tech.ydb.yoj.databind.schema.Schema Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package tech.ydb.yoj.databind.schema;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.NonNull;
import lombok.SneakyThrows;
import lombok.Value;
import lombok.With;
import tech.ydb.yoj.ExperimentalApi;
import tech.ydb.yoj.databind.DbType;
import tech.ydb.yoj.databind.FieldValueType;
import tech.ydb.yoj.databind.schema.configuration.SchemaRegistry.SchemaKey;
import tech.ydb.yoj.databind.schema.naming.NamingStrategy;
import tech.ydb.yoj.databind.schema.reflect.ReflectField;
import tech.ydb.yoj.databind.schema.reflect.ReflectType;
import tech.ydb.yoj.databind.schema.reflect.Reflector;
import tech.ydb.yoj.databind.schema.reflect.StdReflector;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import static;
import static;
import static lombok.AccessLevel.PROTECTED;
public abstract class Schema {
public static final String PATH_DELIMITER = ".";
private final SchemaKey schemaKey;
private final List fields;
private final List globalIndexes;
private final TtlModifier ttlModifier;
private final List changefeeds;
protected final ReflectType reflectType;
private final String staticName;
protected Schema(@NonNull Class type) {
this(type, StdReflector.instance);
protected Schema(@NonNull Class type, @NonNull NamingStrategy namingStrategy) {
this(type, namingStrategy, StdReflector.instance);
protected Schema(@NonNull Class type, @NonNull Reflector reflector) {
this(SchemaKey.of(type), reflector);
protected Schema(@NonNull Class type, @NonNull NamingStrategy namingStrategy, @NonNull Reflector reflector) {
this(SchemaKey.of(type, namingStrategy), reflector);
protected Schema(@NonNull SchemaKey key, @NonNull Reflector reflector) {
Class type = key.clazz();
NamingStrategy namingStrategy = key.namingStrategy();
this.reflectType = reflector.reflectRootType(type);
this.schemaKey = key;
this.staticName = type.isAnnotationPresent(Dynamic.class) ? null : namingStrategy.getNameForClass(type);
this.fields = reflectType.getFields().stream().map(this::newRootJavaField).toList();
.filter(f -> f.getName() == null)
this.globalIndexes = prepareIndexes(collectIndexes(type));
this.ttlModifier = prepareTtlModifier(extractTtlModifier(type));
this.changefeeds = prepareChangefeeds(collectChangefeeds(type));
private void validateFieldNames() {
flattenFields().stream().collect(toMap(JavaField::getName, Function.identity(), ((x, y) -> {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("fields with same name `%s` detected: `{%s}` and `{%s}`"
.formatted(x.getName(), x.getField(), y.getField()));
private List prepareIndexes(List indexes) {
List outputIndexes = new ArrayList<>();
Set indexNames = new HashSet<>();
for (GlobalIndex index : indexes) {
String name =;
if (name.isBlank()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
format("index defined for %s has no name", getType()));
if (!indexNames.add(name)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
format("index with name \"%s\" already defined for %s", name, getType())
var fieldPaths = index.fields();
if (fieldPaths.length == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
format("index \"%s\" defined for %s has no fields", name, getType())
List columns = new ArrayList<>(fieldPaths.length);
for (String fieldPath : fieldPaths) {
var field = findField(fieldPath)
.orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException(
format("index \"%s\" defined for %s tries to access unknown field \"%s\"",
name, getType(), fieldPath)
if (!field.isFlat()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
format("index \"%s\" defined for %s tries to access non-flat field \"%s\"",
name, getType(), fieldPath));
outputIndexes.add(new Index(name, List.copyOf(columns), index.type() == GlobalIndex.Type.UNIQUE));
return outputIndexes;
private TtlModifier prepareTtlModifier(TTL ttlAnnotation) {
if (ttlAnnotation == null) {
return null;
var fieldPath = ttlAnnotation.field();
var field = getField(fieldPath);
