tech.tablesaw.joining.CrossProductJoin Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package tech.tablesaw.joining;
import com.google.common.collect.Streams;
import com.google.common.primitives.Ints;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import tech.tablesaw.api.*;
import tech.tablesaw.columns.Column;
import tech.tablesaw.columns.booleans.BooleanColumnType;
import tech.tablesaw.columns.dates.DateColumnType;
import tech.tablesaw.columns.datetimes.DateTimeColumnType;
import tech.tablesaw.columns.instant.InstantColumnType;
import tech.tablesaw.columns.numbers.*;
import tech.tablesaw.columns.strings.StringColumnType;
import tech.tablesaw.columns.times.TimeColumnType;
import tech.tablesaw.index.*;
import tech.tablesaw.selection.Selection;
/** Implements joins between two or more Tables */
public class CrossProductJoin implements JoinStrategy {
private static final String TABLE_ALIAS = "T";
private List joinColumnIndexes;
private final AtomicInteger joinTableId = new AtomicInteger(2);
* Constructor.
* @param table The table to join on.
* @param joinColumnNames The join column names to join on.
public CrossProductJoin(Table table, String... joinColumnNames) {
this.joinColumnIndexes = getJoinIndexes(table, joinColumnNames);
* Finds the index of the columns corresponding to the columnNames. E.G. The column named "ID" is
* located at index 5 in table.
* @param table the table that contains the columns.
* @param columnNames the column names to find indexes of.
* @return a list of column indexes within the table.
private List getJoinIndexes(Table table, String[] columnNames) {
return Arrays.stream(columnNames).map(table::columnIndex).collect(Collectors.toList());
* Joins two tables.
* @param table1 the table on the left side of the join.
* @param table2 the table on the right side of the join.
* @param joinType the type of join.
* @param allowDuplicates if {@code false} the join will fail if any columns other than the join
* column have the same name if {@code true} the join will succeed and duplicate columns are
* renamed
* @param keepAllJoinKeyColumns if {@code false} the join will only keep join key columns in
* table1 if {@code true} the join will return all join key columns in both table, which may
* have difference when there are null values
* @param table2JoinColumnNames The names of the columns in table2 to join on.
* @return the joined table
public Table performJoin(
Table table1,
Table table2,
JoinType joinType,
boolean allowDuplicates,
boolean keepAllJoinKeyColumns,
int[] leftJoinColumnIndexes,
String... table2JoinColumnNames) {
this.joinColumnIndexes =
List table2JoinColumnIndexes = getJoinIndexes(table2, table2JoinColumnNames);
List table1Indexes = buildIndexesForJoinColumns(joinColumnIndexes, table1);
List table2Indexes = buildIndexesForJoinColumns(table2JoinColumnIndexes, table2);
// A set of column indexes in the result table that can be ignored. They are duplicate join
// keys.
// collect all the column name in both tables
Column>[] cols =
Streams.concat(table1.columns().stream(), table2.columns().stream())
Set resultIgnoreColIndexes = new HashSet<>();
if (!keepAllJoinKeyColumns) {
resultIgnoreColIndexes = getIgnoreColumns(table1, joinType, table2JoinColumnIndexes, cols);
Table result = emptyTableFromColumns(table1, allowDuplicates, cols);
validateIndexes(table1Indexes, table2Indexes);
if (table1.rowCount() == 0 && (joinType == JoinType.LEFT_OUTER || joinType == JoinType.INNER)) {
// Handle special case of empty table here so it doesn't fall through to the behavior
// that adds rows for full outer and right outer joins
if (!keepAllJoinKeyColumns) {
return result;
Selection table1DoneRows = Selection.with();
Selection table2DoneRows = Selection.with();
// use table 2 for row iteration, which can significantly increase performance
if (table1.rowCount() > table2.rowCount() && joinType == JoinType.INNER) {
for (Row row : table2) {
int ri = row.getRowNumber();
if (table2DoneRows.contains(ri)) {
// Already processed a selection of table1 that contained this row.
