints)
    val rdd = df.sparkSession.sparkContext.parallelize( => SJSon.Serialization.write(f)))
    var newdf =

    val computeLevel1 = (a: Seq[Row], level: Int) => {
      val computeLevel = new ((Seq[Row], Int) => Int) {
        def apply(a: Seq[Row], level: Int): Int = {
          if (a.size == 0) return level
          if (level > maxTimes) return level
          return { row =>
            val index = a.head.schema.zipWithIndex.filter(s => == "children").head._2
            val value = row.getSeq[Row](index)
            apply(value, level + 1)

      computeLevel(a, level)
    val computeLevelUDF = F.udf(computeLevel1, IntegerType)
    newdf = newdf.withColumn("level", computeLevelUDF(F.col("children"), F.lit(0)))

    $(treeType) match {
      case "treePerRow" => newdf
      case "nodeTreePerRow" =>

        val rdd = df.sparkSession.sparkContext.parallelize(items.toSeq).map { item =>

          val resultset = new mutable.HashSet[IDParentID]()
          var level = 0
          val collectAll = new ((IDParentID) => Int) {
            def apply(a: IDParentID): Int = {
              if (a.children.size == 0) {
                resultset += a
              } else {
                resultset ++= a.children
       => apply(f)).sum
          val computeLevel = new ((IDParentID, Int) => Int) {
            def apply(a: IDParentID, level: Int): Int = {
              if (a.children.size == 0) return level
              if (level > maxTimes) return level
              return { row =>
                apply(row, level + 1)
          level = computeLevel(item, 0)
          if (level < maxTimes) {
            if (item.children.size > 0) {

          Row.fromSeq(Seq(, level, =>
        df.sparkSession.createDataFrame(rdd, StructType(Seq(
          StructField(name = "id", dataType = StringType), StructField(name = "level", dataType = IntegerType), StructField(name = "children", dataType = ArrayType(StringType))



  override def load(sparkSession: SparkSession, path: String, params: Map[String, String]): Any = {
    throw new RuntimeException("register is not support by this estimator/transformer")

  override def predict(sparkSession: SparkSession, _model: Any, name: String, params: Map[String, String]): UserDefinedFunction = {
    throw new RuntimeException("register is not support by this estimator/transformer")

  override def batchPredict(df: DataFrame, path: String, params: Map[String, String]): DataFrame = {
    train(df, path, params)

  override def explainParams(sparkSession: SparkSession): DataFrame = _explainParams(sparkSession)

  override def modelType: ModelType = ProcessType

  override def doc: Doc = Doc(HtmlDoc,
      |  TreeBuildExt used to build a tree when you have father - child relationship in some table,
      |  please check the codeExample to see how to use it.

  override def codeExample: Code = Code(SQLCode, CodeExampleText.jsonStr +
      |set jsonStr = '''
      |load jsonStr.`jsonStr` as data;
      |run data as TreeBuildExt.`` where idCol="id" and parentIdCol="parentId" and treeType="nodeTreePerRow" as result;
      |Here are the result:
      ||id |level|children          |
      ||200|0    |[]                |
      ||0  |1    |[7]               |
      ||1  |2    |[200, 2, 201, 199]|
      ||7  |0    |[]                |
      ||201|0    |[]                |
      ||199|1    |[200, 201]        |
      ||2  |0    |[]                |
      |Notice that we will convert the id to string in final result. That means id is string type, and children are array of
      |string and you should be careful when comparing.
      |The max level should lower than 1000(You can set by parameter recurringDependencyBreakTimes).
      |When you found some rows are weired, the level >= 1000 and the children is empty, this means
      |there are recurring dependency and we can not deal with this situation yet.
      |Here is the example:
      ||id |level|children          |
      ||7  |1000    |[]             |
      |if treeType == treePerRow
      |then the result is :
      ||children                                |id |parentID|level|
      ||[[[], 7, 0]]                            |0  |null    |1    |
      ||[[[[[], 200, 199]], 199, 1], [[], 2, 1]]|1  |null    |2    |
      |Notice that children's datatype is Row, you can change it to json so you can use python to deal with it.

  override def coreCompatibility: Seq[CoreVersion] = super.coreCompatibility

  final val idCol: Param[String] = new Param[String](this, "idCol", "")
  final val parentIdCol: Param[String] = new Param[String](this, "parentIdCol", "")
  final val topLevelMark: Param[String] = new Param[String](this, "topLevelMark", "")
  final val treeType: Param[String] = new Param[String](this, "treeType", "treePerRow|nodeTreePerRow")
  final val recurringDependencyBreakTimes: Param[Int] = new Param[Int](this, "recurringDependencyBreakTimes",
    "default:1000  the max level should lower than this value; " +
      "When travel a tree, once a node is found two times, then the subtree will be ignore")

case class IDParentID(id: Any, parentID: Any, children: scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[IDParentID])

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