"ttl defined for %s tries to access non-flat field \"%s\"", getType(), fieldPath);
var parsedInterval = Duration.parse(ttlAnnotation.interval());
Preconditions.checkArgument(!(parsedInterval.isNegative() || parsedInterval.isZero()),
"ttl value defined for %s must be positive", getType());
return new TtlModifier(field.getName(), (int) parsedInterval.getSeconds());
private List prepareChangefeeds(List changefeeds) {
var changefeedNames = new HashSet<>();
for (var changefeed : changefeeds) {
String name =;
if (name.isBlank()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
format("changefeed defined for %s has no name", getType()));
if (!changefeedNames.add(name)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
format("changefeed with name \"%s\" already defined for %s", name, getType())
protected Schema(Schema> schema, String subSchemaFieldPath) {
JavaField subSchemaField = schema.getField(subSchemaFieldPath);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ReflectType rt = (ReflectType) subSchemaField.field.getReflectType();
reflectType = rt;
schemaKey = schema.schemaKey.withClazz(reflectType.getRawType());
staticName = schema.staticName;
globalIndexes = schema.globalIndexes;
if (subSchemaField.fields != null) {
fields =;
} else {
if (subSchemaField.getCustomValueTypeInfo() != null) {
var dummyField = new JavaField(new DummyCustomValueSubField(subSchemaField), subSchemaField, __ -> true);
fields = List.of(dummyField);
} else {
fields = List.of();
ttlModifier = schema.ttlModifier;
changefeeds = schema.changefeeds;
private static Stream recurseFields(Collection fields) {
return fields == null
? Stream.empty()
: Stream.concat(, -> recurseFields(f.fields)));
private static List collectIndexes(Class> type) {
return List.of(type.getAnnotationsByType(GlobalIndex.class));
private static TTL extractTtlModifier(Class> type) {
return type.getAnnotation(TTL.class);
private static List collectChangefeeds(Class> type) {
return List.of(type.getAnnotationsByType(tech.ydb.yoj.databind.schema.Changefeed.class));
private JavaField newRootJavaField(@NonNull ReflectField field) {
return new JavaField(field, null, this::isFlattenable);
private JavaField newRootJavaField(@NonNull JavaField javaField) {
return new JavaField(javaField, null);
private Changefeed changefeedFromAnnotation(@NonNull tech.ydb.yoj.databind.schema.Changefeed changefeed) {
var retentionPeriod = Duration.parse(changefeed.retentionPeriod());
Preconditions.checkArgument(!(retentionPeriod.isNegative() || retentionPeriod.isZero()),
"RetentionPeriod value defined for %s must be positive", getType());
return new Changefeed(,
* @param field {@link FieldValueType#isComposite() composite} field
* @return {@code true} if the composite field can be flattened to a single field; {@code false otherwise}
protected boolean isFlattenable(ReflectField field) {
return false;
public final Class getType() {
return schemaKey.clazz();
public final NamingStrategy getNamingStrategy() {
return schemaKey.namingStrategy();
* Returns the name of the table for data binding.
* If the {@link Table} annotation is present, the field {@code name} should be used to
* specify the table name.
* @return the table name for data binding
public final String getName() {
return staticName != null ? staticName : getNamingStrategy().getNameForClass(getType());
public final boolean isDynamic() {
return staticName == null;
public final List flattenFields() {
return flattenedFieldStream().collect(toList());
public final List flattenFieldNames() {
return flattenedFieldStream().map(JavaField::getName).collect(toList());
private Stream flattenedFieldStream() {
public final Map flatten(T t) {
Map res = new LinkedHashMap<>();
fields.forEach(f -> f.collectTo(t, res));
return res;
public final Map flattenOneField(String fieldPath, Object fieldValue) {
Map res = new LinkedHashMap<>();
getField(fieldPath).collectValueTo(fieldValue, res);
return res;
public final List flattenToList(T t) {
.flatMap(f -> f.flattenWithValue(t))
* Creates a new object having the specified field values.
