tech.ytsaurus.spyt.fs.eventlog.YtEventLogFileSystem.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package tech.ytsaurus.spyt.fs.eventlog
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs._
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Progressable
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import tech.ytsaurus.spyt.fs.conf._
import tech.ytsaurus.spyt.fs.PathUtils.{getMetaPath, hadoopPathToYt}
import tech.ytsaurus.spyt.fs.YtClientConfigurationConverter.ytClientConfiguration
import tech.ytsaurus.spyt.wrapper.{LogLazy, YtWrapper}
import tech.ytsaurus.spyt.wrapper.client.{YtClientConfiguration, YtClientProvider, YtRpcClient}
import tech.ytsaurus.spyt.wrapper.cypress.PathType
import tech.ytsaurus.spyt.wrapper.model.EventLogSchema.Key._
import tech.ytsaurus.spyt.wrapper.model.EventLogSchema._
import tech.ytsaurus.client.{ApiServiceTransaction, CompoundClient}
import java.time.Clock
import java.util
import java.util.UUID
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
class YtEventLogFileSystem extends FileSystem with LogLazy {
val id: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString
private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
private var _uri: URI = _
private var _workingDirectory: Path = new Path("/")
protected var _ytConf: YtClientConfiguration = _
protected lazy val yt: CompoundClient = YtClientProvider.ytClient(_ytConf, id)
private var clock = Clock.systemUTC()
private[eventlog] def setClock(clock: Clock): Unit = {
this.clock = clock
override def initialize(uri: URI, conf: Configuration): Unit = {
super.initialize(uri, conf)
this._uri = uri
this._ytConf = ytClientConfiguration(getConf)
override def create(f: Path, permission: FsPermission, overwrite: Boolean, bufferSize: Int,
replication: Short, blockSize: Long, progress: Progressable): FSDataOutputStream = {
val (tablePath, fullTableName) = splitTablePath(f)
val ytTablePath = hadoopPathToYt(tablePath)
if (!overwrite && exists(f)) {
throw new FileAlreadyExistsException()
YtWrapper.createDir(hadoopPathToYt(tablePath.getParent), None, ignoreExisting = true)(yt)
def createFile(ytRpcClient: Option[YtRpcClient], ytClient: CompoundClient): FSDataOutputStream = {
new FSDataOutputStream(new YtEventLogFsOutputStream(getConf, ytTablePath, fullTableName, clock, ytClient), statistics)
val oldDetails = getFileDetailsImpl(ytTablePath, fullTableName)
val out = createFile(None, yt)
oldDetails match {
case Some(v) =>
YtWrapper.runWithRetry(transaction => {
deleteAllRowsWithId(ytTablePath,, v.meta.blocksCnt, Some(transaction))
case _ =>
def splitTablePath(f: Path): (Path, String) = {
(f.getParent, f.getName)
private def isCreatedAndMounted(f: Path): Boolean = {
YtWrapper.exists(hadoopPathToYt(f))(yt) && YtWrapper.tabletState(hadoopPathToYt(f))(yt) == YtWrapper.TabletState.Mounted
override def exists(f: Path): Boolean = {
log.debugLazy(s"Exists $f")
getFileStatusEither(f).toOption.exists(_ != null)
def existsTable(f: Path): Boolean = {
isCreatedAndMounted(f) && isCreatedAndMounted(new Path(getMetaPath(f)))
override def getUri: URI = _uri
override def open(f: Path, bufferSize: Int): FSDataInputStream = {
log.debugLazy(s"Open $f")
val (tablePath, fullTableName) = splitTablePath(f)
getFileDetailsImpl(hadoopPathToYt(tablePath), fullTableName) match {
case None => throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such file found")
case Some(details) => new FSDataInputStream(new YtEventLogFsInputStream(getConf, hadoopPathToYt(tablePath), details, yt))
override def append(f: Path, bufferSize: Int, progress: Progressable): FSDataOutputStream = ???