Selection table1Rows =
table2, ri, table1Indexes, table1.rowCount(), table2JoinColumnIndexes);
Selection table2Rows =
table2, ri, table2Indexes, table2.rowCount(), table2JoinColumnIndexes);
table2DoneRows = table2DoneRows.or(table2Rows);
if (table2DoneRows.size() == table2.rowCount()) {
// Processed all the rows in table1 exit early.
if (!keepAllJoinKeyColumns) {
return result;
} else {
for (Row row : table1) {
int ri = row.getRowNumber();
if (table1DoneRows.contains(ri)) {
// Already processed a selection of table1 that contained this row.
Selection table1Rows =
table1, ri, table1Indexes, table1.rowCount(), joinColumnIndexes);
Selection table2Rows =
table1, ri, table2Indexes, table2.rowCount(), joinColumnIndexes);
if ((joinType == JoinType.LEFT_OUTER || joinType == JoinType.FULL_OUTER)
&& table2Rows.isEmpty()) {
result, table1, table1Rows, resultIgnoreColIndexes, keepAllJoinKeyColumns);
} else {
table1DoneRows = table1DoneRows.or(table1Rows);
if (joinType == JoinType.FULL_OUTER || joinType == JoinType.RIGHT_OUTER) {
// Update done rows in table2 for full Outer.
table2DoneRows = table2DoneRows.or(table2Rows);
} else if (table1DoneRows.size() == table1.rowCount()) {
// Processed all the rows in table1 exit early.
if (!keepAllJoinKeyColumns) {
return result;
// Add all rows from table2 that were not handled already.
Selection table2Rows = table2DoneRows.flip(0, table2.rowCount());
if (!keepAllJoinKeyColumns) {
return result;
private void validateIndexes(List table1Indexes, List table2Indexes) {
if (table1Indexes.size() != table2Indexes.size()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Cannot join using a different number of indices on each table: "
+ table1Indexes
+ " and "
+ table2Indexes);
for (int i = 0; i < table1Indexes.size(); i++) {
if (!table1Indexes.get(i).getClass().equals(table2Indexes.get(i).getClass())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Cannot join using different index types: " + table1Indexes + " and " + table2Indexes);
/** Build a reverse index for every join column in the table. */
private List buildIndexesForJoinColumns(List joinColumnIndexes, Table table) {
return joinColumnIndexes.stream().map(c -> indexFor(table, c)).collect(Collectors.toList());
/** Create a reverse index for a given column. */
private Index indexFor(Table table, int colIndex) {
ColumnType type = table.column(colIndex).type();
if (type instanceof DateColumnType) {
return new IntIndex(table.dateColumn(colIndex));
} else if (type instanceof DateTimeColumnType) {
return new LongIndex(table.dateTimeColumn(colIndex));
} else if (type instanceof InstantColumnType) {
return new LongIndex(table.instantColumn(colIndex));
} else if (type instanceof TimeColumnType) {
return new IntIndex(table.timeColumn(colIndex));
} else if (type instanceof StringColumnType) {
return new StringIndex(table.stringColumn(colIndex));
} else if (type instanceof IntColumnType) {
return new IntIndex(table.intColumn(colIndex));
} else if (type instanceof LongColumnType) {
return new LongIndex(table.longColumn(colIndex));
} else if (type instanceof ShortColumnType) {
return new ShortIndex(table.shortColumn(colIndex));
} else if (type instanceof BooleanColumnType) {
return new ByteIndex(table.booleanColumn(colIndex));
} else if (type instanceof DoubleColumnType) {
return new DoubleIndex(table.doubleColumn(colIndex));
} else if (type instanceof FloatColumnType) {
return new FloatIndex(table.floatColumn(colIndex));
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Joining attempted on unsupported column type " + type);
* Given a reverse index find a selection of rows that have the same value as the supplied column
* does in the given row index.
