tech.tablesaw.selection.Selection Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package tech.tablesaw.selection;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntIterable;
import org.roaringbitmap.RoaringBitmap;
* A selection maintains an ordered set of ints that can be used to filter rows from a table or
* column. When applying the selection to the data (table, column, etc.) only those rows with
* indexes included in the selection pass the filter
public interface Selection extends IntIterable {
/** Returns the elements of this selection as an array of ints */
int[] toArray();
* Adds the given integers to the Selection if it is not already present, and does nothing
* otherwise
Selection add(int... ints);
* Adds to the current bitmap all integers in [rangeStart,rangeEnd)
* @param start inclusive beginning of range
* @param end exclusive ending of range
Selection addRange(int start, int end);
* Removes from the current bitmap from all integers in [rangeStart,rangeEnd)
* @param start inclusive beginning of range
* @param end exclusive ending of range
Selection removeRange(long start, long end);
/** Returns the number of integers represented by this Selection */
int size();
* Returns this Selection object after its data has been intersected with {@code otherSelection}
Selection and(Selection otherSelection);
* Returns this Selection object with its data replaced by the union of its starting data and
* {@code otherSelection}
Selection or(Selection otherSelection);
* Implements the set difference operation between the receiver and {@code otherSelection}, after
* updating the receiver
Selection andNot(Selection otherSelection);
/** Returns true if this selection has no values, and false otherwise */
boolean isEmpty();
/** Returns this selection with all its values cleared */
Selection clear();
/** Returns true if the index i is selected in this object */
boolean contains(int i);
* Returns the value of the ith element. For example, if there are three ints {4, 32, 71} in the
* selection, get(0) returns 4, get(1) returns 32, and get(2) returns 71
* It can be useful if you need to iterate over the data, although there is also an iterator
int get(int i);
/** Returns a selection with the bits from this selection flipped over the given range */
Selection flip(int rangeStart, int rangeEnd);
/** Returns an randomly generated selection of size N where Max is the largest possible value */
static Selection selectNRowsAtRandom(int n, int max) {
return BitmapBackedSelection.selectNRowsAtRandom(n, max);
/** Returns a Selection containing all indexes in the array */
static Selection with(int... rows) {
return BitmapBackedSelection.with(rows);
/** */
static Selection fromBitmap(RoaringBitmap bitmap) {
return BitmapBackedSelection.fromBitmap(bitmap);
* Returns a Selection containing all indexes in the range start (inclusive) to end (exclusive),
static Selection withRange(int start, int end) {
return BitmapBackedSelection.withRange(start, end);
* Returns a Selection containing all values from totalRangeStart to totalRangeEnd, except for
* those in the range from excludedRangeStart to excludedRangeEnd. Start values are inclusive, end
* values exclusive.
static Selection withoutRange(
int totalRangeStart, int totalRangeEnd, int excludedRangeStart, int excludedRangeEnd) {
return BitmapBackedSelection.withoutRange(
totalRangeStart, totalRangeEnd, excludedRangeStart, excludedRangeEnd);