tech.ytsaurus.spyt.fs.path.YPathEnriched.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package tech.ytsaurus.spyt.fs.path
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
import tech.ytsaurus.client.CompoundClient
import tech.ytsaurus.core.GUID
import tech.ytsaurus.core.cypress.{RichYPath, YPath}
import tech.ytsaurus.spyt.fs.path.YPathEnriched._
import tech.ytsaurus.spyt.wrapper.YtWrapper
import tech.ytsaurus.ysontree.YTreeBuilder
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap
import scala.collection.mutable
case class YPathEnriched(path: Path, attributes: Map[String, String] = Map.empty) extends Serializable {
implicit class RichPath(val path: Path) {
def child(name: String): Path = {
new Path(path.toString + Path.SEPARATOR + name)
def toPath: Path = attributes.foldLeft(path) { case (p, (k, v)) => p.child(s"@${k}_$v") }
def toStringPath: String = toPath.toString
def toYPath: YPath = {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
val yPath = => YPath.objectRoot(GUID.valueOf(n))).getOrElse(YPath.simple(YtWrapper.formatPath(path.toString)))
val tsYPath = timestamp.filter(_ != -1).map(yPath.withTimestamp).getOrElse(yPath)
val attrs = attributes.filterKeys(!RESERVED_ATTRIBUTES.contains(_)).mapValues(new YTreeBuilder().value(_).build())
def toStringYPath: String = toYPath.toStableString
def cluster: Option[String] = attributes.get(CLUSTER_KEY)
def transaction: Option[String] = attributes.get(TRANSACTION_KEY)
def timestamp: Option[Long] = attributes.get(TIMESTAMP_KEY).map(_.toLong)
def node: Option[String] = attributes.get(NODE_KEY)
def parent: YPathEnriched = YPathEnriched(path.getParent, attributes)
def name: String = path.getName
def withName(newName: String): YPathEnriched = parent.child(newName)
def child(name: String): YPathEnriched = YPathEnriched(path.child(name), attributes)
def withAttr(key: String, value: String): YPathEnriched = YPathEnriched(path, attributes + (key -> value))
def withTransaction(transactionId: String): YPathEnriched = withAttr(TRANSACTION_KEY, transactionId)
def withTransaction(transactionId: Option[String]): YPathEnriched =
def withTimestamp(timestamp: Long): YPathEnriched = withAttr(TIMESTAMP_KEY, timestamp.toString)
def withLatestVersion: YPathEnriched = withTimestamp(-1)
def dropTimestamp(): YPathEnriched = YPathEnriched(path, attributes - TIMESTAMP_KEY)
def lock()(implicit yt: CompoundClient): YPathEnriched = transaction match {
case Some(tId) if node.isEmpty => withAttr(NODE_KEY, YtWrapper.lockNode(toYPath, tId))
case _ => this
override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = obj match {
case value: YPathEnriched => path.equals(value.path) && attributes.equals(value.attributes)
case _ => false
override def toString: String = toStringPath
object YPathEnriched {
private val NODE_KEY = "node"
private val TIMESTAMP_KEY = "timestamp"
private val TRANSACTION_KEY = "transaction"
private val CLUSTER_KEY = "cluster"
def fromPath(path: Path, attrs: Seq[(String, String)] = Seq.empty): YPathEnriched = {
if (path.getName.startsWith("@")) {
val attr = path.getName.drop(1).split("_", 2)
fromPath(path.getParent, attrs :+ (attr.head -> attr.last))
} else {
// NB: It's important to save order of attributes
YPathEnriched(path, ListMap(attrs.reverse: _*))
def fromString(p: String): YPathEnriched = {
// It can be taken from path, but now ytTable is the only right schema
val scheme = "ytTable"
val path = if (p.contains(":/")) p.split(":/", 2).last else p
val richP = RichYPath.fromString(path)
val strP = YtWrapper.correctSlashes(richP.justPath().toStableString, 1)
val attrs = mutable.ListMap[String, String]()
val cluster = richP.getAdditionalAttribute("cluster")
if (cluster.isPresent) {
attrs("cluster") = cluster.get().stringValue()
YPathEnriched(new Path(scheme, null, strP), attrs.toMap)