private Selection selectionForColumn(Column> valueColumn, int rowIndex, Index rawIndex) {
ColumnType type = valueColumn.type();
if (type instanceof DateColumnType) {
IntIndex index = (IntIndex) rawIndex;
int value = ((DateColumn) valueColumn).getIntInternal(rowIndex);
return index.get(value);
} else if (type instanceof TimeColumnType) {
IntIndex index = (IntIndex) rawIndex;
int value = ((TimeColumn) valueColumn).getIntInternal(rowIndex);
return index.get(value);
} else if (type instanceof DateTimeColumnType) {
LongIndex index = (LongIndex) rawIndex;
long value = ((DateTimeColumn) valueColumn).getLongInternal(rowIndex);
return index.get(value);
} else if (type instanceof InstantColumnType) {
LongIndex index = (LongIndex) rawIndex;
long value = ((InstantColumn) valueColumn).getLongInternal(rowIndex);
return index.get(value);
} else if (type instanceof StringColumnType) {
StringIndex index = (StringIndex) rawIndex;
String value = ((StringColumn) valueColumn).get(rowIndex);
return index.get(value);
} else if (type instanceof IntColumnType) {
IntIndex index = (IntIndex) rawIndex;
int value = ((IntColumn) valueColumn).getInt(rowIndex);
return index.get(value);
} else if (type instanceof LongColumnType) {
LongIndex index = (LongIndex) rawIndex;
long value = ((LongColumn) valueColumn).getLong(rowIndex);
return index.get(value);
} else if (type instanceof ShortColumnType) {
ShortIndex index = (ShortIndex) rawIndex;
short value = ((ShortColumn) valueColumn).getShort(rowIndex);
return index.get(value);
} else if (type instanceof BooleanColumnType) {
ByteIndex index = (ByteIndex) rawIndex;
byte value = ((BooleanColumn) valueColumn).getByte(rowIndex);
return index.get(value);
} else if (type instanceof DoubleColumnType) {
DoubleIndex index = (DoubleIndex) rawIndex;
double value = ((DoubleColumn) valueColumn).getDouble(rowIndex);
return index.get(value);
} else if (type instanceof FloatColumnType) {
FloatIndex index = (FloatIndex) rawIndex;
float value = ((FloatColumn) valueColumn).getFloat(rowIndex);
return index.get(value);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Joining is supported on numeric, string, and date-like columns. Column "
+ valueColumn.name()
+ " is of type "
+ valueColumn.type());
* Create a big multicolumn selection for all join columns in the given table. Joins two tables.
* @param table the table that used to generate Selection.
* @param ri row number of row in table.
* @param indexes a reverse index for every join column in the table.
* @param selectionSize max size in table .
* @param joinColumnIndexes the column index of join key in tables
* @return selection created
private Selection createMultiColSelection(
Table table,
int ri,
List indexes,
int selectionSize,
List joinColumnIndexes) {
Selection multiColSelection = Selection.withRange(0, selectionSize);
int i = 0;
for (Integer joinColumnIndex : joinColumnIndexes) {
Column> col = table.column(joinColumnIndex);
Selection oneColSelection = selectionForColumn(col, ri, indexes.get(i));
// and the selections.
multiColSelection = multiColSelection.and(oneColSelection);
return multiColSelection;
private String newName(String table2Alias, String columnName) {
return table2Alias + "." + columnName;
* Adds empty columns to the destination table with the same type as columns in table1 and table2.
* For inner, left and full outer join types the join columns in table2 are not needed and will
* be marked as placeholders. The indexes of those columns will be returned. The downstream logic
* is easier if we wait to remove the redundant columns until the last step.
* @param table1 the table on left side of the join.
* @param allowDuplicates whether to allow duplicates. If yes rename columns in table2 that have
* the same name as columns in table1 with the exception of join columns in table2 when
* performing a right join.
