tofu.control.Bind.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Opinionated set of tools for functional programming in Scala
package tofu.control
import cats.Bifunctor
import cats.Monad
import tofu.control.impl.BindInstanceChain
trait BiMonad[L[_, _], R[_, _]] {
def left[A, B](a: A): L[A, B]
def right[A, B](b: B): R[A, B]
def leftFlatMap[A, B, C, D](lab: L[A, B])(fl: A => L[C, D], fr: B => R[C, D]): L[C, D]
def rightFlatMap[A, B, C, D](rab: R[A, B])(fl: A => L[C, D], fr: B => R[C, D]): R[C, D]
def leftBifunctor: Bifunctor[L] = new Bifunctor[L] {
def bimap[A, B, C, D](fab: L[A, B])(f: A => C, g: B => D): L[C, D] =
leftFlatMap(fab)(a => left(f(a)), b => right(g(b)))
def rightBifunctor: Bifunctor[R] = new Bifunctor[R] {
def bimap[A, B, C, D](fab: R[A, B])(f: A => C, g: B => D): R[C, D] =
rightFlatMap(fab)(a => left(f(a)), b => right(g(b)))
trait TwinMonad[F[_, _]] extends BiMonad[F, F] with Bifunctor[F] { self =>
def pure[E, A](a: A): F[E, A]
def raise[E, A](e: E): F[E, A]
def foldWith[E, A, X, R](fa: F[E, A])(h: E => F[X, R], f: A => F[X, R]): F[X, R]
def foldWithC[E, A, X, R](fa: F[E, A])(h: E => F[X, R])(f: A => F[X, R]): F[X, R] = foldWith(fa)(h, f)
def fromEither[E, A](ea: Either[E, A]): F[E, A] = ea match {
case Left(e) => raise(e)
case Right(a) => pure(a)
def fold[E, A, X, R](fa: F[E, A])(h: E => R, f: A => R): F[X, R] =
foldWith[E, A, X, R](fa)(e => pure(h(e)), a => pure(f(a)))
def flatMap[E, A, B](fa: F[E, A], f: A => F[E, B]): F[E, B] =
foldWith(fa)(raise[E, B], f)
def tapBoth[E, A, X, B, Y, C](fa: F[E, A])(h: E => F[X, B], f: A => F[Y, C]): F[E, A] =
foldWith(fa)(e => replaceErr(h(e))(e), a => replace(f(a))(a))
def flatTap[E, A, B](fa: F[E, A], f: A => F[E, B]): F[E, A] =
flatMap(fa, (a: A) => as(f(a))(a))
def tryTap[E, X, A, B](fa: F[E, A], f: A => F[X, B]): F[E, A] =
flatMap(fa, (a: A) => replace(f(a))(a))
def map[E, A, B](fa: F[E, A])(f: A => B): F[E, B] = flatMap(fa, (a: A) => pure(f(a)))
def as[E, A, B](fa: F[E, A])(b: => B): F[E, B] = map(fa)(_ => b)
def replaceBoth[E, A, X, B](fa: F[E, A])(x: => X)(b: => B): F[X, B] =
foldWith(fa)(_ => raise(x), _ => pure(b))
def replace[E, A, X, B](fa: F[E, A])(b: => B): F[X, B] =
foldWith(fa)((_: E) => pure(b), (_: A) => pure(b))
def replaceErr[E, A, X, B](fa: F[E, A])(x: => X): F[X, B] =
foldWith(fa)(_ => raise(x), _ => raise(x))
def void[E, A](fa: F[E, A]): F[E, Unit] = map(fa)(_ => ())
def flatMapErr[E, A, X](fa: F[E, A], f: E => F[X, A]): F[X, A] =
foldWith(fa)(f, pure[X, A])
def mapErr[E, A, X](fa: F[E, A])(f: E => X): F[X, A] =
flatMapErr(fa, (e: E) => raise(f(e)))
def fail[E, A, B](fa: F[E, A])(f: A => E): F[E, B] =
flatMap(fa, (a: A) => raise(f(a)))
def handleWith[E, X, A](fa: F[E, A], h: E => F[X, A]): F[X, A] =
foldWith(fa)(h, pure[X, A])
def handleTap[E, X, A](fa: F[E, A], f: E => F[X, A]): F[E, A] =
handleWith(fa, (e: E) => errAs(f(e))(e))
def tapError[E, X, A, B](fa: F[E, A], f: E => F[X, B]): F[E, A] =
handleWith(fa, (e: E) => replaceErr(f(e))(e))