override def rename(src: Path, dst: Path): Boolean = {
implicit val ytClient: CompoundClient = yt
val (srcTablePath, srcName) = splitTablePath(src)
val srcMetaTablePath = getMetaPath(srcTablePath)
val (dstTablePath, dstName) = splitTablePath(dst)
val dstMetaTablePath = getMetaPath(dstTablePath)
if (srcTablePath == dstTablePath) {
YtWrapper.runWithRetry(transaction => {
getFileDetailsImpl(hadoopPathToYt(srcTablePath), srcName, Some(transaction)).exists {
details => {
YtWrapper.deleteRow(hadoopPathToYt(srcMetaTablePath), metaSchema,
util.Map.of(FILENAME, srcName), Some(transaction))
YtWrapper.insertRows(hadoopPathToYt(dstMetaTablePath), metaSchema,
List(details.copy(fileName = dstName).toList), Some(transaction))
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Renaming doesn't support different parent tables")
private def deleteAllRowsWithId(path: String, id: String, blocksCnt: Int, transaction: Option[ApiServiceTransaction]): Unit = {
implicit val ytClient: CompoundClient = yt
for (i <- 1 to blocksCnt) {
YtWrapper.deleteRow(path, schema,
java.util.Map.of(ID, id, ORDER, i), transaction)
override def delete(f: Path, recursive: Boolean): Boolean = {
log.debugLazy(s"Delete $f")
implicit val ytClient: CompoundClient = yt
val (tablePath, fullTableName) = splitTablePath(f)
val tablePathStr = hadoopPathToYt(tablePath)
val meta_path = getMetaPath(tablePathStr)
YtWrapper.runWithRetry(transaction => {
getFileDetailsImpl(tablePathStr, fullTableName, Some(transaction)).exists(details => {
YtWrapper.deleteRow(meta_path, metaSchema, java.util.Map.of(FILENAME, fullTableName), Some(transaction))
deleteAllRowsWithId(tablePathStr,, details.meta.blocksCnt, Some(transaction))
override def listStatus(f: Path): Array[FileStatus] = {
log.debugLazy(s"List status $f")
val meta_path = getMetaPath(hadoopPathToYt(f))
implicit val ytClient: CompoundClient = yt
val pathType = YtWrapper.pathType(hadoopPathToYt(f), None)
pathType match {
case PathType.Table =>
if (!existsTable(f)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Corrupted table found at $f")
val rows = YtWrapper.selectRows(meta_path, None) {
details => {
new FileStatus(
details.meta.length, false, 1, 0,
details.meta.modificationTs, new Path(f, details.fileName))
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Can't list $f")
override def setWorkingDirectory(new_dir: Path): Unit = {
_workingDirectory = new_dir
override def getWorkingDirectory: Path = _workingDirectory
override def mkdirs(f: Path, permission: FsPermission): Boolean = {
implicit val ytClient: CompoundClient = yt
YtWrapper.createDir(hadoopPathToYt(f.getParent), ignoreExisting = true)
val path = hadoopPathToYt(f)
val extraTableOpts = getConf.getConfWithPrefix("eventLog.extraTableOpts")
YtWrapper.createDynTableAndMount(path, schema, extraTableOpts)
YtWrapper.createDynTableAndMount(getMetaPath(path), metaSchema, extraTableOpts)
def getFileDetailsImpl(path: String,
fileName: String,
transaction: Option[ApiServiceTransaction] = None): Option[YtEventLogFileDetails] = {
log.debugLazy(s"Get details $path, $fileName")
implicit val ytClient: CompoundClient = yt
val meta_path = getMetaPath(path)
if (!YtWrapper.exists(meta_path)) {
} else {
val selectedRows = YtWrapper.selectRows(meta_path,
Some(s"""$FILENAME="$fileName""""), transaction)
selectedRows match {
case Nil => None
case meta :: Nil => Some(YtEventLogFileDetails(meta))
case many => throw new RuntimeException(
s"Meta table $meta_path has a few rows with file_name=$fileName: ${}")
private def getFileStatusEither(f: Path): Try[FileStatus] = Try {
implicit val ytClient: CompoundClient = yt
val (tablePath, fullTableName) = splitTablePath(f)
val tablePathStr = hadoopPathToYt(tablePath)
if (!YtWrapper.exists(tablePathStr)) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(s"Path $tablePathStr doesn't exist")
} else {
val parentPathType = YtWrapper.pathType(tablePathStr, None)
parentPathType match {
case PathType.Table =>
if (!existsTable(tablePath)) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(s"Corrupted table found at $f")
} else {
getFileDetailsImpl(tablePathStr, fullTableName) match {
case Some(details) =>
new FileStatus(
details.meta.length, false, 1, 0, details.meta.modificationTs, f
case _ => throw new FileNotFoundException(s"File $fullTableName doesn't exist in $tablePathStr")
case PathType.Directory =>
val fStr = hadoopPathToYt(f)
if (!YtWrapper.exists(fStr)) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(s"Path $fStr doesn't exist")
} else {
val pathType = YtWrapper.pathType(fStr, None)
pathType match {
case PathType.Table =>
new FileStatus(0, true, 1, 0, YtWrapper.modificationTimeTs(fStr), f)
case _ => null
case _ => null
override def getFileStatus(f: Path): FileStatus = {
log.debugLazy(s"Get file status $f")
val res = getFileStatusEither(f)
res match {
case Failure(e) => throw e
case Success(v) => v