tech.tablesaw.plotly.components.Layout Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package tech.tablesaw.plotly.components;
import com.mitchellbosecke.pebble.PebbleEngine;
import com.mitchellbosecke.pebble.error.PebbleException;
import com.mitchellbosecke.pebble.template.PebbleTemplate;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import tech.tablesaw.plotly.components.threeD.Scene;
public class Layout {
private static final int DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 600;
private static final int DEFAULT_WIDTH = 800;
private static final String DEFAULT_TITLE = "";
private static final String DEFAULT_PAPER_BG_COLOR = "#fff";
private static final String DEFAULT_PLOT_BG_COLOR = "#fff";
private static final String DEFAULT_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR = ".";
private static final String DEFAULT_THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR = ",";
private static final boolean DEFAULT_AUTO_SIZE = false;
private static final HoverMode DEFAULT_HOVER_MODE = HoverMode.FALSE;
private static final DragMode DEFAULT_DRAG_MODE = DragMode.ZOOM;
private static final int DEFAULT_HOVER_DISTANCE = 20;
private static final BarMode DEFAULT_BAR_MODE = BarMode.GROUP;
private static final Font DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT = Font.builder().build();
private static final Font DEFAULT_FONT = Font.builder().build();
private final PebbleEngine engine = TemplateUtils.getNewEngine();
private final Scene scene;
/** Determines the mode of hover interactions. */
public enum HoverMode {
private final String value;
HoverMode(String value) {
this.value = value;
public String toString() {
return value;
* Determines the display mode for bars when you have multiple bar traces. This also applies to
* histogram bars. Group is the default.
* With "stack", the bars are stacked on top of one another. With "relative", the bars are
* stacked on top of one another, but with negative values below the axis, positive values above.
* With "group", the bars are plotted next to one another centered around the shared location.
* With "overlay", the bars are plotted over one another, provide an "opacity" to see through the
* overlaid bars.
public enum BarMode {
private final String value;
BarMode(String value) {
this.value = value;
public String toString() {
return value;
* Determines the mode of drag interactions. "select" and "lasso" apply only to scatter traces
* with markers or text. "orbit" and "turntable" apply only to 3D scenes.
public enum DragMode {
private final String value;
DragMode(String value) {
this.value = value;
public String toString() {
return value;
/** The global font */
private final Font font;
* The plot title
private final String title;
/** Sets the title font */
private final Font titleFont;
* Determines whether or not a layout width or height that has been left undefined by the user is
* initialized on each re-layout. Note that, regardless of this attribute, an undefined layout
* width or height is always initialized on the first call to plot.
private final boolean autoSize;
private final boolean heightSet;
private final boolean widthSet;
/** The width of the plot in pixels */
private final int width;
/** The height of the plot in pixels */
private final int height;
/** Sets the margins around the plot */
private final Margin margin;
/** Sets the color of paper where the graph is drawn. */
private final String paperBgColor;
/** Sets the color of plotting area in-between x and y axes. */
private final String plotBgColor;
/** Sets the decimal. For example, "." puts a '.' before decimals */
private final String decimalSeparator;
/** Sets the separator. For example, a " " puts a space between thousands. */
private final String thousandsSeparator;
/** Determines whether or not a legend is drawn. */
private final Boolean showLegend;
/** Determines the mode of hover interactions. */
private final HoverMode hoverMode;
* Determines the mode of drag interactions. "select" and "lasso" apply only to scatter traces
* with markers or text. "orbit" and "turntable" apply only to 3D scenes.
private final DragMode dragMode;
* Sets the default distance (in pixels) to look for data to add hover labels (-1 means no cutoff,
* 0 means no looking for data). This is only a real distance for hovering on point-like objects,
* like scatter points. For area-like objects (bars, scatter fills, etc) hovering is on inside the
* area and off outside, but these objects will not supersede hover on point-like objects in case
* of conflict.
