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tech.ytsaurus.spark.launcher.WorkerLogLauncher.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package tech.ytsaurus.spark.launcher
import com.twitter.scalding.Args
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import WorkerLogLauncher.WorkerLogConfig
import tech.ytsaurus.spyt.wrapper.Utils.parseDuration
import tech.ytsaurus.spyt.wrapper.model.WorkerLogBlock
import tech.ytsaurus.spyt.wrapper.model.WorkerLogSchema.{getMetaPath, metaSchema}
import tech.ytsaurus.spyt.wrapper.{LogLazy, YtWrapper}
import tech.ytsaurus.client.CompoundClient
import{File, RandomAccessFile}
import java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime
import java.nio.file.{Files, Path, StandardCopyOption}
import java.time.ZoneOffset
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.concurrent.duration.{Duration, DurationInt}
import scala.language.postfixOps
object WorkerLogLauncher extends VanillaLauncher {
private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
case class WorkerLogConfig(enableService: Boolean,
enableJson: Boolean,
scanDirectory: String,
tablesPath: String,
updateInterval: Duration,
bufferSize: Int,
ytTableRowLimit: Int,
tableTTL: Duration,
additionalTableOptions: Map[String, Any]
object WorkerLogConfig {
val minimalInterval: Duration = 1 minute
def create(sparkConf: Map[String, String], args: Array[String]): Option[WorkerLogConfig] = {
create(sparkConf, Args(args))
def getSparkWorkDir: String = {
sys.env.getOrElse("SPARK_WORKER_DIR", s"$sparkHome/work")
def create(sparkConf: Map[String, String], args: Args): Option[WorkerLogConfig] = {
val userUpdateInterval = args.optional("wlog-update-interval")
.map(parseDuration).getOrElse(10 minutes)
val tablesPathOpt = args.optional("wlog-table-path")
val enableService = args.optional("wlog-service-enabled")
if (!enableService) {
} else if (tablesPathOpt.isEmpty) {
log.warn(s"Path to worker log yt directory is not defined, WorkerLogService couldn't be started")
} else {
val updateInterval = if (userUpdateInterval < minimalInterval) {
log.warn(s"Update interval that less than $minimalInterval doesn't allowed, $minimalInterval will be used")
} else {
val additionalTableOptions = sparkConf
.map { case (k, v) => k.substring("spark.workerLog.extraTableOpts.".length) -> v }
enableService = enableService,
enableJson = args.optional("wlog-enable-json")
scanDirectory = args.optional("wlog-file-log-path")
tablesPath = tablesPathOpt.get,
updateInterval = updateInterval,
bufferSize = args.optional("wlog-buffer-size")
ytTableRowLimit = args.optional("wlog-yttable-row-limit")
tableTTL = args.optional("wlog-table-ttl")
.map(parseDuration).getOrElse(7 days),
additionalTableOptions = additionalTableOptions
def start(workerLogConfig: WorkerLogConfig, client: CompoundClient): Thread = {
val thread = new Thread(new LogServiceRunnable(workerLogConfig)(client), "WorkerLogRunnable")
class LogServiceRunnable(workerLogConfig: WorkerLogConfig)(implicit yt: CompoundClient) extends Runnable with LogLazy {
val fileMeta: mutable.Map[String, (Long, Long)] = mutable.HashMap[String, (Long, Long)]().withDefaultValue((0L, 0L))
val finishedPaths: mutable.Set[String] = mutable.HashSet[String]()
private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
private[launcher] def init(): Unit = {
YtWrapper.createDir(workerLogConfig.tablesPath, None, ignoreExisting = true)
YtWrapper.createDynTableAndMount(getMetaPath(workerLogConfig.tablesPath), metaSchema)
override def run(): Unit = {
try {"WorkerLog configuration: $workerLogConfig")
while (!Thread.interrupted()) {
try {
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
log.error(s"Error while uploading logs: ${e.getMessage}")
} catch {
case e: InterruptedException =>"WorkerLogService was interrupted")
throw e
private def readUntilEnd(reader: RandomAccessFile, ignoreLast: Boolean): Stream[(Long, String)] = {
val stream = Stream
.continually((Option(reader.readLine()), reader.getFilePointer))
.takeWhile { case (line, _) => line.nonEmpty }
.map { case (line, seek) => (seek, line.get) }
if (ignoreLast) stream.dropRight(1)
else stream
private def checkFileFinished(file: File): Boolean = {
new File(s"${file.getParentFile.getAbsolutePath}/${file.getName}_finished").exists()
private val writer = new WorkerLogWriter(workerLogConfig)
private def processStdoutStderrData(directory: File, appDriver: String, execId: String = ""): Unit = {
.filter(x => x == "stdout" || x == "stderr")
.foreach { logFileName =>
val logPath = s"${directory.getAbsolutePath}/$logFileName"
val logFile = new File(logPath)
log.traceLazy(s"Found log file $logPath")
val creationTime = Files.getAttribute(Path.of(logPath), "creationTime")
if (finishedPaths.contains(logPath)) {
} else {
val ignoreLast = if (checkFileFinished(logFile)) {
} else {
val reader = new RandomAccessFile(logFile, "r")
try {
val (currentSeek, currentLine) = fileMeta(logPath)
writer.setCreationTime(appDriver, execId, logFileName, creationTime)
val ans = readUntilEnd(reader, ignoreLast)
val (lastSeek, length) = ans.foldLeft((currentSeek, 0)) {
case ((_, len), (seek, line)) =>
val block = if (workerLogConfig.enableJson) {
WorkerLogBlock.fromJson(line, logFileName, appDriver, execId, currentLine + len, creationTime)
} else {
WorkerLogBlock.fromMessage(line, logFileName, appDriver, execId, currentLine + len, creationTime)
val written = writer.write(block)
(seek, len + written)
if (!fileMeta.contains(logPath) && length == 0) {
writer.newEmptyFile(appDriver, execId, logFileName)
fileMeta(logPath) = (lastSeek, currentLine + length)
} finally reader.close()
def uploadLogs(): Unit = {
log.debugLazy("Started scanning logs")
val appsFolder = new File(workerLogConfig.scanDirectory)
if (appsFolder.exists()) {
appsFolder.list().foreach { dirName =>
val fullPath = s"${appsFolder.getAbsolutePath}/$dirName"
val file = new File(fullPath)
if (file.getName.startsWith("app-")) {
file.list().foreach { executorId =>
val executorPath = s"${file.getAbsolutePath}/$executorId"
processStdoutStderrData(new File(executorPath), dirName, executorId)
} else if (file.getName.startsWith("driver-")) {
processStdoutStderrData(file, dirName)
} else {
} else {
log.debugLazy("No logs folder")
log.debugLazy("Finished scanning logs")