def handle[E, X, A](fa: F[E, A], h: E => A): F[X, A] =
handleWith[E, X, A](fa, e => pure(h(e)))
def errAs[E, A, X](fa: F[E, A])(x: => X) = mapErr(fa)(_ => x)
def voidErr[E, A](fa: F[E, A]): F[Unit, A] = mapErr(fa)(_ => ())
def bimap[A, B, C, D](fab: F[A, B])(f: A => C, g: B => D): F[C, D] =
foldWith[A, B, C, D](fab)(a => raise(f(a)), b => pure(g(b)))
def swapMap[E, A, X, B](fab: F[E, A])(f: E => B, g: A => X): F[X, B] =
foldWith[E, A, X, B](fab)(e => pure(f(e)), a => raise(g(a)))
def swap[E, A](fab: F[E, A]): F[A, E] = foldWith[E, A, A, E](fab)(e => pure(e), a => raise(a))
def left[A, B](a: A): F[A, B] = raise(a)
def right[A, B](b: B): F[A, B] = pure(b)
def leftFlatMap[A, B, C, D](lab: F[A, B])(fl: A => F[C, D], fr: B => F[C, D]): F[C, D] = foldWith(lab)(fl, fr)
def rightFlatMap[A, B, C, D](rab: F[A, B])(fl: A => F[C, D], fr: B => F[C, D]): F[C, D] = foldWith(rab)(fl, fr)
def bifunctor: Bifunctor[F] = new Bifunctor[F] {
def bimap[A, B, C, D](fab: F[A, B])(f: A => C, g: B => D): F[C, D] = self.bimap(fab)(f, g)
override def leftBifunctor: Bifunctor[F] = bifunctor
override def rightBifunctor: Bifunctor[F] = bifunctor
object TwinMonad extends BindInstanceChain[TwinMonad]
trait Bind[F[_, _]] extends TwinMonad[F] { self =>
def foldRec[E, A, X, B](init: Either[E, A])(step: Either[E, A] => F[Either[E, X], Either[A, B]]): F[X, B]
def tailRecMap[E, A, B](a: A)(f: A => F[E, Either[A, B]]): F[E, B] =
foldRec[Nothing, A, E, B](Right(a)) { ea => mapErr(f(ea.merge))(Right(_)) }
def tailRecHandle[R, A, B](a: A)(f: A => F[Either[A, B], R]): F[B, R] =
foldRec[A, Nothing, B, R](Left(a)) { ea => map(f(ea.merge))(Right(_)) }
def monad[E]: Monad[F[E, _]] = new Monad[F[E, _]] {
def pure[A](x: A): F[E, A] = self.pure(x)
def flatMap[A, B](fa: F[E, A])(f: A => F[E, B]): F[E, B] = self.flatMap(fa, f)
def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(f: A => F[E, Either[A, B]]): F[E, B] = self.tailRecMap(a)(f)
def lmonad[R]: Monad[F[_, R]] = new Monad[F[_, R]] {
override def flatMap[A, B](fa: F[A, R])(f: A => F[B, R]): F[B, R] = self.handleWith(fa, f)
override def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(f: A => F[Either[A, B], R]): F[B, R] = self.tailRecHandle(a)(f)
override def pure[A](x: A): F[A, R] = self.raise(x)
object Bind extends BindInstanceChain[Bind] {
def pure[F[_, _]] = new PureApp[F](true)
class PureApp[F[_, _]](private val __ : Boolean) extends AnyVal {
def apply[A](a: A)(implicit F: TwinMonad[F]): F[Nothing, A] = F.pure(a)
def raise[F[_, _]] = new RaiseApp[F](true)
class RaiseApp[F[_, _]](private val __ : Boolean) extends AnyVal {
def apply[E](a: E)(implicit F: TwinMonad[F]): F[E, Nothing] = F.raise(a)
trait StackSafeBind[F[_, _]] extends Bind[F] { self =>
override def foldRec[E, A, X, B](init: Either[E, A])(step: Either[E, A] => F[Either[E, X], Either[A, B]]): F[X, B] =
foldWith[Either[E, X], Either[A, B], X, B](step(init))(
case Left(e) => foldRec(Left(e))(step)
case Right(x) => raise(x)
case Left(a) => foldRec(Right(a))(step)
case Right(b) => pure(b)