tech.tablesaw.analytic.AnalyticQuerySteps Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package tech.tablesaw.analytic;
import tech.tablesaw.api.Table;
public interface AnalyticQuerySteps {
interface FullAnalyticQuerySteps {
interface FromStep {
* Set the From/Source Table name to use in the query.
* @param table to query.
* @return the Partition By step in the fluent analytic query builder.
PartitionByStep from(Table table);
interface PartitionByStep {
* Set the partition columns. The query will partition the table into slices using the given
* column names.
* @param columnNames the column names to partition the table by. If no column names are
* supplied the query will skip this step.
* @return the Order By step in the fluent query builder.
OrderByOptionalStep partitionBy(String... columnNames);
interface OrderByOptionalStep {
* Set the Order by Columns. The query will order each partition by the given column names,
* applied in order.
* if column name starts with - then sort that column descending otherwise sort ascending
* @param columnNames column names to order by. If no column names are supplied the query will
* skip this step.
* @return the define window frame step in the fluent analytic query builder.
DefineWindowFame orderBy(String... columnNames);
interface NumberingQuerySteps {
interface FromStep {
* Set the From/Source Table name to use in the query.
* @param table to query.
* @return the Partition By Step in the fluent analytic query builder.
PartitionByStep from(Table table);
interface PartitionByStep {
* Set the partition columns. The query will partition the table into slices using the given
* column names.
* @param columnNames the column names to partition the table by. If no column names are
* supplied the query will skip this step.
* @return the Order By step in the fluent query builder.
OrderByRequiredStep partitionBy(String... columnNames);
interface OrderByRequiredStep {
* Set the Order by Columns. The query will order each partition by the given column names,
* applied in order.
if column name starts with - then sort that column descending otherwise sort ascending
* @param columnName the first column name to sort by. Required.
* @param columnNames other column names to sort by. Optional.
* @return the add numbering functions step in the fluent query builder.
AddNumberingFunction orderBy(String columnName, String... columnNames);
interface QuickQuerySteps {
interface FromStep {
* Set the From/Source Table name to use in the query.
* @param table to query.
* @return the define window frame step in the fluent analytic query builder.
DefineWindowFame from(Table table);
* An AnalyticFunction performs a calculation across a set of table rows that are somehow related
* to the current row. The related rows are defined by the window frame clause. See {@link
* DefineWindowFame} .
Tablesaw only supports a subset of the analytic functions you might find in a SQL database.
* If you would like to see a new numbering function implemented please file an issue on GitHub.
interface AnalyticFunctions {
NameStepAggregate sum(String columnName);
NameStepAggregate mean(String columnName);
NameStepAggregate max(String columnName);
NameStepAggregate min(String columnName);
NameStepAggregate count(String columnName);
* Numbering functions assign integer values to each row based on their position within the
* specified partition. Numbering functions require OrderBy.
Tablesaw only supports a subset of the numbering functions you might find in a SQL database.
* If you would like to see a new numbering function implemented please file an issue on GitHub.
interface NumberingFunctions {
* Calculates the sequential row ordinal (1-based) of each row for each ordered partition.
* @return the name step in the fluent analytic query builder.
NameStepNumbering rowNumber();
* Calculates the ordinal (1-based) rank of each row within the ordered partition. All peer rows
* receive the same rank value. The next row or set of peer rows receives a rank value which
* increments by the number of peers with the previous rank value, instead of {@link
* NumberingFunctions#denseRank()} , which always increments by 1.
* @return the name step in the fluent analytic query builder.
NameStepNumbering rank();
* Calculates the ordinal (1-based) rank of each row within the window partition. All peer rows
* receive the same rank value, and the subsequent rank value is incremented by one.
* @return the name step in the fluent analytic query builder.
NameStepNumbering denseRank();
* First step in defining a window frame. The window frame clause here matches a window frame
* clause in SQL.
SQL Grammar for the window frame clause:
* { ROWS }
* {
* |
* { BETWEEN window_frame_boundary_start AND window_frame_boundary_end }
* }
* window_frame_boundary_start:
* window_frame_boundary_end:
interface DefineWindowFame {
* The first step in defining a window frame.
* @return the set window start step in the fluent query builder.
SetWindowStart rowsBetween();
/** Set the window frame boundary start. */
interface SetWindowStart {
* Set the bound to the first partition row.
* @return the set window frame end step in the fluent analytic query builder.
SetWindowEndOptionOne unboundedPreceding();
* Set the bound to a number of rows preceding the current row.
* @param nRows number of rows before the current row to include in the window.
* @return the set window frame end step in the fluent analytic query builder.
SetWindowEndOptionOne preceding(int nRows);
* Set the bound to the current row.
* @return the set window frame end step in the fluent analytic query builder.
SetWindowEndOptionTwo currentRow();
* Set the bound to a number of rows following the current row.
* @param nRows number of rows after the current row to include in the window.
* @return the set window frame end step in the fluent analytic query builder.
SetWindowEndOptionTwo following(int nRows);
/** Set the window frame boundary end. */
interface SetWindowEndOptionOne {
* Set the bound to a number of rows preceding the current row.
* @param nRows number of rows before the current row to include in the window.
* @return the add aggregate functions step in the fluent analytic query builder.
AddAggregateFunctions andPreceding(int nRows);
* Set the bound to the current row.
* @return the add aggregate functions step in the fluent analytic query builder.
AddAggregateFunctions andCurrentRow();
* Set the bound to a number of rows following the current row.
* @param nRows number of rows after the current row to include in the window.
* @return the add aggregate functions step in the fluent analytic query builder.
AddAggregateFunctions andFollowing(int nRows);
* Set the bound to the last partition row.
* @return the add aggregate functions step in the fluent analytic query builder.
AddAggregateFunctions andUnBoundedFollowing();
/** Set the window frame boundary end. */
interface SetWindowEndOptionTwo {
AddAggregateFunctions andFollowing(int nRows);
AddAggregateFunctions andUnBoundedFollowing();
interface NameStepAggregate {
* Add alias/name to the calculated column.
* @param columnName the name to give the calculated column.
* @return the next step in the fluent query builder.
AddAggregateFunctionsWithExecute as(String columnName);
interface NameStepNumbering {
* Add alias/name to the calculated column.
* @param columnName the name to give the calculated column.
* @return the next step in the fluent query builder.
AddNumberingFunctionWithExecute as(String columnName);
interface Execute {
* Build the Query object without executing it.
* @return a query object that can be executed.
AnalyticQuery build();
* Executes the query adding all the calculated columns to a new table. The result columns will
* have the same order as the from table.
* @return a new table containing only the result columns.
Table execute();
* Executes the query and adds all the calculated columns directly to the source table.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any of the calculated columns have the same name as one
* of the columns in the FROM table.
void executeInPlace();
/** Step to add the first Analytic Aggregate Function. Cannot execute the query yet. */
interface AddAggregateFunctions extends AnalyticFunctions {}
/** Step to add the another Analytic Aggregate Function. Can execute the query. */
interface AddAggregateFunctionsWithExecute extends AnalyticFunctions, Execute {}
/** Step to add the first Numbering Function. Cannot execute the query yet. */
interface AddNumberingFunction extends NumberingFunctions {}
/** Step to add the another Numbering Function. Can execute the query. */
interface AddNumberingFunctionWithExecute extends NumberingFunctions, Execute {}