private final int hoverDistance;
private final Axis xAxis;
private final Axis yAxis;
private final Axis yAxis2;
private final Axis yAxis3;
private final Axis yAxis4;
private final Axis zAxis;
private final Grid grid;
private final BarMode barMode;
private Layout(LayoutBuilder builder) {
this.title = builder.title;
this.autoSize = builder.autoSize;
this.widthSet = builder.widthSet;
this.heightSet = builder.heightSet;
this.decimalSeparator = builder.decimalSeparator;
this.thousandsSeparator = builder.thousandsSeparator;
this.dragMode = builder.dragMode;
this.font = builder.font;
this.titleFont = builder.titleFont;
this.hoverDistance = builder.hoverDistance;
this.hoverMode = builder.hoverMode;
this.margin = builder.margin;
this.height = builder.height;
this.width = builder.width;
this.xAxis = builder.xAxis;
this.yAxis = builder.yAxis;
this.zAxis = builder.zAxis;
this.yAxis2 = builder.yAxis2;
this.yAxis3 = builder.yAxis3;
this.yAxis4 = builder.yAxis4;
this.paperBgColor = builder.paperBgColor;
this.plotBgColor = builder.plotBgColor;
this.showLegend = builder.showLegend;
this.barMode = builder.barMode;
this.scene = builder.scene;
this.grid = builder.grid;
public String getTitle() {
return title;
public String asJavascript() {
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
PebbleTemplate compiledTemplate;
try {
compiledTemplate = engine.getTemplate("layout_template.html");
compiledTemplate.evaluate(writer, getContext());
} catch (PebbleException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
return writer.toString();
protected Map getContext() {
Map context = new HashMap<>();
if (!title.equals(DEFAULT_TITLE)) context.put("title", title);
if (!titleFont.equals(DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT)) context.put("titlefont", titleFont);
if (!font.equals(DEFAULT_FONT)) context.put("font", font);
if (autoSize != DEFAULT_AUTO_SIZE) {
context.put("autosize", autoSize);
// since autosize is true, we assume the default width / height values are not wanted, not
// serialize them, and let Plotly compute them
if (widthSet) {
context.put("width", width);
if (heightSet) {
context.put("height", height);
} else {
context.put("width", width);
context.put("height", height);
if (hoverDistance != DEFAULT_HOVER_DISTANCE) context.put("hoverdistance", hoverDistance);
if (!hoverMode.equals(DEFAULT_HOVER_MODE)) context.put("hoverMode", hoverMode);
if (margin != null) {
context.put("margin", margin);
if (!decimalSeparator.equals(DEFAULT_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR))
context.put("decimalSeparator", decimalSeparator);
if (!thousandsSeparator.equals(DEFAULT_THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR))
context.put("thousandsSeparator", thousandsSeparator);
if (!dragMode.equals(DEFAULT_DRAG_MODE)) context.put("dragmode", dragMode);
if (showLegend != null) {
context.put("showlegend", showLegend);
if (!plotBgColor.equals(DEFAULT_PLOT_BG_COLOR)) context.put("plotbgcolor", plotBgColor);
if (!paperBgColor.equals(DEFAULT_PAPER_BG_COLOR)) context.put("paperbgcolor", paperBgColor);
if (!barMode.equals(DEFAULT_BAR_MODE)) context.put("barMode", barMode);
if (scene != null) context.put("scene", scene);
if (xAxis != null) {
context.put("xAxis", xAxis);
if (yAxis != null) {
context.put("yAxis", yAxis);
if (yAxis2 != null) {
context.put("yAxis2", yAxis2);
if (yAxis3 != null) {
context.put("yAxis3", yAxis3);
if (yAxis4 != null) {
context.put("yAxis4", yAxis4);
if (zAxis != null) { // TODO: remove? It's in scene for 3d scatters at least.
context.put("zAxis", zAxis);
if (grid != null) {
context.put("grid", grid);
return context;
public static LayoutBuilder builder() {
return new LayoutBuilder();
public static LayoutBuilder builder(String title) {
return Layout.builder().title(title).height(DEFAULT_HEIGHT).width(DEFAULT_WIDTH);
public static LayoutBuilder builder(String title, String xTitle) {
return Layout.builder(title).xAxis(Axis.builder().title(xTitle).build());
public static LayoutBuilder builder(String title, String xTitle, String yTitle) {
return Layout.builder(title, xTitle).yAxis(Axis.builder().title(yTitle).build());
public static class LayoutBuilder {
/** The global font */
private final Font font = DEFAULT_FONT;
/** The plot title */
private String title = "";
/** Sets the title font */
private Font titleFont = DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT;
* Determines whether or not a layout width or height that has been left undefined by the user
* is initialized on each relayout. Note that, regardless of this attribute, an undefined layout
* width or height is always initialized on the first call to plot.
