tech.tablesaw.aggregate.AggregateFunctions Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package tech.tablesaw.aggregate;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.StatUtils;
import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics;
import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.moment.Kurtosis;
import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.moment.Skewness;
import tech.tablesaw.api.BooleanColumn;
import tech.tablesaw.api.DateColumn;
import tech.tablesaw.api.DateTimeColumn;
import tech.tablesaw.api.InstantColumn;
import tech.tablesaw.api.NumericColumn;
import tech.tablesaw.columns.Column;
import tech.tablesaw.columns.numbers.DoubleColumnType;
/** Static utility class for pre-defined instances of {@link AggregateFunction} */
public class AggregateFunctions {
private AggregateFunctions() {}
* A function that takes a column argument and returns the earliest date-time value in that column
public static final DateTimeAggregateFunction earliestDateTime =
new DateTimeAggregateFunction("Earliest Date-Time") {
public LocalDateTime summarize(DateTimeColumn column) {
return column.min();
/** A function that takes a column argument and returns the earliest date in that column */
public static final DateAggregateFunction earliestDate =
new DateAggregateFunction("Earliest Date") {
public LocalDate summarize(DateColumn column) {
return column.min();
/** A function that takes a column argument and returns the latest date in that column */
public static final DateAggregateFunction latestDate =
new DateAggregateFunction("Latest Date") {
public LocalDate summarize(DateColumn column) {
return column.max();
* A function that takes a column argument and returns the latest date-time value in that column
public static final DateTimeAggregateFunction latestDateTime =
new DateTimeAggregateFunction("Latest Date-Time") {
public LocalDateTime summarize(DateTimeColumn column) {
return column.max();
/** A function that takes a column argument and returns the latest instant in that column */
public static final InstantAggregateFunction maxInstant =
new InstantAggregateFunction("Max Instant") {
public Instant summarize(InstantColumn column) {
return column.max();
/** A function that takes a column argument and returns the earliest Instant in that column */
public static final InstantAggregateFunction minInstant =
new InstantAggregateFunction("Min Instant") {
public Instant summarize(InstantColumn column) {
return column.min();
* A function that takes a column argument and returns the number of {@code true} values in a
* column
public static final BooleanIntAggregateFunction countTrue =
new BooleanIntAggregateFunction("Number True") {
public Integer summarize(BooleanColumn column) {
return column.countTrue();
* A function that takes a column argument and returns {@code true} if all values in that column
* are true
public static final BooleanAggregateFunction allTrue =
new BooleanAggregateFunction("All True") {
public Boolean summarize(BooleanColumn column) {
return column.all();
* A function that takes a column argument and returns {@code true} if at least one value in the
* column is true
public static final BooleanAggregateFunction anyTrue =
new BooleanAggregateFunction("Any True") {
public Boolean summarize(BooleanColumn column) {
return column.any();
* A function that takes a column argument and returns {@code true} if no values in the column are
* true
public static final BooleanAggregateFunction noneTrue =
new BooleanAggregateFunction("None True") {
public Boolean summarize(BooleanColumn column) {
return column.none();
* A function that takes a column argument and returns the count of {@code false} values in the
* column
public static final BooleanIntAggregateFunction countFalse =
new BooleanIntAggregateFunction("Number False") {
public Integer summarize(BooleanColumn column) {
return (column).countFalse();
* A function that takes a column argument and returns the proportion of values in that column
* that are {@code true}
public static final BooleanDoubleAggregateFunction proportionTrue =
new BooleanDoubleAggregateFunction("Proportion True") {
public Double summarize(BooleanColumn column) {
return (column).proportionTrue();
* A function that takes a column argument and returns the proportion of values in the column that
* are {@code false}
public static final BooleanDoubleAggregateFunction proportionFalse =
new BooleanDoubleAggregateFunction("Proportion False") {
public Double summarize(BooleanColumn column) {
return (column).proportionFalse();
* A function that takes a {@link NumericColumn} argument and returns the first item without
* sorting
public static final NumericAggregateFunction first =
new NumericAggregateFunction("First") {
public Double summarize(NumericColumn> column) {
return column.isEmpty() ? DoubleColumnType.missingValueIndicator() : column.getDouble(0);
* A function that takes a {@link NumericColumn} argument and returns the last item without
* sorting
public static final NumericAggregateFunction last =
new NumericAggregateFunction("Last") {
public Double summarize(NumericColumn> column) {
return column.isEmpty()
? DoubleColumnType.missingValueIndicator()
