tech.tablesaw.analytic.AnalyticQueryEngine Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package tech.tablesaw.analytic;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import java.util.Optional;
import tech.tablesaw.analytic.ArgumentList.FunctionCall;
import tech.tablesaw.api.Row;
import tech.tablesaw.api.Table;
import tech.tablesaw.columns.Column;
import tech.tablesaw.sorting.Sort;
import tech.tablesaw.sorting.SortUtils;
import tech.tablesaw.sorting.comparators.IntComparatorChain;
import tech.tablesaw.table.TableSlice;
* Executes analytic queries.
* Makes no changes to the underlying table. The order of the rows in "result" Table will match
* the order of the rows in underlying source table.
final class AnalyticQueryEngine {
private final AnalyticQuery query;
private final Table destination;
private final IntComparatorChain rowComparator;
private AnalyticQueryEngine(AnalyticQuery query) {
this.query = query;
this.destination = Table.create("Analytic ~ " + query.getTable().name());
Optional sort = query.getSort();
this.rowComparator = sort.isPresent() ? SortUtils.getChain(query.getTable(), sort.get()) : null;
/** Returns a new AnalyticQueryEngine to execute the given query */
public static AnalyticQueryEngine create(AnalyticQuery query) {
return new AnalyticQueryEngine(query);
* Execute the given analytic Query.
* @return a table with the result of the query. Rows in the result table match the order of rows
* in the source table.
public Table execute() {
return destination;
private void processSlice(TableSlice slice) {
* Execute all aggregate functions for the given slice setting values in the appropriate
* destination column.
private void processAggregateFunctions(TableSlice slice) {
for (String toColumn : query.getArgumentList().getAggregateFunctions().keySet()) {
FunctionCall functionCall =
AggregateFunctions aggregateFunction = functionCall.getFunction();
Column> sourceColumn = query.getTable().column(functionCall.getSourceColumnName());
validateColumn(aggregateFunction, sourceColumn);
Column> destinationColumn = destination.column(functionCall.getDestinationColumnName());
new WindowSlider(
query.getWindowFrame(), aggregateFunction, slice, sourceColumn, destinationColumn)
* Execute all numbering functions for the given slice setting values in the appropriate
* destination column.
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
private void processNumberingFunctions(TableSlice slice) {
for (String toColumn : query.getArgumentList().getNumberingFunctions().keySet()) {
if (rowComparator == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot use Numbering Function without OrderBy");
FunctionCall functionCall =
NumberingFunctions numberingFunctions = functionCall.getFunction();
NumberingFunction function = numberingFunctions.getImplementation();
Column destinationColumn =
(Column) destination.column(functionCall.getDestinationColumnName());
int prevRowNumber = -1;
// Slice has already been ordered.
for (Row row : slice) {
if (row.getRowNumber() == 0) {
} else {
// Consecutive rows are equal.
if (rowComparator.compare(
slice.mappedRowNumber(prevRowNumber), slice.mappedRowNumber(row.getRowNumber()))
== 0) {
} else {
// Consecutive rows are not equal.
prevRowNumber = row.getRowNumber();
// Set the row number in the destination that corresponds to the row in the view.
destinationColumn.set(slice.mappedRowNumber(row.getRowNumber()), function.getValue());
* Checks to make sure the given aggregate function is compatible with the type of the source
* column.
private void validateColumn(FunctionMetaData function, Column> sourceColumn) {
if (!function.isCompatibleColumn(sourceColumn.type())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Function: "
+ function.functionName()
+ " Is not compatible with column type: "
+ sourceColumn.type());
* Creates empty columns that will be filled in when the analytic aggregate or numbering functions
* are executed.
private void addColumns() {
.toArray(new Column>[0]));
* Partition the source table into a series of table slices. Does not modify the underlying table.
private Iterable partition() {
if (query.getPartitionColumns().isEmpty()) {
return ImmutableList.of(new TableSlice(query.getTable()));
return query.getTable().splitOn(query.getPartitionColumns().toArray(new String[0]));
/** Order the tableSlice in place. Does not modify the underlying table. */
private void orderBy(TableSlice tableSlice) {