private boolean autoSize = false;
private boolean widthSet = false;
private boolean heightSet = false;
/** The width of the plot in pixels */
private int width = 700;
/** The height of the plot in pixels */
private int height = 450;
/** Sets the margins around the plot */
private Margin margin;
/** Sets the color of paper where the graph is drawn. */
private String paperBgColor = DEFAULT_PAPER_BG_COLOR;
/** Sets the color of plotting area in-between x and y axes. */
private String plotBgColor = DEFAULT_PLOT_BG_COLOR;
/** Sets the decimal. For example, "." puts a '.' before decimals */
private final String decimalSeparator = DEFAULT_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR;
/** Sets the separator. For example, a " " puts a space between thousands. */
private final String thousandsSeparator = DEFAULT_THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR;
/** Determines whether or not a legend is drawn. */
private Boolean showLegend = null;
/** Determines the mode of hover interactions. */
private HoverMode hoverMode = DEFAULT_HOVER_MODE;
* Determines the mode of drag interactions. "select" and "lasso" apply only to scatter traces
* with markers or text. "orbit" and "turntable" apply only to 3D scenes.
private final DragMode dragMode = DEFAULT_DRAG_MODE;
* Sets the default distance (in pixels) to look for data to add hover labels (-1 means no
* cutoff, 0 means no looking for data). This is only a real distance for hovering on point-like
* objects, like scatter points. For area-like objects (bars, scatter fills, etc) hovering is on
* inside the area and off outside, but these objects will not supersede hover on point-like
* objects in case of conflict.
private int hoverDistance = DEFAULT_HOVER_DISTANCE; // greater than or equal to -1
private Axis xAxis;
private Axis yAxis;
private Axis yAxis2;
private Axis yAxis3;
private Axis yAxis4;
private Axis zAxis;
private BarMode barMode = DEFAULT_BAR_MODE;
private Scene scene;
/** Define grid to use when creating subplots */
private Grid grid;
public Layout build() {
return new Layout(this);
private LayoutBuilder() {}
public LayoutBuilder title(String title) {
this.title = title;
return this;
public LayoutBuilder titleFont(Font titleFont) {
this.titleFont = titleFont;
return this;
public LayoutBuilder barMode(BarMode barMode) {
this.barMode = barMode;
return this;
public LayoutBuilder margin(Margin margin) {
this.margin = margin;
return this;
public LayoutBuilder scene(Scene scene) {
this.scene = scene;
return this;
public LayoutBuilder hoverMode(HoverMode hoverMode) {
this.hoverMode = hoverMode;
return this;
public LayoutBuilder hoverDistance(int distance) {
this.hoverDistance = distance;
return this;
public LayoutBuilder showLegend(boolean showLegend) {
this.showLegend = showLegend;
return this;
public LayoutBuilder height(int height) {
this.height = height;
this.heightSet = true;
return this;
public LayoutBuilder width(int width) {
this.width = width;
this.widthSet = true;
return this;
public LayoutBuilder autosize(boolean autosize) {
this.autoSize = autosize;
return this;
public LayoutBuilder xAxis(Axis axis) {
this.xAxis = axis;
return this;
public LayoutBuilder yAxis(Axis axis) {
this.yAxis = axis;
return this;
public LayoutBuilder yAxis2(Axis axis) {
this.yAxis2 = axis;
return this;
public LayoutBuilder yAxis3(Axis axis) {
this.yAxis3 = axis;
return this;
public LayoutBuilder yAxis4(Axis axis) {
this.yAxis4 = axis;
return this;
public LayoutBuilder zAxis(Axis axis) {
this.zAxis = axis;
return this;
public LayoutBuilder plotBgColor(String color) {
this.plotBgColor = color;
return this;
public LayoutBuilder paperBgColor(String color) {
this.paperBgColor = color;
return this;
public LayoutBuilder grid(Grid grid) {
this.grid = grid;
return this;