: column.getDouble(column.size() - 1);
* A function that takes a {@link NumericColumn} argument and returns the difference between the
* last and first items
public static final NumericAggregateFunction change =
new NumericAggregateFunction("Change") {
public Double summarize(NumericColumn> column) {
return column.size() < 2
? DoubleColumnType.missingValueIndicator()
: column.getDouble(column.size() - 1) - column.getDouble(0);
* A function that takes a {@link NumericColumn} argument and returns the percent difference
* between the last and first items
public static final NumericAggregateFunction pctChange =
new NumericAggregateFunction("Percent Change") {
public Double summarize(NumericColumn> column) {
return column.size() < 2
? DoubleColumnType.missingValueIndicator()
: (column.getDouble(column.size() - 1) - column.getDouble(0)) / column.getDouble(0);
* A function that takes a {@link Column} argument and returns the count of values in the column
* excluding missing values
public static final AnyIntAggregateFunction countNonMissing =
new AnyIntAggregateFunction("Count") {
public Integer summarize(Column> column) {
return column.size() - column.countMissing();
* A function that takes a {@link Column} argument and returns the count of values in the column
* excluding missing values. A synonym for countNonMissing
public static final AnyIntAggregateFunction count = countNonMissing;
* A function that takes a {@link NumericColumn} argument and returns the count of missing values
* in the column
public static final AnyIntAggregateFunction countMissing =
new AnyIntAggregateFunction("Missing Values") {
public Integer summarize(Column> column) {
return column.countMissing();
* AA function that takes a {@link Column} argument and returns the number of non-missing unique
* values in the column
public static final AnyIntAggregateFunction countUnique =
new AnyIntAggregateFunction("Count Unique") {
public Integer summarize(Column> doubles) {
return doubles.unique().removeMissing().size();
* A function that takes a {@link NumericColumn} argument and returns the mean of the values in
* the column
public static final NumericAggregateFunction mean =
new NumericAggregateFunction("Mean") {
public Double summarize(NumericColumn> column) {
return StatUtils.mean(removeMissing(column));
* A function that takes a {@link NumericColumn} argument and returns the coefficient of variation
* (stdDev/mean) of the values in the column
public static final NumericAggregateFunction cv =
new NumericAggregateFunction("CV") {
public Double summarize(NumericColumn> column) {
double[] col = removeMissing(column);
return Math.sqrt(StatUtils.variance(col)) / StatUtils.mean(col);
* A function that takes a {@link NumericColumn} argument and returns the sum of the values in the
* column
public static final NumericAggregateFunction sum =
new NumericAggregateFunction("Sum") {
public Double summarize(NumericColumn> column) {
return StatUtils.sum(removeMissing(column));
* A function that takes a {@link NumericColumn} argument and returns the median of the values in
* the column
public static final NumericAggregateFunction median =
new NumericAggregateFunction("Median") {
public Double summarize(NumericColumn> column) {
return percentile(column, 50.0);
* A function that takes a {@link Column} argument and returns the number of values in the column,
* including missing values
public static final AnyIntAggregateFunction countWithMissing =
new AnyIntAggregateFunction("Count (incl. missing)") {
public Integer summarize(Column> column) {
return column.size();
* A function that takes a {@link NumericColumn} argument and returns the first quartile of the
* values in the column
public static final NumericAggregateFunction quartile1 =
new NumericAggregateFunction("First Quartile") {
public Double summarize(NumericColumn> column) {
return percentile(column, 25.0);
* A function that takes a {@link NumericColumn} argument and returns the third quartile of the
* values in the column
public static final NumericAggregateFunction quartile3 =
new NumericAggregateFunction("Third Quartile") {
public Double summarize(NumericColumn> column) {
return percentile(column, 75.0);
* A function that takes a {@link NumericColumn} argument and returns the 90th percentile of the
* values in the column
public static final NumericAggregateFunction percentile90 =
new NumericAggregateFunction("90th Percentile") {
public Double summarize(NumericColumn> column) {
return percentile(column, 90.0);
* A function that takes a {@link NumericColumn} argument and returns the 95th percentile of the
* values in the column
public static final NumericAggregateFunction percentile95 =
new NumericAggregateFunction("95th Percentile") {
public Double summarize(NumericColumn> column) {
return percentile(column, 95.0);
* A function that takes a {@link NumericColumn} argument and returns the 99th percentile of the
* values in the column
public static final NumericAggregateFunction percentile99 =
new NumericAggregateFunction("99th Percentile") {
public Double summarize(NumericColumn> column) {
return percentile(column, 99.0);
* A function that takes a {@link NumericColumn} argument and returns the difference between the