* @param cells field value map: {@link JavaField#getName() field name} -> field value
* @return object with the specified field values
* @throws ConstructionException could not construct object from {@code cells}
public final T newInstance(Map cells) throws ConstructionException {
Object[] args = -> f.newInstance(cells)).toArray();
return safeNewInstance(reflectType.getConstructor(), args);
private static T safeNewInstance(Constructor ctor, Object[] args) throws ConstructionException {
try {
return ctor.newInstance(args);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ConstructionException(ctor, args, e);
* @param path dot-separated field path, e.g. {@code vm.status} for the {@code status} field inside the
* {@code vm} field of the top-level entity
* @return entity field
* @throws IllegalArgumentException no such field exists
public final JavaField getField(String path) {
return findField(path)
.orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException(format("No such field: \"%s\" in %s", path, getType())));
* @param path dot-separated field path, e.g. {@code vm.status} for the {@code status} field inside the
* {@code vm} field of the top-level entity
* @return {@code Optional} representing the field found, if it exists;
* an {@link Optional#empty() empty Optional} otherwise
public final Optional findField(String path) {
return findField(path.split(Pattern.quote(PATH_DELIMITER)));
private Optional findField(String... pathComponents) {
return -> f.findField(asList(pathComponents))).filter(Objects::nonNull).findAny();
public final int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(staticName);
public final boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
Schema> other = (Schema>) o;
return Objects.equals(staticName, other.staticName);
public final String toString() {
String schemaName = getClass().getSimpleName();
if (schemaName.isEmpty()) {
schemaName = getClass().getName();
return schemaName
+ (isDynamic() ? ", dynamic" : " \"" + staticName + "\"")
+ " [type=" + getType().getName() + "]";
private static final class DummyCustomValueSubField implements ReflectField {
private final JavaField donor;
private DummyCustomValueSubField(JavaField donor) {
this.donor = donor;
public String getName() {
return donor.getName();
public Column getColumn() {
return donor.getField().getColumn();
public Type getGenericType() {
return donor.getType();
public Class> getType() {
return donor.getRawType();
public ReflectType> getReflectType() {
return donor.getField().getReflectType();
public Object getValue(Object containingObject) {
"Tried to get value for a custom-value subfield '%s' on an invalid type: expected %s, got %s",
return containingObject;
public Collection getChildren() {
return Set.of();
public FieldValueType getValueType() {
return donor.getValueType();
public CustomValueTypeInfo, ?> getCustomValueTypeInfo() {
return donor.getCustomValueTypeInfo();
public String toString() {
return "DummyStringValueField[donor=" + donor + "]";
public static final class JavaField {
private final ReflectField field;
private final JavaField parent;
private final FieldValueType valueType;
private final boolean flattenable;
private String name;
private String path;
private final List fields;
private JavaField(ReflectField field, JavaField parent, Predicate isFlattenable) {
this.field = field;
this.parent = parent;
this.flattenable = isFlattenable.test(field);
this.path = parent == null ? field.getName() : parent.getPath() + PATH_DELIMITER + field.getName();
this.valueType = field.getValueType();
if (valueType.isComposite()) {
this.fields = field.getChildren().stream()
.map(f -> new JavaField(f, this, isFlattenable))
if (flattenable && isFlat()) {
toFlatField().path = path;
} else {
this.fields = null;
private JavaField(JavaField javaField, JavaField parent) {
this.field = javaField.field;
this.parent = parent;
this.flattenable = javaField.flattenable; =;
this.path = javaField.path;
this.valueType = javaField.valueType;
this.fields = (javaField.fields == null)
? null
: -> new JavaField(f, this)).toList();
* Returns the DB column type name (which is strongly DB-specific).
* If the {@link Column} annotation is present, the field {@code dbType} may be used to
* specify the DB column type.
* @return the DB column type for data binding if specified, {@code null} otherwise
* @see Column
public DbType getDbType() {
Column annotation = field.getColumn();
if (annotation != null) {
return annotation.dbType();
return DbType.DEFAULT;
* Returns the DB column type presentation qualifier name.
* @return the DB column type presentation qualifier for data binding if specified,
* {@code null} otherwise
* @see Column
public String getDbTypeQualifier() {
Column annotation = field.getColumn();
if (annotation != null && !annotation.dbTypeQualifier().isEmpty()) {
return annotation.dbTypeQualifier();
return null;
public Type getType() {
return field.getGenericType();
public Class> getRawType() {
return field.getType();
// FIXME: make this method non-public
public void setName(String newName) { = newName;
public String getRawPath() {
return getRawSubPath(0);
public String getRawSubPath(int start) {
List components = new ArrayList<>();
JavaField p = this;
do {
p = p.parent;
} while (p != null);
return components.size() > start
? String.join(PATH_DELIMITER, Lists.reverse(components.subList(0, components.size() - start)))
: "";
public List getChildren() {
return fields == null ? List.of() : List.copyOf(fields);
public Stream flatten() {
return isSimple() ? Stream.of(this) :;
public Stream flattenWithValue(Object o) {
Object value = field.getValue(o);
return isSimple()
? Stream.of(new JavaFieldValue(this, value))
: -> f.flattenWithValue(value));
private void collectTo(Object o, Map res) {
Object v = field.getValue(o);
if (v != null) {
collectValueTo(v, res);
public void collectValueTo(Object v, Map res) {
if (isSimple()) {
res.put(name, v);
} else {
fields.forEach(f -> f.collectTo(v, res));
* @return {@code true} if this is a simple (not composite) value; {@code false} otherwise
public boolean isSimple() {
return fields == null;
* @return {@code true} if this field maps to a single database field, even if it is technically a composite
* value;
* {@code false} otherwise
* @see #isSimple()
public boolean isFlat() {
return getSimpleFieldCardinality(this) == 1;
* Determining that a java field is mapped in more than one database field.
