org.apache.spark.deploy.history.YtLogPage.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.apache.spark.deploy.history
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.deploy.history.WorkerLogReader.getLogMeta
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}
import tech.ytsaurus.spyt.fs.YtClientConfigurationConverter
import tech.ytsaurus.spyt.wrapper.YtWrapper
import tech.ytsaurus.spyt.wrapper.client.YtClientConfiguration
import tech.ytsaurus.spyt.wrapper.model.WorkerLogBlock
import tech.ytsaurus.spyt.wrapper.model.WorkerLogSchema.getMetaPath
import tech.ytsaurus.client.CompoundClient
import tech.ytsaurus.spyt.wrapper.client.YtClientProvider
import java.util.UUID
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
import scala.xml.{Node, Unparsed}
class YtLogPage(conf: SparkConf) extends WebUIPage("workerLogPage") with Logging {
private val supportedLogTypes = Set("stderr", "stdout")
private val defaultRows = 200
private val id: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString
protected var _ytConf: YtClientConfiguration = YtClientConfigurationConverter.ytClientConfiguration(conf)
protected lazy val yt: CompoundClient = YtClientProvider.ytClient(_ytConf, id)
def renderLog(request: HttpServletRequest): String = {
val (app, exec, logType, _, _, _, logText, startRow, endRow, logLength) = getLogQuery(request)
val pre = s"==== Rows $startRow-$endRow of $logLength of $app/$exec/$logType ====\n"
pre + logText
override def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
val (_, _, logType, rowLength, params, pageName, logText, startRow, endRow, logLength) = getLogQuery(request)
val curLogLength = endRow - startRow
val range =
Showing {curLogLength} rows: {startRow.toString} - {endRow.toString} of {logLength}
val moreButton =
val newButton =
val alert =
val logParams = "?%s&logType=%s".format(params, logType)
val jsOnload = "window.onload = " +
s"initLogPage('$logParams', $curLogLength, $startRow, $endRow, $logLength, $rowLength);"
val content =
UIUtils.basicSparkPage(request, content, logType + " log page for " + pageName)
private def getLogQuery(request: HttpServletRequest):
(String, String, String, Int, String, String, String, Long, Long, Long) = {
val appId = Option(request.getParameter("appId"))
val executorId = Option(request.getParameter("executorId"))
val driverId = Option(request.getParameter("driverId"))
val logType = request.getParameter("logType")
val offset = Option(request.getParameter("offset")).map(_.toLong)
val rowLength = Option(request.getParameter("rowLength")).map(_.toInt)
val (app, exec, params, pageName) = (appId, executorId, driverId) match {
case (Some(a), Some(e), None) =>
(a, e, s"appId=$a&executorId=$e", s"$a/$e")
case (None, None, Some(d)) =>
(d, "", s"driverId=$d", d)
case _ =>
throw new Exception("Request must specify either application or driver identifiers")
val (logText, startRow, endRow, logLength) = getLog(app, exec, logType, offset, rowLength)
(app, exec, logType, rowLength, params, pageName, logText, startRow, endRow, logLength)
/** Get the part of the log files given the offset and desired length of rows */
private def getLog(
appId: String,
execId: String,
logType: String,
offsetOption: Option[Long],
rowLength: Int
): (String, Long, Long, Long) = {
if (!supportedLogTypes.contains(logType)) {
return ("Error: Log type must be one of " + supportedLogTypes.mkString(", "), 0, 0, 0)
logInfo(s"configs ${conf.getAll.mkString(";")}")
val ytLogDirectory = conf.get("spark.workerLog.tablePath")
val meta = getLogMeta(getMetaPath(ytLogDirectory), appId, execId, logType)(yt)
if (meta.isEmpty) {
return (s"Error: invalid log directory, logs not found", 0, 0, 0)
try {
val tablePath = s"$ytLogDirectory/${meta.get.tableName}"
val totalLength = meta.get.length
logDebug(s"Logs for $appId, $execId, $logType found $tablePath}")
val offset = offsetOption.getOrElse(totalLength - rowLength)
val startIndex = {
if (offset < 0) {
} else if (offset > totalLength) {
} else {
val endIndex = math.min(startIndex + rowLength, totalLength)
logDebug(s"Getting log from $startIndex to $endIndex")
if (!YtWrapper.exists(tablePath)(yt)) {
return (s"Error: required table $tablePath not found", 0, 0, 0)
val blocks =, appId, execId, logType, startIndex, endIndex)(yt)
val logText ="\n")
logDebug(s"Got log of length ${logText.length} rows")
(logText, startIndex, endIndex, totalLength)
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
logError(s"Error getting $logType logs for table $appId/$execId", e)
("Error getting logs due to exception: " + e.getMessage, 0, 0, 0)
private def formatBlock(block: WorkerLogBlock): String = {
val inner = block.inner
val data = Seq(
Some(inner.dateTime), Some(inner.loggerName), inner.level,
inner.sourceHost, inner.file, inner.lineNumber,
inner.thread, Some(inner.message), inner.exceptionClass,
inner.exceptionMessage, inner.stack).flatten
data.mkString(": ")