* largest and smallest values in the column
public static final NumericAggregateFunction range =
new NumericAggregateFunction("Range") {
public Double summarize(NumericColumn> column) {
double[] data = removeMissing(column);
return StatUtils.max(data) - StatUtils.min(data);
* A function that takes a {@link NumericColumn} argument and returns the smallest value in the
* column
public static final NumericAggregateFunction min =
new NumericAggregateFunction("Min") {
public Double summarize(NumericColumn> column) {
return StatUtils.min(removeMissing(column));
* A function that takes a {@link NumericColumn} argument and returns the largeset value in the
* column
public static final NumericAggregateFunction max =
new NumericAggregateFunction("Max") {
public Double summarize(NumericColumn> column) {
return StatUtils.max(removeMissing(column));
* A function that takes a {@link NumericColumn} argument and returns the product of all values in
* the column
public static final NumericAggregateFunction product =
new NumericAggregateFunction("Product") {
public Double summarize(NumericColumn> column) {
return StatUtils.product(removeMissing(column));
* A function that takes a {@link NumericColumn} argument and returns the geometric mean of all
* values in the column
public static final NumericAggregateFunction geometricMean =
new NumericAggregateFunction("Geometric Mean") {
public Double summarize(NumericColumn> column) {
return StatUtils.geometricMean(removeMissing(column));
* A function that takes a {@link NumericColumn} argument and returns the population variance of
* all values in the column
public static final NumericAggregateFunction populationVariance =
new NumericAggregateFunction("Population Variance") {
public Double summarize(NumericColumn> column) {
return StatUtils.populationVariance(removeMissing(column));
* A function that takes a {@link NumericColumn} argument and returns the quadratic mean, aka, the
* root-mean-square
public static final NumericAggregateFunction quadraticMean =
new NumericAggregateFunction("Quadratic Mean") {
public Double summarize(NumericColumn> column) {
return new DescriptiveStatistics(removeMissing(column)).getQuadraticMean();
* A function that takes a {@link NumericColumn} argument and returns the kurtosis of its values
public static final NumericAggregateFunction kurtosis =
new NumericAggregateFunction("Kurtosis") {
public Double summarize(NumericColumn> column) {
double[] data = removeMissing(column);
return new Kurtosis().evaluate(data, 0, data.length);
* A function that takes a {@link NumericColumn} argument and returns the skewness of its values
public static final NumericAggregateFunction skewness =
new NumericAggregateFunction("Skewness") {
public Double summarize(NumericColumn> column) {
double[] data = removeMissing(column);
return new Skewness().evaluate(data, 0, data.length);
* A function that takes a {@link NumericColumn} argument and returns the sumOfSquares of its
* values
public static final NumericAggregateFunction sumOfSquares =
new NumericAggregateFunction("Sum of Squares") {
public String functionName() {
return "Sum of Squares";
public Double summarize(NumericColumn> column) {
return StatUtils.sumSq(removeMissing(column));
* A function that takes a {@link NumericColumn} argument and returns the sumOfLogs of its values
public static final NumericAggregateFunction sumOfLogs =
new NumericAggregateFunction("Sum of Logs") {
public Double summarize(NumericColumn> column) {
return StatUtils.sumLog(removeMissing(column));
* A function that takes a {@link NumericColumn} argument and returns the variance of its values
public static final NumericAggregateFunction variance =
new NumericAggregateFunction("Variance") {
public Double summarize(NumericColumn> column) {
double[] values = removeMissing(column);
return StatUtils.variance(values);
* A function that takes a {@link NumericColumn} argument and returns the standard deviation of
* its values
public static final NumericAggregateFunction stdDev =
new NumericAggregateFunction("Std. Deviation") {
public Double summarize(NumericColumn> column) {
return Math.sqrt(StatUtils.variance(removeMissing(column)));
/** Returns the given percentile of the values in the argument */
public static Double percentile(NumericColumn> data, Double percentile) {
return StatUtils.percentile(removeMissing(data), percentile);
private static double[] removeMissing(NumericColumn> column) {
NumericColumn> numericColumn = (NumericColumn>) column.removeMissing();
return numericColumn.asDoubleArray();
* Returns the given mean difference of the values in the arguments
* TODO(lwhite): These are two column reductions. We need a class for that
public static Double meanDifference(NumericColumn> column1, NumericColumn> column2) {
return StatUtils.meanDifference(column1.asDoubleArray(), column2.asDoubleArray());
* Returns the given sum difference of the values in the arguments
* TODO(lwhite): These are two column reductions. We need a class for that
public static Double sumDifference(NumericColumn> column1, NumericColumn> column2) {
return StatUtils.sumDifference(column1.asDoubleArray(), column2.asDoubleArray());
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