* @return {@code 0} if java field does not map in the database fields, {@code 1} maps to single database field
* and more than {@code 1} if java field maps to more than one database field.
private static int getSimpleFieldCardinality(JavaField javaField) {
if (javaField.isSimple()) {
return 1;
boolean hasSimpleField = false;
for (var field : javaField.fields) {
switch (getSimpleFieldCardinality(field)) {
case 0:
case 1:
if (hasSimpleField) {
return 2;
hasSimpleField = true;
return 2;
return hasSimpleField ? 1 : 0;
* @return Java type of the lowest-level simple field, if this field {@link #isFlat() is flat}
* @throws IllegalStateException field is not flat
* @see #isFlat()
* @see #toFlatField()
public Type getFlatFieldType() {
return toFlatField().getType();
* @return single lowest-level simple field, if this field {@link #isFlat() is flat}
* @throws IllegalStateException field is not flat
* @see #isFlat()
public JavaField toFlatField() {
try {
return flatten().collect(onlyElement());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | NoSuchElementException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(format("Not a flat field: \"%s\"", path));
private Object newInstance(Map cells) {
if (isSimple()) {
return cells.get(name);
} else {
Object[] args = -> f.newInstance(cells)).toArray();
if (Stream.of(args).allMatch(Objects::isNull)) {
return null;
return safeNewInstance(field.getReflectType().getConstructor(), args);
private JavaField findField(List path) {
if (path.isEmpty()) {
return null;
if (!field.getName().equals(path.get(0))) {
return null;
if (path.size() == 1) {
return this;
return fields == null ? null :
.map(f -> f.findField(path.subList(1, path.size())))
* @return information about custom value type for the schema field or its {@link #getRawType() class}
* The {@link tech.ydb.yoj.databind.CustomValueType @CustomValueType} experimental annotation
* specifies custom value conversion logic between Java field values and database column values.
@ExperimentalApi(issue = "")
public > CustomValueTypeInfo getCustomValueTypeInfo() {
return (CustomValueTypeInfo) field.getCustomValueTypeInfo();
public String toString() {
return getType().getTypeName() + " " + field.getName();
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
JavaField other = (JavaField) o;
return getType().getTypeName().equals(other.getType().getTypeName())
&& name.equals(
&& path.equals(other.path)
&& Objects.equals(fields, other.fields);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(getType().getTypeName(),, name, path, fields);
public JavaField forSchema(@NonNull Schema dstSchema,
@NonNull UnaryOperator pathTransformer) {
return dstSchema.getField(pathTransformer.apply(path));
public static class JavaFieldValue {
JavaField field;
Object value;
public String getFieldPath() {
return field.getPath();
public String getFieldName() {
return field.getName();
public Type getFieldType() {
return field.getType();
public FieldValueType getFieldValueType() {
return field.getValueType();
public static class Index {
public Index(@NonNull String indexName, @NonNull List fieldNames) {
this(indexName, fieldNames, false);
String indexName;
List fieldNames;
boolean unique;
public static class TtlModifier {
String fieldName;
int interval;
public static class Changefeed {
String name;
tech.ydb.yoj.databind.schema.Changefeed.Mode mode;
tech.ydb.yoj.databind.schema.Changefeed.Format format;
boolean virtualTimestamps;
Duration retentionPeriod;
boolean initialScan;
* Annotation for schemas with dynamic names (the {@link NamingStrategy} can return different names
* for different invocations.)
public @interface Dynamic {