* @return A
private Table emptyTableFromColumns(Table table1, boolean allowDuplicates, Column>[] cols) {
Table destination = Table.create(table1.name());
// Rename duplicate columns in second table
if (allowDuplicates) {
Set table1ColNames =
String table2Alias = TABLE_ALIAS + joinTableId.getAndIncrement();
for (int c = table1.columnCount(); c < cols.length; c++) {
String columnName = cols[c].name();
if (table1ColNames.contains(columnName.toLowerCase())) {
cols[c].setName(newName(table2Alias, columnName));
return destination;
* For inner join, left join and full outer join mark the join columns in table2 as placeholders.
* For right join mark the join columns in table1 as placeholders. Keep track of which join
* columns are placeholders so they can be ignored.
private Set getIgnoreColumns(
Table table1, JoinType joinType, List table2JoinColumnIndexes, Column>[] cols) {
Set ignoreColumns = new HashSet<>();
for (int c = 0; c < cols.length; c++) {
if (joinType == JoinType.RIGHT_OUTER) {
if (c < table1.columnCount() && joinColumnIndexes.contains(c)) {
cols[c].setName("Placeholder_" + ignoreColumns.size());
} else {
int table2Index = c - table1.columnCount();
if (c >= table1.columnCount() && table2JoinColumnIndexes.contains(table2Index)) {
cols[c].setName("Placeholder_" + ignoreColumns.size());
return ignoreColumns;
* Creates cross product for the selection of two tables.
* @param destination the destination table.
* @param table1 the table on left of join.
* @param table2 the table on right of join.
* @param table1Rows the selection of rows in table1.
* @param table2Rows the selection of rows in table2.
* @param ignoreColumns a set of column indexes in the result to ignore. They are redundant join
* columns.
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
private void crossProduct(
Table destination,
Table table1,
Table table2,
Selection table1Rows,
Selection table2Rows,
Set ignoreColumns,
boolean keepTable2JoinKeyColumns) {
for (int c = 0; c < table1.columnCount() + table2.columnCount(); c++) {
if (!keepTable2JoinKeyColumns && ignoreColumns.contains(c)) {
int table2Index = c - table1.columnCount();
for (int r1 : table1Rows) {
for (int r2 : table2Rows) {
if (c < table1.columnCount()) {
Column t1Col = table1.column(c);
destination.column(c).append(t1Col, r1);
} else {
Column t2Col = table2.column(table2Index);
destination.column(c).append(t2Col, r2);
* Adds rows to destination for each row in table1 with the columns from table2 added as missing
* values.
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
private void withMissingLeftJoin(
Table destination,
Table table1,
Selection table1Rows,
Set ignoreColumns,
boolean keepTable2JoinKeyColumns) {
for (int c = 0; c < destination.columnCount(); c++) {
if (!keepTable2JoinKeyColumns && ignoreColumns.contains(c)) {
if (c < table1.columnCount()) {
Column t1Col = table1.column(c);
for (int index : table1Rows) {
destination.column(c).append(t1Col, index);
} else {
for (int r1 = 0; r1 < table1Rows.size(); r1++) {
* Adds rows to destination for each row in table2 with the columns from table1 added as missing
* values.
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
private void withMissingRight(
Table destination,
int table1ColCount,
Table table2,
Selection table2Rows,
JoinType joinType,
List col2Indexes,
Set ignoreColumns,
boolean keepTable2JoinKeyColumns) {
// Add index data from table2 into join column positions in table one.
if (joinType == JoinType.FULL_OUTER) {
for (int i = 0; i < col2Indexes.size(); i++) {
Column t2Col = table2.column(col2Indexes.get(i));
for (int index : table2Rows) {
destination.column(joinColumnIndexes.get(i)).append(t2Col, index);
for (int c = 0; c < destination.columnCount(); c++) {
if (!keepTable2JoinKeyColumns) {
if (ignoreColumns.contains(c) || joinColumnIndexes.contains(c)) {
if (c < table1ColCount) {
for (int r1 = 0; r1 < table2Rows.size(); r1++) {
} else {
Column t2Col = table2.column(c - table1ColCount);
for (int index : table2Rows) {
destination.column(c).append(t2Col, index);
public String toString() {
return "CrossProductJoin";